God of Destruction

Chapter 4213: Section exposure

Chapter 4220 Exposure

Powerful, crush the void! Perhaps this is misleading. After gaining a new understanding of the Dao of Power, Xing Tian deeply understands the power of the Dao of Power and its terrifying. Similarly, Xing Tian also deeply understands the other types of people who truly stand on top of the power. Avenues, such as World Avenue, Chaos Avenue, Space-Time Avenue, End Avenue, etc.

If you truly master the World Avenue, what you get is far more powerful than imagined. Mastering the World Avenue means that you have mastered the Space Avenue. Every kind of avenue to condense the original world cannot lack the power of space origin. What if there is no space? From talking about the world, the world encompasses all avenues, and the complete world has the origin of three thousand avenues.

From the simple to the complex, from the complex to the simple, when every avenue goes to the end, it is the same. The world of origin is the root of everything. Without the world of origin, there is no way to talk about practice, no way to talk about detachment, but unfortunately, Not many people in the entire supreme chaotic world know that after this insight, Xing Tian is no longer "lost" about transcendence. Although everything is only afraid of calculation, Xing Tian believes in this result and believes in his own calculations. is correct.

In Xing Tian's mind to realize the avenue of his own power, the body of the innate chaos **** and demon is constantly adjusting, both flesh and blood are making subtle changes, and there is even more powerful in this innate chaos **** and demon body. The power of is constantly promoting the circulation of one's own blood, as if it is stimulating all the potential of oneself, and is constantly enhancing one's own heritage.

I saw that Xing Tian’s innate chaos god’s tormented body gradually emits a ray of light, constantly shining with different avenues, time, space, destiny, cause and effect, the five elements, good fortune, destruction and many other avenues. These many avenues are in Xingtian. On the true body of the innate chaos **** and demon is continuously condensed and fused, exuding endless power.

What is the avenue of power? This is the existence above all the world, capable of destroying everything. The ultimate strength, crushing the void, it is ridiculous, the reason why strength can destroy the world and destroy the world, this is the horror and terrible of the great path of strength, and it is also the expression of the ultimate strength. The crushing of the void is only a tiny thing. result.

Of course, this is only Xing Tian’s own understanding and perception of the Dao of Power, and it can only represent his own way of practice. Perhaps in the eyes of others, all this is wrong. After all, everyone has different perceptions and understandings of the Dao. , But this is the indicator light of Xing Tian's own path of cultivation, allowing himself to be in the front of cultivation.

Xing Tian was immersed in this kind of sentiment, his physical body was rapidly strengthening and tempering, and the originally extremely powerful innate chaotic **** and demon body became even more terrifying, even more terrifying, as if it were a demon **** who destroyed the world. A terrible breath filled the surroundings, the original blood in the body was also roaring frantically, and thunderous voices sounded from his heart.

"Boom, dong, dong!" Xing Tian's heart kept pouring out of the original essence, wandering in his own powerful and incomparable physical body, making Xing Tian's physical body plump up quickly, and the aura in his body was frantically increasing. , As if at this moment Xing Tian is not a **** and demon, but a complete world, and all the worlds in his body are united in this surging spirit. A powerful and mysterious aura radiated crazily on Xing Tian, ​​and the blood in his body rushed endlessly, like blood dragons roaring, and his heart beating like thunder **** roaring, making a terrible roar.

With the recovery of his own vitality and blood, when his physical body returns to its original state, Xing Tian’s strength has been astonishingly improved. This is not a slight improvement, but a qualitative improvement. It can be said that as Xing Tian’s mood improves, With the disappearance of the last weakness in his heart, Xing Tian truly became an innate chaotic **** and demon, truly getting rid of the human obsessions that entangled in the depths of his soul in the past. For practitioners, obsession is very terrible, especially for a strong person like Xing Tian. Once he has obsession in his heart, it will inevitably affect his own practice, and even if he is not careful, his life will be ruined. .

