God of Destruction

Chapter 4221: Festival

The fourth thousand two hundred and twenty-eight chapters

Being "forced" to face death is a shameful humiliation for the avatar of the cursed **** and demon. He hates the **** who threatens him and "forces" him, but he has to accept it. He has to follow the orders of these bastards, because he has no choice. If he doesn't follow the other party's orders, he will be dead. Cursing the gods and demon clones don’t think these **** will be merciful to him and will let him go, no matter what he next To face the terrifying danger, you must bite the bullet and face it!

At this time, any cruel words or unwise actions are self-defeating. No matter how you curse the gods and devil clones, you must endure no matter how you hate these bastards. This is the price you must pay for being weak, and this is your own mistake. The consequences that must be borne are the possibility that no one can make mistakes without bearing the price, but this cause and effect, this hatred, and the curse of the gods and demons are deeply imprinted in their hearts. If there is a chance in the future, he It will inevitably teach these innate chaos gods and demons a profound lesson, let them know how tragic it will be to offend themselves!

Only now, the cursed gods and demon have to stand up and face the terrible impact of Xingtian before all the innate chaotic gods and demon clones, even if it is the cursed gods and demon clones, they know that they are likely to fall this time, knowing that they are This injured body may not be able to withstand Xingtian's blow, but he can only stand up and can only make the final defense!

Yes, it is defense. At this moment, the avatar of the curse gods and demon has no confidence to attack Xingtian. His fighting spirit is completely destroyed by Xingtian, his faith has been shattered, and there is no iron will in his heart. There is only one thought for him that is to survive, to survive this crazy battle, so he chose defense instead of offense!

The origins of the curses were condensed and turned into a solid shield, which protected the avatar of the cursed god, but this shield did not bring him any confidence. As a congenital chaotic **** and devil who is in charge of the curse, whether it is Whether it is a frontal attack or a frontal defense, this is not his strong point, but the curse of the gods and demons has no choice.

"Everyone, we only have one chance. Cursing the avatar of the **** and demon can only block a blow for us at best, and even he can't even stop a single blow. So I hope everyone can use all their strength and pay all the price. For fear of self-harm, we must also give this junior a fatal blow, otherwise we will only die!" At this time, in order to survive, in order to be able to defeat Xingtian, behead Xingtian, this threat, there are still innate chaos gods and demons divided into body and mind. If you feel uneasy, please remind everyone again!

Is such a reminder useful? He didn't know it himself, because he himself didn't have the confidence. No matter how dangerous and terrible the situation is, these companions around him are not worthy of trust. They may have unimaginable calculations in their hearts. Understanding selfishness, this is the human mind, this is selfishness, the most instinctive selfishness of a creature!

kill! After his Void Hand was resisted by these innate chaotic gods and demon clones in front of him, when he saw that the cursed gods and demon clones were "forced" by those who came later, Xing Tian flashed a sneer in his eyes. The killing intent in his heart is even more intense. This situation makes Xing Tian deeply understand that these **** in front of him are prepared for the worst, and there is not much time left for him, and the situation he is facing is even more dangerous and true. The deadly battle has begun!

This is a life and death duel, a final decisive battle. I only have one chance. If I fail, I may lose my life. I may be able to kill some enemies in front of me, but I will also fall into desperation because of the **** in front of me. Already determined to fight with oneself, cursing the avatar of the gods and demons is already determined to defend.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" Xing Tian's heart was beating rapidly, a special charm radiated, powerful power wandered through his body, making Xing Tian feel the blood boiling, there is a kind of fulfillment that can break everything with one blow I feel that a series of avenue runes are slowly emerging on the real body of my innate chaos **** and demon. These avenue runes are very complicated, just like the avenue **** pattern that Xing Tian saw on the mother of the god-eater. Amidst the runes of the Great Dao, there seemed to be terrifying power dormant.

