God of Destruction

Chapter 4218: Section counterattack

Chapter 4225: Counterattack

"Damn curse, this **** really wants to swallow all the benefits. He really has to make fun of all of us like fools. Isn't he afraid of attracting public anger, even if he gets all the benefits, he won't escape death in the end? It is impossible for Qiang to be an enemy of all of our innate chaotic gods and demons. What exactly does he want to do?" An innate chaotic **** and demon clone was glaring, and their eyes "shot" endless killing intent. At this moment, they are really cursed. The gods and demons are irritated.

If someone is in this world at this time, they will be shocked by the murderous intent of these many innate chaotic gods and demon clones. The killing intent of several innate chaotic gods and demons merges to form a terrible murderous frenzy. , Even if the void is trembling under this murderous aura, if they go further, it is likely to tear the void with a murderous aura.

"Huh!" A deep shout sounded, the curse power induced by the curse **** and demon was immediately torn apart, his fighting intent was instantly shot down, the thunder and lightning rain was cut off in an instant, let the cursed **** and demon's mind instantly Suffering severely, he let out a scream, his body flew upside down instantly, and was thrown high by Xing Tian like a rag.

"Are you playing games with me?" Xing Tian said with a disdainful sneer, and easily walked out of the thunder and lightning rain formed by the power of the curse. The sky full of thunder and lightning rain disappeared instantly, and Xing Tian's body was entangled. One after another terrible curse light, like the same ancient chaos **** and demon, gave people a terrible impact.

The power of the curse is compressed by Xing Tian into beams of light, it is hard to curse the gods and demons will be backlashed, because his cursing power has been forcibly plundered by Xingtian, and his own avenues are backlashed, at this time Xingtian is more like a master than cursing the gods and demons. The innate chaos gods and demons of the cursing avenue, the light of the cursing is almost condensed into the original treasure of the entity.

At this time, no matter how hard the cursed gods and demons struggle, no matter how they attack Xingtian, any cursing power close to Xingtian will be swallowed by the light of cursing entwined with Xingtian. It can be said that Xingtian has been deprived of it today. The curse power of the avatar of the **** and demon, the curse avenue fell into Xingtian's grasp. If Xing Tian is allowed to continue like this, it will not take long before Xing Tian can completely strip away all the origins of the curse of the gods and demons!

"Damn it, how could this be? How could a junior deprive me of my original power? Could it be that this **** junior is not as simple as I thought, he is also an innate chaos **** and demon who masters the avenue of curses, if so, then everything? It makes sense, why the **** Mother Queen would cooperate with a junior!"

At this moment, the avatar of the cursed **** and demon regarded Xingtian as the innate curse of the gods and demon in other eras, because Xingtian deprived him of the origin of the curse, and Xingtian also had the aura of the innate chaos **** and demon, all of which showed that Xingtian was An innate chaos **** and demon who practices the same principles as him, this **** **** is trying to seize one of his own origins to nourish his origin. If this **** **** succeeds, the consequences will be unimaginable.

The cursed **** and demon never thought that he would fall to where he is now. How did he never think that he was just a junior who could be killed easily, but suddenly he had such amazing strength and identity. This time, if he loses, If the source of one body is swallowed by the opponent, the deity will be severely injured. Not only the soul will be injured, but the source will also be damaged.

"Damn junior, this is what you'forced' me, and I want you to pay the price of blood!" After understanding Xingtian's identity, after thinking that Xingtian was the reincarnation of an innate chaos **** and demon, he dared not curse the **** and demon again. With all the reservations, he wanted to sacrifice his original source to kill Xingtian thoroughly, and kill Xingtian before he grew up, eliminating the threat to himself.

In an instant, a cursed light rose, and a piece of jade piece rose up, exuding a terrible light of curse, with the word'curse' written on it. This is the name of the avenue and also represents the will of the avenue. In this jade piece Intertwined with the supreme law of curses.

