God of Destruction

Chapter 4219: Shocked

Chapter 4226 Shocked

"Break the prohibition and go in, let this **** know how good I am, and let him know the price to pay for teasing us!" For a moment, the clone of Innate Chaos God and Demon couldn't help shouting with anger in his heart. At this time, he was really right. The cursed gods and demons have a killing intent. You must know that such behavior is unacceptable to any innate chaos gods and demons. This is to slap them in the face naked, "naked", and "naked". It is difficult for them to accept the curse of the gods and demons so arrogantly!

"Well said, break the ban and go in. A little ban to curse that bastard's strength can't be broken. He teased us so that he didn't take us seriously, he was hitting us in the face. If he humiliated us like this Can bear it, it will only make the **** curse the **** and demon even more arrogant, and make him even less take us seriously!"

At this time, the cursed gods and demon didn't know that he had become the target of the public, and was hated by these innate chaotic gods and demon clones, and even gave birth to murderous intentions. Unfortunately, the cursed gods and demon clones are now in crisis, even if they know it. It's no use, who makes him too arrogant, too self-righteous, and directly plunges himself into such a crisis!

Facing the heavy blow of Xing Tian, ​​the avatar of Cursed God and Demon could no longer withstand such a blow, his mind became a little confused, and there was a trace of chaos and madness in his eyes, and the damage to him from the source of the treasure It is the damage of the origin, the damage of the soul, and the damage of the Dao Xin. If it can not be restored, it will inevitably make his heart suffer!

"Damn bastard, all of this is what you "force" me. If you don't give me a way to survive, then we will all die together. You can even destroy my original treasure. You have to pay for it!" The curse at this time The gods and demons are simply heartbroken to the point of vomiting blood. No matter how weak, the source of the treasure is the deity condensed by the huge source law, and the source is cast by the source of the source. Once it is damaged, it is the damage of its own source of the source. , The source is damaged!

For the Innate Chaos Gods and Demons, every Primordial Treasure is its own background, the aggregation of its own Law of Origin, and it is a weapon of its own protection. Now the Primordial Treasure is destroyed by Xing Tian, ​​and for the Cursed God and Demon, it is heaven. Great disaster, great loss, this time he suffered a miserable loss, but soon cursing the avatar of the gods and devil does not have to be heartache, because Xingtian also has a murderous heart at this time, and does not want him to leave alive, and kill the curse for Xingtian The avatar of the gods and demons is an inevitable choice!

Now Xing Tian also has the idea of ​​cursing the gods and demons as the origin of the great path, and he wants to seize all this and turn them into his own nutrients. After all, cursing the gods and demons is just the beginning, and there are more innate chaos beyond his own restrictions. The avatar of the gods and demons exists, in order to protect himself, Xing Tian will naturally do his best to strengthen himself at the fastest speed, and plunder has become the best choice!

"No, this **** young man has a murderous intent. I really don't take my identity as the same thing. This is a big trouble!" When Xingtian's murderous intent was moved, the curse of the gods and the devil was horrified in his body and mind. There are still some reservations, but now that the avatar of the cursed **** and demon can clearly feel the terrible killing intent of Xing Tian, ​​he understands that Xing Tian no longer wants to be patient!

At this moment, the avatar of the cursed **** and demon suddenly thought of the innate chaotic **** and demon aura that he felt outside of the restriction, and thought of the innate chaotic **** and demon clones that followed behind him. You Dao is a dead dao friend immortal and poor Dao, before cursing the gods The demon is afraid that the appearance of these **** will compete with him for profit, but now the curse of the gods and demon is eager for their arrival to save himself!

"Damn bastards, what are they doing? How come they haven't shown up after such a long time? Could it be that these **** want to take advantage of the fishermen's profit, want to watch me be killed by this **** junior in front of them, and then they Then take a sneak attack and take all the benefits!" For a moment, the curse **** and devil turned the innate chaotic gods and devil clones in the worst direction, thinking that these **** are trying to profit from the fisherman, and they want to borrow the knife to kill people and borrow the punishment. This junior's hand came to save himself!

