God of Destruction

Chapter 4210: New life

Chapter 4217: Freshman

Rebirth, now Xing Tian’s physical body is really reborn. It is reborn from the Great Annihilation and is not affected by a little force from the outside world. It is completely benefited from the evolution and transformation of his own Dao. It can be said that this new rebirth will bring a huge amount to Xing Tian. The benefits of Xingtian make Xingtian’s path of cultivation go smoother, and this rebirth also directly solves many problems in Xingtian’s body. All avenues will be integrated into the true body of the innate chaos **** and demon, and all the origins are integrated. One.

Under the Great Annihilation, all the avenues Xing Tian learned and felt were all inspired by instinctive reaction. Many avenues merged into one, evolving into Xingtian’s avenues of opening and power, even as Xingtian. When his mind plunged into the clone of the King of End, he did not notice that his original world clone had changed. It was collapsing little by little under the Great Annihilation, and gradually merged into his own chaotic **** and demon body. The world collapse is not a direct disintegration, but merged into Xingtian's body, truly integrated with Xingtian's body, and the two are perfectly combined.

This fusion is not controlled by Xingtian, nor controlled by the clone. The whole world has not undergone earth-shaking changes. Everything is so natural, as if Xingtian’s world clone should have been integrated with the physical body, this world clone. Just like the real core of the flesh, the soul of Xingtian clone has been completely integrated into the world, transformed into the spirit of the world, dominating the whole world, and the real body of Xingtian **** and demon, mastering the source of Xingtian's great path.

When the world clone of Xingtian merges into the flesh, when the two are fully integrated, the "acupoint" world of Xingtian's physical body is fully opened, frantically linked together to form a giant net, which merges with Xingtian's world clone, taking the original world The clone has truly formed a tight world network, which completely connects one's own chaotic gods and demons, continuously attracting nutrients from the outside world, and starting to nourish itself, and the world clone directly controls the entire network. , Directly took over the power of the physical body, and madly absorbed nutrients to continuously strengthen himself. The harvest that Xing Tian had obtained from the boundary battlefield world was fully stimulated at this moment, and madly turned into the nutrients for his own recovery and the nutrients for his own transformation.

Unfortunately, all this is just the beginning. Although Xingtian’s world clone dominates the physical body, the power of the world clone is still very weak. Even if it connects all the "acupoint" worlds, there is still no way to completely master this innate chaos **** and demon. The real body, it can be said that the god-devil real body of Xingtian is already weak to the extreme. If there is not enough nourishment, it is impossible to recover. Even if many "acupoints" are fully opened, it is still not enough to help Xingtian recover. .

The soul of the world clone also wanted to collude with the deity and connect with the deity’s soul. Unfortunately, Xingtian’s deity fell into great annihilation. The power of nihilism completely isolated the soul of Xingtian deity and the erosion of the body by external forces. It can be said that Xing Tian prevented the erosion of external forces, and also broke the connection between himself and the body, and also lost this opportunity.

If Xing Tian’s original soul can take over his own body at this moment, he has the opportunity to use the power of the world to speed up his recovery, and even go further on the road of opening and the road of strength, and it will be easier to master his own power and control himself. The power of the great avenue, and such an opportunity is only once, it is difficult to reappear if missed!

There are advantages and disadvantages, and the advantages and disadvantages are always entangled with each other. Xing Tian freed himself from external erosion by the method of great annihilation, free from external influence, but also ruined a great opportunity. This is the pros and cons. If Xing Tian can feel himself soberly at this moment and can open his eyes, he will find that his physical body is constantly being destroyed and repaired, and the power of all the great avenues is surging frantically on the flesh and blood body. Destroying and recovering, the whole body is very strange and terrifying, as if the power of life and death is constantly entangled, constantly confronting each other!

Every time of life and death, it will leave a deep imprint in Xingtian's body. It will be remembered by Xingtian's body, and it will be firmly burned in the body, whether it is flesh and blood, "hair", and bones. , Are branding this memory.

