God of Destruction

Chapter 4225: Massacre

Chapter 4232 Massacre

Massacre, this will be a massacre, a crazy massacre. Xing Tian is fighting with his own "sex" life, and is fighting with his own strong will. At this time, the opening axe in Xing Tian's hands has been stained with blood. Red, this blood is not the enemy's, but Xing Tian's own. At this moment, Xing Tian's innate chaotic **** and demon body can't find any intactness. The whole body is **** and bloody, and this is all in a huge explosion. , The body can’t bear the terrible impact!

For Xing Tian, ​​every eruption is an impact on himself, breaking and then standing. This is Xing Tian’s pursuit. He wants to use the hands of these innate chaotic gods and demons to "force" himself to a desperate situation and break out in desperation. , The bursts will completely awaken the power of one’s own blood, and completely awaken all of their potential. For a person like Xing Tian, ​​every transformation will have great background and endless potential, and we must truly master this background. With potential, you need to give it a go.

When the blood was dyed in the Red Sky Axe, the Primordial Treasure, it was also refining the Primordial Treasure with blood. Xing Tian was really crazy, even in the ancient times, there was no innate chaos. Gods and demons would do this, because such consumption has a great impact on their own practice, but now Xing Tian is not afraid!

For Xing Tian, ​​this is a great opportunity. He has the God-Eater Sea as a support and as a nutrient, he can explode his own power indefinitely, and every explosion will cause harm to the flesh, so why not take this opportunity to practice blood Primordial Treasure, the Primordial Treasure of Kaitian Axe is completely refined to the extreme. In the future, you can not only use the soul to warm it, but also use your own blood to warm it. At that time, no one can take it from Xingtian's hands. Taking this original treasure, it can't even be destroyed, as long as Xing Tian is not dead and the blood is endless, this original treasure'Open Heaven Axe' can be restored.

Xing Tian was fighting desperately. Although he was besieged by several innate chaotic gods and demon clones and suppressed by the source of the other side's Dao Dao, Xing Tian did not back down. He still fought wildly with his fighting spirit. Under the blood, Xing Tian Not only is there no weakness, but on the contrary, the more bravery in the war, as if the blood ignited the war in Xing Tian's heart, turning Xing Tian into a supreme chaotic **** and demon who battled the sky and the battlefield, and the avenue of power and the road of opening up are also rapidly increasing!

"Damn, I can't let this junior go on anymore. If we continue to fight without waiting for us to kill him, this madman's fighting intent will break through the origin of our Dao. Although the Dao of Power is powerful, this is not the most important thing. The most terrifying thing about a madman is his terrible fighting spirit, fighting the heavens and the people. This **** has mastered the power of the **** of war, has a terrible fighting intent, and the fighting intent is immortal. We want to win him very much. difficult!"

Unparalleled fighting spirit, this is the performance of Xing Tian, ​​under the impact of powerful fighting spirit, no matter how powerful these innate chaotic gods and demons clones are, no matter how fierce they attack, they will not be able to cause a devastating blow to Xing Tian, ​​because the fighting spirit is charged. Most of their attacks were eliminated, the terrifying fighting intent combined with this terrifying energy and blood, coupled with Xing Tian's power avenue, no matter how strong these innate chaotic gods and demon clones were, they would not be able to shake Xing Tian's origin, let alone. Threatening Xingtian's life.

"It's careless, we're all careless. Now we have no choice in this situation. I know everyone wants to survive and want to take the opportunity from this junior, but now we can't do it, no one can do it. This junior already has the unparalleled fighting intent. Coupled with his innate Chaos God and Demon body, it is almost impossible for us to take him down. Even we can’t even pass information to the deity. What we are facing now is Death is destruction!"

"Yeah, we are all careless. We all think that he is just a junior. No matter how strong he is, he is too strong. He has the original treasure in his hands. Although it is not the most important original treasure of the deity, it is also the original treasure bred by heaven and earth. Able to take down this junior, now it seems that we are all wrong, we are very wrong, now it is not we are besieging this junior, but this junior is going to kill us and devour our origin. If I am not mistaken, this The crazy junior possesses a world of origin that we don’t know, and can provide him with nourishment endlessly. Otherwise, he can’t hold on for so long, and it’s impossible for him to become more brave in battle! Choose, wait to be killed by this junior, The origin is swallowed by it, or we swear to the death, give up our life, give up everything and give this junior a fatal blow, pull this junior to death, let him know that our dignity cannot be provoked!"

