God of Destruction

Chapter 4220: Festival killing

Chapter 4227 Killing

At this time, these innate chaotic gods and demons have already sensed Xingtian’s identity, and they can clearly feel the identity of Xingtian’s innate chaotic gods and demons. One can completely transform itself in the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth, and is also the true body of the innate chaotic gods and demons. The transformation of Xingtian is definitely not an easy task. It can even be said that it is an extremely defying thing. If Xingtian can be killed, Xingtian’s innate chaos **** and demon can be captured, Xingtian’s essence and blood can be plundered. It can make their cultivation further, and can perfect their own innate chaotic gods and demons. After all, they are far from recovering the strength of the peak period!

If Xingtian had a huge temptation for them before, so that they could not abandon this benefit, but now they are determined to kill Xingtian, even if they pay a high price to do it, Xingtian's identity makes them Seeing the endless possibilities, seeing the endless hope, they couldn't wait to rob Xingtian of everything.

At this time, cursing the gods and demons is no longer the focus of these innate chaotic gods and demons. On the surface, they all seem to be cursing the life and death of the gods and demons at all costs, but in fact they all have selfish intentions. Killing Xingtian is no big deal even if it is sacrificed to curse the gods and demon, even if it is to forge feuds with the deity of the cursed gods and devils, it is not a big deal, because Xingtian is worth the price they pay, and everything about Xingtian himself is enough to make them tempted!

What is the current situation of the avatar of the curse **** and demon, will he not see all this, will he not feel the change of Xingtian? Perhaps only he knows all of this. After all, the cursed avatar is different from other innate chaotic avatars. The other innate chaotic avatars are bystanders. Although they all had great ideas about Xingtian before, they were not the first. Time has come into contact with Xing Tian, ​​even if they are helping each other now, they have all been carefully considered and carefully observed, but the avatar of the curse is different. The situation he has experienced before is different, and he is under great pressure. He will be forced to shoot, so no one knows if he knows the real situation of Xing Tian!

Xing Tian knew clearly about the enemy’s crazy attack and the terrifying killing intent. For this situation, Xing Tian sneered again and again. Before Xing Tian had some worries, but now Xing Tian no longer has such thoughts. , The war between myself and these innate chaotic gods and demons has already begun, so there is no need to have so many worries, even if it’s not a big deal to fight directly with these innate chaotic gods and demons, there is no longer between them. The possibility of easing.

For these innate chaotic gods and demons who came to the door, Xing Tian understood their true intentions. There were also killings between the innate chaotic gods and demons. In the face of the struggle for interests, they were immortal. For the sake of luck and profit, killing was normal. But things, and at this time, under this situation, Xingtian has no choice but to shrink back. If he shrinks this time, it will only make these **** more crazy, and make more people think that they are good bullies and oppressive.

kill! This is Xing Tian's only thought! Time waits for no one. Xing Tian is very clear about his own situation. If he can't end this war quickly, once more enemies are attracted, he really has no way to survive. For the god-eater, Xing Tian has never Hold a little hope, for the human race, Xing Tian now also has no hope, so for Xing Tian, ​​he can only rely on himself.

The avenue of power erupted, and the avenue exploded. In the face of the siege of many innate chaotic gods and demons, Xing Tian also did his best to pay. The two avenues were running at full capacity, and the two avenues merged into a huge void hand. , Blasted away at these innate chaotic gods and demons clones without any reservation.

Xing Tian’s Void Hand contains his own avenues of opening up and strength. It truly has the power and profundity to open up the heavens and the earth, and the world will be shaken if it is not for Xingtian’s own strength and realm. Not enough, this palm shot can destroy the sky and the earth, shatter the void, and directly destroy this supreme chaotic world area!

With a loud bang, the attacks of those innate chaos gods and demons were all slapped away by Xingtian’s palm. No matter what the origin of the avenue, it was not able to withstand a single blow in front of Xingtian’s power avenue and the void hand that opened the avenue. , Were directly smashed, turned into a void and dissipated between heaven and earth, but Xing Tian's void hand did not dissipate, but continued to shoot at these innate chaotic gods and demons!

