God of Destruction

Chapter 4234: Festival determination

Chapter 4240: Determination

There is another sentence that the Virtual Lord did not say, that is, the Supreme Chaos Will has no integrity yet. Perhaps when the Great Tribulation of the Sun and Earth, the Supreme Chaos Will gave up the rules, of course, the Supreme Chaos Will still maintains the existence of the rules. Be presumptuous, otherwise they would not have been "forced" to retreat before, but this is just the beginning, when the decisive battle arrives, everything is different.

"Give up, with the new world, the territories of the human race have nothing to do with it, not to mention that we have already cut off the connection with the supreme chaotic world, even if we continue to stay here, there will be no much gain. Rather than wasting time like this, it is better to make up your mind to give up everything, but before giving up, we have to give the Supreme Chaos World a ruthless one, let it know how to calculate our fate!" At this point, the face of the Lord of Rong flashed a little. Crazy look, for him, the hatred of the supreme chaotic will in his heart cannot be eliminated. If he cannot release the evil breath in his heart, it will inevitably have an impact on his own practice, so the Lord of Blight and Rong has a madness The idea, an idea that scares everyone!

"Oh! Fellow Daoist Ku Rong has come up with a solution, there is no outsider here, you can say it with confidence, we listen carefully!"

The Lord of Withered Rong changed his face and smiled indifferently: "Hehe, there is actually no good way. After all, time is limited and we are running out of time. All I can think of is a rough way, since we If we can’t stay here, there is no need to protect the spiritual veins in the territories of the human race. Now that we have a new world and our own world, we can naturally extract the spiritual veins of this world and transfer the spiritual veins in the human territory. Pull out the spiritual veins and place them in your own world, to strengthen the origin of the virtual world, enhance the human heritage, and increase the risk of resistance!"

"What? You are crazy, how can this be done? Extract the world's spiritual veins. You are going to be immortal with the supreme chaotic will. You are not afraid that the supreme chaotic will will cause the punishment to come. With our current ability, we can no longer face it. Such an impact?" When hearing the words of the Lord of Dry and Rong, many human giants lost their voices, and their expressions became extremely fearful!

"No, I don't think there is anything wrong with the Lord of Kurong. This method is very good and appropriate!" At this time, the virtual master stood up to support the decision of the Lord of Kurong. In the eyes of the virtual master, this is indeed a Very good choice.

"Virtual Lord, you are crazy too, do you know what you are talking about? I know that both you and the Lord of Dry and Rong have been punished by heaven, and both of you are dissatisfied with the supreme chaotic will in your heart, but you can't be angry. This is not a trivial matter. It is related to the life and death of the entire human race, and the entire human race will be destroyed if one is not careful!" The Lord of Light shouted at the virtual Lord angrily, opposing the choice between the virtual Lord and the withered Lord, in his opinion this is In self-destruction, take the life and death adventure of the human race!

The Lord of Dry and Rong snorted disdainfully and said: "Ignorance, Lord of Light, you are so ignorant. Is there still a choice between us and the Supreme Chaos Will? We and it have long been an endless situation, since In this way, why do we have to forbear, since we are the enemy, then we must do everything. If we want to be detached, we cannot have a benevolent heart, let alone a ridiculous retreat. Now that we have a new world, we can let the human race go. All beings, but is this world really able to completely protect human civilization, and can it really preserve the inheritance of human civilization? This is not necessarily true. No one knows what will happen next moment, so we must be fully prepared. , So that we have no worries about the future. If we can extract the spiritual veins from the territories of the human race to nourish the new world, it will inevitably enhance the origin of the new world and strengthen the power of the new world. Then we can have no worries and devote ourselves to detachment. During the battle, we will devote ourselves to the confrontation with the Supreme Chaos Will. Only in this way can we have a ray of hope of detachment!"

