God of Destruction

Chapter 4226: Jie Tun Shen

Chapter 433 Devour God

Today, Xing Tian’s “Sky Opening Axe” has become completely different. The blood refining of his own blood, coupled with these innate chaotic gods and demons as nourishment, directly opens this original treasure to open the front. The extremely powerful Primordial Treasure has evolved, become stronger and more terrifying! It’s just that Kaifeng’s original treasure now exudes a strong killing intent. It is the influence of Xing Tian’s own killing intent, and it is also the result of this battle. It is precisely because this battle opened its evolutionary path, making it simple and unpretentious. Open Sky Axe has this terrifying killing intent, giving it a more powerful evolutionary path.

Yes, it is swallowing. The Kaitian axe has an evolutionary path for the ability to swallow the enemy. It can turn the enemy's origin into its own nutrients. Although it can swallow very few origins, but with the passage of time, as the battle progresses Constantly appearing, the'Open Sky Axe' will become more terrifying and will swallow more of its origins. Such changes were never expected by Xing Tian.

Opening up a world but not having enough origin to support this world, it will eventually inevitably lead to destruction, and it is precisely because of this destruction that Xingtian’s “Sky-Opening Axe” has changed, giving it the power to swallow evolution. When the'Open Heaven Axe' changed, Xing Tian also felt a slight change in his own innate chaotic **** and demon's true body, as if he had absorbed some power in this battle, but Xing Tian did not have time to investigate carefully now. Because in the final blow, the earth under my feet collapsed, and the terrible power of destruction swept through the void for tens of millions of miles. If Xing Tian continued to stay here, he would have to face this terrible destruction. Force shock, although this is nothing to Xing Tian, ​​Xing Tian dare not do it, because such a big shock will inevitably attract the attention of many old guys, Xing Tian doesn't want to "expose" himself.

go! With a thought, Xing Tian’s backhand was activated, and the power of the space exploded. A void passage was instantly opened. Xing Tian’s figure quickly plunged into the passage, and then a terrible storm of destruction swept over the void passage. Directly swept away the traces left by Xing Tian, ​​and at this moment, the original restrictions left by Xing Tian, ​​as well as the void restrictions left by those innate chaotic gods and demon clones, were fully exploded, and the breath here burst out instantly.

"Huh!" A series of muffled sounds resounded among the innate chaos gods and demons. At this moment, they all felt the destruction of their own primordial spirit clones, and their own primordial spirit was also affected by this destruction. This result made them all A gloomy face couldn't help but they didn't expect it, but the object they suspected was not Xing Tian, ​​the younger generation, but a companion, who was a curse **** and demon, because their own clones carried the original treasure in their hands. , Not a junior can fight, at least in their hearts, but now that the clone is destroyed, and their own soul is injured, they must be conspired by their companions or cursed gods and demons, so these innate chaotic gods and demons are all Become extremely angry.

"Damn bastards, I know you can't believe it. Anything working together to overcome difficulties and detachment together is all false. The lie in front of the real interests is instantly shattered. This time don't let me know who is behind the scenes. , No one can calculate me without paying the price!" An innate chaos **** and demon roared, and with their anger, the situation became more and more terrifying, among the innate chaos **** and demon in this era The false peace is broken, trust is broken.

Although there was immense anger and regret in my heart, why didn’t I increase my strength a little bit and didn’t give more help to the clone, otherwise it wouldn’t be the result, because I can make my primordial soul clone have no information left, only One possibility is that the opponent "forces" his own primordial avatar to a desperate situation, so that he has to use the ultimate assassin, and has to choose to be in harmony with the source of the treasure and make a final fight, and such power will never Appeared on a junior!

Soon, these innate chaotic gods and demons were awake, and then they all noticed this terrible storm from the periphery of the supreme chaotic world. The storm of destruction was raging madly in the void and destroying everything. For other strong men , I was only a little surprised, feeling that the collapse of the Supreme Chaos World was accelerating, but for these innate chaotic gods and demons who lost their primordial avatars, they immediately understood what was going on, and immediately why they didn’t find Xingtian’s whereabouts. The other party hid in the outermost periphery of the Supreme Chaos World, in the land of destruction and collapse, and this collapse was caused by their war, and when such a situation occurs, they will not doubt Xing Tian, ​​or even They all thought that Xing Tian was also lost in this storm of destruction. After all, such a terrible storm could not be resisted by a junior.

"Okay, very good, it was done absolutely and ruthlessly enough to destroy the corpses and destroy everything. No one can find out the clue, and no one knows who got all the benefits in secret. It is a good plan. I've written down this cause and effect!" Facing such an ending, an innate chaos **** and demon couldn't help but roar again. Now the battlefield has disappeared, and it has been completely destroyed in this terrible storm. Not staying, this made them believe that it was caused by their own companions or cursed gods and demons. Only they have this kind of power to cause such a result.

The storm of destruction destroyed everything, eliminated Xing Tian’s breath and whereabouts, allowing Xing Tian to escape the enemy’s attention once again, escape the attention of the highest chaotic will, and when he rushed into the void channel, Xing Tian could clearly feel that he had become It was somewhat relaxed, and a trace of heavy pressure dissipated from him, which made Xing Tian breathe a sigh of relief.

For Xing Tian, ​​he did not know where the heavy pressure came from, but Xing Tian believed that it was not the power of the human race, or the god-eater mother emperor, and finally the will of the supreme chaotic world. After all, he went against the sky. Dadao, and he went against the sky to condense the true body of the innate chaotic **** and demon, and was hostile to the will of the supreme chaos world!

