God of Destruction

Chapter 4206: Festival leave

Chapter 4213 Leaving

While the Terran giants were having a headache for the virtual lord, Xing Tian was not as good as many giants thought. Although the void trap allowed him to directly kill the primordial avatars of several giants, Xing Tian paid more than they thought. Much more. During the Void Big Bang, Xing Tian suffered unimaginable pressure and impact.

Yes, the lunatic Xing Tian did not run away directly as they thought. Instead, he was hiding in the void channel, waiting for the enemy to throw himself into the net, and strangling the avatars of the giants, Xing Tian. There is only one reason for being so desperate. He felt threatened and had to make this crazy decision. He had to risk his life to grab the information he wanted from the avatars of these giants, and let himself face the supreme chaotic world. , Know more about Chaos Sea and this great catastrophe. Only by knowing more can you be safer and have a chance to survive!

Xingtian’s choice was something that no one had thought of, and it was the same. Under the First World War, Xingtian suffered heavy losses, and he also suffered huge traumas. It was not an easy task to destroy the magnate’s avatar. If it weren’t for Xingtian’s chaotic **** and demon’s body to be strong enough and full of vitality, death would be waiting for him. Fortunately, Xingtian succeeded. Although he paid a lot of money, he got the information he wanted, although not much , But it is very important to Xingtian.

It’s a pity that Xing Tian doesn’t have time to sort out all this now. The most important thing for him is to recuperate. After the First World War, his chaotic **** and demon’s real body was almost broken, if it weren’t for his own "acupoint" orifice world to form a complete The network of China, which can continuously provide its own powerful source, will inevitably die under this battle.

"It's a dangerous battle. I can't do it again in the future. Once again, I don't have the confidence to retreat. Even if it's just a primordial avatar, the giant is still a giant, and I can't take it lightly. With mental arithmetic and unintentional, I still believe After paying such a big price, one can imagine what the outcome would be if it were a normal battle, and after this battle is over, those giants will pay more attention to me. It is impossible to succeed in this calculation method. There is only one chance to go slant, and no matter how much it is, you will be ruined!"

When talking about this, Xing Tian sighed lightly. You must know that this result is beyond Xing Tian’s imagination. In Xing Tian’s plan, he would not bear such a high price, but now he can only sigh secretly. Although I got everything I wanted, the price was too high, and even got myself into even greater trouble!

"The supreme chaotic world cannot stay. The shelter of the human race is limited. Although they have blocked the giants, they will not fight for me with other civilizations, even small and medium civilizations. The killing of ethnic civilizations is no longer possible. I can’t stop, the human race today is still not able to face all this, and I want to protect myself, only relying on my own strength, the sea of ​​devouring insects has been exposed and no longer becomes a trump card, facing those who are prepared. Giants can't help!"

Xing Tian also understands the impact of this battle on himself, but although the plan is beyond his grasp, Xing Tian does not regret it and does not feel that there is anything wrong with this battle. If he has been stuck in the valley, he is not clear at all. The core secrets of the Supreme Chaos World. I don’t know the secrets of the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth, or even the secrets of detachment. How could it be possible to survive this earth-shattering upheaval, how could it be possible to set foot on the pinnacle of the world, so in Xing Tian’s eyes, I felt that the price Great, but as long as the purpose is fulfilled, it is a good thing, that is, victory, even if the price is beyond imagination.

The supreme chaotic world is now surging, Xing Tian on the human side can’t count on it. I don’t know how many giants are watching in the dark. A little bit of "exposure" will reveal where you are and you will be in desperation. Xing Tian didn’t even think about it. This battle was vaguely felt in Xing Tian’s heart. It’s a pity that the battle came too fast and it broke out too fiercely. Time allows Xing Tian to think carefully and observe carefully. The most important thing is that Xing Tian doesn't want to pin his "life" on others, let alone a dangerous person like the God Eater Mother Queen.

