God of Destruction

Chapter 4233: Festival Imagination

Imagination of Chapter 4239

When the supreme chaotic will retreated, Xing Tian, ​​who was on the edge of the supreme chaotic world, felt the changes from the supreme chaotic world. Although it was only a brief conflict, Xing Tian felt the changes in the origin of the world and felt the world. The collapse of, yes, the world is collapsing and accelerating. Although it is only a little time, Xing Tian can feel that the world under his feet has weakened a lot. This is not just the weakness above the source, but more The weakness of the rules, the supreme chaotic will forcibly shot the human race, to force the human race, breaking the rules, and even causing problems with the rules of the world, and it was a big problem, and eventually had to give in and had to retreat!

"What a supreme chaotic will, it seems that its weaknesses are also very clear, but in the past it concealed very well, no one noticed it, but this time is different. Many giants will notice this, but they don’t know if they are. I can feel the changes from the world!" When thinking about this, Xing Tian couldn't help but sighed, then shook his head and said: "I don't know what the Supreme Chaos Will wants to do, I don't know why I always feel a little bit Abnormal changes, there is a secret existence between the Supreme Chaos Will and the Supreme Chaos World that no one knows!"

For Xing Tian, ​​although he did not personally experience the confrontation between the human race and the supreme chaotic will, Xing Tian is an innate chaos **** and demon, and he is an innate chaos **** and demon through his own practice. He is sensed by the changes in the ground under his feet, but Xing Tian still cannot figure out the connection between the Supreme Chaos World and the Supreme Chaos Will, and he doesn’t know the secret hidden in it. Perhaps when he knows this secret, he can know the Supreme Chaos Will. The final plan is to know what the Supreme Chaos Will will do.

Although Xing Tian could not continue to explore the secrets of the Supreme Chaos Will for the time being, Xing Tian saw a new direction in this change of heaven and earth. It was the earth under his feet. Xing Tian could use the power of the earth to explore the Supreme little by little. The secret of the chaotic world, although this is very slow, it allows Xing Tian to see a new direction, to see the changes when the world collapses, to perceive the road of destruction when the world collapses, and to deepen his own perception of the road of destruction, even Can deepen one's own understanding of the World Avenue, after all, the collapse of the world is also a great opportunity for Xing Tian!

The collapse of the world can produce the power of destruction, and the change from birth to death is very beneficial to many practitioners, but why no one goes to the edge of the highest chaotic world to bring practice, just because of danger, or because of this edge There is no vitality in the zone? Make them unable to recover their own consumption and make them unwilling to come?

No, not at all. The reason is actually very simple, because they have no magical powers like Xing Tian, ​​and they cannot sense the changes in the world from the earth. Not everyone can practice in a powerful world like Xing Tian, ​​and not everyone can master it. The world avenue, practiced the world avenue to the level of Xingtian.

Of course, there are some people who can do it, but they are not willing to take risks and take their own lives. After all, there will be dangers in this edge area at any time, and even if one is not careful, there is the possibility of death and death. The practice of the world is successful. Many of the giants, or strong ones, have not mastered the path of destruction, so they are naturally unwilling to take risks. They pay a huge price but get small gains. When the pay is not proportional to the gains, there is naturally no one in front of them. Come.

Feeling the changes in the earth and the world, coupled with his own past experience, Xing Tian's practice on the World Avenue and the practice of Destruction Avenue are all in rapid progress, even on the Three Thousand Avenues. There are also gains from the above, after all, the changes in the world are not only changes in life and death, but also changes in other Three Thousand Dao Laws.

Time, at this moment Xing Tian once again felt the lack of time. If he had enough time, he might get more. At this time, Xing Tian couldn't help but sighed secretly. He knew this would happen, and he should save more clones. Yes, but it’s too late now. It’s impossible for one's own deity to continue to divide the soul, and it is impossible to cultivate a clone. That will only hurt the foundation of the deity, even the origin, drag down the deity's practice, and put the deity in danger. !

The avatar of the King of Ending, at this moment, Xing Tian once again thought of his avatar. As the King of Ending, mastering the Way of Ending, the Way of Destruction is naturally very beneficial to him. If the deity wants to leave the highest chaos world and enter the chaos In the sea, it is bound to leave the King of Ending clone, relying on the collapse of the supreme chaotic world to perceive the Dao of Destruction, so that he can go one step further on the path of Ending Dao, and even Xing Tian has a new idea in his heart, maybe I should try to divide the soul with the clone of the King of End and create a new clone. After all, the deity now has a qualitative breakthrough!

When this thought was born in his heart, Xing Tian’s mood was conceivable. If it weren’t for the current world situation is very dangerous, I’m afraid he has already tried it, even if it’s a failure, let the King of End clone pay a little price. No matter what, if this idea can work, maybe I will have a new direction of practice, and I can speed up my practice!

"The deity cannot continue to divide the soul, and cannot create new clones, but there is really no way to speed up his practice?" Xing Tian shook his head lightly, and muttered to himself: "No, it won't be like this. There is a ray of life, even if my soul is perfect now, this does not mean that I cannot find new ways to speed up my practice. The evolution of the World Avenue is not static until now. Maybe I should choose the creator of the world. The lord of the world, like the time and space queen of the Zerg world, uses the power of the lord of the world to accelerate his own practice!"

This idea is crazy, but this is indeed a new direction. It’s just that it’s not easy to create the master of the world. The evolution of the "Acupoint" orifice world requires a huge source, and it can be integrated into the origin of its own "Acupoint" orifice world. Without the corresponding origin, even if Xing Tian has great magical powers, he can't do it. Reluctantly doing it will only hurt himself.


