God of Destruction

Chapter 4212: Avenue of Power

Chapter 4219: The Avenue of Power

When the last string in his heart breaks, when the last bit of trust between Xing Tian and Human race disappears, Xing Tian’s heart becomes extremely strong, no longer affected by Human race, let alone the impact of air luck. I can only rely on myself. Now that the human race has made a choice, what else can I hesitate about? Without the human race to rely on, I can still live very well. Without the human race, I will not be affected. Today's human race is not The human race you imagined.

When Xing Tian's mood changed, his physical body naturally changed. Before Xing Tian was affected by his mood, although he completed the transformation of the innate chaotic **** and demon, he still has the desire of the human race in his heart, and he still has not forgotten his identity. , But at this moment he finally let go, and at this moment of letting go, the physical body was naturally changed. The obstacles that had always affected the true body of the innate chaos **** and demon finally disappeared, and a new transformation began.

In an instant, Xing Tian's heart beat violently, a trace of chaos permeated, and it turned into a powerful suction force that continuously began to swallow the blood "liquid" that transformed the body itself, the power of chaos, the power of origin It started to melt into the new blood "liquid" little by little, and this change made Xing Tian feel weak.

Yes, it is weakness, weakness from the body! Did Xing Tian's practice fail? No, it is not a failure of practice, but a qualitative transformation. When the heart recreates the blood "liquid", the original blood "liquid" is tempered and continuously concentrated, causing the blood in Xing Tian's body to rapidly decrease, and He couldn't supply enough blood as a supplement, naturally affecting Xing Tian's body, affecting Xing Tian's strength, and making Xing Tian feel weak and shocked instinctively.

"Transformation. A new transformation has begun. It seems that my ultimate persistence has failed. Perhaps for me, I shouldn't restrict my mind like this, and I shouldn't be obsessed with identity. I am who I am and should not be affected by other influences. , The physical transformation is the most important thing. No wonder I have never felt the call from the world, the gift from the blood, everything is my own problem, it is myself that restricts my own transformation, restricts my own evolution ."

Xing Tian couldn't help but sighed for this new change in himself. Xing Tian couldn't understand the influence of his mind on his body and his own practice for a while. This may be the magic of creation, this is the world. Miraculous, even if I know how to understand my body, I still can't be omniscient, and I can't really fully control myself.

"This time is my opportunity. Now that I have made a choice and made a decision, then don't hesitate to take advantage of this opportunity to use this good fortune to transform myself, strengthen my innate chaos **** and demon body, and strive to complete The breakthrough of the physical body makes his own innate chaos **** and demon real body stronger, so that he no longer has defects!" As his mind turned, Xing Tian excitedly gathered his mind again and began to practice, and began to destroy his own road to temper himself. itself.

When Xing Tian’s mind was fully invested in the true body of the deity’s innate Chaos God and Demon, after his own blood was tempered bit by bit, Xing Tian’s body became a little dry, although there was still a crack on the body, but Without a drop of blood flowing out, the flesh locked all the blood, and Xing Tian's whole body aura also changed, becoming more stable and heavier!

In today’s dangerous environment, Xing Tian deeply felt the threat of inadequate strength, and eagerly wanted to improve his combat power, so that he could defend himself against the giants, even if he could not confront them head-on. The ability to escape, only in this way can he have a ray of life in this catastrophe, otherwise he will inevitably face death in the end.

The Dao of Comprehension cannot be done in a moment, and the time is not enough right now, so Xing Tian wants to completely perfect his innate chaotic **** and demon body, so that he can truly master the power of the innate chaos **** and demon, so that he can Having stronger self-protection ability in the dangerous environment of taking Yanwei, so that you don't need to hide forever like now.

In Xing Tian’s view, the perfection of the true body of the Innate Chaos God and Demon is no easier, or even more difficult, than the realization of the Great Dao, but it is the best opportunity right now, and there is only one such opportunity. Once missed, it is difficult to reproduce it. It is because of this that Xing Tian will work so desperately. At all costs, he must completely perfect the innate chaos **** and demon's true body, perfect his own foundation, and not leave the slightest flaw in his body at all costs.

