God of Destruction

Chapter 4215: Festival curse

Chapter 4222 Cursed Kill

Time waits for no one. Xing Tian doesn't have so much time to consider. The enemy will not give him this opportunity. For all of this, Xing Tian knows that it is impossible to withdraw and retreat at this time. If you want to survive, you can only fight to death. There is one way to go. Now Xingtian feels only cursing the gods and demons, but Xingtian believes that he is definitely not the only one hiding in the dark.

Void trap, without even thinking about it, Xing Tian once again made a move to place a void trap on the world he was in. A sea of ​​god-eaters was hidden in it, quietly waiting for the enemy's self-thrown net, Xing Tian He also restrained his breath and prepared to make the last fight. He would not be merciful to the enemy Xing Tian. Since the opponent came to the door, he would give them the war they wanted. If Xing Tian didn’t have the avenue of perception before, he didn’t go further in his practice. , Facing such a situation is bound to be a dead end, but now it’s different. Xing Tian, ​​who truly understands himself and the great path of strength, has the ability to resist when facing enemies like the curse of the gods and demon clones, and even has the ability to escape. ability.

"Perhaps this is the opportunity, the opportunity to wipe out the sea of ​​God Devouring Insects that you have at your disposal. Now it's just a group of innate chaotic gods and demons who come to the door. It will not be long before more enemies will appear. Those major civilizations will inevitably They won’t watch me grow up, they will inevitably arrange for many enemies to besiege me. After all, I have what they desire!” At this moment, Xing Tian’s heart felt that he wanted to take this opportunity to end his "acupuncture point" world. Although the idea of ​​the god-eaters in China is very crazy, it is indeed an opportunity for Xing Tian, ​​a good opportunity and excuse.

For Xing Tian, ​​no matter what calculations the God Devouring Mother Queen has, it is the best choice to do so himself. Time waits for no one, although his "hole" world can block the fluctuations of the God Devouring Insect Sea and prevent them from The Mother God Devourer conveys news, but their existence is still a threat to Xing Tian. As long as he takes action and uses the God Devourer Sea, she will inevitably expose her whereabouts and let the Mother Devourer feel it. Own position is a huge hidden danger for Xingtian Life!

"No, it's dangerous!" As he approached the restriction, he suddenly cursed the gods and demons with palpitations, which could have made him aware of the danger, so he could not help but stop, "shooting" a strange look in his eyes. Divine Mind quickly swept away in all directions. The first reaction to him was not that Xing Tian noticed his arrival, but that he was worried that enemies would follow him. Other congenital gods and demons did not trust to curse the gods and demons, and curse the gods and demons the same. Don't believe these **** either.

As soon as the cursing of the gods and demon clones stopped, the innate chaotic gods and demon clones behind him immediately became vigilant, and shouted in a deep voice, "No, the **** of the cursed gods and demon was aware of it!" For the chaotic gods and demon clones, they immediately converged their minds and breaths, and tried their best to hide, so that the cursed gods and demon would not be aware of it!

When searching for no results, the avatar of the cursed **** and demon couldn't help but frowned and said secretly: "How could this happen? No one followed. Could it be that this is just my illusion, or that this world is about to be destroyed, and who is this junior? Restriction is dangerous. After all, this junior has mastered the Divine Devouring Insect Sea. If the Divine Devouring Insect Sea is hidden in the restriction, it will inevitably be calculated by it if you are not careful!"

Before clarifying the problem, cursing the gods and demons does not dare to act rashly. After all, this is not a trivial matter. Once a little mistake is made, it will cause uncontrollable consequences! In an instant, the shadow of the avatar of the cursed **** and demon dissipated, hiding in the dark, carefully guarding, although there was nothing to gain from the search, but he still felt uneasy and did not dare to be careless.

"Damn, this **** actually noticed something, this is troublesome, I don't know if this **** feels our breath, what do you think we should do now? Should we kill him directly, or wait?" appeared. With this kind of change, the innate chaotic **** and demon clone standing in the forefront couldn't bear to ask!

