God of Destruction

Chapter 4223: Festival dark shrouded

Chapter 4230 Darkness Shrouded

"How come this is different from what we imagined, how could a **** junior have such amazing strength? Could it be that the battles we have seen before are all false, and everything is a trap deliberately created by the human race. Otherwise, how to explain the strength of this junior, now that he has not even come out of the sea of ​​devouring gods and insects, we are already in crisis, fellow Taoists, we need to work hard, even at the cost of our own "life" Get rid of this **** junior!"

This statement is very reasonable, but it is reasonable and useless. Whoever is willing to make wedding dresses for others has no friends in the spiritual world, and no one is willing to sacrifice themselves to help them, even if they are just a member of the deity. Doppelganger, but no one wants to die or hurt the deity. They all want to live to the end and take the ultimate benefit!

"Desperately, we really need to work hard, but we need to solve the distribution of benefits even more. If this is not resolved, who do you think will fight to the end to make wedding dresses for others? If we cannot divide the distribution of benefits, there is only a dead end. In my opinion, we should make an oath to share all the benefits evenly, even if someone falls down. This is the key to our victory. If we can't do this, I don't see any hope of victory! "

Sharing benefits is easy to say but difficult to do. Whoever has no selfishness or illusions in their hearts is really difficult for them to make the vow of sharing benefits at this time, because no one wants to share the benefits with them, and they all desire to monopolize everything.

"Everyone's strength is different, and the price they pay is different. How to divide the benefits equally, your suggestion is not feasible at all, and it won't work, the result of doing more and less is the same, who will desperately!" Someone soon stood up and opposed In his opinion, such a suggestion is "suicide". Once it is necessary to do so, I am afraid that everyone present will not work hard, but choose to take advantage of the fisherman's profit. It is a joke to expect them to work hard. People will do this, because everyone's gains are the same.

In fact, no matter what decision is made, it is impossible to be comprehensive, and it is impossible to have no defects. It just depends on how you choose and how you face it! For these innate chaotic gods and demons clones, it is obvious that this conversation has failed, and no one is willing to accept this suggestion, because in their opinion, it will not work and will make them die faster.

Xing Tian didn't care what these innate chaotic gods and demons were doing, let alone what they were discussing. In Xing Tian's mind, there was only one thought of "killing". Only by killing these **** as soon as possible can he have the opportunity to retreat. , I can escape from this danger. If I can’t do this before the end of the human race, I’m afraid the consequences will be unimaginable. When the giants turn around, there is only a dead end waiting for me. Shi is no longer facing some clones, but real giants, giants with terrible power!

"Kill!" Xing Tian shouted again. After beheading an innate chaotic **** and demon clone, he didn't pause. Instead, he shot again. He didn't even want to stop and rest, and he didn't even give himself a little breathing time. Next, directly continue to attack, continue to mobilize these innate chaotic gods and demons in front of them, so that they can spread out, give themselves new hunting opportunities, and allow themselves to continue to weaken the power of these bastards!

Xing Tian was a self-aware person, and he knew exactly why he got his current battle results. It was not how strong he really was, strong enough to sweep these **** innate chaotic gods and demons, but these people were not united at all. Even they are still dragging each other back, even falling into the ground. It is precisely this way that Xing Tian can kill the enemy so easily. In this way, Xing Tian can continue to stand here, without death!

"Asshole, this **** junior is really crazy and terrible. He is so anxious to kill us. It seems that our internal fighting allows this junior to ignore us. Now that the situation is in this situation, what else can you hesitate? , What else can you hold on? If you continue like this, there is only a dead end waiting for everyone. You want to die, but I don’t want to die!"