"Asshole, I absolutely can't let their conspiracy succeed. I want to use me as cannon fodder. This is a dream!" At this time, the curse of the gods and demons is to hate the innate chaotic gods and demons behind him, and even more. Killing intent, in his opinion, he is a fool who has been calculated by those innate chaotic gods and demons. He thinks he is very smart and has mastered the initiative. In fact, he has been calculated a long time ago and has become the cannon fodder for these bastards. They test Xing Tian's fictitiousness and reality and become pawns in their hands!

"Damn bastards, what are you waiting for, do you really want to see the dead? Do you **** really have to forge endless cause and effect with me? Are you not enough to calculate me? You really have to let me die to be satisfied Is it?" When I thought I had figured it all out, the avatar of the cursed **** and demon was yelling frantically, shouting at the clones of the innate chaotic **** and devil behind him!

When they heard the roar of the avatar of the cursed **** and demon, the innate chaotic **** and demon avatars frowned involuntarily, and said in shock, "Damn, what is going on? Whatever arrives is true. The **** of the cursed **** and demon really fell into a desperate situation. The **** junior defeated the clone of the cursed **** and demon!"

"Perhaps this is the case, or else it is impossible to say such a thing by cursing the "sex" of this **** of gods and demons. Maybe we are really wrong. The enemy is much more powerful than we thought. Maybe we really got it wrong. all!"

"Quickly, tear up the ban and determine the truth of the matter. In any case, you can't let the **** curse the gods and demons die, or we and him will really have to forge an endless cause and effect. This **** will inevitably send all information before death. Turning back to the deity, then we really can't explain everything, we really have to bear the **** pot!"

At this moment, these innate chaotic gods and demon clones outside of the restriction are all in fear and fear, and they dare not let the cursed gods and demon clones die here. Otherwise, it is really unthinkable. They all know that once the gods and demon are cursed. What will be the result after receiving the news of the clone, I also know more clearly how terrible the threat of a crazy cursed god!

auzw.com Time waits for no one. Although I don’t know what happened during the prohibition, I don’t know what kind of situation the cursed gods and demons are facing, but these innate chaotic gods and demons are clones. Not hesitating, they immediately launched attacks one by one, directly tore open the restriction, and rushed into the void where Xing Tian was and saw what was happening before him.

"Damn, how could it be like this, curse the gods and demons, what are you doing so badly by a junior, this is your **** calculation, if you don't have that ability, don't be greedy, it will kill you Own, it doesn't matter if you are dead, but don't make us tired too, we don't want to give you this **** back!"

When they saw the miserable appearance of the cursed gods and devils, these innate chaotic gods and demon clones couldn't help but roar, complaining about the ignorance and stupidity of cursing the gods and devils. In their opinion, cursing the gods and devils is really stupid and harmful. I, obviously I don't have that ability, but I have to have this ridiculous greed, and now I almost ruined my own life!

"Asshole, you are still talking coldly at this time. If it weren't for you **** assholes, how could I end up like this? If it wasn't for your insidious calculations, how could I be tricked by a junior? All this is you You have to be responsible for these bastards, and you have to give me an account!" The cursed gods and demons were screaming frantically. In his opinion, these innate chaotic gods and demons are obviously cheap and good-selling. They caused the misery!

"Enough, curse the gods and demons, if you think about it clearly, how did we harm you? How did we harm you? If it wasn't for you to be greedy and want to monopolize all the benefits, if it wasn't for your **** who deliberately concealed things, how could you? In such an end, all of this is caused by you. If you told us everything before, how could the situation now happen, but now you want to put the blame on us, can you really bully us? ?"

The words cursing the gods and demons immediately aroused the anger of these innate bastards, gods and demons. In their view, cursing the gods and demons is deliberately shirking responsibility, wanting them to bear everything and wanting to take all responsibilities. Push it onto them.

