God of Destruction

Chapter 4330: Festival killing

Chapter 4336 Killing

The war has begun, and the killing will come again, but this time the killing and war cannot be stopped. There is only one condition for stopping this killing and war, and that is the end of the heaven and the earth. As long as the heaven and the earth does not end, this Field killings and wars will not end, and the whole world will be plunged into this crazy and terrifying war.

It was Xingtian who started all this. I have to say that the Mother God Devouring Insect Empress really had a vision. At the very beginning, he believed that Xingtian was the person who should be robbed. From the beginning to the present, Xingtian has indeed caused catastrophe again and again. , Triggered wars and killings, and the last killings and wars were also initiated by Xingtian. Although the final battle has not yet come, the curtain has been opened by Xingtian. From this moment on, no creature can avoid this. Field killing, this war.

For Xing Tian, ​​although he did not replace Tianxin with the human heart and did not take charge of humanity, Xing Tian completely aroused the origin of the catastrophe. Even the will of Chaos Sea cannot prevent this from happening at this moment. If Xingtian did not open this killing At the prologue, it had the opportunity and the ability to stop it, because at that time it wasn't the general trend of heaven and earth coming, but now everything has turned into the general trend of heaven and earth, under the general trend, no one can stop it, and the blocker must die, even the Chaos Sea Will is no exception.

Of course, the will of Chaos Sea has never thought about preventing this from happening. Although it all came a little suddenly, all this is still in the hope of Will of Chaos Sea, at least in the Will of Chaos Sea, everything is not there. Out of his own control, everything is still under control. As for what kind of situation will happen next, in which direction will the world develop, this is not in the thinking of Chaos Sea Will, because all this is what he hopes to see of.

What is acting? This is acting. Xingtian triggers the great calamity of the heavens and the earth, provokes the slaughter to come, and leads to the outbreak of war. All of these are acting and the result of the will of Chaos Sea. As for the life and death of all beings in the world, this is not in its consideration. For Chaos Sea Will, no matter how many creatures die, it is nothing, as long as one can take the opportunity to understand the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, and can evolve the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth.

When the slaughter came, when the war broke out, Xingtian also felt the changes from the Chaos Sea, felt the evolution of this world, and understood that no matter where you are at this moment, even if you are in the small thousand world, the inner world While waiting, I can’t avoid the test of this great catastrophe. If you want to survive the great catastrophe, it’s useless to avoid it. You can only throw yourself into the great catastrophe, throw yourself into the killing, in the endless Only by slaying a **** path of his own in the killing, he has the vitality at all!

Cruel, ruthless, this is the general trend of the world today. The world has no mercy and kindness for all living beings, and there is only cruelty and ruthlessness. All living beings must face all this, no one can be an exception, even those who control The same is true of the innate chaos **** master model drama that follows the rules of the heaven and earth avenue, and they are all in this killing and war.

The sky has changed, the rules are also changing, and the age of the end of the law is also changing. With the advent of killing and war, the aura of the age of the end of the law is more terrifying, and the original suppression of the sentient beings in the world is also more terrible. All sentient beings in the world are going to war and killing. Time, even if it is the Time God and Demon who is in charge of the Origin and Treasure of the Avenue of Time, even if he is in the island of the gods, connected to the land of origin, and is suppressed by the power of the Age of Doom, and the origin is once again suppressed. For the most part, this is the general trend of the sky and the earth. Under the general trend, he has the ability to reach the sky and has amazing power, and still can't fight the sky and the earth.

At this time, perhaps it can really fight against the heavens and the earth, and can alleviate the suppression of the forces in the Age of Doom, and only the Chaos Sea Will, after all, it controls the origin of the Chaos Sea, but under the general situation of the world, the Chaos Sea Will does not dare to act rashly. Knowing that the pressure it bears is far beyond the time gods and demons, and beyond all sentient beings in the world!

