God of Destruction

Chapter 4335: Tentative

Chapter 4341: Probing

Although the king of time and space and the supreme chaotic world avatars are talking harshly to each other, they are not in a hurry to make a move, but are carefully watching each other's every move, carefully testing each other's virtual reality, and losing to them. Sorry, this is an endless war. Whoever loses will pay the price of his life and ruin his own deity’s major events. Therefore, they have to be cautious of the enemy in front of them, and they have to speak harsh words and test again and again. The details of the other party.

"Damn bastard, why don't you take action, don't you know that the longer the time is, the more bad it is for you? Under the influence of the devouring black hole, don't you worry about your own origin being exhausted?" Looking at the king of time and space though When the killing intent was rushing into the sky, but there was no intention to shoot, the Supreme Chaos World couldn't help but curse in his body and mind. This situation made him a little unacceptable. Although he still couldn't see what the opponent's hole card was, his mind was constantly warning. , I am warning myself that if I continue to procrastinate like this, the situation may be even more unfavorable for myself, threatening my safety and putting my life in danger!

Just taking the initiative to attack is also a huge threat to oneself. If you do it yourself, you will inevitably expose your own strength and even your own weaknesses. If all this is caught by this **** **** in front of you, you will also have the body. In danger of death!

"What to do? Is it really necessary to take the initiative, really have to take the first step, let the **** **** have the advantage?" The Supreme Chaos World clone's heart secretly asked, although there is huge pressure and impact in his heart, but its eyes There was no change in it, it was still so calm and quiet, without showing any anxiety.

In contrast, the King of Time and Space is much more relaxed. For him, the longer the time is, the stronger the power he has accumulated, and the more terrifying the murderous spirit he can provoke. It is precisely because of this, although he is in Speaking harshly, but there is no intention to do anything, as if he is the king of mouths, there is no pressure at all, and he calmly looked at the enemy, the enemy of life and death!

"Are you ready? Are you chasing me? Why did you give you this opportunity? You were retreating. Could it be that you were just talking about it before? You know I was seriously injured. If you don't hurry Time, before I recover from this serious injury, the consequences would be unimaginable. You don't want to wait for me to regain my strength before having a life-and-death confrontation with me, so I will thank you!" , The King of Time and Space showed a faint sarcasm on his face, continuing to provoke the Supreme Chaos World clone, testing the patience of the enemy in front of him.

"Seriously injured? Is this **** really seriously injured? How dare he provoke himself so madly if he is seriously injured, this must be a trap, this **** deliberately uses this ridiculous language to tempt himself to be deceived!" At the time of this remark, the first thought of the Supreme Chaos World clone was false, and everything was a trap deliberately laid by the enemy.

I saw that the clone of the Supreme Chaos World snorted disdainfully: "Hehe, I am not as shameless as some people. Even if it is a decisive battle, I will give you a fair chance. Don’t say I don’t give you this opportunity. Hurry up, I will wait for you to recover from your injury and then have a fight with you. I hope you don't let me down. Don't even have the ability to resist!"

Dumbfounded, the King of Time is dumbfounded at this moment, I don't know what to do! I never thought that the enemy would be so shameless, and even such words could be said. If this **** really said so well, he would not sneak attack on himself before, and now he uses this ridiculous language to mock himself. It is really shameless to the extreme. Insidious to the extreme! However, such a situation is also very beneficial to the King of Time and Space, so although the shameless dissatisfaction with the **** in front of him was not directly expressed in his heart.

The King of Time and Space snorted disdainfully: "Well, since you have a large number of adults, then I would like to thank you, someone gave me this opportunity to recover, if I don’t appreciate your kindness, I hope you don’t Regret is."

Speaking of this, the King of Time and Space's expression condensed, his mind quickly turned, his own origin was also speeding up, frantically absorbing the surrounding time and space origin, not only repairing his own damage! Of course, at the time of recovery, the King of Time and Space was still cautious. He did not relax his vigilance at all. He was still guarding against the sneak attack by the clone of the Supreme Chaos World. The **** in front of him will be unable to hold on. No matter how firm his mind is, as long as he constantly absorbs the origin of the long river of time and space, and constantly repairs himself, he will definitely force him to make a big move!

"Damn, this **** is really arrogant. He dares to absorb the original power of the broken time and space in front of me so unabashedly to restore himself. It seems that this **** is more difficult to deal with than imagined, and wants to force him to take the initiative. It is almost impossible to shoot. This **** has unimaginable persistence. It seems that I have to make changes, or else I will end in failure, and the price of failure is my own death, which I cannot Consequences to bear!” Looking at the unabashed appearance of the King of Time and Space, the Supreme Chaos World still made a decision in his body and mind. If you don’t do anything, you must take the initiative to give up. Don’t give the enemy opportunities again and again. Let the enemy have time to recover.

kill! In an instant, the killing intent in the body and mind of the supreme chaotic world was condensing crazily, the power of the world's origin was running crazily, and the eyes were staring at the king of time and space, as if to use the soul to lock the king of time and space. , Must launch that fatal blow at any time to directly take away the life of the King of Time and Space, directly beheading him here.

As the king of time and space who has killed countless times, he can naturally clearly feel the murderous aura of the Supreme Chaos World clone, and he can't help but secretly said: "Murderish, it seems that this **** finally can't stand it, no matter how good his patience is, he can't Accept the situation in front of you. If the enemy does not make a move, it will be a fatal blow. I must also prepare for the worst. It is time to mobilize the killing power of the King of End, and it is time to make the final preparations and not fight. Then, in the first battle, this **** must be killed, and everything about him must be swallowed. Whether it is the body, the origin of the world, and the information hidden in his soul, this is the power I need, as long as I can This **** kills here, and the deity's plan has taken a big step forward!"


