God of Destruction

Chapter 4216: Anti-kill

Chapter 4223 Anti-kill

"That said, but we really have to do this, I'm afraid that it is not just letting go of the **** junior, but directly confronting the cursed **** and demon, and what if his clone is destroyed, his deity will not suffer too much. Influence, do you make sure that we can kill him without fail, without letting his deity notice it? The most important thing is that you think this is not a conspiracy. This **** was very alert before, but now he is so anxious to do it, and I don’t want to face the enemy directly. If there is no problem, I don’t believe it! Without absolute certainty, I won’t act rashly, I won’t provoke a crazy enemy to myself, and won’t let our internal fighting expand to the point where we cannot manage. , Caution is the most important thing!"

Among these innate chaotic gods and demons, there are still people who can be sane and sober, not "lost" because of the immediate accident, and have not acted aggressively because of cursing the gods and demons. Only by being careful can they live longer. Only then can I protect myself from the catastrophe, and I will not act rashly until the problem is determined!

"Hmph, stupid, at this time, what are you still talking about cautiously? This is simply a big joke. If you continue to be cautious, all the benefits will fall into the hands of the cursed gods. If you want to do big things, how can you cower? , Without paying, I think we should take the initiative to kill him by surprise. If we work together, let alone curse the clone of God and Demon, even the **** junior behind the ban can win it!"

Not everyone is able to maintain a calm attitude in the face of interests. Among these innate chaotic gods and demons, there are still some who disagree. They are "bewildered" and "confused" by interests, lose their minds, lose their vigilance, and forget the catastrophe of heaven and earth. They have forgotten the terrible horror of their era. At this time, if they make a mistake, they will inevitably fall into a desperate situation. They will become the target of public criticism. They will be hated by a large number of giants and they will be hunted. Object.

With a shot at the head, Xing Tian, ​​the junior, is so crazy, if there is no external support behind it, it is impossible. And the only people who can support Xing Tian are the Human Race and the God Devouring Mother Queen. Whether it is the Human Race or the God Devouring Mother Queen, they can't easily provoke them, and they can't leave the opponent with a handle, not to mention the existence of cursing the gods and demons. , The Avenue of Curse was weird and terrifying, and it was impossible to guard against. It really offended this bastard. It also poses a huge threat and trouble to them.

"Take it? What do you use to take it? You think that cursing the gods and demons is a fool, do you think that **** junior has nothing to prepare? Cursing the gods and demons dare not act rashly, dare not directly enter the restriction, but use Own curse avenue to curse the opponent, it can be seen that cursing gods and demons do not want to risk their lives. It can be seen that there must be dangers that make him vigilant in the prohibition, and we can solve everything under a surprise attack. Who believes it? Only you have such confidence. Anyway, I won't believe it!"

In the face of life and death, there is no affection to talk about. For their own safety, the dispute between the two sides is naturally unreserved. When these words fell, the other innate chaotic gods and demons nodded involuntarily, and they all nodded how dangerous Xing Tian was. It is clear that if you have the power to devour the sea of ​​gods and insects, even people like them must be cautious, otherwise they will die!

The greatest magical power of God Devourer is the power of God Devourer, which is the most restrained for their primordial avatar. Once they fall into the Sea of ​​Devourer God Worm, they will die without any precaution. The possibility of soul disappearance, after all, they don't have the power to fight against the god-devouring power of the god-eater, they cannot face such strangulation, and they can't be too careful in the face of danger!

"That's not okay, that's not okay, what do you say? Can't all of us just die like this and wait, watching the cursed **** and demon take all the benefits, watching him curse and kill the **** junior?" , Talking about this innate chaotic **** and demon clone is a face of resentment. It is obvious that his mind is already a little impatient, and some cannot withstand the backlash of power. He can't hold on for long, otherwise he can't be so unbearable, even his mind. Are all affected!

