God of Destruction

Chapter 4260: Festival Avenue only

The 4th 266th chapter is the only one

Is the power of the entire Chaos Sea increasing now? No, although the Supreme Chaos World is integrated into the Chaos Sea, the power of the Chaos Sea has not grown. On the contrary, the power of the Chaos Sea is weakening. Although the speed is very slow, its power is indeed weakening. This is Xingtian’s true induction. It is also the induction of an acquired congenital chaos **** and demon. This induction comes from Xing Tian's own three-thousand-thousand avenue practice, and comes from the evolution of his own acupoint world!

The deity is constantly growing. This is the result of the enlightenment of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth. However, the clone of the King of End is constantly weakening. If this continues, it will not take long before the clone of the King of End will collapse and eventually go to destruction. The King of the End clone is destroyed, and his other clone will also be destroyed, and then there will be no clone to use.

"What the **** is going on, why the power of the deity can't be blessed on the avatar of the King of End, can it be said that this is the restriction or even **** of the Chaos Sea to me?" After waking up, Xing Tian could not help but wrinkle. There was a terrible light in his brows, and Xing Tian could not accept such a situation.

The only way is Xingtian's feeling, and it also comes from the feeling above the soul, and Xingtian also feels that it comes from the shackles of the Chaos Sea! Yes, in Xingtian's eyes, this is the bondage. It comes from the **** of the sea of ​​chaos. Even if the world of the body's body hole orifice is opened, there are three thousand innate chaotic gods and demons conceived, and they can't save the clone. Everything about him is bound. !

"Damn it, when did the power of the Chaos Sea fall on my body and bind my avenue, why I haven't noticed it all the time? What is going on, is it the original **** of the innate chaos gods and demons, or me When I entered the Chaos Sea, I was calculated by the Chaos Sea. The only road is really unbreakable, or is this a secret calculation against me?"

At this moment, Xing Tian's brows are frowned. This is not a trivial matter. It is related to his own life and death, to his own future, and to his own avenue. Your own way cannot be blocked. If you can't break this bondage, you can't cut everything. , I will inevitably be tired by the demons of the heart, if all this is calculation, the calculation of Chaos Sea, now I am in crisis!

Xing Tian couldn’t accept such a result, nor could he accept it. At this time, Xing Tian couldn’t help but wonder if the disaster he suffered in the Supreme Chaos World was also the calculation of the Chaos Sea. The Supreme Chaos World merged into the Chaos Sea. It's not already controlled by the Chaos Sea, and although he seems to have broken free from the shackles of the highest Chaos World, he has already fallen into the calculations of the Chaos Sea. Maybe he is the person that the Chaos Sea wants to target!

People are not for themselves, the heavens are destroyed! Even the highest chaotic world will have a selfish world like this, and the chaos sea may also be like this. The highest chaos world will be able to divide the heart of the world for its own sake, and now there is an aura of destruction in the chaos sea. In order to protect itself, the chaos sea must Calculating oneself is also reasonable, after all, he has a complete source of the Three Thousand Dao, opened up the world of three thousand holes, mastered the complete power of the world, and has a powerful body!

"Asshole, all this will not be the calculation of the Chaos Sea from the beginning. When I plundered the origin of the Supreme Chaos World, I was already calculated by the Chaos Sea?" For a moment, Xing Tian seemed to think of the key to the problem, perhaps by myself. It was at that time that a **** was secretly calculated by the Chaos Sea, and only this one explanation can make all sense. After all, only at that time is when I am weakest and most unable to resist. If Chaos Sea will calculate In the origin of the Dao, with mental arithmetic and unintentional, I really can't detect it, because my mind is all used in the confrontation with the supreme chaotic world, and has not looked at the origin of the Dao that I plundered.

sinister! This is too insidious. If your guess is correct, the Chaos Sea is not as easy as the God Eater Mother Queen said. The existence of the Chaos Sea is more terrifying, more terrifying, and more sinister than the God Eater Mother Queen said. The Chaos Sea has its own consciousness, and its existence may be the same as the Supreme Chaos World. It is all practicing, but most people are not aware of it.