"Enough, don’t worry about this bastard. The most important thing right now is to save this ignorant **** first. He is not kind, but we can’t be unrighteous. No matter how wrong this **** is, we can’t learn the same as him, he But we don’t forget our love back then, but we can’t do this. No matter how high the price is, we should save him!”

Although there are a lot of dissatisfaction and anger in my heart, there are still people who know what to do in this situation, and other things can be put down for the time being, but we must do everything we can to save first. Cursing the avatar of the gods and devil, only in this way will the situation not be out of control, and will not become a threat and trouble to the deity!

"Huh! I knew that this **** was so vulnerable, I knew he was so stupid, I shouldn't have come here, now this **** has harmed himself, but he wants to put the blame on us, it's really shameless!" Can't help the anger in the heart, screaming in deep anger, if it is not for the reason, I am afraid that they have the intention to directly kill the avatar of the cursed god!

When seeing these innate chaotic gods and demons clones, Xing Tian's brows couldn't help but frowned. The thing that worries him most still happened. These innate chaotic gods and demons clones outside of the restriction finally couldn't bear to shoot themselves. But if they unite, the consequences will be unimaginable, even if Xing Tian now has confidence in his own strength, he doesn't think he can retreat!

"Asshole, this is a lot of trouble. I knew things would not be so simple. I can't continue like this, or it would be really unthinkable. Kill!" At this time, Xing Tian's intention to kill once again skyrocketed, when the situation reached this point. At one step, Xing Tian understood that he had no retreat. Either he killed the **** innate chaotic gods and demon clones before him, or he was beheaded by these **** enemies. There was no third way to go. He wanted to survive, but he had to fight hard. A **** road!

"Give me to die, the avenue of power smashes the void, and annihilates it!" Xing Tian roared frantically, his own avenue of power exploded frantically, and all the origins of power surged madly, madly cursing the gods. The demon launches a fatal blow. Xing Tian wants to destroy the cursed gods and demon clones before all the innate chaotic gods and demon clones break out, so that he can have enough breathing time, so that he can avoid being enemies on both sides, and plunge himself into a crisis of death. !

There is only one chance, Xing Tian dare not have the slightest reservation at this moment. If he can not severely inflict these **** innate chaotic gods and demons in front of him, he will definitely be killed by these bastards. Now he is at the most dangerous time and he is unsuccessful. Ben Chengren, he has no choice but to fight desperately and kill the opponent upside down!

The origin of the avenue of power is surging frantically. At this moment, Xing Tian has no reservations. The power of the origin is fully stimulated. The powerful avenue of power is in harmony with itself, and the powerful physical power is in harmony with the origin of the avenue of power. Combined, there is a huge impact and threat to anyone, even Xing Tian is no exception.

Kill, when the situation reached this point, none of them had a retreat. Either Xingtian died, or they died. Once Xingtian beheaded the avatar of the cursed **** and demon, it would have a huge impact on the overall situation of the world and the entire world. Trembling for it.

At this time, these avatars of the innate chaotic gods and demons all revealed their terrible killing intent. They all wanted to solve the huge threat of Xingtian as quickly as possible. For them, only Xingtian was dead. , This is the end, otherwise the fruit will be unimaginable, all of them will pay a heavy price for it!

A series of original supernatural powers furiously attacked and rushed towards Xing Tian frantically. These innate chaotic gods and demons clones are different from the cursed gods and demon clones. They don't have the original treasure in them, and they want to use their power to capture them. The secret of the world, and even the blood and essence of Xingtian, for them, only by doing all this can they get a glimmer of life!

Kill, the crazy killing intent envelops the world where Xingtian is located. These innate chaotic gods and demons do not dare to have any reservations. They have to do their best to hang Xingtian, the **** junior with their greatest strength. , For them, only when Xing Tian falls can they get rid of the current crisis and resolve the terrible death in front of them!

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