If not everyone knows the bottom line, at this time, under this situation, other innate chaotic **** and demon clones will doubt whether this innate chaotic **** and demon clone was affected by the great catastrophe of heaven and earth. The shackles of the catastrophe have been deeply plunged into the quagmire, and there is no chance to turn over again!

“It’s naturally impossible to wait for death. After all, time waits for no one. But we can’t do anything. We can reveal a little breath, let the cursed gods know that we have noticed something wrong and are already here. Come!"

"Okay, good plan. As long as our breath comes out, this **** curse **** will definitely make a big move. After all, he doesn't want to share the immediate benefits with us, he will only do his best to pay. , To clean up everything in the most interrupted time, not to give us a chance to act, not to let us have the opportunity to share the benefits!"

"Using this method to'force' the curse of the gods and demons is indeed a good plan, but cursing the gods and demons does not necessarily make us get what we want. After all, he is not a fool. He naturally understands the danger in this situation. It may put himself in a desperate situation, he will not pin his life and death on our kindness!"

This is reality. No matter what agreement is made in the face of interests, it will change and cause changes. After all, everyone has a different mentality. The same is true for these innate chaotic gods and demons, and for them, they are very clear about their situation. How dangerous, they are the group of people with the greatest pressure in the Supreme Chaos World, because they have to face not only the enemy, but also the malice of the world, and the hunting of the innate chaos gods and demons from one era to another!

Just when these innate chaotic gods and demons couldn't help themselves, the action of cursing the gods and demons had already begun. The power of the curse went to Xingtian through the restraint. At this time, Xingtian's eyes showed a trace of killing intent, just to prevent the grass and the snake. , He did not make a move, but continued to endure, letting the power of the curse pour into him, letting the madness of cursing the gods and demons continue.

auzw.com The power of the curse entered into his own **** and demon. Xing Tian immediately felt that his soul was being impacted, and he felt that the power of the curse was eroding himself bit by bit. The soul must strangle itself from the soul, not from the body. Faced with the impact of the soul, Xing Tian can only use his own avenue to fight against it, and can only use his own avenue to destroy the power of the curse, not Act rashly, let the cursed gods and demons who are outside the prohibition be aware of it!

When the power of cursing entered Xingtian's body, the eyes of the cursing **** and demon "exposed" endless joy, but he was a little happy early, and the power of cursing was not as he wished, and he did not curse Xingtian. , But the stone sank into the sea, not even a wave aroused, Xing Tian still sat there quietly, without any reaction, as if the power of curse had no effect at all, which made the cursed gods crazy, let He was furious.

"Damn it, how could this be? My curse power didn't curse this junior. Although my origin has not been restored, it is impossible that even a junior can't be killed. What is going on? Could it be said that this junior There is power in my body to eliminate my curse, but if this makes it impossible for him to react at all!" The cursed demon whispered to himself, with endless doubts and confusion in his eyes, but no People answer him, and no one can explain to him.

When the cursed gods and demons whispered to themselves, the innate chaotic gods and demons who were in dispute were immediately alarmed. When they heard these words, their eyes were filled with endless joy. Failure these innate chaotic gods and demons were extremely excited, which was exactly what they wanted, but after being happy, these innate chaotic gods and demons fell into embarrassment again and cursed the gods and demons for failure, but what should they do, even curse The gods and demons could not curse Xingtian, which showed that Xingtian had a strong defense, which would hinder their subsequent sneak attacks.

"No matter, I can't wait any longer. You can be a tortoise with a shrunken head, and you can continue to be patient, but I can't. I have to put a little pressure on the cursed **** and demon, I have to make him speed up, let him attack the ban, even if it is I have to do the same to fight the grass and startle the snake, and then wait for me, not to mention that I will take advantage of the junior, and I will go crazy first!"

