God of Destruction

Chapter 4217: Knot strangulation

Chapter 4224 Strangulation

"Boom!" A loud noise! Suddenly, the expression of cursing the gods and demons changed drastically. A terrifying killing array covered Xingtian from his body, dark clouds billowing, thunder and lightning, the lines of the road gleaming endlessly, thunder, lightning, rain, Xingtian The world where I was was instantly shrouded in lightning rain, and the entire ban was shaky under this lightning rain!

Xing Tian activated the power of restraint, activated the power of devouring the sea of ​​gods and insects, and wanted to directly assassinate the cursed gods and demons, but the cursed gods and demons were not fools. Since he dared to make a move, he naturally had a trump card. He had doubts about Xingtian before, so When he acted, he also made the worst preparations when he sneaked on Xingtian. When Xingtian's counter-kill, the cursed demon immediately activated his back hand and immediately launched a new round of attacks on Xingtian. To complete your plan!

"Asshole, this old guy is prepared!" When facing this sudden counterattack, Xing Tian's gaze condensed, and he knew that he still underestimated the sinister and viciousness of cursing the gods, and the opponent seemed to be calculated by himself. I'm in a crisis, and I'm struggling crazily, but in fact, this is all calculated by the other party, in order to induce myself to take action, reduce my vigilance "sex", and then do this final lore, if it is not for my own prohibition is strong enough , If it weren’t for your own God Devouring Insect Sea to be strong enough, I’m afraid that at this moment, you will be wiped out by the thunder and light rain, and you will die!

"This **** old **** is too insidious. I used this shameful deed to deal with juniors like me. Fortunately, I was prepared for the worst and prepared for the worst, otherwise I would really be beaten by surprise, and I would die. In the end, it seems that I can't be sloppy about any enemy, no matter how good a calculation or a subtle plan is, I can't be arrogant!"

This time the counter-kill of the cursed gods and demon made Xingtian feel threatened, and Xingtian was taught a lesson. Faced with an enemy like the innate chaotic **** and demon, even if the opponent does not have a real body, it is just a clone, which is not something he can despise. After all, the opponent is like a giant, even if the strength has not recovered, the giant is still a giant!

Waves of devouring and insect seas slammed in front of Xing Tian, ​​helping Xing Tian to resolve the crazy anti-killing of cursing gods and demons. In such a dangerous situation, Xing Tian dare not be careless, let alone do it. With a little reservation, at all costs, use the life of the Devouring Insect Sea as your own defensive barrier to resist this terrible counter-kill and to wipe out the attack of the cursed gods and demons!

"What a sinister and venomous junior, what a god-eater, a mother-emperor, has laid a liao-like sinister and venomous trap. If I hadn't been prepared for the worst, if I hadn't known this junior is not easy. I’m afraid I’m going to crash into a desperate situation, such a huge sea of ​​god-eating insects, such crazy "suicide" and "sex" attacks, this is definitely not something a junior can do, it must be the god-eating mother queen. Handwriting, this **** wants to use this junior to kill all enemies!"

In the eyes of the cursed gods and demons, all Xing Tian did was not his own calculations, and the mother of the god-eater, after all, only the mother-eater of the god-eaters had such a masterpiece, so he would not hesitate to use the god-eaters. The sea army uses the power of the sea of ​​devouring insects to strangle the enemy and kill the opponent by surprise. Such a huge sea of ​​devouring insects is definitely not a junior of Xingtian, so he completely pushed the counterattack made by Xing Tian to devour God. The body of the worm mother!

"Damn god-eater, mother-emperor, do you think this will be able to count me, dream, today I will let you know what it means to lose madam and break down, I will not only kill this **** junior, but take him. With luck, it will destroy your God-Eating Insect Sea and your army of God-Eating Insect Sea and let you know what pain is!"

With a thought, the cursed gods and demons erupted again, emitting a terrible light of lament, and his cursed avenue instantly merged with himself, sending out a world-shaking wave of curses, and the power of the curse swept across Xingtian like a turbulent wave. Go, let Xingtian’s surrounding void turn into a cursed ocean, the endless curse force madly charged Xingtian, not only eroding Xingtian’s body, but also eroding this void, even making Xingtian’s restraint Also eroded!