The innate chaos **** and demon, Xing Tian soon thought of the innate chaos **** and demon. The clones of the innate chaos **** and demon he killed before brought him a good change. If he could kill one innate chaos **** and demon, Perfecting the "acupoint" orifice world with his origin may be able to achieve his wish, and it can improve the "acupoint" orifice world and accelerate the evolution of the "acupoint" orifice world!

"Wait, the innate chaos **** and demon, the hole world! I think I understand a little bit, why the supreme chaotic will destroys the innate chaos **** and demon, maybe it has the same idea as me, and wants to swallow the innate chaos **** and demon. The origin is transformed into an existence like its own clone, accelerating the transformation of its own path. Perhaps the Supreme Chaos Will has only one purpose from beginning to end, and that is to transform into a real creature, not a world. It wants to refine all creatures in the entire world. You must use these lives as your nourishment and detach yourself!" When he thought of this, Xing Tian couldn't help but gasped. If he guessed it was true, then everything would be terrible!

Yes, if everything is true, this may be the Supreme Chaos Will, or even the greatest secret of the Supreme Chaos World. If this secret is proven, the Supreme Chaos Will is the enemy of all creatures, even the Great Dao!

"Perhaps this is the fact, otherwise the Supreme Chaos Will cannot force the human race. In its heart, it may have already thought about the day when it will confront the Dao. It is just why it wants the world to collapse. If the entire Supreme Chaos world collapses, it What will he use to carry his own power?" Xing Tian still has a lot of doubts about the supreme chaotic will.

It’s a pity that no one can give Xing Tian an answer, and no one knows all of this. Even an old guy like God Devouring Mother Queen, I’m afraid they don’t know the ultimate secret of the Supreme Chaos Will. If you want to know all of this, perhaps only When the rules of the Supreme Chaos World completely collapse, the whole world falls into chaos, the moment when all order disappears!

With a light sigh, Xing Tian put aside all these worries, now is not the time to think so much, but to resolve his own crisis earlier, get rid of the current predicament earlier, and let everything else go for the time being.

At this time when Xing Tian was troubled, not only Xing Tian himself doubted the supreme chaotic will, but the giants of the human race were also suspicious. The same was true of the giants of other races, but other people were not as profound as the human giants, and not as terrifying as Xingtian. I feel that after all, the human giants directly resist the oppression of the supreme chaotic will and directly confront the supreme chaotic will. The information they understand is not available to other giants, and Xing Tian's thinking is not what they can compare.

At this time, the human race is a solemn one. Although this battle ended with their final victory, the cost to the human race is extremely terrifying. It is far from being as simple as the civilization giants of other races. Under the circumstances, the consumption of human luck is huge, and the loss of the human race itself is extremely terrifying. It is only a short period of time, just a little confrontation, but the human race has suffered a huge trauma, and many human tycoons themselves have also been shocked. Seriously injured.

"Everyone, maybe we should prepare for the worst. This battle is no small matter. Under the first war, the price we paid was too great, and it seems that we have won, but everyone knows that there is no difference between victory and defeat. This time, we did not completely dispel the crazy idea of ​​the supreme chaotic will. It was only a temporary retreat. When it finds a new method, it will inevitably come back, and then none of us have the confidence to fight it!" As the leader of the human race against the supreme chaotic will, the virtual master first spoke out his thoughts and concerns!

"Yeah, the enemy is only temporarily giving in. As long as it finds a way to break the game, it will inevitably make a comeback, and our human race is naturally its first target. In this battle, we are completely torn from the supreme chaotic will. , The situation is truly endless. The next time the opponent makes a move, it will definitely be a slaying game!" At this time, the Lord of Kurong also expressed his thoughts. For the Lord of Kurong, he hates the supreme chaotic will even more. Want to crack this crisis even more!

"The madness of the supreme chaotic will is beyond our imagination. Maybe we really have to plan for the worst. Although the virtual world turns into reality, this can only guarantee the continuation of ethnic civilization, and it is not absolute. We should Think about the countermeasures, but now our strength is not enough to accomplish all of this, after all, this battle consumes too much for us!"

"That being said, no matter how difficult it is, we must face it, because it is related to the life and death of ethnic civilization and the life and death of all of us. We don't have much time to waste. Now other civilizations have not reacted. , We must make all preparations in advance. For us, this battle is indeed a heavy loss, but we are not without gains. The battle between the front and the supreme chaotic will is a great help to our will, and it also makes We have seen a trace of the secret of the Supreme Chaos Will. Unfortunately, the time is too short. If we can give us more time, perhaps we can really grasp the secrets of the Supreme Chaos Will and know what this **** wants to do!"

Having said that, all the giants of the human race understand that this is impossible. The Supreme Chaos Will is not a fool. When it is determined that it cannot oppress the human race to retreat, it will inevitably protect itself and make the choice of retreat. After all, it is not yet the world where the world collapses. For a moment, there is no final life and death battle. At this time, fighting with the human race, some of the gains are not worth the loss, even if it can destroy the human race, but the supreme chaotic will will also pay a heavy price, which will only allow other giants to reap the benefits of the fishermen!

Seeing other giants talking more and more outrageously, and dragging the target farther, the virtual master once again said: "Well, we are not going to explore the secret of the supreme chaotic will, but discuss how to change it. The current predicament is that the entire human territory has been greatly impacted. Although we are in the nuclear area, the spiritual veins of the human territory are seriously damaged. Only relying on the power of the territory can no longer support the consumption of ethnic civilization. We must make a choice and make the worst choice. Everyone knows how insidious the Supreme Chaos Will is. We can’t put our hope on this bastard, nor on its mercy. After all, it is fundamental There is no kindness at all!"

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