The obsession of the human race can be said to have existed since Xing Tian entered the prehistoric state. Until now, the obsession of Xing Tian has really been eliminated. It is not important whether the human body is in contact with the human race, but the important thing is I didn’t forget my roots, I didn’t need to entangle too much, and I had nothing to do with the human race in the supreme chaotic world. All the original cause and effect had already disappeared with the destruction of my own sect. Those high human giants, they all Don't care about the destruction of one's own sect, don't fight to death with the innate chaotic gods and demons, and don't protect their own people, such a human race is not worthy of your care!

After the change of mood, Xing Tian's innate chaotic **** and demon's real body is perfected, and he gradually has a special charm. This is the unique power of innate chaos **** and demon. Only when he truly masters the power of this charm can it be considered. He is a true innate chaotic **** and demon, but Xing Tian has just started now, and he can only be regarded as the weakest innate chaotic **** and demon.

It can even be said that even the newly born Congenital Chaos Gods and Demons are stronger than Xing Tian, ​​but Xing Tian also has his own advantages, namely the soul, soul, and will. Before Xing Tian was trapped in his own state of mind, he could not get rid of the obsession in his heart. And now Xing Tian has done it, so the hardship he has suffered before has been turned into nourishment and become his own foundation.

With the continuous increase of blood energy and Xing Tian's constant understanding of the innate chaotic gods and demons, a series of divine patterns slowly appeared on Xing Tian's innate chaotic gods and demons. These gods are very complicated, just like Xing Tian mastered in the past. The Dao Divine Marks are the same, but now these are more profound and powerful, and there seems to be a terrifying power dormant in each Divine Mark.

auzw.com Yes, this is the unique power of the Innate Chaos Gods and Demons. This is the power of the Dao rules that Xing Tian will need to master. It’s just that Xing Tian’s **** pattern is not perfect now, only waiting for God Only when the test is fully condensed will Xing Tian truly master his own Dao rules, and then he will control the power of the Dao's origin, and become a qualified Congenital Chaos God and Demon.

The true body of the Innate Chaos God and Demon possesses powerful power. If you cooperate with the power of this **** pattern, and then use many "acupoint" orifice worlds as the source, what will it look like? Thinking about it, I feel terrible. If Xingtian is really allowed to perfect himself to the end, he will inevitably become a more terrifying existence than the innate chaotic gods and demons, and a more terrifying existence than those giants, because Xingtian’s accumulation is too deep, and the "acupuncture point" can help the world. Xingtian was given endless possibilities, and the original world also gave Xingtian endless possibilities.

When the **** pattern continued to gush out of his body, Xing Tian’s innate chaotic **** and demon body was sublimated. Although it is not yet complete, the innate chaos **** and demon body blessed by the **** pattern has a little more charm, allowing himself to exude The unique power fluctuations of the Innate Chaos God and Demon, from a distance, Xing Tian is a supreme God and Demon who suppresses the world.

There are two sides to everything. When Xing Tian completely enters the practice, when he is transformed, the original defense is unknowingly impacted by the unique charm of the innate chaos gods and demons, and the original restrictions appear. The rift, a trace of the aura of the innate chaotic **** and demon could not help but radiate from the restriction, into the highest chaotic world.

At this moment, the cursed **** and demon who had already given up suddenly felt a shock in his heart, and felt the power of his curse and the change of guard, as if attracted, and went to the periphery of the highest chaotic world, which made the cursed **** The devil's heart moved, and a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes, and he muttered to himself: "Okay, very good, I finally found your whereabouts, what a great scheming, what a crazy calculation, everyone thought you were hiding Entering into the highest chaotic world, or into the mystery of the human race, but you did not expect you to escape to the shattered edge of the highest chaotic world, with the help of the aura of world collapse to cover your aura, what a cunning junior , But unfortunately you still miscalculated in the end, or I found it!"

Speaking of this, the eyes of the cursed gods and demons "showed" endless desire and madness. What is this? This is a chance, a great opportunity. The power of many innate chaotic gods and demons has not found Xingtian before, but when After everyone decided to give up, they suddenly discovered the other party's whereabouts. This is not a great opportunity. As long as you find this junior, you can naturally swallow everything and get everything about the other party. Then your own practice will inevitably go further!