Killing an enemy who has practiced the World Dao and devouring its origin is indeed a great gain, not to mention that the enemy in front of him is still a clone of the will of Chaos Sea, a clone that has divided the origin of the highest chaos world, then I'm afraid that there is no ultimate secret in his avatar, but the secret of the Supreme Chaos World itself is also a great harvest for the King of Time and Space, but the premise of all this is that this enemy can be killed. it's here!

The situation became a little dignified, both sides stared at each other, both could feel the heavy pressure from the space, could feel the weird and terrifying atmosphere, don’t look at the murderous intent in the eyes of both sides, but they all understood in their hearts The enemy is preparing for the ultimate killer, and making the final preparations, once the shot is inevitably shocked, either he will die or I will die.

The final decisive battle is about to begin. At this time, whether it is the King of Time and Space, or the clone of the Supreme Chaos World, they did not speak again to provoke each other, because they all understand that speaking again is just a waste of their own words, and the enemy will not do it. If you are moved, even if you are accidentally distracted, you will give the enemy a chance to hit yourself hard!

"What an arrogant bastard, he knows my intentions, and still hasn't given up on absorbing the origin of time and space to recover himself. Could it be that this **** is really sure to keep me here and kill me here, what kind of killer? Let him have such confidence?" Feeling the situation of the King of Time and Space, the pressure in the heart of the Supreme Chaos World clone is huge. On the surface, the situation is very unfavorable for him, but he has no retreat, and can only fight to the death with the enemy!

I can’t figure it out, I can’t think of what killer the king of time and space in front of him can make him dead, even if it is the origin of the long river of time and space, it is impossible to strangle himself with one blow, because he is practicing the world path, and he has mastered it. Part of the power of the source of the Supreme Chaos World, even the source of the long river of time and space can not be able to strangle oneself! But there is nothing wrong with your own spiritual warning, if the other party does not have strong power, it is impossible to make yourself feel like this.

"Damn bastard, what secrets are you hiding? What are your conspiracies? It's a pity that you can't get in touch with the deity because of the existence of the time storm. Otherwise, you can contact the deity for help, and you won't get into such embarrassment. The situation makes me unable to advance or retreat!" At this time, the Supreme Chaos World clone could not help but with a hint of retreat, a hint of fear, but it was irresistible, and could only bite the bullet to face all this.

Although his own situation is very dangerous, it is inevitable for the clone of the Supreme Chaos World! Kill, with a deep sigh, the Supreme Chaos World finally took action. All of its own power broke out in this instant, and the world that did not reach perfection directly opened its power, although this will affect the evolution of the world and affect your own practice. But for the clone of the Supreme Chaos World, there is no choice. You can only hit a full blow if you don't want to die, even if you pay a heavy price!

"Okay, you finally made a move. As I thought, it is the power of the world and the origin of the supreme chaotic world. The murderous aura is condensed, and the two worlds merge, killing the heavens, the earth, and the common people. Kill! Kill! Kill!" With the crazy roar of the King of Time and Space, the murderous aura from the King of Ending madly merged into the King of Time and Space, and the power of the Slaughter Avenue instantly spread over the King of Time and Space. That terrible Murderous aura directly locked the clone of the Supreme Chaos World, and directly sealed off this piece of heaven and earth, leaving the entire world under the envelope of the Killing Avenue, suppressed by the source of killing!

When seeing the killing aura pervading the King of Time and the terrifying avenue of killing, the eyes of the Supreme Chaos World showed a look of fear, and his heart was shocked: "Damn, this is the avenue of killing. How could the **** provoke the killing avenue, and be able to return to the innate in the future, be able to block the void and suppress the origin of other avenues!"

escape! The first thought in the Supreme Chaos World is to escape from the body and mind, but unfortunately this is destined to be impossible. Now this world has been blocked by the terrible killing avenue of the king of time and space, and it itself is locked by the killing avenue. There is a little resistance to power. If you turn around and run away, you will definitely die. Putting your own back under the enemy's attack is definitely a stupid choice and irresponsible for your own life!

"Impossible, this is fake, all this is an illusion, you don't want to confuse me, open it to me, the world originates, suppresses Daqian!" Facing the threat of death, the Supreme Chaos World clone began to burn itself frantically , To burn their own world origin, in order to obtain greater strength, in order to be able to withstand the mortal blow of the King of Time and Space.

Yes, in its eyes, the supernatural power of killing condensed by the king of time and space is a mortal blow to him. If he doesn’t give up his life and does not burn the origin of the world, he will definitely not be able to resist this fatal blow. This terrible blow killed directly!

"Huh! It's too late. If you burned your own world origin before, at the cost of the highest chaotic world, you still have the possibility of victory. Unfortunately, you are still not ruthless enough to make the most correct choice. Now everything is It's too late, let me die!" The King of Time and Space dismissed the desperate efforts of the Supreme Chaos World. As he said, everything is too late. This **** is still too stupid to really do it. Fight to the death, did not squeeze one's greatest potential, did not explode the ultimate killer at the price of one's own practice, and this directly determines its ending!

When the magical power of slaughter emerges, when the avenue of slaughter returns from one day to the innate, when the power of slaughter covers this world, all origins will be suppressed by the avenue of killing. At this time, you want to burn your own origin and gain powerful power. The gains obtained are limited, and it is impossible to truly stimulate full strength, and this Qiqia is the opportunity of the king of time and space. The power of Slaughter Avenue, the magical powers of Slaughter Avenue, directly pressed heavily on the body of the Supreme Chaos World clone, directly suppressing the origin of the Supreme Chaos World in its body, making that powerful world origin unable to fully burn!


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