Only under such extreme pressure can one's own potential fully bloom. Only in the face of such a heavy pressure can one activate all instincts, enhance one's own heritage to the greatest extent, and strengthen one's foundation. For the practice of the flesh, Xing Tian and Different from other people, they have always had a paranoid passion. After all, a strong physical body is a kind of protection for themselves. A stronger protection, coupled with Xing Tian’s own experience, has undergone transformations time and time again, and there is indeed a way to practice the physical body. Great future.

At this time, Xing Tian used his own transformation to carefully control his own hematopoietic function with divine consciousness, transforming and purifying all the blood in the flesh, and refining his own flesh and blood, using Xing Tian's own powerful hematopoiesis Function, with the strength of one's own origin, can be said to be the best coordination for the tempering of the physical body. It can release its own potential bit by bit from the sea, without any waste. With the continuous enhancement of hematopoietic function, As a large amount of blood poured into his body, Xing Tian’s originally dry body was nourished and began to become radiant, a trace of vitality began to condense, and a strong force began to condense. When the power emerged, The power of a mysterious law stirred up.

The law of power, yes, this time it was the law of power that was "swinged" by the excitement. It was the power of Xingtian's perception. When the power of power was stimulated, Xingtian's heart was shocked, and his mind immediately gathered. For this time the law came, Xing Tian attached great importance to it. This was the power of the flesh, the power of the blood, and the power of the flesh and blood.

When the power of this flesh-and-blood body was stimulated, the sentiment of the Dao of Power could not help but rushed to his heart. It was only for a moment that Xing Tian's mind felt the evolution of the rules of the Dao of Power, which gave him a better understanding of the Dao of Power. Deep understanding.

auzw.com What is the avenue of power and the law of power? Xing Tian originally thought that the Great Dao of Power was the strength gathered by flesh and blood, but this time of insights made Xing Tian understand that he was too remote. Even when he was practicing on the Dao, his perception of the Dao was too one-sided and his vision was too narrow. Some people say that the height determines the vision, Xing Tian didn't think it was originally, but at this moment he really understood.

Without coming to the supreme chaotic world, without facing the crises and opportunities again and again, his idea of ​​Dao practice remained in the original direction, but now it is different. Xing Tian truly understood the essence of Dao.

As far as the avenue of power is concerned, for ordinary people, even those giants, they will only think of the power of the physical body, but in fact it is not the case. The power of the physical body, the power of destiny, the power of time and space, etc. Power belongs to the great path of power. The greater your mind, the greater your path of practice. The higher you stand and the farther you see, the stronger your perception of the great path.

The avenue of power can contain everything, so is the avenue of chaos. Even the avenue of time and space cannot be viewed as a single avenue. They are closely related to other avenues. No matter what the avenue is practiced, everyone’s perception is Different, a single Dao also has different paths of practice. The Three Thousand Dao may not be incapable of transcending alone, but that everyone has looked in the wrong direction, has fallen into the knowledge barrier, and then has no way out.

The avenue of power can contain everything, and it can even be said that the avenue of power acts on all avenues, not just the so-called physical power, the physical body is not the real avenue of power, and I am wrong, perhaps because of myself The reason for his birth is that he came from the prehistoric land and was influenced by the Pangu Enlightenment Dao from the beginning, so I would believe that the Dao of Power is the Dao of the flesh!

Why is this happening? For a while, the influence of Pangu’s testimony is that the Dao of Power is too ordinary. When people mention it, they think of the physical power that can be felt. They can be seen and "touched", so they are in the Dao of Power. In practice, the first choice is naturally physical practice. Gradually, one's own thoughts are also infected, and the great way of strength is transformed into the way of flesh.