No one wants to die, and no one wants to see all of this. It's just that when the situation is at this point, they can't help them to decide. Even if they have a little initiative, they really have to fight the lunatic Xingtian, and no one will have the consequences. Can't bear it, after all, Xing Tian, ​​a lunatic, is too domineering and crazy, and fighting such a lunatic will definitely pay a heavy price!

joint! The so-called alliance was quickly broken, and the division of interests was the most difficult. As these people thought of, none of them would accept an equal share of opinions, and would not share the interests of Xingtian with others. Even if it's just a little bit more, it has huge benefits for itself and huge benefits!

When Xing Tian once again stared at an innate chaos **** and demon, no one came forward to help. They all looked forward to this innate chaos **** and demon clone to carry forward the spirit of the brave, to pull Xing Tian to death, to severely wound Xing Tian, ​​and to give themselves a chance. Taking advantage of the profit of the fisherman, there is a chance to attack the **** junior Xingtian.

"Damn junior, you deceived people so much, do you think I'm like that fool of Jin Guang, will be attacked by you? Get up, the realm will come!" With a deep cry, there was an endless mysterious road rune in an instant Appearing in the opponent's hands, the endless power of the earth is converging towards him, forming a terrifying field of earth, no, it is more accurately the field of gravity.

auzw.com When this realm appeared, all the creatures enveloped in the realm felt heavy pressure, and dense cracks spread wildly on the ground. This realm erupted too fast, causing Those other innate chaotic gods and demons clones were not prepared, they were caught off guard under this terrible gravity, and they fell into the oppression of the domain one by one.

If they were still happy before, and felt that they would have a chance to seize the chance in this battle, but now these innate chaotic gods and demons who are trapped in the domain are all furious in their hearts, and they are secretly hurting themselves. Swearing at this innate chaotic **** and demon clone, because the drastic changes at this moment have caused their "companions" to fall into the crisis of death. If Xingtian turns his spearhead at this time and casts his eyes on them, I am afraid that they will all face it. Threat of death!

"Damn the **** of the earth, this **** clearly wants to kill us, wants to kill people with a knife, and use this junior hand to destroy us, this **** wants to monopolize everything, no wonder this **** has been opposed to my suggestion before. , Because he doesn't want to share the benefits with us at all. In his eyes, we are all just his conspirators!"

Under the realm of gravity, these innate chaotic gods and demon clones hate the earth gods and demons incomparably, and they are all looking at Xing Tian fearfully, for fear that the crazy junior Xing Tian will point his finger at him in the next moment. Under the influence of, once Xing Tian, ​​this damned junior, was stared at it, it was absolutely dead.

opportunity! On the surface, it looks like this is indeed a good opportunity to kill. It is a great opportunity for Xingtian to eliminate these enemies in one fell swoop. After all, facing a group of enemies without the ability to resist, this is no longer easy to kill, but Xingtian is not as they did. As I thought, he didn't make a move to kill these trapped innate chaotic gods and demons clones.

Abnormality is a demon! Even if the earth **** and demon deliberately wanted to borrow a knife to kill people, even if he suddenly hit everyone by surprise, but Xing Tian didn't believe that these innate chaotic **** and demon clones had no power to resist, they would really be killed by this gravity field. Suppress, even he can break free from the limitations of the gravity domain. Xing Tian believes that these innate chaotic gods and demons must also have this ability. These **** have not moved for a long time, but they are secretly calculating themselves.

To kill, Xingtian is still staring at the earth gods and demons, still wielding the sky-opening axe in his hand, and constantly chasing the earth gods and demons, even if he is close to him, he can kill the clone of the innate chaos gods and demons with one hand , Xing Tian didn't pay attention, as if in Xing Tian's eyes there was only the existence of the innate chaotic **** and demon clone, other innate chaotic **** and demon clones did not exist at all!

"Damn lunatic, obviously there is an enemy that can be slashed with one hand, but he doesn't care at all. He has to chase me down, can it be said that this lunatic has seen something, or that this lunatic has other plans?" Dadi The gods and demons are scolding Xingtian in their hearts, and they are also thinking about countermeasures. If this continues, the earth gods and demons will not be able to hold on. After all, this is not the center of the supreme chaotic world, here is the edge of collapse. There is simply not enough origin to support the continuation of one's own gravity field, as long as the time is long, the origin of the earth dissipates, and oneself will inevitably fall into desperation!

