God of Destruction

Chapter 4211: Festival shock

Chapter 4218: Shocking Change

War never starts with a hot head. For any racial civilization, war is cruel and ruthless. Especially for large racial civilizations, they will not act rashly without full confidence and take the entire race. Civilization’s life and death adventures, because they can’t bear the terrible consequences, only some small civilizations choose to take risks at such a dangerous time, hoping to benefit from it so that the fire of ethnic civilization can continue!

It's a pity that no matter how crazy the methods of these small civilizations are, they can't shake the general trend of the human race, and they can't even break through the territories of the human race. In the face of absolute strength, no matter how many calculations they have, it will be useless. , The ridiculous idea was soon crushed by the general trend of the human race, and even a little wave was not aroused.

The reason why Terran hasn’t taken them at all is not how benevolent and kind-hearted the Terran giants are, but that Terran giants want to use them as human robbers. Although this idea is a bit crazy and ridiculous, it is a good choice. Instead of passively accepting people who don’t know the source of the robbery, it is better to take the initiative to participate in the robbery and choose on your own. At least in this way, the initiative is in your own hands, and you will not be caught off guard by unexpected events and make the situation more dangerous.

When this human calamity appeared not long ago, many giants in the core of the human race and the holy land of the human race gathered together. They were all waiting for the action of the virtual master. At this moment, the strong men of the human race were worried, and no one knew Can they challenge success this time, and if they fail, they must prepare for the worst and not let the force of failure affect the overall situation of the human race.

The Lord of Light glanced at the Virtual Lord again, and said in a deep voice: "Virtual Lord, you have to think clearly, now you have time to regret and give up. If you act, there will be no retreat. Although the results of your own calculations may be successful, they are only calculations after all, and no one knows what changes will happen in this!"

The Virtual Lord smiled indifferently and said: “You don’t need to persuade me anymore. Things have reached this point. I will not back down. Whether I succeed or fail, this is what I have to face. This is my responsibility and I must bear it. When we made this plan, my destiny was already doomed. I had to face all of this and step back. There is only one opportunity, and the materials we can prepare are only once. To take on the entire virtual world, from virtual reality to reality, which gathers the top materials of the entire civilization. I have no choice. This is my mission!"

After hearing the words of the Virtual Lord, the many giants of the Human Race retreated silently, and soon everyone in the Human Race Holy Land retreated. The origin of the entire Holy Land was fully opened, and only the Virtual Lord remained in the Holy Land. !

Yes, the many giants of the human race want to take the Holy Land as the core, and combine many heavens and materials to carry the virtual world, and completely transform the virtual world. Whether it succeeds or fails, the human race will pay a heavy price. It is bound to be destroyed. The Holy Land of Successful Human Race directly breaks away from the Supreme Chaos World and directly evolves into a small world that is completely unconstrained by the Supreme Chaos World, just like those innate chaotic gods and demons seizing the realm battlefield world, but there is a gap between the two. The essential gap.

"Essential cutting, world stripping, slashing! Slicing! Slicing! Slashing!" Slashing words fell three times, and the virtual master cut off his original source directly with the spirit as the blade, cut down his original source world, and made his own source and original world. Cut directly from the body, and at this moment, the rays of light in the human holy land rose, and the original treasure appeared one by one, madly merging with the original world of the virtual lord, and the human holy land under this foot .

Nervous, for a moment, the entire human race tycoon froze, staring at the light above the holy ground, watching the madness of the virtual lord, the world of origin was cut away, the origin was cut out, and the entire human race was turbulent. Get up, at this moment, all human races, all human races who have left their marks in the virtual world feel a palpitation. This is the consequence of the turmoil in the virtual world. If it weren’t for the human race’s senior management to have been prepared, it would have been notified. All human beings, just this small turmoil will bring endless danger to the human race, and countless human races will die and become the nourishment of the world.

