God of Destruction

Chapter 4329: Section responsibility

Chapter 4335 Responsibility

"Damn there is a mysterious power shielding my power and preventing me from contacting my deity. Is this aimed at me alone or the entire Chaos Sea? If it is the former, my behavior has attracted the attention of Chaos Sea Will. If it is the latter, the secrets in the island of the gods are more terrifying than imagined, and the will of Chaos Sea has to limit the information transmission of the world of Chaos Sea, and cut off the connection between the entire Chaos Sea! "When he didn't collude with the deity, Xing Tian, ​​the King of Ending clone, felt extremely heavy. Such a situation made him feel heavier pressure.

"What should I do? How can I get in touch with the deity? Is it really necessary to use the ultimate assassin, but if you use this power at this time, you will be less helpful in the future!" At this moment, Xing Tian, ​​the king of the end, is cloned. Hesitate to know that in the final decisive battle, if you have more power, you will have more life. If you can have more assassins, you will have greater life and a better chance of survival in the catastrophe. He is not willing to give up any power!

After thinking about it for a long time, Xing Tian suddenly said: "Oh! This may be the power that the deity is afraid of. This may be the moment the deity was worried about. Now it has finally happened. Even if you pay the price, you need to let it go. I know that no matter whether I and the deity are being watched by the Chaos Sea Will or not, this is something that must be faced. Time does not wait for anyone. The longer it takes, the more dangerous it is for the deity, and for myself. It's even more dangerous!"

Yes, time is the most important to Xing Tian and his clone. The longer it takes, the more dangerous it is to him. It is precisely because I understand this, I understand how dangerous it is to be caught by Chaos Sea Will. Therefore, Xing Tian paid a huge price, and gathered a lot of backhands with the power of the deity and two avatars, as a chance for him to come back, and now is this moment of crisis!

"The four directions are the universe, the universe of the past and the present! The power of the world is enlightened, the soul is connected, and open to me!" With the cry of Xing Tian, ​​the clone of the King of End, a terrible world power came from his Emanating from the body, the power of the world is frantically fighting against all surrounding pressures, wiping out all the power of the origin. With the explosion of the power of the world, a trace of soul power of the King of End clone travels through time and space and connects with the deity. , Let all obstacles be shattered!

In an instant, the deity and the soul of the King of Ending clone were connected. Only in a flash, the deity Xingtian and the clone of King of the End had communicated countless times, and the two sides passed a lot of information to the soul of the other party. In a short instant, the breath of the King of End clone became weaker, and the soul was also much weaker. After the soul connection was disconnected, the eyes of the clone of King of End flashed with a lot of light, and a trace of terrible murder was condensing.

From the deity, the King of End received a lot of news, and got the information that remained in the avatar of the king of time and space and the deity when the river of time and space was broken! Yes, during this period of time, the deity and the king of the end have been madly cracked, and finally many secrets have been found. Although these secrets are incomplete, Xingtian’s wisdom still deduces a lot of information and makes Xingtian make it. In addition to crazier choices, the clone of the King of End also played a huge role.

Not only did the King of End clone accept the deity’s mission, but the King of Time clone also accepted the deity’s ultimate mission. If it weren’t for the previous trip to the islands of the gods, Xing Tian still couldn’t make up his mind and didn’t dare to give it a go. , But now he has no choice. The situation is slipping into the abyss step by step. If he doesn’t react anymore, he will only die. There is no ray of life in this catastrophe. The so-called ray of life does not exist. , It’s just a joke to find the first line of life. The real life is only in your own control. Only you can desperately and fight with all your strength to create a blood path from that desperate situation, a blood path that belongs to you. Can see the hope of survival!

What kind of information would make the King of the End clone so excited? Among the fragments of the Kong Long River at that time, Xing Tian saw the destruction of one era after another, the life and death of those innate chaotic gods and monsters, and even the existence of time gods and monsters in the islands of gods. There is a strange power in his body, and this power is not seen on the islands of the gods, but in the time and space where he was originally located, in the epoch, this strange power made Xing Tian feel a strong threat !

Secrets, big secrets, there are big secrets in the time **** and demon, and this secret originates from him, more accurately from his own origin, which makes Xing Tian have to pay attention to it, and also shocks the King of Ending clone. Horror, the situation is more terrifying than they thought, and it is even more sinister and vicious. The so-called alliance may only be the most superficial calculation, perhaps this alliance is hiding more calculations, precisely because it sees such a possibility. , So no matter the deity, or the clone of the Ending King, they are angry at it.

The origin and the end are opposites. The King of End clone has only one task, which is to use the power of the End Road to shake the origin of the Origin, and use the power of the end to inspire the power of the origin of the entire island of gods, only to completely stimulate The power of the island of the gods can truly see the calculations hidden behind the alliance, and be able to know the secrets of the place of origin!

Maybe this decision is crazy! This is almost a fight with the life of the King of Ending clone, but whether it is the Xingtian deity or the clone of King of Ending, they understand that this is something that you must do. If you don't do it, even if you gather more Neither the ancient giants nor the power of Era civilization can fully stimulate the power of origin in the island of the gods, and cannot stimulate the power of origin. How can we explore the reality of the place of origin, and how can we explore the secrets of the Chaos Sea .

Sacrifice. To do all of this, the King of Ending needs to sacrifice himself, because this is the Age of Domination. In the Age of Domination, the power of the Great Way of Ending is suppressed, while the power of the Time God and Demon is not greatly affected. The Primordial Treasure of Time Avenue gave him strong enough support to complete the task under such pressure, only to sacrifice himself.

auzw.com refused? No, the avatar of the King of the End does not refuse. Although this requires the sacrifice of himself, it does not make him afraid. This is his own destiny and the responsibility he must bear. As long as the deity can survive, even if it is the end The king's avatar was sacrificed, and there was also a chance of rebirth, but if the deity fell and died, the problem would be serious!