"Ignorance, do you think this will be able to escape my pursuit, the earth gods and demons, the gravitational realm, may play a significant role for others, but it is not worth mentioning to me, Show me, devour the sea of ​​gods and insects, devour everything, swallow!" With Xingtian's deep drink, heads of god-eaters appeared in this piece of heaven and earth, and they gushed from the depths of the earth, frantically It began to devour the origin of the gravity domain, and at the same time, these god-eaters were also killing those trapped innate chaotic gods and demons clones. Xing Tian was worried about conspiracy, so he didn’t want to take risks, so he could just use what he had mastered. The sea of ​​gods and insects come to find out and explore the true ideas and calculations of these innate chaotic gods and demons!

"God Devouring Insect Sea, this lunatic finally couldn't bear to use this trump card. He was worried that the sudden outbreak of God Devouring Insect Sea would kill us by surprise. After all, the hidden army of God Devouring Seas is the most dangerous. Now they finally Appearing, hiding so many God-Eating Insect Sea Army in the depths of the earth, it seems that this lunatic really has made comprehensive preparations in advance. We are all calculated by this **** junior, but this time there is an Earth God. The bastard, the devil, will take action, otherwise we will all be dealt with by the **** junior Xing Tian, ​​and we will pay a heavy price for it!"

"Okay, don't say so much. Now that the most important card in Xing Tian's hand is finally exposed, it's time for us to fight back. We can't let this crazy junior go so arrogant, let him know that he is our enemy. At the end, at the same time, we should also settle the cause and effect with the **** of the earth **** and demon, dare to use the knife to kill people, and want to use the crazy junior Xingtian to destroy us, he has to pay for something, otherwise I can't swallow this bad breath!"

After seeing Xingtian’s sea of ​​devouring gods and insects, these innate chaotic gods and demons who have been hiding their own power no longer want to hide anymore. To end this war, they have always believed that Xingtian’s greatest threat is The God Devouring Insect Sea Army they have, as long as the God Devouring Insect Sea Army does not appear, they do not want to "expose" themselves, and they do not want to fight to the death with Xing Tian, ​​but now it is different. Xing Tian's trump card has been "exposed" to them. There is no more threat.

kill! With a deep cry, the avatars of the innate chaos gods and demons who were trapped in the gravity domain burst out with terrible power, and they all broke free from the limitation of the gravity domain, staring at Xing Tian one by one.

Things are just as Xing Tian worries. Even he can break free from the limitations of the gravity domain. How could these innate chaotic gods and demons not be able to do it? Although these people are united to attack themselves, Xing Tian does not think that they will not have each other. Take precautions, especially for companions like the Earth Gods and Demons who master the origin of the earth, knowing that if they step on the earth, there will be an endless source of earth origin. For such a companion, who dares to take it lightly and who dares to be careless.

"Exit! Darkness descends, darkness envelopes!" Suddenly a dark curtain of light descended, covering the entire void, and the power of darkness began to erode everything. This is the dark **** and demon clone finally could not bear to activate its own magical powers and used itself The ultimate treasure of the source of darkness, the last fight is to be done. Once the darkness is over, the entire world is under the erosion of the source of darkness!

At this time, Xing Tian clearly felt the impact and oppression from the source of darkness on him, and this was just the beginning. I believe that soon other innate chaotic gods and demons will make a big move, and they will give him new surprises. I face more terrible disasters and even more terrifying dangers. After all, these **** seem to have negotiated to kill themselves. Otherwise, these **** can't be so easily restricted by the gravity field, and they can't break free. The restraint of the gravitational realm has mobilized the power of its own realm, and inspired the origin of the Dao to come!

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