"Damn, we underestimate this junior, his avenue of power has the power to open up the world, everyone can no longer have reservations, we must work together!" In the face of such a situation, someone couldn't help but yelled frantically. You must know that they all had selfish motives before, and they all wanted to take the greatest benefit, so they did not try their best. Now, when facing such crazy pressure from Xing Tian, ​​they have to do this and have to give up the ridiculous before. Thoughts!

Working together, this slogan is easy to shout, but difficult to do. For any innate chaotic **** and demon clone, they have selfish hearts, want to seize the greatest benefit, and want to get more benefits than others. They were unwilling to stand in the forefront and endure Xing Tian’s anger. After all, they were afraid to fight Xing Tian head-on. This void hand made them understand that although Xing Tian was only a junior, Xing Tian’s strength was not weaker than them. At this time, they There is endless regret in his heart. If he knew that Xing Tian this junior has such a fighting power, he shouldn’t come as a clone, but the deity descended directly, even if it offends the human race, even if it attracts the attention of other forces. There is no big deal with dissatisfaction!

At this time, these innate chaotic gods and demons all want to notify the deity, but they are powerless, because they are already in this battle, they don’t dare to be distracted at all. If they really want to inform the deity, I’m afraid there is not yet. If you complete it, you will be directly strangled here by Xingtian. As for the companions around you, you can’t count on them. You must know that these **** just want to see themselves fall under Xingtian’s hands, and even if they have a chance, these **** It is possible to fall into trouble!

auzw.com Kill! One blow smashed the attacks of many innate chaotic gods and demon clones, Xing Tian stepped out, and the space magical powers were activated with all their strength, and the body disappeared in front of these innate chaotic gods and demon clones instantly, and then directly entered their bodies. before!

The scream of "Ah!" made these innate chaotic gods and demons fear, because some people fell and some were killed directly by Xing Tian. Their previous so-called concerted efforts suddenly became a joke.

At this time, I saw that Xing Tian had an extra treasure of origin. This treasure of origin was not what they thought was the greatest treasure of the Great Dao of Power, nor was it the axe, but the spear of the end, the ultimate treasure of Xingtian's end clone, but now The Spear of End is even more terrifying and terrifying than before. After all, during this period of time, Xing Tian has also taken a step further on the Avenue of End, the Primordial Treasure Spear of End has also become stronger, more terrifying, and more terrifying. !

"Damn, there are other treasures of origin in this junior's hands, everyone, be careful!" When he saw the spear of the end in the hands of the sky, the cursed **** and demon were yelling frantically, reminding other innate chaotic gods and demon clones, but his It's too late to remind, someone has fallen under Xingtian's spear of ending and has been directly strangled here by Xingtian.

The reason why the avatar of the cursed **** and demon speaks so to remind everyone that it is not how kind he is and how good he is to these innate chaotic **** and demon clones, but he deeply understands that once these innate chaotic **** and demon clones die in Xingtian's hands, he It’s hard to escape death. Even once everyone dies here, his own deity will be greatly affected. It will be hostile to all the innate chaos gods and demons, and even become the target of everyone, and will be strangled by other innate chaos gods and demons. !

If everyone died here, the first thought for these innate chaos gods and demons who followed them would definitely not be that the junior Xingtian killed everyone, but the conspiracy of cursing the gods and demons. People, deliberately planted this trap to kill them. Under these circumstances, you can imagine what these innate chaotic gods and demons would do!

"Damn, the **** of wind fell, this **** junior killed the **** of wind the first time, he was afraid of the **** of wind to escape, so kill him at the first time!" The clone instantly understood Xing Tian’s true thoughts, and understood why Xing Tian wanted to kill the Wind God and Demon in the first place, because the Wind God and Demon was the fastest among all their innate Chaos God and Demon. The wind **** demon escaped, it was too threatening to Xingtian!