The clone of the King of End is going to a decisive battle against the place of origin and a life-and-death duel with the time gods and demons. The clone of the king of time and space bears no less pressure than the clone of the king of end. In the long river, in the chaotic time and space storm, to explore more of the mystery of the chaotic sea, to explore the source of the time and space river, to explore the greatest secret of that source, only by finding the secret of the time and space river source can you unlock yourself The doubts in the heart can know the enemy's calculations, and the deity can smash a **** path in this great catastrophe!

It can be said that whether it is the clone of the King of End or the clone of the King of Time and Space, their sacrifices and struggles are all to create time, create opportunities, and accumulate information for the deity. Only in this way can the deity gather powerful strength. , In this catastrophe of heaven and earth, blaze a **** road, step on the blood of the enemy, and break through everything!

The two avatars attacked with all their strength, what is Xing Tian deity doing? Is it to continue to hide and continue to accumulate the source? No, the deity can’t be so relaxed, although I don’t know if he has been exposed or if he has been targeted by the Chaos Sea Will. At this time, the deity must find a safe place again, and must make every effort to perfect his world. Avenue, perfect oneself. Although reluctant, at this time, under such a general environment, Xing Tian must send those troops in his inner world into the Chaos Sea, and must let them face this catastrophe.

Give up these creatures? These own powers? No, this is not a surrender, but a war. Xing Tian needs their power and help in this catastrophe. It is impossible to rely on Xing Tian's own power to fight against heaven and earth, against the catastrophe, and against the Chaos Sea. Yes, and this army is Xing Tian's hope. They can help Xing Tian hunt down the chaotic behemoths, help Xing Tian accumulate the source, accumulate murderous intent, and enable Xing Tian to grow rapidly.

Although this decision will kill many creatures, Xing Tian has no choice. If Xing Tian falls by himself, all the creatures in the inner world will die, and if Xing Tian's deity can kill a **** path in the catastrophe When he comes, he will still have the opportunity to shelter some people and save some vitality. Faced with such a situation, Xing Tian naturally has to choose the favorable side!

The war began, and the powers released by the deity began. In fact, compared with the racial civilizations in the Chaos Sea, the power Xing Tian mastered is not weak, and even stronger than a large part of the civilization. When the attack was launched, the entire Chaos Sea trembled, and the terrifying killing aura once again filled the entire Chaos Sea with the blood mist of killing!

Xing Tian is attacking frantically, and Terran is also acting. Like Xing Tian, ​​Terran giants are contacting civilizations of other races, while Terran forces begin to attack the Chaos Behemoth. They also need the power of the origin and the power to plunder the Chaos Behemoth. , To expand the origin of the human world, so that the human world can withstand the impact of the final battle. For the human world, the more accumulation, the more hope of survival. Killing and plundering are the fastest ways to accumulate .

Avoid, hide! None of this will work. The killings together, the war breaks out. As long as you are in the Chaos Sea, it is difficult to escape the impact of this catastrophe. Without sufficient power, it is impossible to protect the safety of the human world! Why did the Terran giants do this, because they are also suppressed by the Chaos Sea, and they are unable to get in touch with other civilizations, so they have to prepare for the worst, even if doing so will sacrifice many Terran fighters, they too Must be done.

Time waits for no one. The giants of the human race understand in their hearts that in such a general environment and under such a general trend, they can only hope for survival if they fight with all their strength. The crisis has come so suddenly, if it were not for the lunatic Xingtian and the devouring **** The madness of the Insect Mother Emperor, perhaps everyone hasn’t noticed it unknowingly, Chaos Sea’s Will has already taken action, and is already hurting them as a killer, but this time the other party has done it very concealed, and has not let everyone discover it at the first time. Just as the Mother Queen of the God-Eater was conspired, no one knew when the will of Chaos Sea had already taken action, and everyone was already in crisis!

The gap, this is the gap, it is unbelievable gap. If the God Eater Mother Queen was conspired to be unprepared, but this drastic change can also be said that everyone is not prepared? This doesn’t make sense. Whether other ancient giants noticed this upheaval, everyone doesn’t know, but the Human Race, the God Eater Mother Emperor and Xing Tian didn’t even notice it at all. This is not just a difference in strength, but more of a great road. The gap, and this gap completely made them sober and understand how dangerous their situation is.

People are not for themselves, the heavens are destroyed! When faced with a life-and-death crisis, no one will accept it, and they will fight back with all their strength, even if the price is no hesitate. It is precisely because of this idea that there has been this terrible change. , The human race made the craziest decision. Countless human race powerhouses gave up their avenue practice, turned to the acquired killing avenue, gave up everything for the survival of the human race, and sacrificed themselves for the human race.

The human heart is changing, and the sky is also changing, but this time the human heart cannot replace the Tianxin, and the human heart cannot shake the Tianxin. It is only the human race that the power of a racial civilization cannot fight against the chaos sea will, even if the human race can contact more racial civilizations to launch Attacks still can’t shake the Chaos Sea Will’s mastery of the world. The Chaos Sea is not only the only creatures in the Chaos Sea, but there are countless Chaos Giants. He wants to replace Tianxin with the human heart, unless those countless Chaos Giants are killed. , These creatures of racial civilization have become the lord of heaven and earth, dominating humanity, otherwise it is just a joke to replace Tianxin with human heart.

Is it possible to replace Tianxin with human heart? No, it is impossible, because they have no time, everything comes too suddenly, all race civilizations are not ready, this terrible upheaval happened, that is, to face the time gods and the gods and the islands and origins It’s impossible to kill the Chaos Giant Beast again!


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