For the Innate Chaos Gods and Demons, their cooperation is only a general cooperation. Everyone gathers together for benefit, but there is no morality, and there is no friendship. Therefore, the curse of the Gods and demons after being aware of it will not I want to inform others, but choose to swallow all the benefits. For him, other Innate Chaos Gods and Demons are also his opponents, even enemies. After all, there is only one chance and Xing Tian has only one person. There are so many benefits and one more person. Just share a little less benefit!

"Come on, let me feel where you are, and the source of curse locks in the void!" In order to prevent Xing Tian from being aware of it, the **** of curse immediately made a decision and directly locked the void with the power of cursing the source. Locking Xingtian's position, instead of directly tearing through the void and descending to the place where Xingtian was, killing the door directly.

Why did the curse **** do this? Is he soft-hearted and wants to give Xing Tian a chance? No, he would not be so kind. The kindness never appeared in these innate chaos gods and demons. The reason why he did this was mainly because he was afraid that his actions would attract the attention of other innate chaos gods and demons and would disturb others. Compete with yourself for this opportunity.

Speaking of Innate Chaos Gods and Demons, in fact, these Gods and Demons who have returned from the long river of time can no longer claim to be innate Chaos Gods and Demons. They have lost the power of Innate Chaos Gods and Demons, and there is no real innate Chaos Gods and Demons at all. , Even above the real body, they are not as good as Xing Tian, ​​at least Xing Tian also condenses the real body of the innate chaos **** and demon.

In those endless years, due to many external forces, all the innate chaotic gods and demons almost gave up their own innate chaotic gods and demons. It can be said that no one retains their original real bodies, because if they still Keeping the original innate chaotic **** and demon's true body will inevitably be targeted by the supreme chaotic will, and will inevitably not escape the endless years.

"No, you can't do it in such a hurry, and even if you want to do it, it's not the deity's shot, otherwise it will inevitably cause more troubles, whether it is a human race or other race civilization, it will not tolerate the existence of the innate chaos gods and demons. , As soon as I make a move, I will inevitably suffer from their siege. It seems that I have to use my clone to kill the junior quietly and plunder everything from him, whether it is the junior’s own power or him. To seize the origins of other innate chaos gods and demons is something I must obtain, and it is also a nutrient necessary for my cultivation! Those **** never thought that they had just left, and I noticed the existence of each other! Hahaha!" , The cursed gods and demons couldn’t help laughing, and there was endless joy in his eyes. For him, this time it was really a coincidence and incredible, as if the whole world was on his side. Helping myself, I got the blessing of the entire Supreme Chaos World!

Time is pressing, and cursing the gods and demons don’t have much time to waste on this joy, and while the mind turns, a soul clone condenses, and under the command of the cursing gods and demons, they quickly move towards the edge of Xingtian. The whole process It was as fast as lightning, without any fluctuations, and did not cause any changes in the world.

Just as the clone of the cursed **** and demon was leaving, in the void not far from the residence of the cursed **** and demon, several congenital chaotic gods and demon hid in them. When they saw the clone leaving, they couldn't help but sneered and said, "I see. I knew that the **** cursing the gods and demon was unreliable. He was deliberately misleading us before. He didn't want to share the benefits with us at all. He just wanted to monopolize all the benefits. After we left, when our cooperation completely ended, the **** would endure. Can't help but act."

"Yeah, this **** is so insidious that he dared to deceive all of us. If we don't give him something powerful this time, he thinks we are deceiving. This time we will not only seize this opportunity, but also destroy the bastard. Let him know how serious the consequences of deceiving us are, and let him know that we are not easy to provoke."

"Yes, we must teach this **** a deep lesson, let him know something powerful, and let him pay the due price for his ignorance and stupidity. No one can deceive us without paying the price. If you want to monopolize the benefits, you must Be prepared to be liquidated by us. If this catastrophe has not just begun, we should directly work together to kill this **** first!"

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