When the cursed gods and demon inspired Xingtian's prohibition, when the entire void was forbidden and shielded, the innate chaotic gods and demon clones behind the cursed gods and demon frowned involuntarily, and sighed softly, "Damn it, what is it? What's going on, what is cursing the **** and demon, what is this **** doing, how can the junior's restraint suddenly be triggered and the void is divided?"

"This is not a conspiracy. The **** who cursed the gods and demons would not be aware of our existence and deliberately mobilize this restraining force to shield our consciousness, block our observation, and want to monopolize all the benefits!" In such a situation, these innate chaotic gods and demon clones thought of conspiracy for the first time, but this time they were right. Cursing the gods and demon had such calculations, but they didn't think about how amazing the traps Xingtian placed. , Not to mention the sinister and viciousness of cursing gods and demons, so they can only imagine out of thin air and can only calculate by themselves.

"Let’s do it, don’t do it again, I’m afraid that cursing the gods and demons this **** will succeed, no matter how powerful the junior is, it is impossible to curse the opponents of the gods and demons. This prohibition is simply made by the cursing the gods and demons. Continue to wait, otherwise we will regret it, the curse gods and demons are absolutely aware of the existence of all of us and know our calculations!"

People are not for themselves, and the earth will die! When such a panic occurred, these innate chaotic gods and demons became restless again, and they suspected that they cursed the gods and demons, thinking that everything was a conspiracy to curse the gods and demons, in order to shield them from their interests!

Suddenly, there was a great change in the appearance of the congenital chaos gods and demon, and he said in shock: "No, I feel the fluctuations in the power of the curse. The **** who cursed the **** and demon activated his cursing magical powers. It seems that he really is Calculate us, want to take down that junior before we shoot, take all the benefits, let us get nothing!"


Is this person really aware of the curse in the ban? No, there is no such thing. The reason why he said this is just to find an excuse for himself, wanting to get everyone to agree to launch an attack on the cursed gods and demons, and the power of everyone to attack the restriction in front of him, in his opinion If the curse gods and demons really had to fight back, the power of cursing the gods and demons could definitely easily tear the restriction in front of them. For them, Xingtian's restriction was exquisite, but it couldn't stop their attack.

"Yes, we really can't wait any longer. Together, we broke the ban and taught the **** the cursed **** and demon a lesson. Let him know how miserable it is to calculate our end. No one can play us without paying the price! "

It's a pity that these innate chaotic gods and demons don't know the real situation in the prohibition, and for them bastards, they all have a lot of selfishness. Don't look at their slogans shouting loudly, as if they can't wait. The earth rushed into the ban, and directly strangled the two **** enemies, the cursed gods and the Xingtian, but in fact none of them was willing to take the lead, no one was willing to stand up as the vanguard, because they didn't dare to take risks, they just wanted to sit. To reap the benefits of the fisherman, I want other people to test the reality of the cursed gods and demons, to test the power of the ban, instead of charging ahead!

When these innate chaotic gods and demons counted each other's time, Xingtian's situation was not ideal. The terrible curse power crazily tore through the sea of ​​devouring insects under Xingtian cloth like waves, and the terrible curse power directly impacted Xingtian's body. Above, the terrifying curse power made Xing Tian's body tremble crazily, as if it might collapse at any time!

In the face of the wave-like attack on the cursed gods and demon, the sea of ​​god-eaters under Xingtian cloth was crazily twisted, and countless god-eaters were killed by the terrible curse power, although Xingtian controlled the devouring The Sea of ​​Divine Insects is amazing, but under the power of this terrifying curse, the Sea of ​​Devouring Divine Insects is still vulnerable, and is quickly strangled by the power of the curse.

"Hmph, ignorant bastard, if you have thousands of calculations, you can't withstand a single blow in the face of absolute power, dare to use small conspiracies and tricks to trick me, really ignorant, no one can save you today!" When thinking of this, the curse gods and demons couldn't help but let out a cold snort, and there was a flash of light in his eyes, as if he was extremely despising Xingtian.