"Wait, we continue to wait. It is not good for us to take action at this time. After all, I owe it impossible to carry out that one-shot surprise attack on the defensive avatar of the cursed **** and devil. I don’t believe that he can stay hidden like this, he can ignore the temptation "confusion" in front of him, knowing that it is not us who should be anxious now, but cursing the **** of gods and demons. For him, there is not so much time wasted. Drag one point, and put more pressure on him!"

This sentence is true. For the avatar of the cursed **** and demon, there is indeed not so much time wasted. Although Xing Tian’s choice of invisibility is this place that everyone actively forgot, but no one can guarantee that the next moment will be If something happens, if you delay it, there will be more crisis and more possibility of "exposure". For the sake of your own interests, cursing the avatar of the gods and demon must be completed in the shortest time to complete your plan and complete Xingtian. The sneak attack!

"I'm afraid that there will be accidents. You must know that Xingtian is not the only one who is looking at Xingtian. No one knows what will happen. Once an accident occurs, our plan can be interrupted. Cursing the gods and demons is not easy to provoke. , Now he is all vigilant, it can be seen that this **** acted cautiously, in my opinion, we should take the initiative to attack, as long as the curse of the gods and demons act, we will immediately kill the killer and destroy it directly, in case there is an accident occur!"

In an instant, everyone frowned and thought carefully. These words also made sense. This is a catastrophe of heaven and earth, and all the surviving innate chaotic gods and demons of the era they were in before participated in the tracking of Xingtian. Only a few of them are suspicious of cursing the gods and demons. Will there be other people in the dark?

"Perhaps you are right. We really shouldn't be too passive. Instead of waiting in secret, we should take the initiative, even if it will eventually fail. At least we have the first opportunity, not to mention the power of a few of us to deal with the curse of the gods. There is that junior!"

Under the temptation of interest, these innate chaotic gods and demons still did not withstand the impact of interest, and made such a decision, wanting to hold the initiative in their hands, but the result is that no one can predict, after all, today The situation is too treacherous and weird, especially the Human Race’s reaction, which is even more confusing. No one would have thought that in such a short period of time, the Human Race would have done so many things one after another. Given such a big movement, this is a bit too weird. If there are no calculations, no one will believe it, but in such a big environment, everyone can only treat it with caution.

auzw.com Time is passing bit by bit, everyone is waiting for the action to curse the gods and demons, and they are all making the final preparations, all their strength is gathered, and they are ready to kill The preparations for this kind of waiting are long and painful for everyone. Every minute and every second is like a year, putting them under tremendous pressure.

Maintaining an attacking state all the time, for anyone, this is a huge pressure, which will cause a huge impact on themselves. In a short time, everyone can withstand this pressure and impact, but the consequences will be unimaginable over time. Being careful will backlash yourself, let yourself be backlashed by strength, and be seriously injured by your own strength.

"Damn the curse of the gods and demons, when will he wait, if this **** doesn't make any more moves, we can't hold on!" After wave after wave of shocks, these innate chaotic gods and demons hidden in the dark are somewhat patient I couldn't help but became impatient in my heart, and my original confidence was also shaken, and I lost my previous confidence.

These innate chaotic gods and demons were in a hurry, and cursing the gods and demons was also uncomfortable. After waiting for so long in the invisibility, they didn't find any problems, so that the cursed gods and demons could not help but sigh inwardly: "Is it really that I am worried Now, there is really no danger, or does this danger really come from that **** junior?"

It is related to his own life and death, so I cannot curse the gods and demons for not paying attention, even if he is only a primordial avatar, he is unwilling to face death. After all, once he dies, his primordial spirit will inevitably be destroyed. The deity will definitely be affected, if possible, he will not risk his life.

"Oh! Time is running out. Delay one more point, and the danger will increase by one point. Then the **** junior may be aware of the crisis and can't wait any longer. It's time to take this junior and seize this opportunity to avoid accidents. Appeared and "disrupted" my plan!"

