God of Destruction

Chapter 4214: Festival

Chapter 4221 The Enemy

Trust this thing never appeared in the innate chaos gods and demons. Don’t look at all the innate chaos gods and demons participating in the action against Xingtian, but they did not fully believe in cursing the gods and demons. After parting ways, there were still some people secretly staying behind. When they came down to monitor every move of the cursed gods and demon, they were worried that they would be deceived by the cursed gods and devils. When they saw the actions of the cursed gods and devils, the first thing they thought of was that they were deceived. It's a joke, if it is not for the existence of other forces, these innate chaotic gods and demons have directly destroyed the hearts of cursing gods and demons.

"Forget it, let's write down this matter for the time being. We will have the day to settle with him in the future. The most important thing for us now is to find the **** junior. As for other things, we can put it down for the time being. As long as we find that junior, we You can kill the clone of the **** cursed **** first, let him learn a little lesson, let him know the fate of deceiving us!"

At this time, no one will think about whether this is a misunderstanding or an accident. All the innate chaos gods and demons believe that all this is a scam. It is a curse that the gods and demons are deceiving themselves, so they all have endless anger and killing intent. , Can't wait to swallow the cursed gods and demons alive, after all, this kind of eating alone is too hateful, too hateful.

"Action, this time we must be careful not to cause a huge movement, so as not to disturb other people. We must know that it is not only us who attacked that junior. I am afraid that there are more enemies hidden in secret. We must be careful. This is related to the interests of all of us. I think no one is willing to commit public anger, no one is willing to risk his own life!"

Threat, this is a naked, "naked", "naked" threat! But this threatening move did not arouse other people’s disgust or anger. Everyone nodded their heads when they heard this, and they all agreed with this sentence. When this decision is related to their own interests, no one wants to. Taking risks, no one wants to be an enemy of everyone. After all, this is a catastrophe of heaven and earth. A little carelessness will cause death and death. In their hearts, the curse of the gods and demons is already a dead person, even if it is this time they can survive. , But when the time comes, there is no doubt that he will die, because he has done things that should not be done and made mistakes that should not be made.

Soon, these innate chaotic gods and demons moved into action. In order to be sure of everything, these chaotic gods and demons looked at each other, and immediately hit one by one with restraints and magical powers, which directly disturbed the secrets and made everything weird. Get up, cover up the act of cursing the gods and demons, and only temporarily cannot be calculated by others.

After the chaos, they all flew out of a avatar, one after the avatar of the cursed **** and demon, followed the avatar of the cursed **** and demon secretly to find Xingtian, which made them impatient The object to be hunted.

In the great catastrophe, the heavenly secrets were originally chaotic. With the actions of these innate chaotic gods and demons, the heavenly secrets became even more chaotic. Fortunately, because this is the great disaster of heaven and earth, the chaotic chaos did not cause other things. The importance of the forces. For those powerful forces and powerful giants, most people’s energy is placed on the human race, and they all want to know whether the human race’s plan will succeed, not on a small scale like Xingtian. From the perspective of the little ants, the success or failure of the human race is the most important thing. Xing Tian can put it down for the time being, and it will not be too late to clean up after freeing his hands in the future.

In the entire supreme chaotic world, it can be said that only these innate chaotic gods and demons value Xingtian so much, and they go to search for Xingtian so frantically, because they can't let go of the origin of the innate chaotic gods and demon belonging to their era. I don't want this source to fall into the hands of others, and I don't want Xing Tian to go further.

The idea is good, but it is not easy to do it. There is nothing that does not need to be paid. The same is true for searching for Xingtian, even if they stare at the cursed gods and demons, but they still have to pay if they want to succeed. Be cautious, or else a single mistake will give up all your previous efforts, you will be stunned and defeated.

After following carefully for a period of time, the eyes of those innate chaotic gods and demon clones all showed a hint of shock. At this time, they finally realized that the clones of cursed gods and demon were going there and faced this situation. At that time, their mood was conceivable, and it was conceivable from the shock. No one thought that the result would be like this!

"Damn, this junior is hiding on the edge of the highest chaos world, hiding in this **** collapse zone, the most dangerous place is the safest place, this almost ruinous zone has become this junior's hiding place, We were all careless, and we were actually teased by a junior. Fortunately, we followed the curse of the gods and demons. Otherwise, who would have thought that this junior would hide in such a place, we all thought he would enter the Chaos Sea!"

"Yeah, no one thought that the result would be like this. For us, the sea of ​​chaos is the ultimate place of detachment. The **** junior has the origin of time and space and the breath of death. It should be for us innate chaos gods and demons. As far as I know, we should know the magic of the Chaos Sea, but he did not go to the Chaos Sea, but hid in such a place. This is indeed beyond our imagination. We are all too careless, too self-righteous, or otherwise not. Being so teased!"

"Okay, don't think about it so much. The thing has happened. There is no need to worry about it anymore. Instead, focus on how to solve the problem. Complaining is useless. What we have to do now is how to avoid Under the circumstances of disturbing other people, I satisfactorily fulfilled his wish, took down the junior, and destroyed his clone before not disturbing the **** who cursed the **** and demon!"

"It won't be too difficult to win that junior. After all, the junior's strength is limited, and we can do it easily with our strength, but we must destroy his clone without disturbing that **** who cursed the **** and demon. It’s not an easy task. After all, there is a close connection between the clone and the deity. If you can’t kill with a single blow, you will definitely be cursed. The gods and demons know our actions, which will inevitably lead to the crazy counterattack of this **** We "exposed"!"

auzw.com Don’t see if this is a joint attack by several innate chaotic gods and demons, but they don’t want to "expose" the things they conspired to curse the gods and demons in the eyes of the other party, and do not want to be cursed by the gods and demons. To remember, after all, the supernatural powers of cursing gods and demons are very powerful and extremely weird. A little carelessness will make you fall into a desperate situation. Don't look at the fact that these innate chaotic gods and demons can work together to curse the gods and demons, but they have to Let them face the counterattack of the cursed gods and demons alone, no one has the confidence to retreat!

