God of Destruction

Chapter 4331: Opportunities and dangers

Chapter 4337 Chance and Danger

Will the Chaos Behemoth be strangled by these many forces in the Chaos Sea? No, this is impossible. After all, they don’t have so much time to waste on this small problem. For most ancient giants, if they have to be the little source of the Chaos Behemoth, they want it. It is the secret in the island of the gods, the secret of the origin, and even the secret of the origin of the Chaos Sea, it is their own detachment, they will not waste their energy on the little chaotic behemoth!

Although knowing that the Chaos Giant Beast will not be extinct, the Chaos Sea will not dare to be careless. This is not an ordinary war. This is the final battle. A slight difference will cause disastrous consequences, although I don’t know that time and space will be exhausted. Who is the enemy of Changhe, I don't know what the other party intends, but Chaos Sea's will not dare to be careless, dare not despise it!

"What to do? Is it really necessary to activate the Supreme Chaos Will clone and activate this hidden backhand, but once this clone is activated, it can no longer be concealed. This is a huge difference with my previous assumptions, but it does not stop it. All of this, once the secret is discovered, the consequences are equally unimaginable!" At this time, Chaos Sea was hesitating, but there was not much time left for it. When the King of Time clone rushed into the storm of time and space, it was hidden. The secrets of the crumbled time and space river are stimulated. If he does not react, it will not be long before the King of Time clone can reach the secrets!

For the avatar of the King of Time, when the first giant chaos beheaded was killed, he was excited, let his eyes shine, chance, here is the great chance, the giant chaos and the sea of ​​chaos in the storm of time and space The giant chaotic beasts here are completely different. The giant chaotic beast here has a pure time origin. Every time you kill a giant chaos beast, you can take a point of time origin from it, strengthen its own origin power, and strengthen itself. Under such circumstances, Xing Tian went crazy!

Kill! At this moment, the King of Time and Space had only one thought in his mind, and that was killing. At this moment, the King of Time and Space had forgotten the task of the deity, and was attracted by this huge temptation, let alone the King of Time and Space. The existence of the Dao of Practice Time and Space, even if other ancient giants arrive, they will react in the same way when they see such a situation. They will also be attracted by this powerful opportunity and forget the tasks they had previously carried.

With the killing intent, the King of Time and Space clone is full of power, frantically starting to strangle all the giant chaotic beasts in front of him, frantically devouring their origin, and when the King of Time clone swallows the origin of these chaotic giant beasts, a trace The broken silk information also flows into the soul consciousness of the King of Time and Space with the power of the source, so that the King of Time and Space can get more secrets and information from it, but the broken information is too messy and too complicated, even if No matter how distracted to organize the avatar of the King of Time and Space, he couldn't figure out a clue, because everything was too broken, broken to the point where the King of Time and Space was helpless.

It is not impossible to get more secrets from the killing. This secret is hidden in the body of the Chaos Behemoth, but it is very difficult to do it. You need to kill countless Chaos Behemoths to gather yourself. Information and secrets you want! Of course, if all the chaotic giants in the entire time and space storm can be slaughtered, it may really be possible to get the secret hidden in the long river of time and space, but this is impossible to achieve. This is an impractical road to the chaos here. As far as the giant beasts are concerned, as long as the epoch-making time and space wind is still there, they will not be extinct, they and the time and space storm are symbiotic!

The King of Time clone is killing frantically. As the killing continues, the King of Time clone is not only the source of time, but also a more terrifying killing aura. If the King of Time clone can wake up at this time If you can stare at yourself, you will find that your body has been enveloped by a layer of murderous aura, and your mind is being affected by the murderous aura bit by bit. It is losing control step by step and slipping into the abyss step by step.

Perhaps this is also a protection of Time and Space Storm for itself, and it is also a hindrance left when the river of time and space is destroyed. It is just that it is not easy for this kind of power to completely control Xingtian’s King of Time clone, although the King of Time clone is temporarily Lost reason, but this is not a fatal threat. At least it has not threatened the life of the King of Time and Space. If this power threatens the life of the King of Time and Space, it will inevitably alarm Xing Tian and the soul of the King of Time and Space. At that time, the situation will be reversed in an instant, and all the obstacles in front of you will disappear without a trace.

It’s just that Chaos Sea Will has not fully grasped the situation on the long river of time and space. It does not know what happened here. In the end, it still did not let go of the worries in its heart, or chose to use its own cards, the highest chaos world clone. It was dispatched, and quickly came to the long river of time and space with the help of the source of Chaos Sea.

Although doing so will expose the power of the Supreme Chaos World clone, and even bring danger to this clone, Chaos Sea Will still does this. It is worried that the worst situation will happen, and that the ultimate secret of the long river of time and space will be exposed. In contrast, the secrets of the islands of the gods are not important, but the secrets of the long river of time and space cannot be lost!

Xing Tian didn’t know that his temporary actions would provoke Chaos Sea Will’s counterattack, touch the ultimate secret of Chaos Sea Will, and destroy the Chaos Sea Will’s calculations, accelerate the evolution of this world, and accelerate the changes in the world. He is also in crisis, at least the King of Time and Space clone is in crisis, and Pian Xingtian doesn't know all this!

Didn't Xingtian prepare for the worst before the action? Haven't thought of once hitting the long river of time and space, exploring the secrets of the long river of time and space, will it alarm the enemy, will it cause a terrible counterattack, and plunge oneself into crisis? No, Xing Tian thought about it. It’s just that the mind of Xing Tian’s avatar of the King of Time and Space has been affected by external forces. He has forgotten his mission and fell into a terrible confusion. At this time, all he can rely on is his own strength. Can face this crisis by myself.