When he had this bit of insight, Xing Tian turned his head and felt the other avenues, and he couldn't help but breathe a cold breath. He couldn't help but feel a little fear and anxiety about this world and the Supreme Rule. Will this be a deliberate guide by the Supreme Rule? the result of. Xingtian cannot be blamed for having such crazy ideas, but the past expressed by the Supreme Rule makes people have to think so.

The supreme chaotic world appeared, nurturing three thousand innate chaos gods and demons. Each innate chaos **** and demons held a kind of avenue. The three thousand chaos gods and demons just combined with the three thousand avenues, and these three thousand innate chaos gods and demons were at their peak. Everyone would be threatened with death, which had to make Xing Tian doubt the purpose of the supreme rule, and Xing Tian wondered why the three thousand innate chaos gods and demons were born.

They really have to master the Three Thousand Dao and the power of the 3,000 rules. Are they the children of the Dao? No, Xing Tian did not have such an idea at this time, but a crazy guess that the three thousand innate chaos gods and demons had never controlled the origin of the three thousand great avenues and had no power to master the rules. They were only able to use the power of rules. They are only the users of the power of rules, not the owners, just like the saints in the prehistoric times, they only use the power of the heavens instead of the heavens.

"Damn, this idea is too crazy, too scary, if it is so, this supreme chaotic world is not as simple as I thought before, there are terrible conspiracies behind it, but now I don’t have time to prove it all, myself It is necessary to re-determine the direction of practice and determine the path of self-cultivation."

When thinking of this, Xing Tian couldn't help taking a deep breath, his eyes "revealed" extremely dignified. Originally Xing Tian thought that his great path of cultivation was the right way, and his soul was divided, and the two avatars were both right. The three great roads I practiced are all correct, but now it seems that I have overestimated everything, and I have too little understanding and understanding of the great roads.

No matter what the avenue, the origin is the root, and the foundation of the origin is the world. Only by condensing the origin world can you see the opportunity for detachment and go further on the road of practice, and the world is really just the perception of its own Dao Is it composed of origin? Is there really a world that belongs to one kind of avenue?

No, Xing Tian doesn’t think so. No matter what the world is, there can’t be only one avenue. The reason why people feel this way is mainly because the composition of the world is based on this avenue, and the real world contains other things. Dao, at least the Dao of Space-Time exists, there is no space, there is a world! Time and space are necessary for the composition of the world.

Originally, Xing Tian’s practice could be said to have gone astray and the direction was wrong, but because of this opportunity, after breaking down and standing, his body finally inspired the Dao of Power, and finally let myself see the rules of the Dao of Power , Seeing the root of the Dao of Power, Xing Tian truly understood the essence of the Dao of Power.

Dao, only one’s own understanding, no one can help. Only the Dao you have realized is the most suitable for you. After all, the Dao of others is not yours. Even if you practice, you will not go too far. The same is here. The eyes of different people are different, even if it's the Time Dao of fellow practitioners, there will be different results.

In an era, the statement that there are only three thousand giants is not valid. This is the calculation of the supreme rule. The emergence of the three thousand innate chaos gods and demons may be a kind of self-cultivation by the supreme rule. In each era, the supreme rule exerts its power. One of the insights that every innate chaos **** and demon is the nutrient of the supreme rules, and it is the food it nourishes. Even the great catastrophe of this supreme chaotic world, this final great catastrophe, the collapse of the world is not just shattered, but metamorphosis, a new life.

"Perhaps I and all the creatures in the entire world are just the food of the Supreme Chaos World. This great catastrophe of heaven and earth is not destruction, but rebirth. It is the rebirth of this Supreme Chaos world, its own transformation, and the supreme chaotic will. Coming, and the help to the Lord of Dry and Rong, this may be just a trap, a trap to mislead everyone, in order to prevent all creatures in the entire world from breaking away from its calculations, so that everything is in its hands. , All creatures in the entire world cannot break free from the shackles on their bodies, cannot detach themselves, and cut off all shackles!"

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