God of Destruction

Chapter 4224: Knot field strangulation

Chapter 4231: Domain Strangulation

"Dark Avenue, what a dark avenue, maybe this is the source of the power that my King of End clone lacks. Under the darkness, everything will return to darkness. Unfortunately, this is just a clone, a primordial **** clone, or else it will take away this source of power. Can make his clone of the King of the End go further!" Feeling the erosion of the dark power, Xing Tian sighed in his heart. The more he practiced, the more he knew his own shortcomings. This is the case of the deity and the clone. Xing Tian thought he was originally. The avatar of King of End is perfect, no flaws, no problems, but with his understanding of Dao, he only realizes how wrong he is, and the more so, the more Xing Tian understands how many old guys are hiding in the dark. terrible.

Even if he was just confronting these innate chaotic gods and demons, Xing Tian didn't dare to be careless, he didn't dare to take it lightly, otherwise his life would be ruined here, and he could do it again and again. Killing these innate chaotic gods and demon clones is not how terrifying or terrifying their own power is, but the enemy's contempt for themselves, the enemy's internal fighting and selfishness. If these innate chaotic gods and demon clones work together, Work together to siege yourself, this war is over!

No matter how strong a person’s power is, it’s also limited, at least at a stage like Xing Tian. Even if Xing Tian’s innate chaos gods and demons are condensed, they can’t fight the joint siege of several innate chaos gods and demons. Because of the interests, these innate chaotic gods and demons cannot work together, and they have given themselves the opportunity to break through.

Don't those innate chaotic gods and demon clones know this situation? No, they knew it well, it was just that they could not let go of the temptation of interest and were unwilling to share the benefits with others. This gave Xing Tian the opportunity, as if the luck had always been on Xing Tian's side, so that Xing Tian could survive from death. , Can make a way out in this desperate situation.

Although Xing Tian has also achieved the true body of the innate chaotic **** and demon, and is also hostile to the supreme chaotic will, Xing Tian is not a natural innate chaos **** and demon, but has evolved from his own practice, so the supreme chaotic will is still Willing to give Xing Tian a little help, at least for the Innate Chaos Gods and Demons. For the Supreme Chaos Will, the Innate Chaos Gods and Demons are the biggest hidden danger, and their existence threatens the safety of the Supreme Chaos Will.

Those innate chaos gods and demons who survived from the ancient times captured the realm battlefield world the first time after they returned, and then condensed into a force, combined with the power of everyone to tear the void and kill the highest chaos world, and then directly Occupying the sea of ​​Chaos, it can be seen that the madness of these innate chaos gods and demons, the most important thing is that their madness directly damages the highest chaos world, and it is precisely because they tear the void that they will accelerate the catastrophe. The collapse of the world appeared.

If the Supreme Chaos Will is allowed to choose between Xing Tian and Innate Chaos Gods and Demons, it will naturally be Xing Tian instead of these Innate Chaos Gods and Demons. Although Xing Tian acquired the true body of the Innate Chaos Gods and Demons, he was recognized by the Dao and also threatened. The supreme chaotic will is possible, but Xing Tian’s current realm and strength are still very weak, so the supreme chaotic will will naturally stand on Xing Tian’s side in this battle. Otherwise, how could Xing Tian easily block these innate chaotic gods? The escape of the demon clones even prevented their transmission of information, no matter how weak the clones of the innate chaos gods and devils are, they have terrible power!

"The avenue of power smash the void and break it for me!" Xing Tian roared, and opened the sky axe to slash out, slashing directly under the dark domain. The terrifying explosion of the avenue of power directly made the dark domain tremble, and a crack appeared in Above the dark realm, the dark **** and demon, who was in charge of the darkness, suffered a huge backlash in an instant, and the aura weakened a lot.

"Damn it, how could a junior have such a powerful attacking power, the avenue of power is really so terrifying, is it really invincible under the same realm? But even so, my realm is higher than him, why did I fail! "Faced with Xing Tian's crazy counterattack, the dark **** and demon roared in his heart. He was unwilling to accept such a result, but he couldn't find a way to break the situation.