"Chaotic Sea! Perhaps this is the most suitable place for me to hide. Although it is dangerous, it can at least temporarily avoid the attention of the enemy, give myself enough time to recuperate, and allow myself enough time to digest the gains from this battle. The most important thing to gain is to be able to avoid the gaze of the Supreme Chaos Will. As long as the final catastrophe does not begin, as long as I do not become a giant, I cannot despise the Supreme Chaos Will. Under the Supreme Rules, no matter how I am To hide myself, it is impossible to avoid its gaze, and only Chaos Sea is my best place to rest!"

Xing Tian’s thoughts were very good, but soon a new problem appeared. The Chaos Sea was not a place of peace, but a perilous place. In his current situation, he could not go there at all. He needed time and place to recover from his injuries. It is not a place to stay for a long time, once the energy of the big bang dissipates, oneself will definitely be exposed in front of the many giants.

"Haha! This is the danger of practice, this is the horror of war. Not everything will be satisfactory. No matter how good your calculations are, there will always be accidents. Nothing can be completely controlled by your own calculations. , This time is a lesson, a profound lesson, the same mistakes cannot be made again!" At this time, Xing Tian became vigilant in his heart, perhaps because of his repeated successes before, whether it was against the God-Eater Mother, or against the Lord of Withered Rong. , Even the supreme chaotic will, he didn’t suffer, he couldn’t help but feel proud of himself. If he didn’t put the giants in his heart, he would have the current result. If he could be more cautious, it might not be the present. Such a result.

Regret is useless, things have happened, Xing Tian must face, the storm formed by the Void Big Bang will not last too long, even the Supreme Chaos Will is not willing to let it last too long, it will destroy the Supreme Chaos World The balance of will exacerbate the disillusionment of the world, and this harmony is an unacceptable result of the Supreme Chaos Will.

"Unfortunately, there is no realm battlefield world, otherwise I can tear open the void and go directly to the lower realm. In my current situation, I don't have to worry about being backlashed by the heavens and the earth!" When such thoughts suddenly appeared in my heart, one Xing Tian was stunned on the spot in an instant, and it was impossible for the Sacramental Void to enter the boundary battlefield world, but it did not mean that he could not return to the most dangerous and dangerous place in the Supreme Chaos World. For today's Supreme Chaos World, the most dangerous place. It’s not the Chaos Sea, but the Supreme Chaos World is on the verge of destruction. For others, it’s the Jedi, but it’s the safest place for yourself. Even the Supreme Chaos Will will not watch it. Choose "sex" and ignore it!


"Hahaha! The road to heaven and earth, everything has a ray of life, for others it is a Jedi, a dangerous place to leave, but for me it is the best place to hide, who can think of me Abandon the core place of the human race of the Supreme Chaos World, go to the dangerous edge zone, and slide towards the ruined Jedi. Not only those giants could not think of it, but also those innate chaos gods and demons who returned to the highest chaos world, and even the highest chaos will. Unexpectedly!"

Live to death? No, this is not the case, but a misunderstanding of thinking! As long as you make good use of this, Xing Tian can naturally avoid everyone's search, and no one can find where he is, because no one will do it!

Action is worse than heart! Time waits for no one, Xing Tian dare not be sloppy. The more this time, the more he must be cautious and not make any mistakes. He took a breath and calmed down his ups and downs. Behind the collapsed Congenital Chaos God and Demon Zhenzhen, Xing Tian carefully determined the direction, ascertaining the aura of the supreme chaotic world, summoning his last bit of strength, tearing open the void, leaving the human race in the core place, and entering the dangerous and unknown edge zone!

Come fast, go faster! This is Xing Tian. With the help of the God-Eating Insect Mother Emperor, he entered the core of the human race and entered the small world of Kurong, but he did not expect that after a long time, he would be forced to leave by the enemy and had to leave. Back in the fringe zone that was about to collapse, this was a huge failure for Xing Tian.