The true body of the innate chaos **** and demon possesses powerful and terrifying power. If it is combined with the origin of its own innate avenue, the endless power condensed from the essence of the innate avenue, what kind of existence will it be? What kind of power will burst out?

When his Dao runes spread all over his body, Xing Tian could clearly feel that his innate chaos **** and demon body had once again been sublimated. His own innate chaos **** and demon body was combined with the Dao, and every move could arouse the power of heaven and earth. , His own innate chaotic **** and demon real body exudes a divine light from its bones, a divine light from its own origin, giving people a tyrannical aura that overwhelms the world, as if it can sweep everything across the world.

The atmosphere in the field has become weird and terrifying. Whether it is Xingtian or these innate chaotic gods and demons, they are all gathering their strength, and they are all doing their best, because they all understand that this battle will determine their own life and death. , To determine their own destiny, maybe those innate chaotic gods and demons have any thoughts in the mind and body, but this time they are all prepared desperately, as to whether they will hang Xing Tian with all their strength and attack Xing Tianxing’s mortal blow, Only they know this in their hearts, but one thing is certain, in order to fight for Xingtian's personal benefit, they will inevitably do their best to pay.

"Kill!" A deep shout sounded, these innate chaotic gods and demons avatars were the first to take the initiative, the great magical powers broke out with all their strength, the terrifying claws, the terrible light, the terrifying fist and other powers madly crushed Xingtian. Come, the void exploded, the earth shattered, and the energy was like a "tide". A doomsday-like horror scene was staged in this world. The explosion of many innate chaotic gods and demons finally crushed the world and started the world. Towards collapse.

"Huh! A group of chickens and dogs want to kill me? It is too naive and ridiculous. If your deity comes, I may only have a dead end, but now it is you who die." Xing Tian glanced at these things in disdain. The innate chaos **** and demon clone, and then the body shakes, the terrible blood erupts frantically, Zhou Tian’s "Acupoint" orifice world is fully opened, especially the world of demon erupts frantically, so many god-eaters are here. He was instantly detonated by Xing Tian and turned into a powerful source that was destroying Xing Tian's body!


Yes, at this moment Xing Tianxia was cruel, and madly detonated the army of God Devouring Insect Seas he could control. Although Xing Tian controlled the God Devouring Insect Seas not all, it was only a small part. After all, Xing Tian had limited time. The strength of Xing Tian is limited, so the power that can erupt is also limited, but Xing Tian is not facing the true innate chaotic gods and demons, but their primordial avatars. In this case, Xing Tian's eruption is naturally enough to fight against it!

For a moment, the void "swayed", two giant hands condensed from blood and origin appeared in front of Xing Tian, ​​and each giant hand was covered with mysterious Dao Origin God Patterns. This is Xing Tian's blood and blood. The supreme magical powers evolved from the origin of the Dao, although such magical powers are very simple and can be seen through at a glance, but the simpler the magical powers, the more difficult it is to decipher, because it has no skills at all, but only uses the simplest and most direct power. Crush the enemy.

Both the terrifying claws and the terrifying light were blocked by Xingtian’s two giant hands, and were wiped out by Xingtian’s terrifying power of vitality and the origin of the Great Dao, but this was not all the enemy’s attacks. The innate chaotic gods and demon clones never thought that they could kill Xingtian with this little power. After Xingtian’s two giant hands appeared, those innate chaotic gods and demon clones exploded again soon. It was just their temptation this time. It is their real attack.

I saw that roads of light appeared. These innate chaotic gods and demons formed a simple formation, exploding ten times their own power. The terrifying road light madly swept away to Xingtian. Where the light of this avenue passed, the void was torn apart, a terrible void storm was unfolding frantically, and the terrifying storm was hooded against Xing Tian!

"Damn junior, offend our innate chaos gods and demon, today you are inevitable to die, even if you have the strongest background, you will die without life, suffer!" These innate chaotic gods and demon clones were screaming frantically, The eyes "shot" endless killing intent, and there was a crazy sarcasm on the corner of the mouth, as if they had seen Xingtian's death!

