God of Destruction

Chapter 4293: The Era of the End of the Festival is Coming

Chapter 4299

Chaos descended, Xingtian's deity was quickly converging with the soul of the King of Time and Space, but the King of Ending clone could not stop. Not only could it not stop, but also to speed up to harvest the source. Instinctively, Xingtian could feel the arrival of the crisis. Not being able to harvest enough of the source as soon as possible to support their growth in the coming time will inevitably be eliminated by the times.

Plundering is the fastest choice to harvest the origin. Whether it is the chaotic behemoth in the sea of ​​chaos or other creatures, Xingtian is the object of harvesting. Time does not wait for people, and there is not much time left for himself, perhaps as the deity completely Understanding the information contained in the long river of time and space will understand the reason for everything. Although the King of End clone also carries some information, he has no time to digest it. He can only temporarily seal it, waiting for the deity and King of Time to digest.

Someone is looking at the deity, which means that the deity will be trapped in a crisis-ridden environment, and it is difficult to collect enough sources, and the king of time and space also destroys the true body, leaving only the soul, so it must support its own practice. Most of the needed origins fall on the clone of the King of End. Although the deity has the inner world as its support, under such a terrifying seal, how long the inner world can support and how much support it can give to the deity is also unknown.

After the chaos came, there was no worries about the future, and there was no need to worry about being caught by the will of the Chaos Sea. The King of End clone completely let go of everything, and started killing without any consideration. The origin of the killing was growing wildly. The breath of Slaughter Avenue was once again condensed on the King of Ending clone, but this time Xing Tian chose to completely integrate it into his Road of Ending, leaving no hidden dangers. Although Slaughter Avenue is good, his foundation is Ending Avenue. Do not put the cart before the horse.

With the passage of time, Xing Tian felt that his origin was being frantically suppressed by external forces. This was suppressed by the power of the Chaos Sea. Without worries, the power of the Chaos Sea was also fully opened, and the power of the seal increased day by day. A strong day, just a few days, the power of the seal doubled, and the pressure Xing Tian carried doubled.

"Damn it, if this seal continues like this, the consequences are really unimaginable. Without waiting to break free from the world's shackles, first it is locked by the power of the seal to its origin. Chaos Sea really has to seal all the origins of the world at all costs, leading to the end of the law. Tribulation, once the calamity of the end comes, everyone will lose the blessings of the Dao, and the flesh becomes the basis of the final battle. The origin of the Dao will be used a little less, and this Chaos Sea will become even more terrifying!" Frowning, Xing Tian The deity could not help sighing softly. Although he is now reunited with the King of Time and Space, Xing Tian is not happy. The loss of the King of Time and Space is more severe than he thought. The collapse of the river of time and space has caused it to bear a huge burden. Karma, but the advantage is that the King of Time clone also gets a source of the river of time and space, which imprints the power of the river of time and space.

If based on the origin of this long river of time and space, the true body can still be reshaped, but the price paid this time will be even greater. The king of time and space will consume more of the origin, and now the most lack of self-chance is If the power of the source is consumed hugely, Xing Tian is worried that the deity will be damaged as a result, and he will fall into a more terrible crisis!

This is the **** environment. This is the pressure Xing Tian must face. How to choose is up to Xing Tian to decide. If you temporarily give up the power to restore the King of Time and Space, the deity will not be affected too much, but this is the King of Time. The clone will inevitably be affected because it can’t recover in time, which will hinder its own practice, but if done, the deity needs to consume a huge source of origin, which must use the power of the source of the inner world, which also has a huge impact on the deity. !

This is Xingtian’s choice to restore the King of Time and Space, because it is necessary. Only when the King of Time and Space is restored can he help him speed up and digest the results of the previous battle. Time is his most precious. Although the origin is important, his own The inner world can still recover, at least for now. Under this situation, I don’t have to save my source and waste precious time. If I have enough time, I might be able to truly understand what Chaos Sea is before the decisive battle arrives. This kind of existence, what kind of environment I have been living in, what is going on!

Perhaps this was the collapse of order, which gave Xing Tian a little change in his mind. He always felt that Chaos Sea was not what he had originally thought. Chaos Sea might be an existence he had never thought of. If he knew this Whatever it is, one can transcend everything and break free from the **** of oneself. If you can’t figure out the nature of Chaos Sea, no matter how strong the power is, you can’t break free from the **** of the world, just like those innate chaotic gods and demons that existed in ancient times. Their strength is indeed very strong, but they are still not enough to fight against Chaos Sea. Perhaps this is not a lack of strength, but a lack of understanding of Chaos Sea!

Time is pressing, Xing Tian is not willing to waste his precious time. After making a decision, with a thought, the origin of the inner world rushes out frantically and merges into the soul of his time-space king clone to help the clone. God speeds up to refine the origin of the long river of time and space in his hands. With the help of the origin of the inner world, the king of time and space begins to condense, and the origin of time and space is extracted and gradually condensed into a new real body, the real body of time and space.

When the primordial spirit returned to his true body, Xing Tian's expression instantly changed color, and he couldn't help but horrified: "The origin of time, there is such a pure and terrifying time origin in the long river of time and space, can it be said that the long river of time and space has swallowed the most ancient one? The time **** demon, how else could there be such a pure and terrible time origin power, just one contact can shock my soul, how powerful this time origin is to make me feel like this!"

In an instant, Xing Tian’s expression changed again and again. Such a situation was never thought of by him. The fragments of the origin of the long river of time and space should be bred by the pure origin of the road of time and space, but this time and space is bred in the river. The pure and terrifying source of time, the source of space is not very powerful, how can Xing Tian not be shocked.