Soon, the avatar of the curse **** and demon made a decision, and acted again, carefully before coming to the forbidden gap under Xingtian cloth, and carefully peeping in along the gap to prevent Xingtian from being calculated. The threat of Chonghai exists, even if he is a little careless, he will have to die and be piled up by Chonghai!

"Huh! This **** junior hasn't noticed my arrival yet, and is still practicing. There are only a few god-eating insect swarms guarding him. It seems that this gap is not a trap, but when this junior is practicing. Be careful of your own destruction, I still overestimate the strength of this junior, he seems to have paid a lot of money in the previous battle!" When thinking of this, a faint smile appeared on the face of the cursed **** and demon. , The mood becomes joyful.

When the avatar of the cursed **** and demon appeared again, when a smile appeared on his face, those innate chaotic gods and demon clones hidden in the dark couldn't help but yelled in his heart: "Damn the curse of the gods and devil, you are actually taking action. , What are you laughing at? If you have this time, don't you hurry up and break the restriction in front of you, and make a **** road!

Although they decided to take the initiative, for these innate chaotic gods and demons, they still don't want to take too much risk. They still want to reap the benefits of the fishermen. They want to let the cursed gods and demons break the prohibition imposed by Xingtian. The void of Xingtian, after all, can live a long time with care and can protect oneself from being calculated by others.

Carefully sail the ship of ten thousand years, but I have a deep understanding of cursing the gods and demons. When Xing Tian was not aware of his arrival, the cursing gods and demons could not help but have a wonderful plan in his heart. I didn't have to risk my life to make this prohibition. Even if there is a flaw in this restriction, I don't need to go through the barrier, I only need to use my curse power to go through the restriction to deal with Xingtian!

With a thought, a cursing force carefully passed through the restriction and flew slowly towards Xing Tian, ​​cursing the gods and demons carefully controlling it, for fear that a carelessness would cause the attention of the god-eaters in the restriction. Wake up Xingtian and make things happen unexpectedly!

When seeing the act of the cursed god, the innate chaotic gods and gods hiding not far behind him once again yelled in his heart: "Damn bastard, he doesn't want to take risks at all. This **** wants to curse directly with the power of cursing. Killing that junior, now we are in great trouble. If this **** doesn't break the restriction, we can't kill them with one blow, and we will kill these two bastards!"

"Yeah, the trouble is a bit big. We all underestimated the **** Cursed Gods and Demons, and forgot that this bastard's best at is not a frontal raid, but secretly plotting the enemy, and the power of the curse is pervasive. Just give him a chance, this The **** can curse and kill the enemy without knowing it. Once this **** succeeds, it will be very difficult for us to regain the opportunity from him, and the price paid will be even greater and more severe!"

Suddenly, the situation suddenly turned down. These innate chaotic gods and demons clones were a little dumbfounded. Originally, they thought they could have the initiative and control everything, but now it seems that this is just their own wishful thinking. Cursing the gods and demons is more than imagined. Even more terrifying, the situation is more dangerous and troublesome than I thought!

"Can’t wait any longer, or we’ll just run this trip for nothing. All the benefits will be gained by the **** of the cursed gods and demon. Let’s do it. Even if we fail, we can’t let the conspiracy of cursing the gods and demon succeed. It is better for this junior to escape from the grass and startle the snake, and it is better than all the benefits fall into the hands of the **** cursing the gods!"

People are not for themselves, and the earth will die! When seeing an accident in the situation and discovering that everything is beyond their control, the first thing these innate chaotic gods and demons thought of was not how to seize benefits, but how to destroy the plan to curse the gods and demons, even if it was a failure, then I am afraid that Xingtian will flee from the grass and let Xingtian escape. They are unwilling to see the conspiracy of cursing the gods and demons succeed. This is their choice and their best result. After all, Xingtian has escaped, and they still have a chance again. Go hunting down, but if Xingtian is cursed by a cursed god, all the benefits will be lost, and he may have nothing to gain and run for nothing!

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