Of course, even if the enemy will come, it will take time. If Xing Tian can wake up before the arrival of the Supreme Chaos World clone, or break through the defenses of the Temporal Storm, the so-called threat will naturally cease to exist. Any crisis is just a joke, just to It is also very difficult to achieve this, at least Xingtian does not have the power right now.


Although the giant chaotic beasts in the time and space storm are endless, it is not easy for the king of time clone to strangle them. Every time it takes a shot, it will consume its own origin. If it is not for the origin of the chaotic beast after its death, At this moment, the King of Time and Space clone had been exhausted, and could no longer threaten the river of time and space.

The crazy killing of the King of Time and Space is not without the slightest benefit. Under such crazy killing, such a terrible murderous aura is condensed. It is a great impact on the time and space storm and the Chaos Sea world. The condensing of killing aura is right. Any environment has a huge impact, but this impact has not yet fully erupted. If the King of Time clone wakes up completely and actively stimulates his own killing aura, the entire time and space storm will inevitably usher in a terrible natural disaster!

Yes, it is a natural disaster! For any general environment, the existence of the killing breath is natural disaster, destruction, and destruction. The more Xingtian kills, the stronger the killing breath. Perhaps this is something that Chaos Sea Will never thought of, after all. In the mind of Chaos Sea Will, there was no expectation that anyone would care about this long river of time and space that has shattered and collapsed, and would not waste time exploring the broken secrets here, but this accident happened now.

When this intention occurs, everything is gradually getting out of the control of the will of Chaos Sea, and the space-time storm is losing control little by little. Once everything is out of control, it will have a great impact on the will of Chaos Sea. This is not the result it wants to see, but it is also a terrible consequence that it cannot afford.

If Xingtian’s terrible killing aura completely envelopes the entire time and space storm and shields everything from the killing aura, Chaos Sea Will will completely lose control of the time and space storm and the river of time and space, and everything will be more terrifying. In the direction of development, the entire world will move towards the unknown, and even the entire Chaos Sea will suffer terrible blows.

The origin of time on his body is becoming more and more intense, but the pressure of the King of Time clone is also frantically increasing. The entire time and space storm is also gradually undergoing unknown changes. Under such crazy killing of Xing Tian, ​​this world is full of Changes are taking place, causing terrible changes in this space-time river. Although the space-time river has collapsed, the treasure of time has also escaped, but the foundation of the space-time river is still there. If someone can provide a huge source for support, it will make this time-space river. Getting a new life will bring about new changes in everything, and it will also make the situation uncontrollable, letting everything beyond your control.

The loud noise of "Boom!" blasted in the origin of the King of Time and Space, swallowing too many time origins, and the origin of the King of Time and Space was out of balance, the power of time and space. The power clashes, and the power of the time and space king also loses control, and it is not outsiders who cause all this, but the time and space king clone himself!

When the power of one's own origin was out of balance, a sense of danger came out from the depths of the soul, making the King of Space-Time clone awake in an instant. Under the influence of this external force, the King of Space-Time clone finally woke up, just in After waking up, the King of Time clone was not happy. On the contrary, his expression was extremely solemn. When such a crisis occurred, the impact on him was huge, and the King of Time and Space felt the threat of death and the malice of heaven and earth.

"Damn, how could I lose my mind, how could I be lost by the temptation in front of me, if it wasn't for my own time-space avenue to lose its balance, I'm afraid I would still be immersed in this crazy killing, if time Longer, I'm afraid that even if I wake up, I can't change my own crisis. Fortunately, now I wake up and there is still a chance to make up for everything. It is very difficult to do this, and the pressure to bear will be even more terrifying and even more difficult. terror!"

When the situation develops to this point, does the king of time and space have another choice? Is there still the ability to refuse? No, after everything happened, the King of Time clone had no choice, no matter how great the threat, he had to face it.

Is this little temptation? Not too small, let alone the king of time and space, even if the deity descends, I am afraid that I will be lost by the temptation here. Faced with such a big opportunity, who can refuse, fortunately, the king of time and space is practicing on the road of time and space. , The time origin and the space origin cannot be too different. If it is replaced by someone else, no matter how much time origin is swallowed, it will not cause an impact on itself. At least it can’t be done in a short time, and when conflicts really break out , Is also the time when death comes.

I have to say that the luck of the King of Time clone is very good, and the luck of Xing Tian's body is very strong, and he can protect himself from this most terrible threat! However, when the King of Time Clone came back sober, a terrible maliciousness was emerging from the depths of the time and space storm, and this maliciousness was directed at the King of Time Clone. When such maliciousness appeared, it made the King of Time Clone. There was a gloomy look in his eyes. This change made the King of Time and Space Clone feel a palpitating heart, as if a great danger was coming.

"Damn, I knew that to be able to make Ben respectful, there must be terrible threats and terrifying secrets hidden here. If you knew that the collapse of the time and space river did not make all the secrets disappear, at the time when the time and space river collapsed. , I shouldn’t fight to leave, I should pay a little price and search everything here, and hold the deeper secrets in my own hands, without having to waste time and energy to find out! "

When thinking of this, the face of the King of Time and Space clone revealed a faint unwillingness and distress. It was clear that the opportunity was in front of him, but he gave up carelessly, which made him a little unacceptable for a while! Is this really the case? When the river of time and space collapsed, did the King of Time clone pay a little price to really get the secrets hidden in the river of time and space? No, this is impossible. The destruction of the long river of time and space will produce shock waves that cannot be withstood by the King of Time clone. The disaster caused at the beginning of the collapse cannot be withstood by a clone. If you have to do it, you have to die. There is no other possibility!


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