Accident, this is really too unexpected, even if Xing Tian was shocked by this situation, there must be a secret that he didn't know, maybe this secret is the ultimate secret of Chaos Sea, because the long river of time and space is the core of the world!

auzw.com" Could it be said that the treasure that escaped when the river of time and space collapsed was a treasure of the origin of the Avenue of Time, but such a pure origin of time, could it be said that it was also nurtured by this treasure, If so, how could this treasure of origin become the source of the long river of time and space? What on earth is going on? What kind of secrets are buried in this chaotic sea?"

At this moment, Xing Tian frowned, thinking carefully, but no matter how much Xing Tian thought, he could not figure out the crux of the problem. The source of the long river of time and space turned out to be an extremely powerful treasure of time origin, all the will of Chaos Sea Do you know? If you know, then why is this? How could Chaos Sea give birth to such a powerful source of treasure?

For an instant, a lot of doubts flashed in Xing Tian's mind, but he couldn't find a clue. Everything was so weird, so unclear and intangible. This result brought too much to Xing Tian. Too much pressure.

Unfortunately, Xing Tian did not have time to waste such thinking. At that time, the King of Sky clone reunited and restored his original strength. After going further, Xing Tian's most important thing was to digest the previous harvest and interpret the information he had sealed. Open, thoroughly understand the secrets hidden in the long river of time and space, so that you have a clear understanding of the Chaos Sea.

The idea is good, but the reality is cruel. Just when Xingtian was about to concentrate, and the power of the King of Time and Space and the deity quickly digested the previous harvest, suddenly the entire Chaos Sea was trembling, and a terrible force was again Once erupted from the depths of the Chaos Sea, the power of terror instantly turned into a terrifying giant net and enveloped the entire Chaos Sea. When this giant net fell, the breath of the entire Chaos Sea was instantly cut off. The power of the seal has been increased several times in an instant, and the vitality of heaven and earth is losing at a speed visible to the naked eye. It is only a short time, and the vitality of the chaos sea has been cut by more than half!

"Damn it, how could this happen, the vitality of the world, how could the rules of the avenue cut most of it in an instant, could it be said that the calamity of the doom has come? The entire chaos sea will usher in the terrible era of the doom?" Those groups of ancient giants were shouting frantically Then, everyone was shocked by this sudden change. If the Age of Doom comes, it will be a devastating blow to them!

At this time, no one can give them an answer. All the ancient giants can no longer hide. They all felt terrible death threats in this panic, as if there was a slight difference, all of them would Dead and soul disappeared in this doomsday robbery, and the advent of the doomsday era will directly take away their lives.

Prevent the coming of the Age of Doom? No, they are powerless, facing the terrifying giant net of the Chaos Sea, no matter how angry the ancient giants are, they dare not act rashly. There is no ancient giant that has the toughness of the three oldest giants before. Face the Chaos Sea directly, directly hit the Kun Chaos World, and challenge the bottom line of the Chaos Sea.

The opportunity was originally given to them, but unfortunately these ancient giants did not grasp it. Now they want to stop everything, it is impossible to achieve it. They also have no such power. When the giant net falls, everything becomes a fixed number, and there is no more The possibility of change, they want to live in this doomsday catastrophe, they can only die a battle, use their own strength to kill a blood path, a blood path of their own, only step on the enemy's corpse to live to the end , The last laugh!

The vitality of the sky and the earth continued to collapse, and bursts of roars continued to sound above the Chaos Sea. This is the change in the world caused by the weakening of the origin of the Chaos Sea. The Chaos Sea is developing in an unknown direction, the origin of the world is changing, and the sentient beings of the world are also changing. Everyone has to adapt to the world again, and has to accept the suppression and restraint of the Age of Doom.

Cut off all the restraints and dissipate the pressure covering yourself? This is just a joke, even if Xing Tian has a heritage and a strong background, he dare not hold such an idea, because when he gives birth to such an idea, he will feel the death threat from the void, as long as he steps out of this One step is absolutely dead and no life, there will be no vitality?

In the Age of Dominance, what a chaotic sea, what a sinister calculation, turned the chaotic sea into such a terrifying place of transformation, able to withstand the erosion from external forces, which greatly tempered Xing Tian's mind. For Xing Tian, ​​he didn’t want to let the enemy go, nor face the crisis, but Xing Tian had to look at it all. Who allowed himself to get more information and data and understand things that he shouldn’t understand. I don't want to face it and have to face it.

The seal in the sea of ​​soul consciousness was lifted bit by bit, and gradually the secrets in the long river of time and space were opening to oneself bit by bit. Although this information was somewhat incomplete, it was learned from the retained content. What a terrible disaster he is about to face, breaking the seal, opening the long river of time and space, destroying the origin of time and space, and throwing the entire world into crisis. This is unacceptable for Xing Tian, ​​and the enemy cannot be strong. , The power that can be retained is also limited!

The power of the seal is constantly increasing. Gradually, the pressure on Xingtian's body is wave after wave. The origin of the terrifying time-space avenue is gradually blending into the Chaos Sea, and it is constantly strengthening the seal of the Chaos Sea. Power makes the Doomsday Calamity more terrifying, more terrifying, and more brutal. This is the reaction of Chaos Sea, and its counterattack directly brings Chaos Sea into even more bizarre danger. For the real strong, the immediate threat It's nothing, the real threat is the Chaos Sea, the chaotic giants. Once the Doomsday Tribulation completely destroys everything in the world, someone must sacrifice.

Judging from the current situation, it is impossible to hide from the Doomsday Tribulation, even when disaster strikes, when the danger of death appears, not many people dare to face them directly, so many people are lost, but Xing Tian is also disappointed. For Xingtian, such a situation is also an opportunity to practice, because this is just the beginning. No matter how cruel the doom is, there is a way to crack it!


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