God of Destruction

Chapter 4261: Hidden danger

Chapter 4267 Hidden Dangers

Xing Tian didn't want to think about everything so badly, but he couldn't stand the situation and was developing in this direction. He was feeling the oppression from external forces little by little, and he felt the calculations from the Chaos Sea! I don’t know why, there is a vague feeling in Xing Tian’s heart. Perhaps in this era, the Sea of ​​Chaos will be ruined and collapsed. All the work will collapse with the destruction of the Sea of ​​Chaos, the supreme chaos world. Is the beginning of everything.

Transcendence, only transcendence can survive in this catastrophe, only transcendence can have a ray of life, the integration of the Supreme Chaos World may not help the Chaos Sea, delay the destruction of the Chaos Sea, but accelerate The destruction of Chaos Sea, although this sounds incredible, it could have made Xing Tian feel that his idea was right!

Xing Tian really wants to know what will happen in the Supreme Chaos World. After all, the Supreme Chaos World has a mysterious connection with his acupuncture hole world. The origin of his acupuncture hole world is derived from the Supreme Chaos world. At the time when the Three Thousand Great Dao originated, it also formed cause and effect with the Supreme Chaos World.

Thinking of the world of Acupuncture Apertures, Xing Tian couldn’t help feeling a little uneasy. He wanted to find out what crisis was hidden in this source, and whether he could clear the crisis left by the Chaos Sea and get rid of the Chaos Sea. Calculate.

Looking for hidden dangers in the world of acupuncture points and clearing them? No, Xingtian has not made such a decision yet. Although he has realized his understanding, it is not the time to do it. The threat of the hidden dangers he knows has been weakened and cannot threaten his life. If he takes action at this time, he will directly eliminate it. The hidden danger, I am afraid that Chaos Sea will make another calculation, and Xing Tian will not have the confidence to detect it again next time. For my own safety, it is better to put it down for the time being!

Strength, Xing Tian desperately needs a powerful presence. Only when he is strong can he be fearless. If he has the combat power like the God-Eater Mother Queen, he doesn’t need to be so cautious and can directly eliminate hidden dangers. Facing the Chaos Sea directly, it is a pity that Xing Tian does not have such power, so he can only bear it temporarily.

Time is passing bit by bit. Although Xing Tian didn't want to clear his own hidden dangers, Xing Tian Xuexue wanted to understand how the origin of the Three Thousand Dao was affected by the power of the Chaos Sea, and devoted himself to the world of his acupuncture points. , Carefully feeling the three thousand innate chaotic gods and demons that are being bred. Through the comparison of the acupoint world after another, Xing Tian finally found the problem. It is the aura of chaos. The origin of the three thousand avenues of the highest chaotic world is to absorb chaos. The power of the sea grows rapidly, and precisely because of this, the power of the Chaos Sea will be silently integrated into the origin of the Three Thousand Avenue. When Xing Tian plundered the origin of the Three Thousand Avenue, he was naturally affected by the Chaos Sea. Influence, the power of Chaos Sea is integrated into the source.

"What a sea of ​​chaos, what a great calculation, the chance of the supreme chaos world looks so tempting, but who can think that all this is just a trap, if you can't stand the greed in your heart, to take this so-called chance, in the end Will be eroded by the power of the Chaos Sea, silently fall into the calculations of the Chaos Sea, and even become a puppet of the Chaos Sea." When he understood this, Xing Tian sighed involuntarily, and a light beam appeared in his eyes. With a vigilant look, Chaos Sea is indeed too insidious, and it can make such terrible calculations silently to calculate many giants.

"Haha! It seems that Chaos Sea’s calculations are not aimed at me alone, but at the giants of the entire Supreme Chaos World, and against all careerists, this time those giants who do not know the so-called rush into the Supreme Chaos World, only I’m afraid it’s hard to get out, maybe only a few people can retreat! It’s just that the Mother Queen of God Eater was obviously aware of it, it’s not as simple as I thought, and even those innate chaotic gods and demons are not as simple as I thought. I am afraid that those giants who did not participate have seen through the calculations behind the chance of the supreme chaos world, but don’t know if they have also noticed the improprieties of the chaos sea, and do not understand how dangerous and terrifying the current situation is, the entire chaos. The sea has become a crazy hunting ground!"

