God of Destruction

Chapter 4332: Festival crisis

Chapter 4338: Crisis

Now the time and space river has collapsed, and time and space storms have evolved. Although the existence of time and space storms has blocked the exploration of the time and space rivers by all beings in the world, while the time and space storms condensed, they have also weakened the original power of the time and space rivers, plus the time and space they carry The original treasure of Changhe has escaped, and it can be said that the original power possessed by Changhe in time and space now has no one in ten.

The complete time and space river, even if the ancient giants come, have to retreat, but now the time and space river is completely different, losing more than 90% of its origin, its power can no longer stop the exploration of the strong, but all the ancient giants before Forget about the long river of time and space, they all think that the long river of time and space has collapsed between the heaven and the earth, and that the power they need is no longer in the long river of time and space, but they are wrong, even if a little bit of origin remains, it is precious to any ancient giant. It’s a pity that these ancient giants were calculated by Chaos Sea Will. They all ignored the existence of the long river of time and space. Only Xing Tian, ​​a lunatic, would make this crazy choice when he discovered that the death crisis was coming. The end of time and space.

It can be said that Xing Tian’s crazy move hits the weak underbelly of the will of Chaos Sea. Otherwise, the will of Chaos Sea will not send out the clone of the supreme Chaos World that he has hidden for a long time, to destroy this enemy who dares to seize the origin of time and space. !

In terms of Xingtian’s behavior, his move has touched the bottom line of Chaos Sea’s will. He is exploring the secrets of Chaos Sea, the ultimate secret, and this secret exists in the long river of time and space. If Xing Tian is given enough time, he It is indeed possible to do this. Once the King of Time clone has really found this secret, it will be a huge shock to Chaos Sea. All the secrets will be exposed to Xingtian, the lunatic. What will happen? The consequences, the will of Chaos Sea is not clear!

"Opportunity, here I feel a great opportunity, not just these chaotic monsters, it seems that in the depths of this space-time storm there is a greater opportunity calling me, what secret is hidden here, the appearance of space-time storm Is it to hide this secret, cut off the call of this opportunity, and prevent any inspiration from its existence?"

When the Sky King clone felt this change in aura, he couldn't help but guess in his heart, and only this one reason can explain everything, but if all of this is true, then the secret hidden behind the time and space storm It will be astonishingly big, if you really get it, it will exceed your previous imagination, and perhaps let you see another world.

Of course, there is also a big crisis in chance. While feeling the call of chance, the King of Time clone also felt the threat from the heaven and the earth, the warning from the soul. If you continue to move forward and continue to explore the secrets here, you will have a body. The danger of death is not a general danger, but a real threat of death.

give up? No, even if the danger is great, Xing Tian will not give up. When accepting the mission of the origin, the King of Time clone already understands how great the danger he will face, what kind of ending he will have, and death is not terrible. , I can’t let myself retreat, even if the front is more dangerous, as long as you can find the opportunity and grasp the opportunity, even if it is dead and soul, it is worth it. If the deity gets this opportunity, he may be able to jump out of this world and truly get away. In the world, as long as the deity is alive, he still has a chance to recover, and if the deity dies, then everything is over!

war! In an instant, the King of Time and Space avatar burst into a strong fighting spirit. No matter how dangerous the front is, he will go, even if he pays a great price, he must go. The avatar of the King of Time and Space will quickly gather his mind and continue himself. The killing battle, continue to plunder more time origin, continue his previous crazy move!

Yes, Xing Tian is still plundering the source of time, even if he knows that the rapid growth of the source of time will destroy his balance and make his own great path unbalanced, but he is still doing this, even if it will threaten his life, time and space The king’s clone still did not hesitate to do it, because to explore the secrets behind the space-time storm requires strong combat power, and the source of the behemoth to swallow the chaos is the fastest choice. Life and death are only in the line. If you can If you pass this level, you can reverse everything and break through the catastrophe, and if you fail, you will die, and everything is only between Xingtian's thoughts!

"Kill, the end of time, kill! Kill! Kill!" After making up his mind, the King of Time clone did not hesitate at all, and instantly sacrificed his own powerful time supernatural powers, and a powerful time origin instantly evolved into supernatural powers, directly To kill the giant chaotic beasts in the space-time storm, use time to break the game, use all of your own time source as a nutrient, to directly kill the time-space storm, to the chaotic behemoths, to raise the battle with chaos beasts The source of death nourishes itself.

Crazy, this is really crazy, this kind of supernatural power can be said to be fighting for life, once it misses, it does not plunder enough source power, it will be a devastating blow to the king of time and space, and it will make itself Suddenly fell into a real desperate situation, but Xing Tian, ​​a lunatic, did so, without hesitation, let alone fear, as if death was not worth mentioning to him, danger was just a joke, never existed.

The mood is just above the choice of the King of Time and Space clone. You can see how strong the mood of the King of Time and Space clone and Xingtian deity are. Faced with such a terrible crisis, they didn't shake their mood or let their mind fall. While continuing to move forward according to the original layout, any obstacles in his eyes are just sharpening, which will only strengthen himself, but will not affect himself!

This is an incomparable state of mind. No force can shake it. With such a firm state of mind, it will be a great strength for Xing Tian. As long as the state of mind remains unshakable, even if there is no greater danger ahead, there will be more. Tribulation will not affect Xingtian's cultivation, everything will only turn into the nourishment on the path of Xingtian's cultivation and become his own foundation.

auzw.com"Damn it, how could this happen? In such a short period of time, the threat has more than doubled in the air. What happened in the long river of time and space? When will the Supreme Chaos World clone be able to stop All of this can strangle that **** bastard!" At this time, Chaos Sea's will was madly cursing, and its state of mind began to lose control. The changes in time and space made it feel threatened, making it unable to resist the general trend of Chaos Sea. Fully grasp.

