God of Destruction

Chapter 4205: Void Bang

Chapter 4212: The Big Bang

With a roar, the human giant moved. They didn’t care about the primordial avatars, but blocked the void for the first time, cut off the connection between these avatars and the deity, and did not give them a chance to return to the deity, Human Race With this move of the giant, the entire void is trembling, and the space is vaguely shattered, which shows the determination of the human giant!

"I see, I know that these giants of human race will not sit on the sidelines. Although the arrogant junior is not seen by others, he is from the human race anyway. It is impossible for the giants of human race to watch him being bullied by others. It's not just targeting the juniors, but also hitting the human race. As a top civilization, how could it be so angry? If we were replaced by us, we would not accept such a situation and would inevitably fight back. This time It will cause turmoil in the entire world and start a decisive battle between races. Although it only starts from the marginal area, this is unstoppable."

Those other civilized giants who did not participate in this battle shook their heads lightly. They were all dissatisfied with these small and medium civilized giants who did not know when to retreat. Although their shots would consume the power of the human race, their behaviors also caused The start of the race war has plunged the entire Supreme Chaos world into a more terrifying disaster.

"I don't understand why this Terran giant should block the void. They can completely blow up these clones. It is easy to do this with the power of the Terran. Why should it take so much energy to block the void? It is unreasonable, Human Race does not need to be so cautious, after all, that is their territory!" Some giants have some doubts in their hearts. Not all giants have amazing eyes and can see through the intentions of Human Race giants.

"Haha! The reason these **** of the human race did this is not to waste energy, but to warn us that they are warning us not to act rashly by blocking the void, otherwise they have enough strength to keep us behind, they think We must kill chickens and monkeys in order to deter our enemies and prevent the situation from getting out of hand!"

"Speaking of these human **** are a little too cautious and underestimate our aura. For us, we have never thought about confronting them at this time, let alone taking this opportunity to test their emptiness. This is not the time when we go to war, nor when the world is in "turmoil". We will not collapse the whole situation for a little profit! Just as the Supreme Chaos Will does not want the Supreme Rule to collapse, we do not want the worst. The situation happened. One more thing, I am not optimistic about these bastards, they are afraid they will return without success, or even pay the price of blood!"

Just when this voice fell, when the human giant sealed the void, suddenly, a huge spatial force came from the void. This is the power of the void explosion, causing the entire void space to explode. , Triggered a chain reaction, causing the entire void to collapse, and a terrible storm ravaged the void.

"Damn, this is a void storm, the result of the collapse of space. That lunatic set a trap in the void passage, and these ignorant and stupid **** ran into the trap and caused a series of changes!" For a while, they understood what was happening in the void, but they understood it a little later, the area where the world of dry glory was directly plunged into collapse, fortunately, the Lord of dry glory had already withdrawn, otherwise this time the collapse of the void would inevitably give He caused huge trauma, and even dragged him directly into a place where no one can recover. No giant is confident that he can retreat from the Void Big Bang. The Lord of Blight and Rong cannot do it, even if he has mastered the avenue of reincarnation of life and death. No way.

"Lunatic, you are so crazy, you see, this is the reason why God Devourer Mother Empress values ​​this junior. She can set up such a terrifying trap in advance, let alone a small primordial avatar, even if the real body comes, a If you are not careful, you will be caught in a crisis. It’s just that this Void Big Bang is a little bit different. It emits not only spatial fluctuations, but also a trace of time fluctuations, but the power of this time is very weak. This shows that this junior has mastered what we don’t know. The power of time and space, the power of time and space. This is the power of the real law against the sky. It has only appeared in a few innate chaotic gods and demons, but now it appears in the juniors of the human race. This is really incredible. I really don’t know what this junior is What is the main road to repair?"

Doubt, for the top giants, they were all shocked by this terrifying void explosion, and they didn’t understand what kind of master Xing Tian was doing. First, the power of power, and now there is time and space. Power, and in this big explosion, they also vaguely felt the breath of the Zerg, and the entanglement of these many breaths shocked the giants.

The giants watching the battle can look at everything so calmly and face it with a normal heart, but for those giants participating in this battle, it is completely different. They are all swearing, not only the insidious human giants. , Is also scolding the madness of this junior Xingtian, in their view this is a trap, a trap aimed at people like them.

In fact, the giants of the human race were also a little dumbfounded at this time. Originally, they wanted to do it by themselves to deter the strong enemy, but they didn't expect that before they could make a big shot, the lunatic Xing Tian detonated the void, causing the void to explode and making the situation slippery. To the unknown, let them all feel the changes in the situation! ""

auzw.com"Void trap, this is the most insidious, vicious trap, and also the most terrifying trap. Only those who master the avenue of space can do it. How can a junior do it? Without so much time and energy, there must be secrets that we don’t know. I am more and more curious about this junior now, and want to know where he can go!" Feeling the turmoil of space, the master of virtual Muttering to himself involuntarily, he saw hope in Xing Tian's body, and hope of detachment.

"Yes, the power of the space avenue, only by perfectly mastering the power of the space avenue, can you lay such a terrible void trap and be able to kill several giant primordial avatars in one fell swoop, but this time this crazy junior still leaves behind. A part of the Divine Insect Sea is used as a hole card. Otherwise, it is impossible to get it so easily. The power of Divine Insect Sea and the Void Explosion is a perfect trap. Even if we giants are not careful, they have to pay a lot of money. cost."