When these words fell, this innate chaotic **** and demon clone did not wait for others to recover, and directly let go of its own shielding power, revealing a trace of breath, exerting pressure on the cursed **** and demon, and his As soon as this breath came out, the cursed **** and demon who was maddening "looked" stunned, and immediately noticed it, and couldn't help but "shoot" a crazy and violent killing intent in his eyes! This was not only aimed at Xing Tian's killing intent, but also aimed at the innate Chaos God and Demon's killing intent with the "exposed" aura!

"Damn bastard, how could he find here so quickly? What's the matter? Could it be that this **** didn't believe me from beginning to end, he kept watching me secretly, so he came here in such a short time ! Can't go on like this, or wait for this **** to appear, he will inevitably compete with me for the immediate benefits!"

Under such a shocking change, the curse gods had to give up their previous ideas, had to put away the plan to curse Xingtian with the power of curses, had to launch a new round of attacks on Xingtian, had to rush into the ban, from the flesh Come up to destroy Xingtian. There is still a hint of illusion in the heart of cursing the gods and demon, thinking that although his previous curse was unsuccessful, but the power of the curse has penetrated into Xingtian's body, it will inevitably cause an impact on Xingtian and severely wound Xingtian, so he still has opportunity.

kill! Time waits for no one. Under the pressure of this huge external force, the curse of the gods and demons is desperate, and directly rushed into the gap of the prohibition, and directly killed Xingtian, even if it had to face the sea of ​​devouring insects and the threat of death He did not hesitate.

"Haha! See it, this is the result, we should not be too cautious, not too timid, and now cursing the **** and devil, this **** has finally acted, and finally hit the ban, the result we want will come out, everyone Prepare, once the restriction disappears, we will directly kill the **** cursed **** and demon, and catch the **** junior!"

In this joy, some people sighed and some people shook their heads. Not everyone agrees with all of this. Now the curse of the gods and demons has indeed taken a shot, impacting the prohibition, but who can know what will happen next, and who can guarantee everything I will develop in the direction I want, but no one is willing to ridicule, after all, everyone wants to see good results!

With a loud bang, Xingtian’s ban was triggered. Although the curse **** demon felt that he had seen through the ban imposed by Xingtian, when he really attacked the ban, he did not get the result he wanted and directly stimulated the ban’s counterattack. Let him fall into a crisis in an instant, fall into the trap Xing Tian left him, and be surrounded by the sea of ​​devouring insects.

"Damn it, this is a trap!" When he was in a crisis, every thought of the curse **** knew that he had been deceived. He was calculated by the **** junior in front of him and fell directly into the trap set by the other party.

"The **** junior has the ability to fight me head-on, don't use this despicable method to plot against me!" The curse **** is yelling to Xingtian frantically, hoping to use words to provoke Xingtian to let go of himself and let himself get rid of The current crisis.

Unfortunately, Xing Tian didn't care at all, even Xing Tian didn't even raise his head, didn't look at the curse **** and devil, but sneered disdainfully: "Ignorance, since it's here, stay here, killers will kill everyone, you Since you want to kill me, you just leave my life to me. If you want to take my chance, you can stop blaming me for taking everything from you. Kill me and eat God!"

With Xing Tian’s deep drink, the Sea of ​​Devouring God’s Insects moved, and the magical power formed by the army of the Sea of ​​Insects immediately exploded with great power, directly impacting the souls of the cursed gods and demons. Before, the cursed gods and demons wanted to curse Xingtian with the power of curses. Now he has received a counterattack, and Xing Tian uses the same method to deal with it, but the impact he bears is much more terrifying than Xing Tian, ​​because he is facing the god-given power unique to the God-Eater clan, and what he has to face It was a god-given strangulation, and the power of the devouring **** was directly obliterating his soul, and was directly taking all the origin and all the power in his soul.

When Xing Tian made his move, the power of restraint was fully activated. The original defect quickly recovered, directly cutting off the cursed gods and demon's retreat, not giving him a chance to escape, making him directly into this desperate situation, and directly to face. There is also a double lore against Xingtian, which eats the sea of ​​gods and insects, directly facing the threat of death!

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