Xing Tian doesn’t think he is a bit exaggerated about Chaos Sea’s views. In Xing Tian’s eyes, the current Chaos Sea is a crazy hunting ground, just like the evolution of the Supreme Chaos World before, and even Xing Tian believes that the evolution of the Supreme Chaos World is The Sea of ​​Chaos is manipulated behind the scenes in order to just experiment with the thoughts in my mind. Now that the evolution of the Supreme Chaos World has succeeded, the Sea of ​​Chaos will also change accordingly, and it will affect the creatures of the entire Chaos Sea like the Supreme Chaos World. Hunting in the field, taking all the creatures in the Chaos Sea as their own nutrients to complete their own transformation and evolution!

vicious? No, Xing Tian doesn’t think this is vicious. This is instinct. The instinct of the world is also the instinct of living creatures. There is nothing to swear. People don’t serve themselves and the heavens are destroyed. Wisdom creatures will make the same choice and face evolution. , There is nothing that can not be abandoned, and Chaos Sea is also true. Now Chaos Sea is obviously in the process of destruction. In order to protect itself and survive, it is not impossible to abandon the creatures in the entire Chaos Sea. Even in Xing Tian’s view, the Chaos Sea has been in for endless years. Perhaps the many treasures and inheritances in the entire Chaos Sea are caused by the evolution and transformation of the Chaos Sea. It is the ancient civilization that was destroyed by the Chaos Sea. Left behind.

In front of the strong, the ants have no right to choose. For the creatures of the Chaos Sea, everyone is the ants. Therefore, if the Chaos Sea wants to destroy the world, all creatures have no choice. The strong is respected. This is The root of the world is also the cruelty of the world. If you want to get rid of all these threats, you can only strengthen yourself and transcend the world.

Transcendence, only transcendence has a ray of life. Originally Xing Tian thought that his transcendence was the Supreme Chaos World, but now Xing Tian understands that what he wants to transcend is not the Supreme Chaos World, but the Chaos Sea. As for the inheritance in the Chaos Sea, I am afraid It doesn't have much effect. After all, those civilizations have been strangled by the Chaos Sea. If you really want to surpass everything, you can only rely on yourself!

"No matter how much you pay, you must keep your clone of the King of the End. No matter what the reason, you can't give up. Chaos Sea is so impatient to destroy my clone, so the terrible King of the End clone must be a threat to Chaos. The ability of this is my opportunity, my opportunity to transcend, the only way in the Dao is just a joke, a trap, Dao produces one, one life two, two produces three, three life all things, with the King of End clone, oneself has the chance to comeback , Ending the Avenue can end everything!"


Yes, the Great Way of Ending can end everything, not just creatures, but also the world. Chaos is not a problem. The previous question is that Xing Tian can grow his clone of the King of End to such a degree that it can threaten the Chaos Sea. Now Xingtian's King of Ending clone is far from enough, at least not capable of threatening Chaos Sea.

"If the deity is practicing the Great Way of the World, the Great Way of Good Fortune, the Great Way of Heaven, and the Great Way of Power, then the King of Ending clone practice is the Great Way of Ending, the Great Way of Destruction, which can put an end to all things in the world, and is also the enemy of the world and the enemy of all souls Without this drastic change, without the crazy calculations and persecution of the Chaos Sea, Xing Tian would not have this kind of sentiment. Although his current situation is very dangerous, after clarifying everything, no matter how great the danger is, there will be a ray of life.

No matter how dangerous the situation is and how terrifying the pressure he has to face, Xing Tian will not give up. If it is an ordinary person, even if he has the world of Acupuncture Apertures, he will not be able to protect the clone of King of End. But Xing Tian is different. Xing Tian has his own inner self. The world, perhaps in the eyes of the Supreme Chaos World and Chaos Sea, Xing Tian plundered the origin of the Three Thousand Dao in order to nourish his own world and strengthen his own world, but they were wrong. Xing Tian was not like this. This plundered the origin of the Three Thousand Dao. It is not the true foundation of Xing Tian. For Xing Tian, ​​the most fundamental thing is the evolution of his inner world. The world of acupuncture points is just a transformation, a transformation of the physical avenue. Cultivation is the source, and cultivation is power, not power. One's own avenue is fundamental.