In an instant, this jade piece seemed to be resurrected, with its own will, endless golden light cascading down like a waterfall, the will of the great road descended, cursing the **** and demon clone to kill Xingtian at all costs, even if it is paid No matter how great the price is, we must do this, using the power of the clone to inspire the original treasure and inspire the will to come, which will inevitably bear a terrible impact. This is a devastating blow for a clone, even if it is successful. This clone is also difficult to preserve.

"Junior, you are too arrogant. Even if you are an innate chaos **** and demon who masters the avenue of curses, you are just a reincarnation body. In this void, you can't sweep everything. Want to kill me, think You are too overestimating your own ability if you want to seize my origins. Do you think you can succeed in a conspiracy if you put a trap like this? Don't dream."

In the eyes of the cursed gods and demon, Xingtian deliberately planted such traps in order to kill himself. It is no wonder that his curse power before could not find Xingtian, and the power of many innate chaotic gods and demons has failed, but when others After the Innate Chaos God and Demon left, he noticed the existence of the power of curse, all of which was calculated by the other party.

Xing Tian snorted disdainfully at the roar of the cursed gods and demon, and did not care, let alone the conspiracy the other party said, because he had never thought of taking the origin of the cursed gods and demon clones, all this was just a curse of the gods and demon. Wishful thinking.

Of course, if given the opportunity and ability, Xing Tian is still willing to do so. After all, the origin of an innate chaotic **** and demon clone is also a huge gain for him. If he can refine it, it will definitely help him.

auzw.com When the cursed gods roar wildly, when he madly inspires the original treasure, the power of restraint is weakened again, and the many innate chaotic gods and monsters outside the restraint are once again seen clearly Seeing the situation inside, they were all shocked by the action of the avatar of the cursed **** and demon. They saw and felt the explosion of the source of the cursed **** and devil.

"Damn the curse of the gods and demon, I know this **** is sinister and vicious, he actually brought the original treasure of the deity, he doesn't want to give any of us a chance, this **** is too insidious!" The power of these innate chaotic gods and demons are all furious, and there is a trace of fear and anxiety besides the furious. If they were allowed to face the killing of this source of treasure, none of them would have the confidence to do it. After all, this was not a normal killing, but a killing of the original rules. Under the original rules, all power could be wiped out.

"Yeah, this **** is too insidious. I'm afraid he had thought that we would follow. This original treasure was originally not for the junior, but for us. This **** not only wants to take advantage of it, but also I want to kill these clones of us, or else I won’t bring all the treasures of the deity for the sake of a junior!"

In the eyes of these innate chaotic gods and demon clones, the cursed gods and demon clones carrying the original treasure are definitely not to deal with the juniors in front of them, but to target them. This **** has long been murderous and even knew their existence. , Maybe at the beginning, the deity was noticed by this bastard, everything before that was deliberately done by the other party!

"For an ant-like junior, it is naturally not worth using the original treasure. This **** is indeed calculating us from beginning to end. Maybe he just wants to use this opportunity to weaken our strength. Once we are killed, the deity must Damage will inevitably affect the recovery of the deity. Once such a situation occurs, the deity will inevitably lag behind the other party in this catastrophe of heaven and earth, and if such a situation occurs during the catastrophe of heaven and earth, the consequences will be unimaginable."

Although this innate chaotic **** and demon clone did not finish speaking, the other innate chaotic **** and demon clones understood what he meant and what he wanted to say, cursing the **** and demon because he wanted to kill people with the sword, and wanted to conspiracy against their innate chaotic gods. Demon, in order to seize their luck, after all, they are both the innate chaos gods and demon of the same era. If they die because of the calculation of the cursed gods and devils, their luck will inevitably be swallowed by the cursed gods and devils.

"Killing!" The avatar of the curse **** and demon shouted loudly, the source of the curse avenue turned into a stream of light, and it directly killed Xingtian. The power of the curse avenue directly pierced the air and killed Xingtian's chest, and the power of the curse shook the entire void. !