Looking at the heavenly light, the giant of the human race could not help muttering to himself: "It's started, this lunatic started his crazy plan, hope everything goes well, don't make a mistake, or the result will be unthinkable, and the origin will be cut out. , The world is cut out, and the fire of life of the virtual lord has been hit hard. If he can’t get rid of the danger in time, there is only a dead end. I hope his calculation is correct. The holy land of the human race can carry the origin of the virtual world and complete the virtual reality. Transformation"

At this time, not only the entire Human Race is watching, it can be said that almost the entire Supreme Chaos World is watching. All the giants are looking at this, and they are eager to know whether the Human Race’s plan can succeed and whether it can be realized. If so, how much will the human race pay, and what result will the virtual master end up with?

At this moment, all forces are in a tacit understanding, no one has acted rashly, even those small and medium-sized civilizations who are ambitious do not dare to act rashly. It is not that they are no longer greedy, but that they are all warned by other top civilizations to keep them off. Crossing the line, if it’s just a threat from the human race, these crazy small and medium civilization giants will not care. Their interests are moving, and they will make them forget what threats are. However, when all the top civilizations issue warnings, everything is beyond their control. There are really nasty **** who dare to jump out, it is definitely a dead end, and they are even destroyed before they cause harm to the human race.

Waiting, everyone is waiting, waiting for the success of the virtual master. As the world is cut out, the origin is cut out, the aura of the virtual master is falling rapidly, the strength of the body is falling crazily, and the origin is leaving. Now The only thing the virtual master can rely on is his soul, his own soul, and he barely maintains himself without being destroyed by backlash. Unfortunately, the virtual master has also paid a heavy price for this, and his body instantly becomes weak. His whole body was bleak and dull.

If the virtual master is not supporting the physical body with a powerful realm at this moment, at this moment, the whole body will directly collapse and go directly to death. Without the origin, the physical body will inevitably go into decay. This is the supreme rule.

"The Lord of Dry and Rong takes action, all living beings burn their origins, condense the hearts of the people, and change their fate against the sky; the light of humanity shines on the great thousand; the power of humanity controls the destiny!" Suddenly a voice resounded through the entire human race, like thunder in the entire human race. In my ears, I heard in my heart, this is the power of humanity and a reminder of the human giants!

"The origin is burning, the human heart is frozen!" Endless voices resounded in the territories of the human race. The cry of this individual creature came from the body and soul, and it was also a cry to the civilization of the entire human race. Amidst the roars, A series of human luck is condensing, and the endless human luck is condensing people's hearts. This is not the heart of a person's life, but the heart of human civilization, the heart of human luck, the heart of human future, only cohesion The human heart, the power of the human race, can gather.


The aspirations of the human beings gathered together frantically. Under the guidance of the virtual world and the aspiration of the human race, they began to madly merge with the human holy land, absorbing the origin of the human holy, and absorbing the supreme chaos world. origin.

At this moment, Xing Tian, ​​who had been on the most dangerous edge of the supreme chaotic world, suddenly suffered a backlash from the luck of the human race. This was the consequence of Xing Tian’s failure to respond to the cry. For the human race, no reply means the human race. Dissatisfaction means that they are determined to change their own destiny. Unfortunately, no matter how hard they work, they will not be able to change the current situation, and they will not be able to stop this shocking change of the human race. Human luck is repelling them.

A thunderous thunder blasted in Xingtian’s soul. The terrible backlash directly acted on Xingtian’s soul. A golden sword fell on Xingtian’s soul, replaced by someone else, who was suffering. Under this terrible blow, the body and body will inevitably be destroyed, whether it is the body or the soul, it will be smashed by this blow.

When the thunder rang out, Xingtian's innate chaotic **** and demon couldn't help but let out a muffled groan. For a moment, the horrible backlash fell into Xingtian's soul consciousness. Fortunately, Xingtian was prepared, this backlash did not give It brought a huge impact, and even Xing Tian's deity Yuanshen did not notice the changes in Xing Tian at this moment.