Rebirth from a drop of blood? No, this is not blood rebirth, but physical instinct. All power is imprinted in Xingtian's physical instinct. If Xingtian can accommodate all his avenues and complete this transformation and evolution, his physical body is The true body of the Innate Chaos God and Demon will surely make amazing progress. Perhaps it is truly immortal, because all the avenues are imprinted in instinct. As long as the world has vitality, Xingtian’s body will not be extinct, and it can truly reach the body. The realm of immortality!

However, for this long road, Xing Tian still needs to pay more to achieve this, and needs to go a farther way. Even the origin condensed in the state of great dying cannot support such a transformation. After all, Now everything is guided by Xingtian's body's instinct. Without the deity's soul, relying only on the body's instincts cannot have sufficient nutrients.

For many giants, they did not follow Xingtian’s path, and they never thought about witnessing the Dao in the flesh. After all, the physical body is not easy to improve, and not everyone has such crazy abilities as Xingtian to make their deity true. Enter the terrible state of great nirvana in a state of almost collapse, and respond to this transformation with great nirvana!

With the passage of time, Xing Tian’s physical body is still constantly changing, even if the world clone is integrated into the innate chaotic **** and demon’s true body, but it still cannot control the transformation of the body, and cannot grasp the evolution direction of the physical body. Everything is still Under the guidance of instinct, everything can only rely on instinct to continuously change.

For Xing Tian now, in addition to the "acupoint" orifice world, the whole body, whether it is bones, flesh and blood, or even the internal organs, is constantly breaking and evolving. In the time of destruction, Xing Tian is not only the bones that are changing and evolving. The flesh and blood are also evolving, the internal organs are also evolving, and the entire body is evolving, and this evolution is not affected by any external force. During the autonomous transformation, no external force can shake it or affect it.


Fortunately, Xing Tian had made sufficient preparations and arranged everything. Otherwise, such crazy transformation and evolution, even if it is only in the place of destruction on the edge of the supreme chaotic world, it will still attract the attention of the major forces and will alarm the giants. There is also the supreme chaos world will, after all, such an astonishing momentum will be felt even across the endless time and space.

A world clone with infinite potential, that huge source is so easily integrated into the body, into the true body of this innate chaos **** and demon, which is undergoing mad transformation, and all avenues are turned into ways of opening and power. The nourishment of the avenue, the avenue of strength is integrated into the blood of the flesh, and the way of opening up is integrated into the original source supremacy. Under the nourishment of those avenues, the treasure of the source is growing crazily, if not Xingtian Without sufficient nutrients, this original treasure will inevitably evolve astonishingly. Unfortunately, the nutrients absorbed by Xingtian’s "Acupoint" world are not even enough for self-recovery, so there is still the power to help the original treasure of Kaitian Axe. Evolution, so this is also a waste of chance.

For Xing Tian, ​​entering the Great Annihilation, I really don’t know whether it’s right or wrong, or whether it’s a big gain or a big loss, but if Xing Tian chooses one more time, he will still do it. No matter how good the chance is, he doesn’t have himself. Safety is important.

The deity is transforming, and the King of End clone did not waste time. It is also in the process of practicing, but this time Xing Tian's practice is not to transform and evolve, but to resist the erosion of external forces and resist the curse from the innate chaos gods and demons. During this time of resistance, Xingtian’s mind is constantly sublimating and strengthening. It can be said that each wave of impact is a washing of Xingtian’s mind, strengthening Xingtian’s will and soul, and strengthening Xingtian’s spirit. soul.

Before, feeling the existence of the curse, Xing Tian's deity was still guarding against the supreme chaotic will, and was vigilant against the erosion of external forces, but with the passage of time, Xing Tian had gradually forgotten the supreme chaotic will, and the soul gradually entered the Dadao to realize Among them, I constantly feel the changes that come from the void and the world, and feel the terrible world changes!

The Great Annihilation also affected the King of End clone? No, it did not affect the clone, but Xing Tian himself was changing. As the world changed, Xing Tian was also changing, and the clone was also changing. This was the general trend of heaven and earth, and no one could stop it.

