God of Destruction

Chapter 4333: Break

Chapter 4339 Breaks the Game

With the help of the power of the invading enemy, using this as a driving force, blessing directly breaks through all the obstacles in front of you and directly rushes through the time and space storm! This idea is really crazy. Taking the impact of this external force and using it as motivation, I have to say that the king of time and space is really crazy to the extreme. In such an operation, as long as a little bit of accident happens, he will You will die, and even if you succeed, you will be traumatized, and you will endure a blow from the enemy with yourself. This is risking your own life. This is self-mutilation, and you will complete your own at the cost of this madness. plan.

Time waits for no one. There is not so much time left for the King of Time and Space to think carefully about countermeasures and carefully calculate the gains and losses. For the King of Time and Space, you only understand one thing. If you don't fight hard, you will either give up on time and space. Changhe’s exploration, withdrawing from the storm of time and space, or turning around to fight the enemy for life and death, and this is not the result that the king of time and space wants, so he only has this one choice, he can only fight hard, with the help of This external force broke out!

"Come on, I hope that your bastard's attack will not let me down. It can give me enough assistance to break through the barriers of time and space storms, rush into the depths of time and space storms in one fell swoop, and explore the secrets of the long river of time and space! "The King of Time and Space Clone's heart is screaming frantically. At this time, his spirit is extremely condensed. There is only one opportunity, and it is fleeting. If you want to succeed, you must pay with all your strength. There can be no carelessness or carelessness. Something went wrong!

Seeing the King of Time and Space avatar Tuangan pays attention to himself, even not taking his warning as one thing, taking himself as one thing, and still facing away from him, the Supreme Chaos World clone becomes furious, but furious. Besides, he was cheering in his heart. The enemy was more stupid than he thought. At this time, he didn't pay attention to his foreign enemy. This is simply the best time to kill the opponent. If you don't grasp it well, I'm really sorry for this opportunity!

"Kill!" There is no hesitation, and no stopping to gather strength. The opportunity is not to be missed, and the loss will never come. If you stop, the Supreme Chaos World clone does not know if he has a chance to give the **** **** before him a fatal blow. After all, once the enemy made a vigilant move and made a defensive action, it would be impossible for him to succeed with a single blow.

In an instant, the Supreme Chaos World clone condensed most of its own strength. After all, time is limited, and it is not allowed to gather all of its strength, and kill the opponent by surprise. In such a short period of time, most of the strength that can be condensed has also tried its best.

In an instant, this huge force directly passed through the time and space storm, and slammed behind the King of Time clone. That terrifying force turned into a terrifying destructive force was madly destroying everything in the King of Time clone. To wipe out the vitality of the King of Time and Space, the King of Time and Space should be directly strangled in this space-time storm.

"Thank you, with your strength, I can do it in one fell swoop, time and space explode, and drive me!" After taking a blow, the King of Time clone let out a low cry, which is clearly audible. It can be concluded that he has been severely injured, but the King of Time clone has managed to turn this attack into his own help, directly tore through the time and space storm, and then directly passed through before the Supreme Chaos World clone had time to react. The time and space storm disappeared into the opponent's sight!

"Damn it!" When he heard the words of the King of Time clone, the clone of the Supreme Chaos World immediately understood that he was deceived and used by the **** enemy in front of him. When he wanted to stop everything, he had already It's too late, everything has happened, the King of Time clone disappeared completely from his sight, and he had already rushed through the Temporal Storm!

The Supreme Chaos World clone also wanted to go through the time and space storm and continue to chase the opponent, but when the Time King clone disappeared, the new Chaos Behemoth regarded him as an intruder and launched an attack frantically to bring the Supreme Chaos World. The clone was blocked, but the power of these giant chaos beasts was terrifying. He couldn't get rid of it at all for a while. It could be said that only for a moment, the clone of the king of time and space, Shen Zhiyao, and the clone of the highest chaos world became It's a shield!

"Asshole, you **** asshole, how dare you tease me like this!" The Supreme Chaos World clone was shouting angrily, venting the unwillingness in his heart, but all this has happened, and he wants to continue chasing the King of Time and Space. The clone must face these endless chaotic behemoths. In this time and space storm, his power can't make these chaotic behemoths retreat, let alone his clone, even if the supreme chaotic will comes, It is also impossible to make these chaotic giants retreat.

The changes in the long river of time and space, the emergence of time and space storms, although the giant chaos beasts they condense are guided by the will of the sea of ​​chaos, but these giant chaos beasts have long been out of the control of the other party, they have only instinct to guard this world, guard Time and space storms do not allow others to enter, and any creatures who are good at breaking here will be hit by these chaotic giants.

Mission, this is the mission of the Chaos Behemoth, even death cannot let them lay down this mission, and it is impossible for them to retreat, and only by defeating the Chaos Behemoth can they be equipped to move forward and be qualified to contact time and space. The secret of Changhe is qualified to receive more information and learn more secrets of Chaos Sea.

"Por!" After rushing out of the space-time storm, the King of Space-time clone just stopped and uttered a muffled grunt, and a **** arrow spurted out. It was just a blow, which had severely damaged his origin, if not I took advantage of the explosion of the source for most of it. If I bear it all, I am afraid that I will be in danger of death under this blow.

auzw.com For a moment, the King of Time clone murmured to himself: "What a powerful attack, such a powerful magical power, I didn’t expect such a terrifying enemy hidden in this chaotic sea, and This **** enemy actually cultivated the World Dao, and it was still a perfect World Dao. It truly mastered the power of the Three Thousand Dao Law. This is really incredible. Is this the back hand of the Chaos Sea Will? This is what it has always been Is it in the hidden power? But in this **** bastard, I actually felt the original aura of the Supreme Chaos World. Could it be that I had a wrong sense, or how could I feel this way on the other person!"