Is this the evolution of the World Avenue that I have always wanted? Is this result really what I have always wanted to see? For an instant, Chaos Sea Will was worried and afraid about his previous plan. This was not the result he wanted to see. What he wanted to see was the evolution of the World Dao, not the collapse of the world. If Changhe’s secrets are exposed, the consequences will be terrible and everything will be completely out of control.

"No, the Supreme Chaos World clone can definitely stop the **** bastard. No matter how strong the **** is, he cannot penetrate the storm of time and space in a short time, nor can he swallow the fragments of the long river of time and space, and sort out complete information. Time On my side, I can’t lose my mind due to temporary changes. Although the general situation is a bit out of control, it has not been completely out of control. I still have the opportunity to take everything in my own hands again. As long as the Supreme Chaos World clone can kill the **** , This crisis will become one's own temper, make one's mood further, make one's own practice further, the crisis is also an opportunity!" Soon, Chaos Sea Will wakes up from that anger and calms his own anger. In the mood, let his mind not be affected by this shock, so that he can calmly face all this, but will everything he thinks really come true? If the Supreme Chaos World clone fails, what will be the consequence, Chaos Hai Will did not think about it. Perhaps it never thought about this issue in its heart. In its view, no enemy would be an opponent of its own supreme chaotic world clone, because it has the power of a world, even if it is The ancient giants also have to die!

Xing Tian didn't know the thoughts of Chaos Sea Will at this moment. Of course, there was no need to know. Whether Xing Tian's deity or the two clones were completely immersed in their own struggle, no external force could be an obstacle to their progress.

After continuing to kill frantically, the time origin accumulated by the time-space king clone is also getting stronger and stronger, and the killing is also getting more and more terrifying. Such a terrible murderous aura, as long as the time-space king clone is willing, it can be condensed by waving hands. The original Dao fruit of the complete acquired Slaughter Avenue can strengthen its own combat power. Even if the King of Time and Space is willing, this power can also be transferred to the King of Ending clone through the magical powers of time and space, becoming the killer of the King of Ending clone.

Why is this happening? In fact, it’s very simple. There are countless killings in the entire Chaos Sea. The breath of killing envelops the entire Chaos Sea. The avenue of killings has been evolved to the extreme. Xingtian’s time-space king clone and the end king clone have the same origin. A trace of contact, in this case, as long as they are willing, they can sacrifice a little of their own strength and transfer their murderous aura to another person, becoming the foundation between them and their assassin!

Think about it, a person sees the killing aura of the King of Ending clone, thinking that this is his background, but when the battle is together, when the King of Ending clone is going to work hard, it instantly attracts the King of Time clone. What will be the result of killing the source of the acquired day after day? It cannot be said that the enemy can be strangled instantly, but the enemy can be killed by surprise, against the overall situation!

The more killings, the stronger the accumulated murderous aura, which is the biggest boost for the clones of the King of Time and Space and the clones of the King of End. As for the Xingtian deity, although it has the ability to inspire this murderous aura, this power is not required by the source, and the deity has no time. , And there was no energy wasted on this murderous aura. What the source is asking for is the accumulation of its own source, with countless killings and plunders of his subordinates, Xing Tian deity does not need to care about this little power at all, does not need this assassin.

"Quick, quicker, just quicker, I will be able to pierce through this time and space storm, and don’t give this **** time and space storm a new chaotic behemoth. Without the chaotic behemoth, the power of the time and space storm can’t stop me from moving forward. , I can rush deeper!" The King of Time clone was yelling frantically, his eyes flashing with terrifying crazy light!

Yes, at this moment, the King of Space and Time has seen through part of the secrets of Space Storm, and understands that as long as he can hurry up, he can strangle the chaotic behemoths in his face before the Space Storm condenses new chaotic behemoths, and he can rush in. Deeper, you can see another piece of heaven and earth, but to do this is not an easy task. What he faces is the resistance of the entire time and space storm. He has to fight against the entire time and space storm and overcome this time and space storm.

The avatar of the King of Time and Space rushed in so frantically, because his spiritual warning was aggravating, as if danger was coming. If he couldn't hurry up, the trouble would be big, and where did the trouble come from? This is not a time and space storm, but a human robbery, someone robbers to block their progress, some people want to prevent themselves from exploring the secrets of the long river of time and space.

"Damn it, how could it be so troublesome. I paid such a big price to explode with all my strength, but I couldn't strangle these **** chaotic monsters at the same time and couldn't rush into the depths. Could it be that the strength I accumulated was not enough to fulfill my wish? Not enough to shake the storm of time and space, I need more powerful strength to have the opportunity to rush in?" At this time, the king of time and space clone had a hint of impatientness in his heart, as well as a hint of worry and anxiety, as if the shadow of failure was coming to me. !

Just when there was a slight change in the spirit of the King of Time clone, suddenly, a terrible murderous aura came from behind. Before this murderous aura came on him, he heard a roar: "Damn ant, Stop it!"

The enemy, the enemy appeared, the things I was worried about still happened, the human robbery appeared, my plan was affected, and the trouble came. Facing such a drastic change, the feeling of the King of Time and Space Clone can be imagined, but The king of time and space understands from his body and mind that he should not panic. The more this time, the more calmly he has to face it.

"There must be a way to resolve the crisis. Everything has a silver lining. I don't believe that I will not be able to break through successfully, but I haven't found the right way!" The King of Space and Time is forcing myself to calm down and face it with a normal heart. When facing this sudden change, a flash of light flashed from the sea of ​​consciousness of his soul. In an instant, the King of Time clone thought of a crazy method, an unacceptable method!


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