"Hehe, whether it’s the Chaos Sea or the Highest Chaos World, they want to calculate me, they want to find out my strength through the origin of the Three Thousand Dao, and even give me a fatal blow at the critical moment, but I can also understand them in reverse. , To understand the supreme chaotic world, to understand the power of the chaotic sea, the origin is interlinked, while they calculate me, they also handed the handle to me, if I have enough strength, I can reverse everything and reverse the other side !"

Crazy, Xingtian is indeed crazy enough. In the eyes of others, if he knows his own hidden dangers, he will clear everything and save himself as soon as possible. But Xingtian didn’t do this, instead he wanted to calculate the other party, through the other party’s remaining calculations, everything Back to the other side little by little, I have to say that such a crazy decision is really not everyone can have.

insufficient! Only this drastic change made Xing Tian realize his own shortcomings again. Although he also condensed the true body of the innate chaos **** and demon, he was also a member of the innate chaos **** and demon, but it was related to the true innate chaos. Compared with the gods and demons, he is still a long way away, and this can clearly understand everything from the current situation.

Whether it’s their own combat power, vision, or even background, they are too far behind. This is impossible to catch up for a while. Like those ignorant and stupid giants who rushed into the world of chaos, they all lost in vision. On top of the background, even if they are all giants, they are qualitatively different from the innate chaos gods and demons, and the giants such as the god-eaters!

The gap above the innate is difficult to make up. Time is a huge problem blocking them. The innate chaos gods and demons have their own inheritance at birth, and the giants that survived from the ancient times have their own inheritance. The terrible background, in the endless years, in the evolution of the world and the earth again and again, they have obtained a lot of background, and all these harmony are not comparable to the creatures of this civilized age.

Although Xing Tian understands the gap between himself and the ancient giants and how amazing the gap is, it is difficult to catch up. Time is blocked in front of Xing Tian. He does not have so much time to consume, and can reverse it. All of this is the power of clones. If two of your own clones exist, you can share more pressure for yourself, let yourself trot to catch up with those ancient giants, shorten the gap between many parties, but there is no clone. Everything will be empty!

The clone has now become the fundamental power of Xing Tian’s self-preservation. Such a power Xing Tian cannot afford to lose, nor can he lose. Since the three thousand chaotic origins cannot be mobilized, the physical power of his own deity cannot be mobilized, Xing Tian can only use the origin of his inner world. Relying on the power of the inner world to save the King of Ending clone, let himself survive the disaster before him.

Of course, the calculations and oppression of the Chaos Sea are both destruction and chance. To survive a disaster is naturally destruction, and to survive a disaster is chance. These are two sides of the same thing. Xing Tian deeply understands this, so no matter what the pressure he faces No matter how big the danger is, Xing Tian will not give up, nor can he give up, he will do his best to pay for it. Just before the action, Xing Tian must think clearly about everything and make all arrangements. He must know that he will either not make a move this time. There must be a comprehensive calculation when he makes a move. There must be no mistakes and errors, or the consequences will be unimaginable.

The clone of the King of Ending can teach the Great Way of Ending, and it can integrate many destructive sources of the Great Way, but what way should the newly cut clone be practiced, and what way should it be based on. If you don't arrange all of this, it will happen again and again. Change, I am afraid that I will not have the opportunity to make arrangements again, then I may be unable to make preparations anymore!

There are many ways to choose the deity, but the clones are different. Once you make a choice, it is difficult to make changes. This time you must think carefully, arrange everything, and prepare for the worst. The new clone practice The avenue must be able to cooperate with the deity and the clone of the King of End, and be able to complement each other, but it is not easy to do this. After all, the power of the clone of the deity and the King of the End is located, and the source is there. It is not easy. Catching up!

Xing Tian also understands this in his heart, but he really has no choice. If he is not at this time or when he is weak, he will make all arrangements and make all preparations. When he grows up, he will make arrangements and make plans. The only way is to play with a bamboo basket. There will be no good results at all, so Xing Tian must be cautious this time!


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