When the breath of Xing Tian dissipated from the big bang, the giants of the human race couldn't help but frowned. They all vaguely noticed that someone had torn apart the territory of the human race and got away, and the Supreme Chaos Will also felt the changes in the territory of the human race! At this time, under this situation, there was only one person who could do this, and that was the lunatic Xing Tian.

"Haha! He still left. He still doesn't believe us. He doesn't believe that the human race will protect him. It seems that he doesn't trust us giants at all in his heart. Even if we help him prevent other race giants from chasing and killing him, he still can't With his approval, this person really has no sense of belonging to the human race and is not worthy of our great help!"

The first person to speak is still the Lord of Light, and still has strong dissatisfaction with Xing Tian. In his opinion, Xing Tian has no trust in Humans, and he does not care about the decisions made by Humans or his influence on Humans. , Or even determined to part ways with the human race, for such a junior, it is not worth paying attention to.

When he heard the words of the Lord of Light, the Virtual Lord sighed lightly: “It’s good to leave. Only when we leave can we move forward and retreat freely. He is not necessarily a good thing for the human race. Don’t think that those **** will Easily stop, no matter whether there is the existence of the God Devouring Mother Queen behind this calculation, it is a fact that several giant primordial avatars have been killed with a void trap, and the dignity of the giants cannot be provoked, and we can't bear those few. The crazy counterattack of a bastard."

"Yes, the virtual lord is reasonable. It is good to leave. Only after leaving can we move forward and retreat freely and ignore the threat of the enemy. There is such a lunatic hiding in the dark. No matter who it is, any force must think twice. Yes, I don't dare to act rashly, or else I have to consider how tragic the consequences will be. The destruction of those giant soul clones is a warning and a threat. This is the wisest point of this junior and the most insidious part of him! "

sinister! This is indeed very insidious, at least for the Human Race. Xing Tian’s retreat naturally puts the Human Race in front. Although the Human Race can advance and retreat freely on this matter, it has to bear the attention from those giants. The actions of the human race will naturally be affected, and even the plans of the human race will be affected by it. However, the human race can't do any reaction, and can only accept it silently, and bear the terrible consequences for Xingtian.

"Okay, don’t care about this calculation. There is a future. Today we helped him. If he understands that he has to repay this cause and effect, there is no need to care about this trivial matter. We shouldn’t have the same knowledge as a junior. What's more, all this is not necessarily a bad thing. The greater the cause and effect, he must stand up when the human race is in a decisive battle in the future!"

I didn’t approve of the Lord of Light, and said disapprovingly: “Even so, I’m afraid this junior won’t live that day at all, and it may not be as you wish. Although the cause and effect are established, it is not impossible to resolve. We still can’t hold on too much hope, not to mention that he is not strong now, so he dare to calculate us like this. If we let him grow up, wouldn’t we have to pay a higher price, and then we can bear this The price?"

silence! For a moment, the entire human race giant fell into silence, thinking about these words. They had to admit that the Lord of Light made sense. A junior who did not have much recognition with the human race would really be because of this. Humans are born to death? I'm afraid it's impossible, otherwise even the Lord of Blight and Rong would have different intentions, let alone such a junior!

It's just that everyone can't say that. After all, the Lord of Drying is already closely connected with the Human Race. Saying that will only cause uneasiness within the Human Race, will only make the Lord of Drying take care of it, and destroy the stability and unity of the Human Race. But everyone didn't want to see Xing Tian, ​​a junior, go to such an end, and be separated from the human race!

The first to wake up is the virtual master. When he is determined to peel off his original world, the virtual master’s mood changes, and the whole person becomes extremely mysterious, as if he is covered with a mysterious mist. People can’t see clearly and can’t see through. He only smiled indifferently and said: "Well, don’t think about it so much. There must be a way to the mountain. No matter what the end result or what happens, we don’t need to care. The future is in our own hands!"

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