With a loud bang, the edge of the supreme chaotic world where Xing Tian deity was "turbulent", part of the world was swallowed by chaos, and this change directly affected the true body of Xing Tian deity in the state of great annihilation. , The rich blood evil aura has changed, and many "acupoint" worlds can't absorb enough origin. Xingtian's real body is trembling, and the **** body is also undulating, constantly shattering and recovering, but The speed of recovery can't keep up with the speed of destruction. If it doesn't change, it won't take long before Xingtian's enlightenment will end, and the Great Annihilation will end.

Once Xing Tian’s body is damaged to a certain limit, his instinct will give up the transformation and evolution. After all, the body’s instinct will not let himself go to collapse, but will only choose to give up. If he gives up this time, it also means that Xing Tian’s transformation has failed. Like the previous Lord of Dry and Rong, he will be stuck and unable to complete his final transformation.

The collapse of the world continues, and the direction of the collapse is continuously extending to the place where Xingtian is located. The shock wave formed by each world collapse sweeps through the place where Xingtian is located. If not for the previous preparations, there is that powerful formation. Support, I'm afraid Xing Tian has been swept into the space where the world collapsed by this terrifying shock wave.

All this seems to be that the heavens did not allow Xing Tian to complete this transformation and evolution, as if the power of the Supreme Rule was preventing Xing Tian’s transformation, preventing him from completing the evolution of his body, and intending to interrupt this opportunity, but the power of the Supreme Rule was received. Restrictions are not handy, cannot achieve what you want, cannot be achieved in one step, and can only use external forces to affect everything little by little.

Regarding the constant collapse of the periphery of the Supreme Chaos World, it did not arouse any attention from any forces. No matter whether it was a big or a small force, no one paid attention to it. Their minds were all used in the Sea of ​​Chaos. To find a way of detachment in the sea of ​​chaos, they all want to seize the last chance to find that ray of life.

It can be said that all forces and all ethnic civilizations have given up the periphery of the Supreme Chaos World, and are focused on the core of the Supreme Chaos World. They are all looking for ways to save themselves, just like the virtual world of the human race, returning to the Lord of Blight. After that, this has been put to the forefront. Almost all the giants of the race are acting frantically, preparing for the virtual world to turn into reality. The entire frontier of the human race has also undergone amazing changes, and the defenses are opened. Many restrictions are on, and it looks like a guard, as if to guard against the enemy's sneak attack, to ensure the success of the world transformation!

For the human race’s reaction, there are not too many forces to test, especially those top civilizations and big powers, who are turning a blind eye, as if they don’t know that the human race is doing this crazy move. There are only some small forces that can’t get on the stage. Civilization made that little temptation, trying to seize some benefits from the territories of the human race, but their actions did not attract any counterattack at all. The strong people of the human race turned a blind eye to them and disdained their general knowledge.

Small and medium-sized civilizations do not understand why such a situation occurs. They are all wondering why no enemy of the human race took this opportunity to take this opportunity to kill the human race, cut off this transformation of the human race, and cut off the evolution of the human virtual world. This is the problem of vision and mind. Standing in different positions, the scenery you see is also different. For small and medium-sized forces, what you see is only hatred and interest, but for those top civilizations and big forces. It is an opportunity for detachment. They do not take action and do not prevent the actions of the human race, so that they want to be the vanguard of the human race, test the reaction of the supreme chaotic will, test the reaction of the supreme rule, if the human race succeeds, it means that they can too On the contrary, if the human race fails, they can sum up the lesson, escape the disaster, and think of other ways instead of following the human race's footsteps.

It is precisely because of different visions and different scenes that no one of the top civilizations launched an attack on the territories of the human race. They did not take advantage of the dangers, but chose to sit on the sidelines. For them, whether the human race succeeded or failed was an excellent one. The opportunity to observe the supreme chaotic will and the supreme rule, they don’t care about other successes or failures!

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