God of Destruction

Chapter 4294: Worry

Chapter 4300 Worries

The Age of Domination is coming, the entire Chaos Sea is being sealed by the world, the origin is sealed, the avenues are controlled, and the world has changed drastically. For ordinary people, they have not yet felt the harm of the arrival of the Domination, because they did not feel the suppression of the soul, and the ancients The giants and many other powerful people deeply felt this terrible threat. They wanted to resist, but the order of heaven and earth did not exist, and the entire Chaos Sea fell into chaos, making them powerless to resist and could only passively accept all this.

Resentment and endless resentment have also arisen. For these giants, they dare not resent the Chaos Sea Will, but point the finger at the three oldest innate Chaos Gods and Demons who have fought against the Chaos Sea Will before them. It seems that it is precisely because these three ancient innate chaotic gods and demons took action that they angered the sea of ​​chaos and caused this doomsday calamity, which will add to this doomsday calamity, and let themselves suffer this harm, so endless resentment To these three innate chaos gods and demons.

This is the human mind. For these ancient giants, for those other strong men, they only care about their own interests and don’t care about other things at all. Although they all understand in their hearts that the final battle is indispensable, they Will consciously ignore this point, put all the responsibility on others, and have no problems with themselves.

At this moment, the god-eater mother emperor and the many giants of the human race changed their expressions greatly. They deeply felt the malice from the Chaos Sea, and felt the terrible calamity of the end. At this moment, they couldn't help but think of Xingtian who had left. They couldn't wait to find Xingtian in their hearts and have another in-depth exchange and cooperation with Xingtian!

"My fellow Taoists of the Human Race, you have all seen the situation today. The crisis is spreading crazily. The Doomsday Tribulation has come. If we can’t work together, I’m afraid we will eventually be destroyed by the Doomsday Tribulation. Now we should Open your mind and talk about it. Don’t have any reservations. I think we should find Xing Tian and have in-depth exchanges and cooperation with him. Perhaps only he can lead us out of desperation!” At this point, Devour God Insect Mother The emperor's eyes were staring at the many human giants in front of him. From its perspective, the human race must have a secret connection with Xing Tian, ​​after all, Xing Tian was born in the human race!

When they heard the words of the God Devouring Mother Queen, the many giants of the Human Race could not help but sighed secretly. As giants, they all deeply understood the purpose of the God Devouring Mother Queen and understood what the other party thought, but the human race The giant understands that this is impossible. Xingtian has long since lost contact with Humans. There was a possibility of repairing it before, but they were all fearful and didn't fully trust Xingtian. They missed the opportunity and wanted to do it again. Finding Xingtian is simply unrealistic!

The virtual lord sighed and said: "Insect King, I understand what you are thinking. In fact, we also hope to have profound exchanges and cooperation with Xingtian. Unfortunately, we can’t find him. You should know that Human Race and Xingtian Zhi The connection between him was completely cut off. Before, we had taken care of him and failed to truly trust him. As you can see, Xing Tian walked away directly. At this time, even if we were willing to cooperate with him, we couldn’t find anyone, and the order collapsed. The world is chaotic, and even with magical powers, we can’t find his whereabouts. Now we are powerless. Only when Xing Tian takes the initiative to appear can we have a chance to cooperate with him!"

For the words of the virtual lord, the expression of the god-eater mother emperor changed again and again, although he was willing to believe all this, but he was unwilling, originally he was drawn here by the breath of Xingtian to meet the human race , But didn't expect that the opportunity was clearly in front of him, but he didn't seize it. He had committed the same problem as the giants of the human race. He was too self-righteous and missed the opportunity in vain. At this time, even if it was willing to blame the giants of the human race, it could not speak.