"Perhaps every Innate Chaos God and Demon is the layout of Chaos Sea, and their existence is the chess piece of Chaos Sea, and my acquired innate Chaos God and Demon also fell into its calculations. Appearing, I’m afraid it’s also one of its calculations. The Supreme Chaos World can devour all creatures desperately to protect itself in order to protect itself, and Chaos Sea for self-protection, in order to go further, it is nothing to sacrifice the entire Chaos Sea. , Not to mention it is here to calculate the "ant" like me, it has not directly shot at me now, I am afraid that it wants me to continue to grow up, make me stronger, and restrain the deity and prevent the deity from rescuing the clone, which is In order to cut off my last vitality, the only road is just a calculation!"

The deeper he thinks, the more Xing Tian feels that this world is too crazy, and the more shocked he is at Chaos Sea. Even his acquired ants are in the calculations of Chaos Sea, let alone other giants, even the entire Chaos. The creatures of the sea are in its calculations. The road to detachment may not exist in the Chaos Sea at all. Why do everyone think that the Chaos Sea is everything to detachment? Maybe this is just the calculations of the Chaos Sea. It's just its conspiracy, after all, in the endless years, I have never heard of giants, strong ones surpass everything, and break free from the shackles of the sea of ​​chaos!

The more I think about it, the more Xing Tian feels that he is right. All this is just a conspiracy. Chaos Sea is calculating everything before endless years. Even the Supreme Chaos World is part of his calculations. Perhaps the strong humans seem to break free. Fettered by fate, but still fell into the calculations of the Chaos Sea, still in the control of the Chaos Sea!

Scared? fear? No, Xing Tian has no such thoughts. Fear does not exist, and fear does not exist. He cultivates his mind. Although Xing Tian's own strength is not strong, Xing Tian, ​​who has countless experiences, will not have such negative feelings. For Xing Tian, ​​neither fear nor fear will appear in his heart!

"Wait, time, I need time to find evidence bit by bit to prove that my guess is correct, maybe from now on, I need to observe more objects, the supreme chaotic world will change, if those stupid giants one by one All fell in the highest chaos world and became the nutrients of the highest chaos world. Perhaps it can prove that my guess is correct. If those ancient giants who entered the chaos sea and the innate chaos gods and demons begin to fall, it can also explain the problem. Existence!" When thinking of this, Xing Tian sighed involuntarily. Time, what he lacks most is time. If it takes too much time to prove everything, even if he succeeds in finding the evidence, the gain is not worth the loss, because I lost precious time!


What a terrible calculation, what a wicked calculation, if my guess is true, the world I live in, the sea of ​​chaos I am in, is just a crazy calculation, everything, no matter what race or power, is just Part of the calculations in the Chaos Sea are just like ants, and they are all food kept in the Chaos Sea!

How to break such an evil situation? Xing Tian couldn’t think of a way to crack it. If he had to say that there was a way to crack it, Xing Tian had only one way, that is, direct confrontation and face-to-face confrontation. But this is a dead end. Xing Tian does not have the ability to fight the Chaos Sea. One, so this avenue only becomes Xingtian’s fate!

"Haha! It is said that everything has a ray of life, but my life is there, why can't I see the existence of life, no matter what I choose, I am in the calculations of the Chaos Sea, and I cannot escape the calculations of the other party. In the end There is only a dead end!" Xing Tian couldn't help showing a faint sneer and sarcasm when he thought of this.

This is the Chaos Sea. If all the giants can understand all this, the entire Chaos Sea will go crazy. Unfortunately, Xing Tian has no way to tell the guess in his heart. It is not that Xing Tian dare not speak out, but Xing Tian can’t do it. , Xing Tian was banned by the power of Chaos Sea. Such words are beyond words. When Xing Tian wanted to announce everything, he could have felt the threat of death, as if as long as he opened his mouth, he would provoke Tian Punishment. kill.