Once the dark realm is completely destroyed, what the dark gods and demons endure is not just a bit of backlash, but the loss of control of the origin, and even the destruction of the dark origin treasure "Dark God Orb" in his hand, because the entire dark realm is in this piece With the support of the Primordial Treasure, without this Primordial Treasure, only relying on the power of the Primordial God clone cannot maintain the Dark Domain.

At this moment, the Dark God and Demon's heart already had a trace of fear and uneasiness. He was afraid of Xingtian breaking free from the suppression of the dark realm, so he shouted in a deep voice: "You **** don't take action yet, my dark realm will not last long. If you let this The juniors have broken free from the suppression of the domain, and the trouble will be serious. If you want to die and want to kill someone with a knife, then don't blame me for stopping!"

In this situation, the Dark God and Demon dare not place hopes on his companions. Although the current situation is very unfavorable to him, he is not really without a retreat. It is just that he can't let go of the temptation of interest and is afraid of these things around him. The **** comrade will fall into trouble, kill with a sword, and use Xingtian's hand to wipe out his rival!

The best way to rescue is not to make a request kindly, but to threaten. For the dark gods and demons, threats are the best means. If he stops, Xing Tian will inevitably release the pressure on his body and break free from his imprisonment. , And this is very unfavorable for all innate chaotic gods and demon clones. After breaking free, it is very difficult to imprison Xingtian. After all, Xingtian with vigilance will not make the same mistakes, and will not make the same mistakes in this regard. Suffer.


"This **** bastard, I knew he was unreliable. He ran the fastest when he robbed the head. Now that a crisis arises, he has to threaten us with such despicable means. It's really shameless. I knew that we shouldn't be with the dark. It’s a shame to cooperate with this shameless **** and demon!” Facing the threat of the dark **** and devil, the remaining few innate chaotic gods and devil could not help but curse the shamelessness of the dark **** and devil, but they curse. They dare not really let the dark gods and demons let go!

"Shoot, let's do our best to besie this junior, the road of ice descends, the world is frozen, and the ice is eternal!" With the roar of the ice gods and demon, a powerful cold breath spreads, the road of ice The domain was stimulated, and the magical powers of the Ice Avenue killed Xing Tian, ​​wanting to take this opportunity to directly freeze Xing Tian without giving Xing Tian a chance to break free.

"The poisonous avenue is coming, the poisonous dragon is strangling!" The poisonous gods and demons are not to be outdone, they have also released their own domains, and also used their own original treasures, whether they are ice gods or poisonous gods and monsters, they have their roots. The treasure is in hand, not just for them, I am afraid that the other innate chaotic gods and demons present here are all like this, but unfortunately they did not achieve their wishes, failed to kill Xingtian, seize all these opportunities from Xingtian, and take away Xingtian’s energy. Luck.

With the actions of the ice gods and devils and the poisonous gods and devils, the other innate chaotic gods and devil clones did not dare to keep them. They all gave their hands, for fear that their heads would be taken away by others. This moment , Xing Tian went deep into the encirclement of numerous realms, and each realm was superimposed on Xing Tian's body, eroding Xing Tian's body frantically.

At this time, Xing Tian’s innate chaotic **** and demon’s real body is truly facing a cruel test. The erosion of these many great avenues is madly destroying everything. If it is not for Xing Tian’s firm will, if it is not for his incomparably powerful body , I’m afraid it’s already been strangled by each of the Great Dao realms at this time. To withstand such a terrifying realm strangulation, not everyone can resist it. There is no strong enough physique, no strong will and defense, only death and death. !

"What an innate chaos **** and demon, even the primordial avatar can provoke such a powerful domain power. The superposition of multiple domains is enough to obliterate all my origins. It seems that I really have to fight to the death, hope this fight It can let me break the shackles on my body, and let me go further on the path of practice!" Only when there is pressure will there be motivation. Only under extreme pressure will my potential be fully opened, and now Xing Tian feels that he is facing this Case.

