God of Destruction

Chapter 4334: Endless days

Chapter 4340

Time, for the king of time and space, time is pressing. Whether it is the pressure and threat of the supreme chaotic world clone behind it, or the oppression of the immediate crisis, it is very dangerous for himself, and he does not have much time to waste. , I must face all the crises in front of me, I must face the crisis behind this calmness. If I can’t break it, it will be very detrimental to me, and I will gradually fall into a desperate situation, and there will be no way to escape. !

"Since you can't grasp the power hidden behind calmness, then change everything in another way. The more cautious, the less this power will not appear. It is better to let go and use absolute power to impact this Calm, head straight into this peaceful world, and head straight to the long river of time and space. If it doesn’t make a move, I can naturally enter the broken river of time and space easily. Otherwise, I can fight this force head-on!" Next, the King of Time and Space once again made a crazy decision. If you want to succeed in such a big environment, it is impossible to be cautious.

"War!" The King of Time and Space uttered a deep cry, and his fighting spirit was ignited frantically. Although he was seriously injured, there was no hesitation in the eyes of the King of Time and Space, no trace of fear, even if there was no greater danger ahead, no matter how terrible. You will face all this bravely, without the slightest retreat, and will not stand still. When stepping into this world, the king of time and space will have no retreat. There is still a ray of vitality to move forward. There is a dead end, the highest chaos world clone will not let it go!

After a deep drink, the king of time and space rushed forward like a flash of lightning. At the moment of rushing out, his own powerful source was fully aroused. Time waits for no one. Since he has to try his best, he can’t do anything. Retain, the moment the body shape flew out, this peaceful world was broken, just as the king of time and space thought, the power hidden in the void finally couldn't bear to take it, a terrible place of time acts on The body of the king of time and space, this is the yoke of time, when this power came, the body of the king of time and space became slow, and he was carrying a huge yoke that made him unable to move fast!

"The power of the origin of time, the magical power of time, as I thought, there is still the power of time. Fortunately, this is just a time yoke, not time static, or time imprisoned. It seems that the long river of time and space is shattered, and time is the treasure of origin. His escape has a huge impact on it, and this may be my chance!" When the power of the time yoke fell on him, the king of time and space could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. This power did not exceed his expectations. This is a good thing!

"Give me, time and space burst, burst! Burst! Burst!" Time waits for no one, and I don’t have much time to waste here. If I don’t do anything, I will use his most powerful magical powers as soon as I do it. The power directly provokes the time and space to destroy the great supernatural powers, using this most direct and domineering method to break the shackles of oneself and break the order of this world!

Yes, it is order! Although the long river of time and space collapsed, and although the order of the entire Chaos Sea was shattered, there is still a trace of order in this peaceful world. It is this power of order that maintains this peaceful world, and it is precisely because of this trace. The power of order can distinguish this space from the space-time storm.

Will the power to break this order of order allow time and space storms to appear, and will it cause terrible changes in the world? The king of time and space doesn’t want to know, and he doesn’t want to guess. He doesn’t have so much time to waste, so no matter whether it will happen or not, he must do so. No matter how bad it is, it will not be worse than before. Breaking the power of this order, perhaps you can see a deeper world, you can enter the long river of broken time and space, to find everything you want!

bet! The King of Time is gambling, gambling on his luck, gambling on the connection between this world and the long river of time and space! Even when the situation has reached this point, breaking the order of heaven and earth and breaking everything will only benefit the king of time and space more than disadvantages. The more the world is broken, the more it can stimulate the power of time and space and expose the hidden secrets.

boom! With a loud bang, the power of time and space burst detonated this world, breaking the power that maintains the order of this world, the power of time was swept away in an instant, only then the world began to shatter, and when the calm was broken, a terrible storm It is condensing, but this storm is not what Xing Tian thought, it wants to tear this world, but to swallow it!

Yes, the power of devouring appeared. Behind this calmness is not only the power of time, but also the power of terrible devouring. In an instant, a terrible devouring storm formed in the center of this peaceful world. Turning into a huge space-time black hole, it is consuming all power, and a terrible suction is pulling the body of the king of time and space!

"Damn, this is the power that swallows the avenue, how could there be such a source of power in the long river of time and space, what is going on, what secret is left here by the **** Chaos Sea Will, and it has been laid out like this? A vicious trap?" Facing the sudden change, the King of Space and Time's eyes transmitted terrible light. This swallowing force made him feel the threat of death. Once he was pulled into the black hole, absolutely It is ten deaths without life.

In this engulfing black hole, the king of time and space feels the origin of time and space. Although this devouring storm is shown by the devouring avenue, its essence is the power of time and space, or the broken river of time and space is in this black hole. The appearance of this black hole is not only a strangulation of invaders, but also a nourishment to the long river of time and space, so as to eat the invading enemy to repair the long river of space!

This idea is crazy, but this may be the fact! This may be the calculation of the will of the Chaos Sea, and it is also a barrier to the invaders. If you can’t resist this devouring storm, it will inevitably be swallowed by the source, turned into the nutrients of the long river of time and space, and completely disappeared in this world. There is no trace of life, everything will be dissipated with the swallowing black hole!

auzw.com Just then, a sneer sounded from behind: "Hahaha! Stupid ants, are you really able to calculate for yourself, are you really able to escape my chase? , Really naive and ridiculous!"

This is the voice of the avatar of the Supreme Chaos World. This **** rushed out of the time and space storm and entered this world. From the words of this bastard, we can know that he knows this world and the environment very well, even This **** knows the whole time and space very well. That's why he can get rid of all obstacles so easily and can laugh at the king of time and space!