"Huh, at this time, do we still have a choice? Naturally, it is to bring this junior to the end. Even if we die, we can't make this junior feel good, let alone let this junior swallow our origin and strengthen ourselves as a hidden danger of becoming the deity. Let this damned junior live, it will inevitably threaten the safety of the deity, and will inevitably become the most terrible enemy of the deity, because he is too insidious and too cunning. We must destroy such an enemy in the bud!"

The power of Xing Tian made these innate chaotic gods and demon clones feel terrified and uneasy. They didn't want to let Xing Tian develop, and didn't want to give Xing Tian a chance. They wanted to work together to destroy Xing Tian, ​​even if it was to give everything they had.

When these innate chaotic gods and demon clones gave birth to such terrible thoughts, Xing Tian was instantly shocked, and he felt the threat of death, and this threat came from the innate chaotic gods and demon clones in front of them, although they all It was miserable, but their aura changed at this instant, becoming extremely terrifying and terrifying.

"If you want to kill me, come out all, take out your strongest power, let me take a look at the power of the innate chaos gods and demons in ancient times. My time is precious, and I have no time to waste on you." Xing Tian said Then, with a wave of his hand, a powerful force swept through the surrounding void like a violent wind, tearing the void apart, not paying attention to the strong killing intent of these innate chaotic gods and demons, and the whole person became extremely domineering and terrifying. Although he didn't know what the enemy had calculated, Xing Tian made the worst preparations. After all, this was a life-and-death duel, and a little carelessness would ruin his life.


"Okay, what an arrogant junior, he doesn't treat us as the same thing. Even if we are just a clone, we have the ability to kill you. Since you want to die, we will fulfill you. Let's do it, everyone, let's kill him together. The origin evolves, the magical powers come to life, kill!" With this deep cry, an innate chaotic **** and demon clone made a muffled sound, the origin was instantly ignited, and the origin supreme treasure in his hand was directly destroyed to the limit. The flesh merged and turned into a phoenix on fire, rushing to Xing Tian. At this moment, he abandoned everything and turned into this ultimate lore.

As the phoenix soared into the sky, soon there was another dragon roaring, and a dark dragon roaring, as if a black mountain had directly killed Xingtian, and the dragon scales transformed by the power of darkness turned into ten as they danced. Eight thousand swords burst out.

In just a moment, these innate chaotic gods and demons ignited everything in themselves and abandoned everything, and they madly launched this final blow on Xing Tian, ​​which was also their mortal blow, in their opinion Xing Tian’s ability to reach the sky will inevitably be killed by his own fatal blow. After all, none of them have any more reservations at this moment, and there is no greed in their hearts. There is only the only killing. Crazy killing intent on Xingtian!

After seeing the horror of Xingtian, these innate chaotic gods and demons have made up their minds not to fight alone with Xingtian, and not to fight for interests with Xingtian, but directly use the ultimate assassin to abandon all of their own. To wipe out Xingtian to eliminate the greatest threat to the deity, they didn't believe that Xingtian could still live under this situation.

"Why, I have no grievances with you, and no cause and effect, but you have to be greedy, you have to put me to death, originally you want to give you a way of life, but why do you always "force" me, I punish the sky Is it so easy to bully, let you make big shots again and again?" At this time, Xing Tian's heart was also suffocated. Since returning to the highest chaotic world, he has not been comfortable and has been with these people. Under the oppression of Xingtian, even the Mother God Devouring Insect Empress, who gave him a lot of help, also gave Xing Tian a huge oppression, "forcing" Xing Tian to accept its idea.

Having such a bad breath held in his heart naturally had a certain impact on Xing Tian. At this moment, these innate chaotic gods and demon clones suddenly aroused this bad breath, causing Xing Tian's own negative power to burst out in an instant. kill! In an instant, the killing intent hit his own soul, and the killing intent took the upper hand in an instant, affecting Xing Tian's spirit!