"Perhaps the God-Eater Mother Empress has "intervened", otherwise I can't imagine how a junior can master the avenue of power, be able to crush the void, and can also master such a powerful space avenue, even the avenue of time!" At that time, the Lord of Light couldn't help but speak out the doubt in his heart. For him, he was unwilling to see the "intervention" of the God Devouring Mother Queen, and he was unwilling to accept the relationship between the human Tianjiao and the Zerg giant. Insidious transactions.

"No, the God-Eater Mother Empress will not make a move, and there is no need to make a move. A trivial matter can't make a big move. It is indeed impossible for the average Tianjiao evildoer, but if it is from the lowest level, one step at a time, A solid foundation is enough to cultivate evil evildoers, which is why I oppose you to do your entire human race to cultivate the arrogance like greenhouse flowers, because they don’t experience wind and rain, they will never know their insignificance, do not know the gains and losses of advance and retreat! Now we can't find this junior, and now his breath has been completely emptied by the void explosion, no one can find his trace anymore, this kind of method, this kind of heart, can the Tianjiao who grew up in the greenhouse be comparable? "The Virtual Lord glanced at the Lord of Light, and said lightly, his eyes were all plain!

"You are right. Such a method and such a mindset are indeed not comparable to the Tianjiao we have cultivated. They must be killed and decisive. This needs to be killed out of the sea of ​​blood, but we simply don't have the time or energy to come. To cultivate such a talented arrogant, what we have to face is the catastrophe of the world and the destruction of the human race. We have to do everything in our power to preserve the human race’s heritage, so I feel that I have done nothing wrong. Although there are such shortcomings, after all, we can save the human race. Inheritance!" Although the Lord of Light recognized the admiration of Xingtian from the Virtual Lord, he didn't feel that he had done anything wrong.

"Heaven and Earth Catastrophe! This is not just a matter for our human family, but a matter for the entire Supreme Chaos World. Now the innate chaos gods and demons have returned. The first disaster they led was to clean the outermost region of the Supreme Chaos World. You should all understand what this means. What we want is to survive the great catastrophe of heaven and earth to protect the race, but for them it is destruction. They want to destroy the entire supreme chaotic world, detach the world from destruction, and detach from it. Heaven and earth! Therefore, in a short period of time, the decisive battle of ethnic civilization will not occur unless the chance of detachment appears, unless the destruction of the world begins."

"Yes, we still have time. As long as we improve the virtual world and transform it into reality, then we will have no worries about the survival of the human race, and we can devote ourselves to this catastrophe. Throw into transcendence! Lord of Dryness, now we need your power, the power of life and death to perfect the virtual world!"

Soon some giants of the human race turned their attention to the Lord of Dry and Rong, the giant who has just passed the punishment. For them, they do not want to see failure, and they are unwilling to accept the idea of ​​the virtual Lord. They seek stability. , So they all pin their hopes on the avenue of life and death of the Lord of Dry and Rong, rather than on the ethereal thoughts of the virtual Lord.

"Okay, when I get back to my roots, I can start the plan. The virtual world is changed from virtual to reality. This is our plan. I have no problem, but once we start, we must be careful to return to the reaction of the innate chaos gods and demons. , But now they have mastered many territories and battlefield worlds directly broke through the air. This shows their ambitions. For them, they definitely don’t want to see our human race’s virtual world complete the transformation from virtual reality to the human race. A real place to live!” At this time, the concept of the Lord of Drying has also changed. After all, he is now closely connected with the human luck. If the Human fails, it will have a huge impact on him, so the Lord of Drying will naturally do everything. Strength to protect the foundation of the human race is not shaken!

Facing the answer of the Lord of Dry and Rong, the Virtual Lord said calmly: "No, there is no need to be so anxious. The Lord of Dry and Rong can slowly recover. Under the previous punishment, you must have suffered a huge trauma, although your The original plan failed, but it also has amazing gains. What you have to do is not to help me improve the virtual world, but to understand the road. The opportunity is not to be lost, and the loss will never come. If you miss this best opportunity, for you, It is a great loss for the entire human race, and with your return, the human race will inevitably arouse more civilized vigilance, so my plan should also be realized, and I must also make final preparations!"

"Virtual, you are crazy, you really want to die. Your ridiculous decision is not detachment at all, but "suicide". Stripping away from the original world means that you have given up your own way and that everything you have will be Collapse, you can really hold on to your will, do you really think that such a crazy decision is still alive?" The first person who jumped out to oppose was the Lord of Light. Although he did not agree with the virtual Lord, he was at this time. The lord still has to persuade the virtual lord to give up this crazy decision and give up peeling off the original world, because he can't see any vitality.

"No, this is not a dead end. The return of the Lord of Dry and Rong once again proves that this is feasible. Even those innate chaotic gods and demons can complete the return from the long river of time. So can I. Life from death is not impossible. , I believe I can do it too, and only my departure can let people have more preparation time, and be able to "confuse" and "confuse" other major civilizations, and even get the help of the supreme chaotic will. You must know that the Supreme Chaos Will does not want the entire world to collapse!"

Having said that, it takes great perseverance, great wisdom, and even great fortune to do so. Not everyone can get the help of the supreme chaotic will like the Lord of Dry and Rong. Although there is a secret transaction in this, they can interact with The Supreme Chaos Will is not something that any giant can do. You have to be qualified.

Does the virtual master have this qualification? I don’t know, the human giant doesn’t know, the Lord of Blight and Rong doesn’t know, even the virtual Lord himself doesn’t know, but the situation has developed to this point, he has to do this, he wants to die and live, wants to give his life, That is the failure and must do it, this is Chaowendao Xi can die! Seeing the hope of detachment, even if the opportunity is small, you must let it go!

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