"Well said, I really underestimated this world, underestimated your sinister bastard, the original aura of the Supreme Chaos World, if I didn't guess wrong, you should be the will to escape the Supreme Chaos World, more accurate Say that you are the clone of the will of Chaos Sea. Everything here is your layout. You have put so much effort and endured such a big loss. I believe there must be secrets that are vital to you hidden here. Otherwise, you would not jump out so desperately to stop me from advancing and prevent me from exploring the long river of time and space. What are you going to do?" Facing the supreme chaotic world clone that suddenly appeared, the King of Time and Space made a questioning voice. Directly pointed at the key point of the other party, straightforwardly stated the nature of this world!

"Okay, very good! You are really amazing. You can understand so many secrets silently and can see through my identity. It seems that you have really come into contact with the essence of this world. Unfortunately, you are too self-righteous, thinking Caused the chaos of the world and caused this terrible killing storm, you can completely contain me, you can take this opportunity to sneak in here quietly to explore the secrets of the world, you can only say that you overestimated your power, yes For you, there is only a dead end. Don't try to use this ridiculous method to extract secrets. I am not a fool and will not give you this opportunity!"

Speaking of this, the face of the Supreme Chaos World clone showed a look of disdain, despising the King of Time and Space, and did not leave any face to the King of Time and Space, and there was a more terrible killing intent in that disdain. , Immortality is the position of both parties. For them, there is no possibility to resolve the contradiction. The King of Time and Space cannot retreat, and the Supreme Chaos World Clone cannot let the King of Time and Space leave here alive and bring his secrets out of this world. .

"Come on, let me see what magical powers you have and what means you have. I want to know how far you have traveled on the World Avenue in such a short time. Let me see what power your clone has Dare to boast such Haikou!" When he said this, the fighting spirit on the King of Time was once again aroused. Although he was seriously injured, he could face the enemy in front of him, but he didn't have the slightest intention to give in, and he didn't mean to give in to the enemy's calculations. Panic, not even a trace of fear!

"Well, time is pressing. I don't have so much time wasting on you ant. If you solve your ant earlier, maybe you can keep the secret of my clone, die, let you see my world road, The power of the world comes out, suppresses the great thousand, imprisoned!" With the supreme chaos world clone sipping, a terrible world power bloomed from the opponent's hand, and the world's suppressing power instantly fell on the King of Time and Space You must imprison it.

"Okay, what a world avenue, what a suppression of the great thousand, but unfortunately, if I want to use this power to imprison me, there is still a little insufficient, time and space are shattered, break me!" The king of time and space let out a disdainful sneer, the time and space avenue bloomed, The mighty force of time and space directly broke through the suppression of this power of the world, and directly broke through the imprisonment of the supreme chaotic world clone!

"The power of time and space, such a great time and space avenue, so powerful time and space magical powers. No wonder you dare to be so arrogant and dare to venture into this long river of time and space. Your origin of time and space does have this ability and qualifications to practice the time and space avenue, even if it is time and space. With the collapse of the river, you can still borrow the power of time and space from this piece of heaven and earth, and you can ignore the suppression of the Age of Doom. It's a good calculation and a good skill!"

In just one fight, the Supreme Chaos World clone has seen through the essence of the King of Time and Space, thinking that he has seen through everything about the King of Time and Space, his eyes can not help showing a more terrifying killing intent, but there is a trace of that killing intent. Joy, it seems that the existence of the King of Time and Space has given him other ideas, he is playing the idea of ​​the King of Time and Space!

What is the King of Time and Space worthy of the Supreme Chaos World Clone’s attention? Naturally, this is the origin of time and space. If the King of Time and Space can be killed here and the Devouring Black Hole can absorb the origin of time and space, it may be possible to reconsolidate the long river of time and space. The long river of time and space breaks and then rises, even if it is only the origin of awakening a little, it is also vital to the Chaos Sea!

kill! No matter how much the price is paid, even if it is to abandon this clone, the King of Time and Space must be killed here, and the origin of this time and space must be swallowed! There is a great opportunity in the crisis. I originally thought that the exposure of the long river of time and space would be a huge crisis for myself and would affect my plan, but I did not expect that there would be such a great opportunity in this crisis.

In the entire Chaos Sea, it’s not that there is no one practicing the Great Way of Time and Space, but the pure origin of time and space like the King of Time and Space does not exist. Even the few remaining innate Chaos Gods and Demons from ancient times are not as good as Time and Space. The origin of the king is pure, and such a pure origin of time and space is indeed the best power to restart the river of time and space!

The look of the Supreme Chaos World clone did not escape the attention of the King of Time and Space. When he saw this change, the King of Time and Space snorted disdainfully: "You want to kill me, you want to take my time and space origin, think It's ridiculous to use my origin to restart the long river of time and space. Do you think you have this power? If you are outside of this world, you may have this ability. After all, you are the clone of Chaos Sea Will and can manipulate A more powerful world power, but here, your world power is suppressed, and my origin of time and space is not only unrestricted, but can also use the power of time and space. Do you say you have the ability to fight me for life and death? , It seems to me that you are killing yourself!"

Speaking of this, the eyes of the King of Time and Space showed endless killing intent, and the terrible killing intent that he had condensed was also about to move, as if he was about to merge with his own time and space avenue at any time, and burst out the most terrifying. A certain kill, that power makes the world tremble, and the origin of the broken river of time and space is trembling! It seems that as long as the king of time and space is willing, he can summon the origin of the broken time and space river anytime and anywhere, integrate it into himself, and erupt a terrible fatal blow!


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