"Burn the power of the blood, burn the sea of ​​devouring insects, bless the power, bless the avenues, the flesh is immortal, and open the world within the power!" Xing Tian's heart was crying frantically at this time, and the blood was burning. The army of the Devouring Insect Sea is burning, the power of the bloodline turns into a strong explosive power, and the Sea of ​​Devouring Insects turns into an endless source.

With Xing Tian’s cry, terrible power erupted in Xing Tian’s innate chaotic **** and demon body, the light of the great road rose, and the sky-opening axe slashed out. In an instant, unparalleled power erupted from the sky-opening axe. At this time, the dark realm, ice realm, poison realm, etc. are all torn apart by the mighty power of the sky-opening axe, breaking the ten thousand magic with one force, and in the face of absolute power, it is these innate chaotic gods and demons, no matter how hard they try to stabilize The power of living in one's own domain is useless.

Under this blow, Xing Tian almost consumed all the army of the God Devouring Insect Sea. The huge army of Insect Sea was burned in this short period of time. One can imagine how powerful it can bring to Xing Tian. Not to mention that Xing Tian is still burning the power of his own blood, coupled with his own avenue of power and opening the avenue. At this time, the strength of Xingtian's physical body is absolutely appalling, far beyond the power he can control, and such power is also It shouldn't appear on Xing Tian's body, but it did, and its appearance directly broke all the shackles and the shackles entangled with Xing Tian's body.

Breaking free from the shackles and walking away from the dragon, this is the true portrayal of Xing Tian at this time. Under this extreme oppression, Xing Tian's own potential has exploded, and the world of "Acupoint" is trembling, and the blood is boiling, under the origin of the huge sea of ​​insects. , Xing Tian can clearly feel the transformation of his own blood. Under this crazy burning, the blood is purified once again. With the support of that huge sea of ​​insects, the world of "Acupoint" has become stronger and stronger. There was a trace of degeneration in the world, as if the burning of the life of the God-Eater Insect Sea gave these "holes" the world vitality, giving them the ability to evolve.

This time Xing Tian paid the price and sacrificed the army of God Devouring Insects Sea. Even Xing Tian himself did not know, because the amount consumed was too large, almost countless, his own "hole" in the world. The surviving army of God Devouring Insect Sea is not one in a hundred. It can be said that it is just a short battle. Xing Tian has consumed most of his own accumulation. It is impossible to have such a huge army of Insect Sea. , Because Xingtian doesn’t have so much time to cultivate the God-Eater Sea of ​​Insects, even if it has its origin, what Xingtian wants to cultivate will only be his own army of insect seas, instead of wasting time and energy on the Sea of ​​Eating-Eating Insects. There is a huge source, and the army of God Devouring Insect Sea is only a consumable for Xing Tian.

"No, this is impossible. It is impossible for a junior to break free from the superimposed strangulation of our domain. What the **** is going on, what happened to this junior?" When the origin backlash appeared on themselves, those innate chaotic gods and demons cloned They were all screaming frantically, and they couldn’t accept such a result. To them, it was simply a talk, but all of this happened. All of this has become a fact. They have all suffered backlash from their origins. The source of the treasures are all shattering.

"Nothing is impossible. When you come, leave it to me. Kill, as far as you can, crush the void, and annihilate!" At this time, Xing Tian also suffered a huge impact, in the amount of violence. Under the outbreak of, his own innate chaotic **** and demon body also suffered a terrible impact, and it was also scarred, but Xing Tian understood that this was not the reason for him to stop. If he stopped at this time, he would only waste the previous payment. Everything in this will only give the enemy a chance to breathe. For these innate chaotic **** and demon clones, as long as they are given a chance to breathe, everything will change.

Strike while the iron is hot, although his own situation is not good, and although his own innate chaotic **** and demon's real body consumes a lot, Xing Tian is still strong in his spirit and once again wields the sky-opening axe in his hand, once again using his own great power to give him These innate chaotic gods and demon clones were a fatal blow, and they didn't give them the slightest chance to turn over. If you hesitate a little at this time, the situation will inevitably change again. Any innate chaotic **** and demon clone cannot be underestimated, even if they are in a desperate situation, but as long as there is a little chance, they are likely to come back and have a chance. Reverse the trend!

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