"Damn bastards, **** juniors, what are these **** thinking? At this time, they can't work together and are still making ridiculous calculations. They didn't rescue the wind **** and demon in the first time!" At this time, cursing the gods. The demon clone is clear to the spectator, and he can see clearly the performance of other innate chaotic gods and demons. In his opinion, if these innate chaotic gods and demon clones can work together, Xingtian will not have the opportunity to attack the wind gods and demon. There is a chance to kill the gods and demons of the wind, all of this is caused by selfishness, they all have too much selfishness, so this is the result.

How to do? Scold them, warn them? It’s no use, cursing the avatars of gods and demons is very clear that it’s useless to say anything at this time. These innate chaotic avatars of gods and devils will not listen to themselves, let alone believe in themselves. If they persuade them at this time, they will only have more in their hearts. More care and anxiety will only make the situation more dangerous.

Big trouble! This is the idea of ​​cursing the avatar of the gods and demon. After such a shocking change, cursing the avatar of the gods and demon is really regrettable. I knew it would be such a situation. I really shouldn’t act rashly, or I wouldn’t fall into such a crisis. , And now I can’t do it even if I want to retreat, not to mention that Xing Tian, ​​this junior, will not let him go, and other innate chaotic gods and demons will not let them go. If I really want to withdraw, I will only die. Go faster, even without Xing Tian's action, the other innate chaotic gods and demons will kill themselves, because they will not let themselves leave at this time!

"The Wind God and Demon fell and was killed by this **** junior with a single blow. It seems that the situation is dangerous. This junior has too many secrets. It is even possible that all of this is his calculation. It is him and the Devourer. The Mother Worship Queen’s calculations, and the Curse God Demon was taken advantage of by these two bastards!" Some people can’t help but regard all this as a conspiracy, as a conspiracy between Xing Tian and the God Worship Mother Queen, because Xing Tian showed it. The combat power is too strong, and Xingtian also has an original treasure like the Spear of Ending in his hands. In their opinion, this shouldn't appear in the hands of juniors like Xingtian. A junior is an impossible treasure. The emperor can give Xing Tian all the Devouring Insect Sea, and it doesn't matter to give him another piece of the original treasure.

"Damn the god-eater mother queen, what exactly does he want to do, can it be said that he really wants to use this junior to mess up the world?" Some people are shouting at the god-eater mother queen, venting their own dissatisfaction and anger. Anger, relieve the pressure and impact of your own soul!

When the avatar of the Wind God and Demon fell, the situation became more dangerous and terrifying. The killing intent in Xing Tian's eyes became more frantic and terrifying. With one success, Xing Tian no longer had any worries in his heart. Originally Xing Zai was still worried about what he was holding. The Spear of End cannot harm the life of these innate chaotic gods and demon clones. After all, these are not ordinary existences. They are all powerful innate chaotic gods and demons, even if they are just a clone, they have unimaginable power. And now Xing Tian is completely relieved!

"Aren't you trying to kill me? Are you trying to seize all my good fortune? What are you waiting for, take it!" When seeing the retreating innate chaotic gods and demon clones, Xing Tian said loudly with disdain, his eyes pierced. With endless killing intent, Divine Sense locked these innate chaotic gods and demons one by one, so that they could not escape from Xingtian's eyes!

"The **** junior dare to be so arrogant and don't put us in our eyes, fellow daoists, we can no longer have selfishness. If we still can't work together, there is only one dead end waiting for us. It will only let this junior break through. From now on, we must unite and curse the gods and demons. Now is the time for you to sacrifice for everyone. Among all of us, you are the only one with the original treasure. At this time, only you can directly resist the attack of this damned junior!" When these words fell, the other innate chaotic gods and demons all agreed, and they were all putting pressure on the cursed gods and demons, and "closed" the cursed gods and demons to stand up to the forefront of Xingtian and resist Xingtian for them. Attack!

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