For a moment, the Mother Emperor God Devourer sighed softly: "Oh! This is God's will, perhaps this is destiny. There is a clear opportunity in front of us, but because of our own consideration, we hesitate for a while and miss it in vain. With the opportunity, now the final tribulation is coming, and the entire Chaos Sea is enveloped by the tribulation. We have the intention to resist but are unable to resist. Under the tribulation, all the origins are sealed. If all this continues, it will not take long. We will be completely plunged into the Age of Doom, the origin of the Three Thousand Great Dao will be sealed, and the entire Chaos Sea will have no Dao origin, and everything will depend on the flesh to fight! Although our flesh is not bad, it can be compared with the Chaos Giant Beast. There is a huge difference. Once that time comes, there is only one dead end for you and me. Under the impact of the Chaos Behemoth, we are unable to fight."

Are things really as sinister as the God-Eater Mother Queen said? No, things are far from this moment. Even if the Three Thousand Origin Avenue of Chaos Sea is sealed, these giants still have the ability to struggle, because they all have their own inner world. There is still the power of a battle, and they can have the capital to fight against the chaotic behemoth, but it is not a last resort, no one is willing to do this, after all, the inner world is their last support, if the consumption is huge, it will eventually be impossible to escape.

As a spiritual practitioner, no one wants to face death. As long as there is a chance of life, they will do their best to fight for it. Therefore, for these giants, no one is willing to use their inner life until the last moment. The world uses its own Dao source. At this time, under such circumstances, if it consumes a cent of the source, there is no distinction of the source.

At this time, the Mother Queen of God Devouring Insects remorse once again in her heart, and once again lost for her abandoning the God Devouring Clan. If you have the God Devouring Clan army in your hands, why fear the Chaos Giant Beast, the endless worm The sea army, no matter how powerful the Chaos Behemoth is, it is not the enemy of its own insect sea army, it will be swallowed by the insect sea and turned into its own nutrients.

"Is it really impossible to find Xingtian? After all, Xingtian has human blood. How can there be no information at all. As human giants, don't you keep a little retreat?" The God Devouring Mother Queen was a little unwilling, and asked again. , There was a faint disappointment in his eyes, after all, all this happened too suddenly.

The virtual master sighed: "We also hope to be able to contact Xingtian, but unfortunately we can't. It's not that we didn't leave behind, but Xingtian cut everything by himself. Knowing that the Tribulation of the Last Dharma has come so fiercely, even if it pays a high price before, Xing Tian cannot be allowed to leave. Now everything is too late!"

auzw.com When the human giants and the god-eater mother emperor remorse once again, the deity Xingtian has completed the reshaping of the clone of the king of time and space, and the deity and the clone are fully committed to the previous In the digestion of the harvest, the secrets in the long river of time and space are being digested bit by bit. With the passage of time, whether Xingtian or King of Time is cloned, a faint shock and horror are involuntarily revealed on his face. Fear, they all saw the information they wanted from the long river of time and space.

What information can make them have such a change of expression under the full dedication? Breath, inheritance, they saw the imprints in the long river of time and space in the sea of ​​their souls, but that was not an ordinary imprint, it was the imprint of the innate chaos gods and demon, the extremely pure imprint of the innate origin, and the open heaven. The mark of war.

Yes, it was the battle of opening the sky, the brand of Pangu’s opening of the sky and the earth. From these brandings, Xing Tian received a terrifying news. The origin of time he felt before may be the origin of the time **** and demon. The treasure of escape is very great. It may be the destiny treasure of the Time God and Demon, but it is a pity that the original fragments plundered by the King of Time clone are too few, and the information obtained is incomplete, so Xing Tian cannot be completely determined, and can only be guessed by his own instinct. Whether the truth is so difficult to determine.

After digesting the information sealed in the sea of ​​consciousness of his own soul, the expressions of Xingtian's deity and the king of time and space are extremely pale. This is not only because of the huge amount of origin, but also the news hidden in the fragments. Too horrible, too horrible, making Xing Tian difficult to accept for a time, even unable to accept all of this!

"Why is this? The origin of the long river of time and space is actually an extremely powerful treasure of time, and it is similar to the original treasure of the time **** and demon in the inherited information. Is this an accident or a fact? Why does Pangu’s pioneering brand appear on In the long river of time and space, what kind of earth-shattering mystery is hidden behind this?" Xing Tian muttered to himself, with a ray of light in his eyes constantly flashing. He is using this limited information to calculate the truth behind it!

