God of Destruction

Chapter 4222: Cut again

Chapter 4229 Re-cut

This is not what ordinary power can do. Xingtian’s Dao of Power and Opening Dao do not have such strengths. The realm is not enough, and the strength is not enough. It can be said that strength is Xingtian’s greatest weakness. Without strong strength, even if Xingtian has the power The great avenue and the unparalleled avenue power such as the opening road are of no avail!

Of course, in the face of these innate chaotic gods and demons clones, this kind of power is enough. At least Xingtian can wave his hand to kill them. Although Xingtian pays not a small price, as long as he can destroy the enemy, no matter how big the price is. It is worthwhile, not to mention that the price Xing Tian paid was just sacrificing the God Devouring Insect Sea that he controlled. This had no effect on Xing Tian himself. Even if all the God Devouring Insect Sea army were destroyed, Xing Tian would not be affected. After all, the Sea of ​​Devouring Insects is only an external force. It is only the help given to Xingtian by the Mother of Devouring Insects, and it does not affect Xingtian's core at all.

"Damn, the avenue of power of this junior is terrible, and the original treasure in his hand also has terrifying lethality. We all look down on him. Although his realm is not enough, his avenue of power can make up for this. What's more, this **** still holds the God Devouring Sea Army in his hands. If we give him a chance, perhaps we will fall into the God Devouring Sea Army in the next moment. We must face everything and can't be so disregarded. If it weren’t for Jin Guang’s self-righteousness, we wouldn’t be caught in a crisis like this. It doesn’t matter if this **** is dead, but it hurts us!"

"Yeah, this **** is too hateful. I don't want to hide his strength, but he is so self-righteous. Now he died in the hands of this junior, but he broke our big formation. Without the blessing of the big formation, we will all face this. The threat of the **** junior must face the threat of the God-Eating Insect Sea Army. When this **** dies, we are forced to take the initiative!"

Yes, at this time, under such circumstances, these innate chaotic gods and demons have lost the shelter of the big formation, lost the blessing of the formation power, and put themselves in danger, and they may be Xingtian at any time. The army of God Devouring Insect Sea is besieged. You must know that without the formation, they are more likely to be surrounded by the army of God Devouring Insect Sea. In this case, they can only take the initiative to attack Xing Tian and let Xing Tian have no time to spare. Take action to summon the army of devouring the sea of ​​worms!

Although these innate chaotic gods and demons were talking one by one, their minds were still focused on fighting, and they were all madly attacking Xingtian, not giving Xingtian a chance to summon the sea of ​​gods and insects, and not let Xingtian. There is a chance to breathe, lest some of them fall into the hands of Xingtian if they are not careful. If someone else falls, the consequences will be unimaginable. Their innate chaotic gods and demons come to encircle and kill Xingtian as a joke. At that time, the junior Xing Tian couldn't be killed without a hurry, and all of them would be ruined. Although the benefits were tempting, their own lives were more important!

"Unity! Now we must put aside all divisions and struggles and truly unite together. Only in this way can we achieve our wishes. I know that everyone wants all the benefits of Alone, and even if they fail to do it, they must take the greatest benefits. But if everyone Think of it this way, then don’t even think of gaining anything, and even ruin your own "life". What we are facing is not an "ant" who really has no resistance at all, but a dangerous bastard, a little bit If you carelessly, you will lose your "life". Everything before that is enough to illustrate this point. I hope this will never happen again!"

Under the threat of death, under Xingtian’s terrible killing, these innate chaotic gods and demon clones inevitably have fear and anxiety in their hearts. They dare not be careless, or they will step into the golden light gods and demon. In the footsteps of Xingtian, he will end up dead and dead. Brother Xing Tian cut off a piece of the original treasure with one axe. This shows that Xing Tian has enough power to kill any of them, or even all of them. Treat it carelessly.

"Okay, let’s make this decision. From now on, we will work together to kill this **** junior. Before this junior is killed, no one can be careless, no one can be taken lightly, if anyone dares to ignore everyone’s interests and act alone. , That is everyone’s public enemy, and they will be besieged by everyone. This is the bottom line that cannot be challenged!"

Bottom line, is there really a bottom line for these innate chaos gods and demons? No, no, there is never a bottom line. Once they see an opportunity, they will not care about the bottom line, but will do their best to pay. All covenants, oaths, and promises are all false and false. , Only interest is the most real, and they can give everything for the benefit!

Soon these innate chaotic gods and demon clones reached an agreement again, but this is still a ridiculous superficial agreement, it is just a face project, and there is no strong binding force at all. Only these innate chaotic gods and demon clones are the same. It’s clear that everyone has to maintain this superficial work. They cannot split at this time, or they will die without a place to bury them. After all, Xing Tian is so powerful that they are obvious to all. If Xing Tian is not dead, they must treat it with care. .

For these enemies in front of him, these **** innate chaotic gods and demon clones, Xing Tian sneered in his heart. Although these **** were constantly attacking him and did not give him time to breathe, Xing Tian understood that the other party could not insist on such a situation. Go on, these **** must be secretly calculating their own arrangements and preparations.

Yes, for these innate chaotic gods and demon clones, at this moment they are all calculating how they can reverse the current unfavorable situation, be able to kill Xingtian by surprise, be able to kill Xingtian and have to retreat, so that they can breathe. Time allowed them to make more preparations, and even once again joined forces to siege Xingtian.

The idea is good, but the reality is cruel. They are suppressing Xingtian. They don't want Xingtian to have a chance to breathe. Xingtian also wants to suppress these **** and not give them a chance to breathe. After all, Xingtian faces more pressure than these. The Innate Chaos Gods and Demons are much more powerful. Xing Tian is just one person, but there are several of them, and they occupy an advantage in number.