Crazy? The choice of the Lord of Kurong is indeed crazy, but it is not unworkable, and this madness is also reasonable. At least the virtual master recognizes this madness. In the face of this catastrophe, he wants to protect himself and want to keep it. To inherit the human civilization, we must make some crazy choices, not to be crazy or evil, and not to invest in the harvest!

The virtual master nodded and said: "Well said, we really can't bear it now. The more we bear it, the more the enemy thinks we are easy to bully. Since we are already an immortal enemy, why bother to give it face and bear with it. , The territories of the human race have been severely damaged, and the spiritual veins have been greatly damaged. Even if it is preserved, it will not be able to meet the cultivation needs of the human beings. In that case, why don't we give it a go and take the spiritual veins to expand our own world. Weaken the origin of the Supreme Chaos World, so that we have more time to make final preparations to face the final battle of life and death!"

"Okay, don’t fight for everyone. Let’s vote. If you agree, raise your hands. After all, this is not a trivial matter. It is related to the life and death of the entire human race, and it is also related to the life and death of everyone. It’s not who can decide alone. Everyone can vote. The minority obeys the majority. I agree with the decision of the Virtual Lord and the Drying Lord. We have no retreat. We have to give it a go. With the spiritual veins of the human border, we can devote ourselves to our own practice and bring the entire human race. Pull into the sea of ​​chaos!"

Soon someone came forward to support the Lord of Virtual and the Lord of Rongrong. For all the giants, the real hope of detachment lies in the Chaos Sea. Since the territories of the human race have been severely damaged under the punishment of heaven, there is no need to keep it and draw directly. Lingmai cut off all these causes and effects, and it can be regarded as the best choice, the most advantageous choice. As for the danger, there is never a lack of danger in the catastrophe!

Voting, under the sign of the Lord of Virtual and the Lord of Dry and Rong, soon many giants of the Human Race expressed their opinions. In contrast, the consenting ones took the upper hand, and the people were not for themselves and the heavens were destroyed. In the face of detachment, these human races The giants are naturally willing to accept the choice between the virtual master and the dry master, and are willing to remove all cause and effect, so that they have no worries!

Seeing that so many giants were almost on the side of the Lord of Blight and the Virtual Lord, the Lord of Light could not help but sighed, and a look of loss flashed in his eyes, although he also understood the benefits of doing so. , But doing so will also carry a huge danger, and it will even invite Heavenly Punishment once again. The previous Heavenly Punishment has already hurt the vitality of the race. If another Heavenly Punishment comes, the Lord of Light is worried that the entire human race will not be able to bear it. Collapsed by the impact!

auzw.com Luck, after all, the Luck of the Human Race has been weakened to the extreme. Once there is a dangerous outbreak, the entire Human Race may fall into desperation, and this is the Lord of Light the most unwilling The result I saw was also the most worrying issue. Unfortunately, most giants did not recognize the weakness of the Lord of Light, and were unwilling to continue to bear it.

The minority obeyed the majority. Although they were still unwilling and worried in their hearts, the Lord of Light could only obey orders. The entire human race moved quickly, many giants began to assign tasks, the entire human race ran wildly, and the weak ones accelerated their speed. Begin to move into the virtual world, while others began to gather all resources under the command of the major giants. At the same time, the army on the fringe of the territories of the human race was also fully guarded and guarded against external invasions. !

Crazy, the human race today is completely crazy. They are looting all resources crazily. After the punishment, the human race really has no regard for it. All the resources that can be taken away are brought into the virtual world, and the territory of the human race is swept away. Empty!

When the human race moved so madly, many civilizations close to the human race’s border felt the human race’s changes. They wanted to understand what the human race wanted to do, but seeing the army on the human border, they could only give up, but they could clearly feel it. The luck to the Terran is rapidly losing, and the aura of Terran territory is crazily weakened.

At this moment, the Supreme Chaos Will clearly sees the madness of the human race, and it screams frantically: "Damn human race, what do you want to do, you really have to tear all faces, and be immortal with me!"