Soon the "look" of cursing the gods and demons changed again, and he thought with disdain: "Those ignorant **** can really help me because I didn't notice their existence, thinking that I would be deceived and be calculated by them, which is extremely ridiculous. , But they didn’t know that I knew their existence a long time ago, so they just took the opportunity to take advantage of it and killed them by surprise. When they figured it out, the junior in front of me had already been taken by me, and all the benefits had been digested by me. They can only watch the end of everything!"

At this time, the cursed gods and demons are not only despising Xingtian, but also the innate chaotic gods and demons behind him. When the innate chaotic gods and demons breathed out, the cursed gods and demons had already noticed the existence of these people. He was defensive, so as soon as the innate chaotic **** and demon aura appeared, he immediately understood the other party's calculations and made a better choice! In the heart of cursing the gods and demons, both the junior Xingtian and the innate chaotic gods and demons behind him are in their own hands!

When thinking that he would be able to fulfill his wish immediately, the curse gods and demon couldn't help but laughed, watching Xing Tian embarrassed under his attack, and cursing the gods and demon was even more exasperated. He was overjoyed, and the whole person became excited. It seems that everything is in your own control, as if the benefits are in front of your own eyes, as long as you gently stretch your hand, you can take it off!

Just as the curse **** and demon were very happy, just as he was about to step forward to clean up the mess, suddenly Xing Tian snorted disdainfully: "Damn bastard, what are you laughing at? You think you can strangle with this ridiculous impact. My life? Can your ridiculous calculation succeed? It is ridiculously ignorant, and Xingtian is not so easy to kill!"

Xing Tian sneered with disdain, and looked at the cursed **** and devil with contempt, and Xing Tian's performance made the cursed **** and devil dumbfounded, and the whole person was plunged into a terrible shock, as if he had not been struck by Xingtian. Just wake up!

This is not the result of cursing the gods and demons. Seeing this scene in front of me and hearing Xing Tian’s sarcasm made the corners of the cursed gods’ mouths twitch. All this is too incredible, and too shocking. It’s hard to accept, how could a tiny ant like Xing Tian block his terrible lore? How could he block his lore? The most important thing is that Xing Tian’s mockery made him feel unprecedented humiliation. Being ridiculed by a junior, this is the biggest impact and shame of the cursed **** and demon. He is a powerful congenital chaos **** and demon but was mocked by a small ant. This is an unacceptable result. If you don't kill Xingtian, your mood will be shaken!

"Asshole, I don't believe that you **** junior can ignore my cursed magical powers, ignore my magical powers to strangle!" The cursed gods went mad, and continued to use their magical powers madly, and the terrible curse power continued to explode madly Then, the thunder light rain that cursed Xing Tian continued to strike Xing Tian, ​​the power of cursing erupted in the void of Xing Tian, ​​and the power of cursing continued to form waves again and again, madly impacting With Xingtian's body!

Under the impact of the terrible curse, Xingtian’s void seems to be assimilated by the power of the cursed avenue. The entire void exudes a terrible curse, and it will evolve into a forbidden zone of life and turn into a curse. Ground.

At this moment, the world where Xing Tian is trembling, and there is a possibility of collapse at any time. If this kind of war continues, I am afraid that the void of this supreme chaotic world will collapse soon, and Xing Tian has a cursed god. The demon will fall into the destruction of time and space, into a terrible disaster, and face the impact of the collapse of the world!

At this time, the innate chaotic gods and demons outside the restriction were also disturbed, because the void became dangerous, the outermost periphery of this supreme chaotic world had begun to collapse, and even the restriction imposed by Xing Tian was also broken, vaguely they were really Seeing a terrible void collapsed, seeing the terrifying curse magical powers of the cursed gods and demon, which made them all look horrible, and made their faces pale. The situation they most worried about finally It has appeared, and their most feared result is being staged, which puts all of them under terrible pressure, allowing them to face the shock of their hearts!

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