"Huh, what about the Primordial Treasure? A mere avatar also wanted to kill me Xingtian. It's too ridiculous. If it's your deity, I will definitely not dare to face it, but you can also dare to be arrogant, too arrogant!" As Xing Tian's voice fell, he leaned forward with one hand, and grabbed the original light that had hit him!

No matter how this source of treasure erupts, he can’t escape Xingtian’s palm, and he is firmly grasped by Xingtian. The Great Dao of Power works with Xing Tian’s powerful innate chaos **** and demon body to completely lock this source of treasure and let him Can't escape!

"How is this possible, my eyes are blurred, or all of this is fantasy, it is a curse of the gods and devil is deceiving us, a junior has actually grasped the source of the cursed gods and devil, even if it is just the most common source of treasure, It's not something that a junior can fight. What is going on?" The innate chaos **** and demon clone who was outside the restriction shouted out loudly. Everything in front of him made it difficult for him to accept. This is incredible. How can a junior do it. Even they can't do this!

"I don't know, maybe what we see is really a phantom. All this is a conspiracy to curse the **** of the gods and demon, in order to hold us! I don't believe that a junior can use the power of the flesh to fight against the original treasure, and it is still an innate The original treasure of the chaotic gods and demons, even if the curse of the gods and demons is not about killing and killing, this should not happen!"

No wonder these innate chaotic gods and demons are so shocked, everything in front of them is really weird, it is beyond their imagination, no one can accept such a scene, but all this is the fact, Xingtian really did it, just forbidden It was not broken, everything did not really appear in front of them, so that they could really feel the breath of Xing Tian. These innate chaotic gods and demons would not believe them, and would only believe that everything was a conspiracy and trick to curse the gods and demons.

"Give it to me!" Xing Tian shouted again, the avenue of power on his body broke out again, and the terrible power directly impacted the original treasure that the cursed **** and demon sacrificed. In front of the avenue of force, no matter how hard the cursed **** and demon struggle It was useless. The mighty power of the Great Avenue of Power was destroying this original treasure little by little, and was destroying the original source of this original treasure.

The avenue of power smashes the void. This sentence is now truly realized. It is realized in the hands of Xingtian. The avenue of power is shattering the source of the curse of the gods and demon. In front of the avenue of power, it has truly broken through ten thousand laws, and it is shattered. Curse the origin of the Avenue!

‘Crack! 'With a crisp sound, the original treasure of the curse of the gods and demon broke, the avenue of power destroyed this original treasure, and the avatar of the cursed gods and demon immediately screamed again, and the body became illusory. Because of the damage of the original treasure, he began to walk towards destroy!

"Damn bastard, what the **** is going on, how could he use the power of the flesh to destroy my original treasure!" The cursed **** and demon clone could not accept such a result, and the whole person became a little crazy, facing such an absolute He was terrified and unwilling to kill the game, but this is a fact, a fact that cannot be changed. If he can't think of a way to break the game, he will really be beheaded here by this junior, and he will really die. , Become a nutrient for this junior.

While cursing the gods and demon clones in fear, those innate chaotic gods and demon clones outside the restriction shook their heads and sighed: "Too fake, the **** who cursed the gods and demon has done too much, and dare to make such a false situation. It is true that we are all fools, and we will believe in such a situation, and will continue to be teased by him! A junior can destroy a treasure of origin with the power of the flesh, who will believe it, even if it is our deity coming It can't be done. The Primordial Treasure is the aggregation of the rules of the Great Dao. How can it be destroyed by the power of the flesh? It is ridiculous to delay time by such means!"

"Haha! It seems to me that the curse of the gods and demons is really crazy to the level of incurable "medicine" now. I have forgotten about it. I dare to make such a fake image. This is obviously teasing us, laughing at us, if we don't give it He has a lesson, he can really think that he is the master of heaven and earth, and he can tease us without limit!" Killing intent, these innate chaotic avatars of gods and demons had endless killing intent to cursed gods and demons for a moment. They can't accept this and repeated teasing, which is an unacceptable provocation for them!

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