If Xing Tian is sober and able to dominate his body, he won't have so many troubles. Xing Tian can't care about everything, even if he is the virtual master, he will not suffer Xing Tian's idea, and will continue to develop according to his own.

Fortunately, Xing Tian's air luck connection with the human race is not very big, and the aura of Xing Tian's innate chaotic **** and demon body is extremely powerful, but that's it. If there is no reckless choice, there will be no shocking accidents. The impact will directly break through Xingtian's own defense, and will directly affect his next fight!

Time is life, time is everything. Xing Tian must grasp every minute and every second to recover himself. Unfortunately, this is only instinct, not Xing Tian uses his own soul to perform. After all, only he can fundamentally find his own flaws. , And this also gives Xing Tian more time and energy to deal with everything.

With backlashes and shocks, Xing Tian’s soul consciousness has changed, and the cause and effect of the human race spread on him, and the contest between the human race and the xingtian has only begun, and the last trace of contact between the human race and the human race has also occurred. In addition to the mutation, it seems that as long as Xingtian is willing to accept it, he can be directly recognized by the human race, and even recognized by the human origin.

The world is turbulent, and the hearts of the people are turbulent. This is the troubled times, and it is also the phenomenon of the troubled times. The luck of the entire human race becomes weak in an instant, as if to say that the human luck has naturally fallen, and it will not cause the whole human race to lose a pillar like Xingtian. The human race also has drastic changes in the entire world, because not everyone in the human race has the vision of the virtual master, and all recognize Xing Tian.

"Humph!" Suddenly a dull grunt sounded in Xing Tian's mouth, and then a blood stain poured into Xing Tian's mouth. In just an instant, the power of backlash bypassed everything and fell heavily on Xing Tian's mouth. Above the soul, it caused a huge impact on Xing Tian's soul, and did not make the situation out of control!

"Damn it, this is a backlash from humanity. Those **** of the human race are going to expel me and stop letting me do anything with the identity of the human race!" When the soul of the deity entered soberly, he immediately sensed his own danger and felt that on himself. Terrible pressure, and this pressure also means that one's own situation is dangerous and terrible, otherwise such an abnormal change will not occur! !

"Okay, very good, Human Race doesn't want to give me a chance, and wants to cut me out of Human Race directly. Since you all made such a decision, I have nothing to worry about. Let me go, and my soul will return!" At this time, Xing Tian didn't keep any more, and madly escaped from the soul, returned to the true body of the innate chaotic **** and demon, dominated the flesh, and took control of his own way.

When the original spirit returned, the King of Ending clone sighed lightly. The terrible blood evil aura on the original deity quickly receded, allowing Xing Tian to return to the original position quickly, but instinct did not completely perfect the original chaos **** and demon true. The body does not have the idea of ​​creating a perfect world for their own resources, allowing them to live a carefree life and let them forget everything about themselves, both now and in the future.

"I'm back again. This is to open up the avenue. This is the avenue of power. The avenue of power smashes the void. It seems not fake at all. It's just that the human luck can no longer stop me from moving forward. Let me open the door to the world. Open, eat the gods and insects!" With Xing Tian's roar, the patient's condition is changing rapidly, and then he merges into himself bit by bit.

Unfortunately, Xing Tian has no time to truly control everything, and cannot control his own destiny. This is the tragedy of the weak, unable to dominate his own life and future. However, the human race has moved in a big way, and the entire human race has embarked on the fast lane and can no longer easily control it. Let him stop his footsteps. In this catastrophe, he must face many dangers if he wants to protect himself, and then he can make the best choice for him, which is also the crisis he must face right now!

At this time, Xing Tian understood that he had to free himself from the catastrophe as quickly as possible, and let himself be affected by the catastrophe. At least he couldn't come so quickly. Xing Tian also considered surrendering it. It is a pity. It's that Xing Tian still can't grasp the power of the physical body, can't really do higher research on the great road of power, and even transcend everything and achieve great freedom!



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