Kill the sky, kill the earth, kill the common people, there is nothing in the heaven and the earth to kill! The true meaning of this terrible Slaughter Avenue poured into Xingtian’s mind, causing Xing Tian to forget his previous plan and his own arrangements. The whole person was affected by Slaughter Avenue. He did not perform any magical powers, just waving the "kai" in his hand. Heavenly Axe', directly rushed forward, greeted the visions of the phoenix, black dragon, etc., fought to the death with these innate chaotic gods and demons, engaging in terrible close hand-to-hand combat.

Instinct, today's Xing Tian is under the control of instinct. Under the guidance of killing, he releases instinctive power. The avenue of power and the road of opening up are completely dissipated, the avenue has no artistic conception, and the whole person enters the terrible instinct , All behaviors are under the instinctive "fuck", repeated impacts, repeated slashes, making Xing Tian's innate chaos **** and demon body more bloody, not only has the blood stained the'opening axe' in his hand. , Even the blood dripping on the earth dyed the void red, and the **** evil aura filled the world, turning Xing Tian into a **** demon god, roaring and fighting!

There is no retreat, this is Xing Tian’s current situation, and also the situation of those innate chaotic gods and demons. For them, when they let go of all considerations in their hearts, when they are all caught in the killing, their sanity disappears. , Turned into the most primitive instinct, is engaged in terrible physical close combat, such a battle is extremely dangerous and terrifying, as long as there is a slight mistake, you will immediately fall into desperation, because such a battle does not give you the opportunity to change at all.

Instinct, only instinct can cope with such brutal killings and battles. At this moment, Xing Tian has forgotten the power of blood, the power of the "hole" orifice world, and the army of the burning gods and insects. , The whole person was plunged into a frenzied killing, instinctively slashing the'opening axe' in his hand, and even the thoughts of blood refining the source of the treasure are gone, everything disappeared as soon as it was wiped out, only left The crazy fighting spirit in my heart.

The wounds continued to increase on Xing Tian, ​​the innate chaos **** and demon's real body, eroding Xing Tian’s body and soul, but this did not stop Xing Tian, ​​nor did it affect Xing Tian’s mind, that unparalleled fighting spirit. With the terrible killing intent, Xingtian’s soul and soul are completely protected, and the enemy is not given the slightest chance to attack. It is almost impossible to kill Xingtian from above the soul and soul, unless he has the ability. Directly destroy Xingtian's unparalleled fighting intent and terrible killing intent!

"Damn it, it's out of control, everything is out of control!" The Supreme Chaos Will sighed when he felt Xing Tian's changes at this moment. Although Xing Tian's whereabouts are very hidden, although these innate chaotic gods and demons are very careful, but the time of this war It’s too long and has attracted the attention of the Supreme Chaos Will. If it weren’t for too much fear, at this moment the Supreme Chaos Will would descend on this land of death, the land of destruction, and give Xing Tian and these innate chaotic gods and demon clones. Kill the town!

For any innate chaos **** and demon, the most difficult thing to enter is this extreme situation, this kind of instinct "manages" everything, because when entering such a situation, instinct will control everything about itself and accelerate the With his own understanding and understanding of the Dao, such extreme situations are more difficult than enlightenment. However, under the frantic siege of these innate chaotic gods and demons clones, Xing Tian directly entered this state due to this huge external force. In the middle, this is what the Supreme Chaos Will does not want to see, and it is also what the Supreme Chaos Will has never thought of. Although it has the intention to prevent it, it is powerless!

Before waiting for the Supreme Chaos Will to take action, Xing Tian, ​​who became familiar with himself, smashed the sky and destroyed everything with an axe. The powerful force directly cut down these innate chaotic gods and demons. , Under the combination of human treasures, they were directly split in half by the'opening axe'. This axe cut really had the power to open up the world, and these innate chaotic gods and demons avatars directly disappeared without any resistance. And their origins did not dissipate but were swallowed by Xing Tian's'Open Heaven Axe'.

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