If at this time, the Chaos Sea will take action to stop the general situation of the world, even if it can manipulate the origin of the Chaos Sea, it will be crushed by the general situation of the world. Although there will be no death, it will be sealed and suppressed. Next, even if it is the will of Chaos Sea, we must evade! However, all this is the result of the will of Chaos Sea, and it will naturally not prevent the general trend from coming.

Endless creatures, endless chaotic giant beasts are roaring frantically and killing frantically. Countless creatures abandon their original avenue practice and plunge into the acquired avenue of killing. Their madness is this killing. , This war has added a lot of abnormal changes, making the entire Chaos Sea uncontrollable, and gradually leaving everything from the control of the Chaos Sea will.

Under the general situation of heaven and earth, the will of Chaos Sea cannot control the changes of the world. Since it is a show, there is no power to control the evolution of heaven and earth, and the will of Chaos Sea will not work either. The evolution of heaven and earth will be controlled by itself, not external forces Master, with today’s killing, everything is changing. As time goes by, Chaos Sea Will’s grasp of the entire Chaos Sea will become lower and lower, and eventually lose control little by little. Perhaps in the end he can only control himself, Only those chaotic monsters!

Yes, for the Chaos Sea Will, in the end it can only master the Chaos Giants, because these Chaos Giants were cultivated by the Chaos Sea Will. No matter how the world evolves and changes, no matter how these Chaos Sea Giants Beasts are affected by the changes in the world, and cannot break free from the will of Chaos Sea unless they can destroy the world and destroy the world!

With the departure of all the creatures in the inner world, Xingtian's deity's aura has become extremely weak. If it were normal conditions, with the departure of the inner world creatures, it would be a great benefit for Xing Tian. He would not be so weak after all. Without these creatures, his inner world would not consume so much the power of his origin, but now the deity Xing Tian has become extremely weak!

Why is this happening? It was Xingtian’s own decision and Xingtian’s contribution. Although Xingtian was thrown into this chaotic sea and allowed them to face this world catastrophe, facing this crazy killing and war, Xingtian couldn’t say anything. No, every creature has the original power endowed by Xingtian. If there are only a few creatures, such a price is nothing. And Xingtian is all endowed with the origin. So how amazing it is to squeeze the world in Xingtian. It is conceivable.

auzw.com If you have to pay, you will gain. With this source, it is a shelter for all living creatures, which can give them more vitality, and as long as these creatures can persist Afterwards, the source of Xing Tian's consumption will come back bit by bit. After all, the more these creatures kill, the more Xing Tian can harvest the source of the Chaos Behemoth to perfect himself.

Relying on external forces to evolve his own world and his own avenues, although this has hidden dangers for Xing Tian, ​​after all, external forces are not the power of his own practice and cannot be perfectly integrated into himself. This takes time to polish, and Xing Tian does not Such a time, after all, the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth has come, the killing has begun, the war has started, and Xing Tian is also involved.

Although there are hidden dangers of ascension, it is nothing compared to survival. If you don’t have the strength to face the next catastrophe, face the final battle, and talk about hidden dangers, there will be nothing under death. Meaning, only alive is qualified to talk about hidden dangers. It is precisely because of this that Xing Tian can be so frantically desperate.

For Xingtian deity, what is needed now is to wait, while for the King of Time clone, what is now facing is danger. When he returns to the long river of time and space again, everything in front of him shocks the King of Time clone, which is terrifying. The time and space storm is raging everything, even the outermost force can cause harm to the King of Time clone. If you go deep into it, you will inevitably worry about life. The most shocking thing for Xing Tian is that in such a short time , In the space-time storm unexpectedly formed new lives, hired new chaotic behemoths, the chaotic behemoths with the origin of the time-space avenue, they are not affected by the time-space storm, but can also rely on the power of the time-space storm. Tap a little to increase your strength.

If you want to enter the long river of time and space, if you want to continue to explore the secrets, the king of time and space must clear these chaotic behemoths in front of him. Only in this way, the king of time and space has the opportunity to go deep. In the long river of time and space!