Yes, at this moment, the King of Time clone felt the breath of the Supreme Chaos World, and doubted the clone of Chaos Sea Will. If his induction was true, this sudden enemy was very dangerous and terrifying.

"No, there is nothing wrong with being careful, especially in today's general environment. No matter how careful you are, it is right. Since you can feel the origin of the supreme chaotic world in this sudden enemy, it means that this is not an accident. It came for myself and came to stop me. There are indeed big secrets here, there are big secrets that are earth-shattering, otherwise the other party will not show up at this time, and risk revealing his identity to stop myself!" , The King of Space-Time clone made a decision and confirmed the intention of the other party. It can be said that the King of Space-Time clone did not dare to hold any illusions anymore, and the war began!

Yes, a new war has begun. This is true for the King of Time and Space. Facing the sudden change, the King of Time and Space has become more cold. When the war begins, you must determine the identity of the opponent and know who it is. Counting yourself!

"The original aura of the supreme chaotic world. Only those giants who fit in the body can possess such a breath. It is just such a short time that they cannot do this. It is impossible to grasp the original aura of the supreme chaotic world so easily, and it is even more impossible. Also practise the World Dao, there is only one existence that can do this, the original origin that left the highest chaotic world, the will of the highest chaotic world, and only he can have such power!"

‘Hi! When thinking of this, the King of Time and Space was shocked physically and mentally, and the situation was even more terrifying than he thought. The Long River of Time and Space will be a terrifying battlefield, a battlefield for himself and the Supreme Chaos World Will, and an endless battle!

"Even the will of the Supreme Chaos World has appeared. It seems that I really have to be watched by the Sea of ​​Chaos. The Supreme Chaos World may have been in its grasp from the beginning. The will and origin of the world that escaped is only reserved for itself. It also wants to take the World Avenue. If it weren’t for my sudden attack, I’m afraid I don’t know the secret at all. This **** hides so deeply. Even the Supreme Chaos World is under its control. Everything It's all under its control, it's terrible, it's really terrible, what exactly it wants to do, what secrets are hidden in the long river of time and space, it's worth the price it pays!"

The greater the secret, the more dangerous the King of Time and Space is. He knows this very well. It's just that everything has happened and he can't help himself to shrink back. But the more dangerous it is, the curiosity in the King of Time and Space will be stimulated, and the more he wants to know to hide The secrets in the long river of time and space, want to understand the overall plan of the will of Chaos Sea! If it was said that the King of Time and Space had doubts in the heart of the time and space that there would be everything he thought of in the long river of time and space, from this moment on, he no longer had such thoughts, he had set his goal.

"Come on, let me take a look at what secrets are hidden here, and hope that the space-time storm can give me enough time, so that I can find this secret and crack this secret before the **** **** rushes in!" However, the King of Time and Space understands that this is impossible. As a clone of the will of Chaos Sea, he has mastered the world avenue and the origin of the world. The enemy is much stronger than he thought. Don’t look at the opponent before. But all this is just the beginning. Although I have taken a step first, it does not mean I can have the last laugh.

"I have to plan for the worst, I have to plan to die with this bastard, and I have to find the secret hidden in the long river of time and space, now I don't have much time to waste!" Yes, the time and space of today Wang did not want to take the initiative to recover from this injury, because time is limited. If he recovers at this time, I am afraid that when his injury recovers, the **** enemy has already intruded here, and he will face this **** again. , Fight with it!

Things have never been smooth sailing. Before the beginning, the king of time and space was prepared. So although he was seriously injured, he did not think about healing, but continued to explore. If things are really impossible, he still has Assassin, there is a chance to pull each other to death. This murderousness of myself is not a display, and my calculations are not in vain!

Going forward carefully step by step, after passing through the time and space storm, everything in front of him shocked the king of time and space. There is no such endless chaotic behemoth, nor the violent time and space storm. Everything is so peaceful, just in In this peace, there is a looming crisis. No matter how hard the King of Time and Space tries to lock it, he can't grasp it. It seems that this crisis exists in the void. This situation makes the King of Time and Space cover another layer. shadow!

Compared with the looming crisis in front of him, the king of time and space would rather face the previous time and space storm, facing the endless chaos behemoth, at least the enemy is right in front of him, he can confront it head-on, and now he has to be careful anytime and anywhere. Guard against everything around you, for fear that a sudden change will happen in the next moment, and you will fall into an unknown disaster. The unknown is the most terrifying and the most dangerous. Under such an environment, the mood of the king of time and space It has a huge impact. It consumes one's own energy every moment, and it will put oneself in a tight state, and such a state cannot be lasting.

Yes, the king of time and space is worried that the crisis will break out at the moment when he is most exhausted, he will be caught off guard, and he will be plunged into desperation in an instant. If there is another accident, the **** **** will also chase him. When it comes up, maybe I don't see any vitality at all, and even if I don't get anything, I will be consumed here.

The king of time and space also wants to break out of the game, and also wants to break everything here, but no matter how he tries, he can’t cause harm to everything here. The power of time is always affecting everything, and the power of time is always preventing his own. All actions, no matter how hard you do, will fail under the power of time. The power of time is the root of all this. It is this peaceful protection. If you cannot break the limit of time and power, you cannot break free from this game. To break time, the King of Time still has a vigilance in his heart and dare not act rashly. Don't dare to use your own assassin!


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