It’s a pity that the Supreme Chaos Will is useless no matter how angry it is. Now it dares not go to a full-scale war with the Human race, and is afraid to fight the human race to life and death. If it really does, the entire Supreme Chaos world will surely collapse and the order of the entire world will Complete destruction, the shackles on all creatures will disappear, and everything will move in the direction it is most worried about!

Of course, the Supreme Chaos Will is not only afraid of the madness of the human race, there are more reasons, with the victory of the human race, although it is only a tragic victory, but other race civilizations have seen hope, they are not as crazy as the human virtual master. , And there is no such preparation as the human race, but they also have the same determination as the human race. After the punishment, almost all race civilizations have invested a lot of energy to create a world of their own race civilization, and save the race at all costs. Inheritance of civilization, eliminate your worries, so that you can devote yourself to the final battle!

Now the entire Supreme Chaos world has become extremely crazy, and the collapse of the entire world is accelerating. This is reflected in the madness of the civilizations of the major races. Although they are not as crazy as the human race, they desperately plunder the resources in the world, But wanting to create a new world, a world that can protect one's own race civilization, requires huge resources, and these resources are plundered from the supreme chaotic world, and the destruction of the entire world is conceivable.

If only one or two civilizations do this, the Supreme Chaos World will not change much, but it is not one or two racial civilizations that are acting now, but all racial civilizations, even those old guys hiding in the dark. All are acting frantically. Under this circumstance, the impact on the entire supreme chaotic world is conceivable!

The Chaos Sea is the goal of all forces and civilizations. After the punishment, almost all civilizations are eager to enter the Chaos Sea to find opportunities for detachment. For them, the Chaos Sea is the safest, at least to enter Chaos. After the sea, there is no need to worry about the suppression or even the lore from the supreme chaotic will.

For just a short time, the entire Supreme Chaos World was turbulent and varied, and Xing Tian, ​​who was making the final preparations, was also a little dumbfounded. It was just a short time, and such amazing changes occurred in the Supreme Chaos World. The speed of the collapse is increasing frantically, causing Xing Tian's mind to receive a huge impact, making Xing Tian not understand what is going on, the confrontation between the human race and the supreme chaotic will has already ended, why the world's collapse is accelerating!

"What happened? The world changed too quickly, and the collapse was anxious. Could it be that the Supreme Chaos Will has shot again, and it has begun to target all living creatures. If this continues, the boundaries of the second era will also move Shattered, I must leave here too!" Xing Tian frowned involuntarily when he thought of this, and there was a hint of anxiety in his eyes!

The repeated loss of control has had a great impact on Xingtian and put a lot of pressure on Xingtian. Although Xingtian is unwilling to see such a result, he cannot help Xingtian. After all, all this is not in Xingtian's control. Among them, even if Xing Tian paid a high price, he couldn't stop all of this from happening, couldn't stop it, Xing Tian could only passively accept it!

"Perhaps this is the warning of the Supreme Chaos Will to the creatures of the entire world. It wants to use such actions to threaten everyone, all forces, and want to take the general situation in their own hands again. If this is the case, I must leave here early. One point enters the sea of ​​chaos, otherwise, once the supreme chaotic will abandons all the rules and constraints, my situation will be dangerous. If it wants to take a knife, it will definitely choose an enemy like me!" This is not Xing Tian being too careful. It's the fact that if you really have to wait for the Supreme Chaos Will to take action, you will inevitably choose a weak person like Xing Tian to start to complete the warning.

Time, for Xing Tian, ​​time is becoming more and more urgent. In this case, Xing Tian can only use his own clone of the King of End. The deity completely let go of his perception of the Great Way of the World, give up his perception of the Great Way of Destruction, and devote himself to himself. During the restoration of the source, speed up the final preparations, and prepare for the worst while locking the position of the Chaos Sea!

Yes, Xing Tian has to prepare for the worst. Once danger comes, the deity will enter the Chaos Sea directly without being affected by all forces, and can directly travel through space and leave the highest chaotic world directly, free from all troubles, all causes and effects. !

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