I can think of all this in such a short time. This is where my life lies. Will this be my chance to escape the crisis? All of this really comes from my own perception, is my own spiritual warning, not the calculation of Chaos Sea? It cannot be blamed for Xing Tian’s intentions, but the situation today is so dangerous and terrifying. A little carelessness will ruin his life and cut off all his vitality. If he is dead, he will die. All the creatures in the world will die, and their companions will die and become the nourishment of the Chaos Sea.

End the avenue, end everything, strangulate everything, maybe my way to break the game is on the king of the end clone, on top of my two avatars, no matter how weak the power to end the avenue is, its existence is a threat to the Chaos Sea , This may be why Chaos Sea is so eager to strangle my clone and cut off my practice, because it is afraid, it is afraid of my growth, afraid of the strength of the King of End clone, even if it is the power of Chaos Sea. Strong, it is also possible to be terminated by the origin of the termination clone!

Of course, all this is only Xingtian’s guess. There is no evidence so far, and Xingtian can’t speak to anyone. As long as the restraining power is still there, as long as Xingtian has not broken everything, he cannot Tell other people what you know, and let the Supreme Chaos World be vigilant!

Not reconciled! Xing Tian was really unwilling to be reconciled to everything he encountered in front of him, unwilling to be controlled by the Chaos Sea, unwilling to be cautious, and still not escaped from the calculations of the Chaos Sea, and fell into the other's trap.

Cooperation, Xingtian now needs partners to cooperate, teammates, power, and of course, he needs to grow himself quickly and have the ability to fight the Chaos Sea, and all this is just a fantasy for Xingtian now! Yes, this is just an illusion. Xing Tian can't do all of this, at least for the moment, unless Xing Tian's strength is further enhanced and he has a more powerful source of power!

"Oh! Knowing that all this is a calculation, you shouldn't sacrifice the power of the King of End clone before, and you won't get into such terrible trouble, let alone end up like this one!" He sighed lightly. After taking a breath, Xing Tian's mind was running fast, thinking about countermeasures with all his strength, hoping that he could find the key to all problems, unite everyone, and be able to fight against the Chaos Sea and the Supreme Chaos World with their strength.

People are not for themselves, the heavens are destroyed! Although Xing Tian thought of the crux of the problem, Xing Tian did not want to tell others about all this. For his companions in the inner world, Xing Tian did not want to let them know about all this, did not want them to worry about everything in this world. For the living beings, Xingtian had no intention to tell them that life and death are up to their lives, and all these need to be faced by them themselves!

Time is passing bit by bit, Xing Tian is using his brains with all his strength, thinking frantically about countermeasures, this is no longer an ordinary war, but the destruction of the world order, is giving the source of the supreme chaotic world to Xing Tian, ​​after all, Xing Tian has powerful strength, and he also hates those **** enemies.

change! Xing Tian desperately wants to change all of this, but no matter how the opponent calculates, he will fall into the opponent's calculation, will be subject to the Chaos Sea, and become the opponent's ant! Will become the target of the opponent's strangulation!

Regret it? No, Xingtian never regrets. Only if you have paid, you will gain. In such an opportunity, it is not these ants that you are looking for. How can those people who are above think of "ants" like Xingtian? It is Xingtian who can grasp The other party's calculations can harmonize the amount to prevent this from happening, so it is the light of the world, and he can save those enemies who are about to go to ruin and go behind all of this. This is the great road, this is the secret of heaven!

Xing Tian is thinking about countermeasures carefully, trying every means to accomplish everything, so that he can get rid of the shackles of the chaotic sea, free himself from the suppression and influence of the chaotic sea, and enable himself to go further and make himself breakthrough higher The level of power can make you laugh to the end and survive to the end. Can get the last vitality, be able to surpass everything, free from all shackles, instead of becoming the nourishment of Chaos Sea.


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