Regarding the sudden outbreak, the avatar of the cursed **** and demon blocking the front is a little dumbfounded. What is going on? Didn’t I be regarded as abandoned by these bastards? Why did Chaos take the initiative to attack without waiting for him to prevent disasters? Up?

Suddenly, doubts appeared in the heart of the avatar cursing the gods and demons, but soon he came to his senses. No matter what the **** were making, as long as he could survive, there was no need to care about the situation in front of him. All you have to do is to protect yourself and ensure your own safety. Everything else can be put down temporarily!

Xing Tian faced the enemy's ridicule indifferently, stepping on the long river of time and space, as if walking in time and space, and easily passed through the void storms detonated by many innate chaotic gods and demons, and appeared in front of the avatar of the cursed **** and demon. The fist blasted out, and the powerful force broke through all the defenses of the cursed **** and demon clone, directly smashed his head, directly killed the cursed **** and demon clone, and did not give the opponent a chance to resist. There is only a dead end for everything!

"Even if your supernatural powers are the world's best, but in this world, how many people can you fight against? Not everyone is as weak as the cursed gods and devils!" A sneer sounded, and an innate chaos **** and demon clone sneered disdainfully. , Was not shocked by the death of the avatar of the cursed **** and demon, let alone a trace of fear and anxiety, as if all this was so trivial!

When his voice fell, a sword light pierced the void, and the void was divided into one sword. The sword was like a shooting star and directly killed Xingtian. The source of the treasure, this is a powerful source of treasure, not just cursing the gods and demons. The clone carries the original treasure, and some of the later innate chaotic gods and demons have the original treasure, and they are fully prepared!

At this time, someone couldn’t bear to kill Xingtian before the others, and seized the chance of Xingtian. What kind of formations and concerted efforts are all false. They are just a joke. Benefits are the most important.

"Damn bastards, I know you can't trust it!" When someone abandoned the formation, attacked alone, and activated the Primordial Treasure, someone couldn't help but yell at them. Such a situation means that their union is complete. Breaking down, the so-called union has completely failed. In the face of interests, all agreements are false and illusory!

"Hmph, I haven't really used the avenue of strength, I haven't really used the avenue of opening up, I will take you today!" Xing Tian said that there was a flash in his hand, the opening of the axe was in his hand, and with a wave, the avenue of strength merged with the opening up road. Under the blessing of his own huge blood and energy, he slashed that terrible blow frantically. This axe slashed down, and all the innate chaotic gods and demons felt the heavy pressure, and they all felt the axe from Xingtian. Threat of terror.

Xing Tian also used the Heaven-Opening Axe before, and also used the power of the two great origins, but because of his lack of power, he did not exert the true power of opening up the avenue and the avenue of strength, let alone the power of the Heaven-opening axe. The power of divine power, but everything is different now. Using the sea of ​​devouring insects as the source, Xing Tian has enough power to support his own outbreak. The power of the great road and the power of the sky-opening axe are completely stimulated, and the real power is cut with one axe. There is the power to open up the world and the power to destroy everything.

Under Xingtian’s axe, the man’s sword-in-one attack was instantly broken, and the sword light was instantly cut away by the might of Kaitian. The clone of the innate chaos **** and demon was cut off before it caused any threat to Xingtian. The two halves are directly dead and souls, and the original treasure is also directly cut into two pieces by Xingtian’s Heaven-opening Axe. Under one axe, a small world in the void is being opened up. Everything about this innate chaos **** and demon clone is directly Being swallowed by this small world, whether it is the origin of the clone, or the soul or even the treasure of the origin, was swallowed and obliterated by this newly opened small world.

It's a pity that this small world didn't exist for a long time. Even if it swallowed a clone of the innate chaos **** and demon, there is still a good innate source treasure, which is still not enough to support the cohesion of this small world, and the small world still collapsed!

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