When he rushed out of the void and came to the place where he had made a good memory before, Xing Tian couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. This time Xing Tian returned to the place where he returned from the realm battlefield world to the high chaos world, which is also very far away from the god-worn mother emperor. Xing Tian believed that no one would have thought that he would appear here in the near world, even if it was the God-Eating Insect Mother!

The most dangerous place is the safest place. Before I escaped to the periphery of the Supreme Chaos World and was chased by others, so no one would believe that they would dare to do this and stay in the Human Race area of ​​the Supreme Chaos World. Outside.


"Huh, these innate chaotic gods and demons clones are really vicious enough. They are prepared to die together. If it is not for the instinctive state of oneself at the critical moment, I am afraid that I have already died and disappeared. It seems that I am still careless. I underestimated the power of the Innate Chaos Gods and Demons. Although I also condensed the innate Chaos Gods and Demons, compared with these old guys, I am still far behind, like the gap between a newborn baby and an adult. Being a primordial soul clone is enough to threaten my "life"!"

At this time, Xing Tian deeply felt his own shortcomings. He was able to achieve such a result. He was able to kill these innate chaotic gods and demons in adversity without letting his own news pass. This is really fortunate, just like this. The situation cannot happen again and again, and in the end everything still needs strength to solve!

Returning to the old place, Xing Tian condensed his breath and quickly inspected himself. This look caused Xing Tianchang to sigh. The price was so great that Xing Tian was heartbroken. Not only did his body suffer a huge impact. It caused serious damage. Fortunately, the memory under the instinctive state was preserved, but the world of my own "hole" was completely dim, and the source was almost exhausted, especially in the world of the Zerg race, almost 90% of the god-eating insects The sea was destroyed in this battle, and this Qiaqia was Xingtian's greatest strength. Without the army of God-Eating Insects, Xingtian would lose a hole card!

"Damn innate chaos **** and demon, this enemy Laozi has written down, don't let me find a chance, or you will inevitably pay a heavy price for it! Now I still think about how to solve my own troubles and how to digest the gains of this battle! "Xing Tian roared fiercely, the price for him is really terrible!" Fortunately, this battle was not without gain, otherwise Xing Nao had to regret his decision, after all, he didn't want to have his cards.

"Unfortunately, my Zerg world can't cultivate a new God-Eating Insect Sea, otherwise it can be restored after a little bit of origin and time. With the God-Eating Mother Queen, everything has to be careful, at least to prevent your secrets from being affected by the opponent. I know." When he thought of this, Xing Tian couldn't help but sighed slightly. This is the result of his lack of strength. If he has enough power to confront the God-Eater Mother Queen, even if it is only the power that can escape Yaoyao. Nor will it be so passive.

Taking a deep breath, Xing Tian’s mind was introverted, and his soul gathered, and the whole person once again entered a state of dying, using the realm of dying to feel his own changes, and to digest what he had suffered in this battle. The benefits you get, digest all the experience hidden in the instinct battle, so that you can truly master this super god's fighting power, although such power has a great burden on yourself at the moment, but this will become your own trump card. one.

When Xinshen completely enters the realm of dying, the gains brought by the war of instincts appear in Xing Tian’s heart one by one, allowing Xing Tian to experience this change firsthand, experience his own battles under instinct, and experience time and time again. , Let Xing Tian continue to digest this insight, although he has not changed much, but now Xing Tian’s combat power has increased several times, this is the benefit of fighting under instinct, this is himself The benefits of potential stimulation.

When he digested the benefits of instinct, Xing Tian's mind woke up from the dying. At this time, Xing Tian couldn't help but sighed, "It's a pity, this time my origin is too heavy and I don't have enough energy to turn it into Your own nutrients, otherwise you will be able to transform again, allowing your own innate chaotic **** and demon real body to go one step further and reach the state of breaking and standing."

When thinking about this, Xing Tian couldn't help but startled: "No, I used to fight with those innate chaotic gods and demons. In the end, when they died, they seemed to have absorbed something. Why didn't they feel it in the dying? Is it blood? Caused."

For an instant, Xing Tian suddenly thought of the innate chaos gods and demons he had encountered in the realm battlefield world. Almost all of them were immortal enemies. Will his own situation be related to this matter? , Xing Tian's expression changed drastically, perhaps this was the greatest secret of the innate chaotic gods and demons, perhaps this was the greatest secret of their killing each other.

In the past in the realm battlefield world, Xing Tian did not fight against the innate chaos gods and demons, nor did he fail to get their origins, but did not have much influence on himself, but now it is different, his body has completed the final transformation. , Condensed the perfect congenital chaos **** and demon real body, perhaps his own body is the greatest treasure!

With a thought in his heart, Xing Tian, ​​regardless of mental weakness, once again entered the realm of dying, carefully exploring every change in the flesh, feeling everything in the flesh, to verify whether his guess was right or wrong.

When Xing Tian’s mind was "groping" for the changes in his body little by little, his previous instincts gave him great help, allowing Xing Tian to quickly master everything about himself and every bit of power. When Xing Tian’s mind explored everything in the flesh, the source of everything finally appeared in front of him. It was the heart. All changes came from the heart. Just as Xing Tian guessed, his own blood had changed. More precisely It was his own innate chaotic **** and demon's real body that had changed, and this transformation was so slow that Xing Tian didn't notice it.

Essence, there is the original aura of those innate chaotic gods and demons clones in his heart, and these originals are being absorbed and digested by his heart bit by bit, transformed into his own blood, and strengthened his own heritage. It is a pity that what Xing Tian killed was only a few clones of the innate chaotic gods and demons. Not many origins existed, and this origin was consumed too much due to the war, and finally part of it was divided by his own origin, the treasure of Kaitian. , There was not much that really caused Xing Tian to swallow it, so it created the current situation of Xing Tian, ​​without stimulating the powerful changes in blood, let alone making himself further.

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