"If we want to gain something, we have to pay something. We can't achieve our wish without a price. We can destroy the clone of the cursed **** and demon, catch the **** junior, and get everything we want from him, then No matter how dangerous it is, we have no choice, unless you are willing to give up this close opportunity and give up this immediate benefit!"

give up! This is impossible. Even if it is dangerous, these innate chaotic gods and demons will not let go. The opportunity is not to be missed, and the loss will never come. There is such a great opportunity in front of you that you can have it, but once you miss it, It's harder to get it anymore, and it's almost impossible to achieve. It's because everyone knows this in their hearts that they have no choice.

"Formation, restraint! We want to achieve what we want, only by relying on the strength of the formation and the power of restraint. If we can block the void, we can cut off the connection between the avatar of the cursed **** and demon and the deity, even if he has three heads and six arms. No matter how powerful the means and magical powers are, there is no doubt that they will die. If we can work together, nothing is impossible!"

Working together, this is just a joke, a big joke for these innate chaotic gods and demons. Don’t look at them now, each one of them is called brothers and sisters, each of them seems to be loyal, but they are really facing danger. When facing opportunities, they will Protecting your own interests in the first time, will not care about the life or death of other people, let alone what other people are thinking!

This is the consensus, the consensus of everyone! , It’s just that these innate chaotic gods and demons cannot speak out, they cannot be careless, otherwise things will fail, and they will inevitably fall into a more terrible crisis!

"Found it, the **** who cursed the **** and demon found the crazy junior!" When everyone was unwilling to accept it, someone suddenly said that he finally discovered where Xing Tian was and finally wanted to use what he had in his hands. This benefit and right, to launch the most terrifying death answer to the enemy, is also Xingtian's idea!

Found Xingtian! Yes, under the guidance of the cursed gods and demons, they finally found Xingtian. Soon they saw the prohibition under the Xingtian cloth, saw the gap in the prohibition, and felt a trace of the mysterious aura of the innate chaos gods and demons, and they also I saw the cursed **** and demon who was carefully relying on near restraint.

Under the gaze of these innate chaotic gods and demon clones, the cursed gods and demon clones are carefully approaching the prohibition under Xingtian cloth, and are approaching Xingtian bit by bit. It seems that the cursed gods and demon can't wait to take down Xingtian. The opportunity for other people to react is just cursing the gods and demons. They don’t know that there are several innate chaotic gods and demons behind him who are watching their every move, thinking about how they can do that blow to them. A must-kill lore!

"Everyone, now we have found the goal, and for us this is just the beginning. We want to kill the avatar of the cursed **** and demon silently and take down this **** bastard. There is only one chance, but no one hits. , Our actions will inevitably be "exposed" in the eyes of the cursed god, no one knows what kind of counterattack the angry cursed **** will make at the next moment. Once this **** makes a big move, our plan will definitely be Failure, and Xing Tian’s whereabouts will be completely exposed. At that time, no one knows what the result will be, and how the various forces will react!"

"Yes, there is only one chance. Once they fail, the consequences will be unimaginable. Why do those **** of the human race have no time or power to stop us because of their crazy plan, but everyone, don’t forget the God-Eater Mother, don’t forget. This junior still holds the terrifying army of God-Eating Insects, so once we start to kill, we will end up in failure. This is a consequence that neither of us can accept nor bear, so if we don’t make a move, it’s inevitable. To succeed!"

"Division of labor! We need to work in a division of labor. Someone will catch the **** junior, and some will kill the avatar of the cursed **** and demon. Only when everyone works together can we succeed. I hope that at this time everyone can let go of each other's consideration. With calculations, we can work together to achieve our wishes. I think no one is willing to accept the result of failure! Time is limited, everyone think carefully, if there is no objection, then we will start to discuss countermeasures!"

Disapproval! No, in the face of this huge benefit, no one will object. As said before, there is only one opportunity. If you miss it, you will no longer have it. At this time, they have to do all they can to achieve their wishes, so these Innate Chaos Gods The demon clone lightly nodded and agreed to this decision. No one would stand up against it at this time and under such circumstances.

When the cursed gods and demons appeared, when the cursed gods and demons were approaching Xingtian little by little, when the cursed gods and demons could not hide their own breath, Xingtian felt the pressure and death threats from the outside world during the practice, and faced Xingtianlai. He said that he thought of his enemies at the first time, thought of the innate chaos gods and demons and the strong in this world!

"Damn, someone came to the door, how could there be a gap in my forbidden border? What is going on? Could it be that I was hit by the enemy this time? Who has such a means to be able to silently Find here, is this the power of those **** Innate Chaos Gods and Demons, their strength will be so powerful!"

When he sensed the presence of an external enemy, Xing Tian's brows tightened, and his eyes "shot" endless murderous intent. At this time, Xing Tian had no longer cared about practicing, but was thinking about how he could resist in the first place and get rid of the enemy. Kill, or even take advantage of this opportunity to count the enemies, set up traps to let these **** enemies jump in by themselves!

I have to say that Xing Tian is crazy enough and vicious enough that his heart will change in this instant, and he did not expect that the innate chaos **** and demon who is his enemy will stand up against him in the first time, but everything is already When it happened, the other party couldn't help but stop it, and they couldn't help taking this opportunity to suppress the lunatic Xingtian! , After all, the current situation is too dangerous and terrifying, and a little carelessness will make the situation out of control!

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