"Damn change, such a short period of time, this time and space river has undergone such a change, that collapsed time and space river has bred new life, is this the good fortune of heaven and earth, or the guidance of the chaos sea will, nurturing these Damn the chaos behemoth to stop anyone from exploring the river of time and space, and keep all external forces out of the river of time and space?"

For Xing Tian, ​​seeing all this, the first thing he thought of was conspiracy and calculation. After all, everything in front of him was amazing, and everything came so suddenly that Xingtian could not turn things in the worst direction. Thinking, in such a big environment, only if you think about everything in the worst direction, you are responsible for yourself.

"What secrets are hidden behind this long river of time and space, so that such a giant chaotic beast was born in the storm of time and space to protect this destroyed river of time and space. Could it be that it is really hidden in this long river of time and space? He holds the ultimate secret of Chaos Sea, so that even after time and space are destroyed, Chaos Sea's will will block all creatures from exploring!" Xing Tian was thinking, thinking everything in the worst direction, thinking about conspiracy theories.

If there is no conspiracy and calculation in the long river of time and space, if there is no conspiracy and calculation in this great catastrophe, Xing Tian will not believe it, and the whole world will not believe it. No creature who can live to the present is a fool, and naturally understands today’s How terrible is behind the big environment, but for many creatures, they have no ability to resist.

"The more so, the greater the secret behind this, even if you pay a high price, you must also explore the truth. Now the deity has its own things to do. The King of End clone is madly guiding the killing of heaven and earth. And I can’t stop. Killing is nothing. Any creature that blocks my burial must die. No matter how high the price is, I will not hesitate to kill!"

In an instant, the King of Time and Space clone finally made a decision, and a terrifying aura of killing radiated from him, permeating, the creatures in the inner world can provide the source of the deity, and the clone of oneself can also do it, perhaps in These **** chaotic behemoths have the secret of the long river of time and space. After all, they originated from the storm of time and space. Their origin is related to the original long river of time and space. Even in the heart of the king of time and space, these chaotic behemoths are evolved from the origin of the long river of time and space. .

Kill, a low voice fell, and the King of Time clone slammed into the storm of time and space, frantically killing these new chaotic monsters, and mercilessly, in the eyes of the King of Time clone, these chaotic monsters It is the origin and chance. Killing them is to absorb the origin, to swallow the origin of the river of time and space, and to explore the secrets behind the river of time and space.

At that time, the King of Sky clone madly rushed into the space-time storm. After that, the entire Chaos Sea was trembling, everything broke out, and the aura of the Age of Domination was also accelerating, and everyone’s hearts were gradually covered by the power of the Age of Domination. Locked, condensed a shackle, blocked their connection with the origin of the Great Avenue, and locked their perception of the rules of the Great Avenue!

When the King of Sky clone shook the land of storms formed after the collapse of the long river of time and space, the Chaos Sea Will immediately noticed, and the Supreme Chaos Will hidden in the deepest place was also aware, and cursed in his heart: "Damn, Someone rushed into the storm of time and space. Could it be that the secret of the river of time and space was discovered by others, even if the river of time and space was destroyed, he did not dispel his vigilance, so that he still needs to be at this time, under such circumstances check it out?"

Stop, although the Supreme Chaos Will and the Chaos Sea Will want to stop all of this, they are powerless. The Supreme Chaos Will is frantically refining the origin of the world that they have plundered, and the Chaos Sea Will needs to manipulate the Chaos Giant The beast, resist the slaughter from the major forces, the sentient beings in the world, and prevent the giant chaos beast from becoming passive in the first place!

The Chaos Behemoth is the ultimate power of the Chaos Sea Will to fight against and destroy the heaven and earth beings. This power cannot be lost. Once the Chaos Behemoth is strangled, the Chaos Sea Will wants to limit the ancient giants and block those ancient ones. The attack of the giants on the island of the gods and the attack on the time gods and demons will be even more difficult, and the situation will be even more out of control!


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