At this time, there are also innate chaotic gods and demons who have the idea of ​​sacrificing others in their body and mind, and want to let others stand up to the forefront and resist the impact of Xingtian, but they dare not speak out the idea now, because they are afraid of themselves As soon as you open your mouth, this unity situation will be broken, and the thorn that already existed in everyone's heart will burst out completely, the situation will directly collapse, and their already fragile union will disappear.


"Damn, how could I work with these bastards? I knew that these **** were so ignorant and stupid. I shouldn't have stood with them in the first place, and I won't have the current embarrassment. I can't move forward and have to face this terrible thing. The pressure and impact!" At this time, some people inevitably have new ideas, complaints and unwillingness in their hearts, which casts a shadow on the original cooperation of these innate chaotic gods and demons, and puts their situation More dangerous.

Why didn't anyone take the initiative to stand up and confront Xing Tian? This kind of thing will not appear in the clones of these innate chaotic gods and demons. For them, there is a crazy idea in their hearts, that is, dead daoists are not dead, they can sacrifice everything for their own safety, so They never have the idea of ​​sacrificing themselves for others!

"Kill!" He shouted again. The pressure on Xing Tian's body was too great. He didn't dare to waste time and didn't want to waste time. After all, time waits for no one. Any accident may happen over time. For the sake of his own safety, Xing Tian naturally wanted to attack with all his strength, resolve the current crisis in the shortest time, and let himself out of this danger!

The Kaitian axe slashed out again. Although no one jumped out and faced Xing Tian alone, this did not mean that Xing Tian could not take the initiative to attack or make a big move. When the Kaitian axe moved, Xing Tian once again sacrificed a bit. The sea of ​​gods and insects use all of their nutrients into their own nourishment, nourish their own avenues of strength, open up avenues, and enhance their own strength.

With one axe cut out, Xing Tian still locked a clone of the innate chaos **** and demon. Although Xing Tian could directly threaten all enemies, hit all enemies directly, and drag them into this crazy showdown, Xing Tian did not do so. , Because Xing Tian knew that if he did this, the consequences would be unimaginable, and he would even lose his life!

"Damn junior, do you think that I am the weakest of all people, and you took the initiative to attack me!" In the face of Xingtian's beheading, these innate chaotic gods and demons divided their incomparable anger and anxiety in their bodies and minds. There is also a trace of fear.

Fighting against Xing Tian, ​​he had never thought of such a situation, and he did not dare to think about it, at least in front of him. Once he thought about it, he would inevitably bring a huge impact to himself and would inevitably plunge himself into a crisis. in!

Fleeing, this is the first thought of the innate chaotic **** and demon clone that Xing Tian is staring at. In his opinion, he is an enemy of Xingtian at this time. This is "suicide", slow "sex" and "suicide". He did not confront Xingtian at all Reluctantly, if he did so, he would only make himself unlucky, and even ruin his own life and death.

"Dead!" Before the clones of these innate chaotic gods and demons reacted, Xing Tian took the initiative to attack directly against these innate chaotic gods and demons. The opening axe was moving, and the spear of termination in Xing Tian's hand disappeared into the void. This disappearance is not a direct message, disappearing between heaven and earth, but a confrontation of emotions, a confrontation of war.

The Spear of End is trapped in the void. For these innate chaos gods and demons, this is the biggest threat and the greatest anxiety, because the Spear of End has the power to strangle all of them, but once it is targeted by the lunatic Xingtian , Everyone will be in danger of death and will face the terrible death shock.

Although these innate chaotic gods and demons have superficial cooperation and concerted efforts, in the face of Xing Tian's terrible one-shot killing, these innate chaotic gods and demons still exposed their biggest weaknesses and still failed to do so. To the extent of their concerted efforts, they were still selfish and did not go all out to help this companion who was in death threat.

"Humph! Even in this situation, I want to be my enemy, and I want to swallow all the benefits. It's ridiculous. I will give them a **** killing today, and let them understand what the result of being an enemy is. They can understand the cruelty of this world!" With the wave of hands, Xing Tian's Heaven-opening Axe slashed down again, and he stared at a new clone of Congenital Chaos Shenma, still so domineering, so terrifying, and so great. To devour each other in one fell swoop!

You can't hide, and kill with a single blow. Among these innate chaotic gods and demons clones, only the innate chaotic gods and demon clones facing Xingtian's attack have sacrificed their original treasure to resist Xingtian's terrible attacks. The other clones of the innate chaos gods and demons did not try their best, because they did not sacrifice one of the original treasures, as if they did not really master the original treasures, but in fact they all mastered the original treasures, but No one has thought of sacrificing oneself to illuminate others, taking on this pressure with oneself, and letting oneself face the killing of Xingtian!

Death, without the help of anyone, only relying on this innate chaos **** and demon clone to fight against Xing Tian, ​​this is just a joke, and soon this innate chaos **** and demon clone who has already lost its fighting power dare not act rashly. And just relying on himself, naturally, he couldn't break Xingtian's impact. He could only watch his original treasure being cut off by Xingtian, and watched himself be killed by Xingtian, and it was a result of death and death.

Another clone of the innate chaotic **** and demon fell down, and this clone of the innate chaotic **** and demon was still so tragic and strong, and the fall of this person once again increased the burden on other people and made them understand the situation deeply. It’s terrifying and terrifying, and it also made them realize that this time they are really going to be in the crisis of death, so that they no longer want to come back, because they can no longer work together to fight against Xingtian’s threat and prevent Xingtian from facing them. The impact!

If the death of the previous clone of the Innate Chaos God and Demon made them all concerned and uneasy, and this time Xing Tian killed one of them, it would even more let all the surviving Innate Chaos God and Demon. Fear grew in their hearts, which made them feel uneasy, and made them want to find another way out and avoid the impact of this death!

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