"The information in the fragments is too severely mutilated. Unless more fragments are found, it is difficult to figure out what the matter is, but one thing is certain, Chaos Sea and Pangu, and even the Primordial Land, have a certain connection. I just don’t know where this connection is. The Doomsday Tribulation will come, and everyone will fall into a crisis of death. The Doomsday Tribulation will destroy everything."

Heaviness, Xingtian's mood at this moment is extremely heavy, the final tribulation is falling, everything is changing, the more he understands, the more doubts in his heart, the greater the pressure, and the more shadows he can't help but add to his heart! At this time, Xing Tian had a vague understanding in his heart. If he could prove the connection between the Chaos Sea and the prehistoric world, he might be able to truly understand everything, but the more he knew, the more dangerous he would be. Threatened.

At this time, Xing Tian was still able to determine one more point. All of these were the games that Chaos Sea had already set. Whether he or she, the three oldest innate Chaos Gods and Demons, they were all chess pieces in the game, but Xing Tian didn’t understand. , What is the other party doing this for? If you want to kill yourself and those ancient giants, you don’t need to pay such a big price. In such a situation, Chaos Sea’s mind can wipe out all their creatures. Xing Tian believes that the other party has Such ability.

Either oneself, or many ancient giants, all they pursue are detachment, detachment from the Chaos Sea, and master their own destiny, but what the Chaos Sea seeks, if it is also detachment, is killing. Before, it was completely capable of destroying everything. After spending so much effort in setting up such a bureau and putting so much energy into it, what is it?

The more information he learns, Xing Tian is constantly overthrowing his previous thoughts. The more confused and uneasy he is in his heart, there is a giant in his heart weighing heavily on his heart, making himself a little breathless and burdened. The greater the pressure, the greater the pressure Xing Tian's state of mind bears, and the more he wants to put on this huge pressure.

If the Doomsday Tribulation is only for killing and plundering, this is unlikely. Chaos Sea does not need to waste such a large amount of energy. If you have not been exposed to the secrets of the long river of time and space, you may not know the power of Chaos Sea or that one. The horror of the treasure, as long as you have the heart, once the treasure is released, it can completely destroy all living beings. No matter how powerful the ancient giant is, it cannot fight the treasure or the origin of the Chaos Sea. What is the secret in this, and what is the Chaos Sea seeking ?

Yeah, what is Chaos Sea asking for? At this moment, not only Xing Tian is thinking about this issue, but the three oldest innate chaotic gods and demons who left before are also thinking. At the beginning of destroying the supreme chaotic world, when the river of time and space collapsed, they did not notice the problem and did not feel it. The danger hidden behind this, but when they returned to their old nest and calmed down to savor this matchup carefully, they gradually realized the problem and felt a little worried.

Yes, these three oldest innate Chaos Gods and Demons realized that they were actually the chess pieces in the hands of Chaos Sea. The impact on them was too great. They originally thought they were chess players against Chaos Sea, but I never thought that I was still too arrogant and self-righteous. From beginning to end, I was in the calculations of Chaos Sea. Everything I did was the result of Chaos Sea's deliberate indulgence. It was not as powerful as I thought. Got it!

"Damn Chaos Sea, you have set up such a big picture, for what is it, endless years, you have set up such a game, from the beginning of the world, you are calculating everything, you really only want to improve your own three thousand The origin of Dao is really just perfecting the heart of the world, bringing the entire Chaos Sea to a qualitative leap, allowing you to transcend the shackles of the world?"

"No, it's not like this. If it's just like this, you don't need to waste so much time and consume so much energy, but if it's not, why are you asking for it? What kind of secrets are hidden behind this world? , What kind of background do you have? Maybe your existence is really related to the prehistoric, or the prehistoric world hides secrets that I don’t know. I haven’t noticed the secrets of the prehistoric from beginning to end?"


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