God of Destruction

Chapter 4336: Deadly Battle

Chapter 4343: Deadly Battle

"Damn it, how is this possible, a little ant can suppress my world avenue, the world's supreme power is crushed by the killing avenue, how can he have such power, can it be said that he has the killing of an innate chaos **** and demon? Origin, or that he swallowed a slaughter **** and demon!" Facing the sudden upheaval, the supreme Chaos World clone's mind was in a state of chaos. It had never thought of such a situation, and Chaos Sea Will had never thought of it. The reason why this clone was sent out is because it has mastered the World Dao. It is the origin of the world. The power of the World Dao can suppress all origins. But now the situation has reversed. It is not that it suppresses the king of time and space, but the time and space. The King’s Slaughter Avenue is suppressing its world origin and confining its world origin so that it cannot fight back!

Lost, completely defeated, although I do not want to admit it, this is a fact, a fact that cannot be changed. At the moment of being suppressed, the clone of the Supreme Chaos World thought about exploding, but it couldn’t do it. The power of the world’s origin is locked, and even the power of self-detonation is locked. In this case, it is not a failure. The clone of the highest chaos world really does not know what a failure is, and this result makes it understand that the deity is not true. Master the Chaos Sea, there are still variables in the Chaos Sea, and the existence of this variable is the deity's greatest enemy, and it is the deity's deadly threat!

Although he was defeated, even the power of self-detonation was sealed and suppressed, but the clone of the Supreme Chaos World would not be captured like this. This is an endless battle, even if the body is dead, it will not let the time and space. The king easily succeeds and will not be intimidated by such results. It is still resisting and struggling. It has to use all its power to consume the origin of the king of time and space, to test the reality of the king of time and space, and to eliminate this threat in the future. ready.

"What a sinister calculation. It seems that all of this is in your grasp. The power of the world is imprisoned by you. You want to swallow my origin, but you are too arrogant, even if you can't explode, I I won’t give you this opportunity, come on, let us really fight to the death, without the power of the world, I still have the power of the flesh!" The clone of the Supreme Chaos World screamed frantically, revealing endless madness and fighting intent in his eyes. , And the hatred deep into the soul!

Yes, it is hatred! In the eyes of the avatar of the Supreme Chaos World, all these are the calculations of the king of time and space. When he stepped into the storm of time and space, everything was led by the nose by the enemy, and that is why he was so easily suppressed by the opponent. The origin of the world would be caught in such a life-and-death crisis, and he had to fight to death.

Endless battle, endless endless, of course, endless endless is aimed at the supreme chaotic world clone itself, the power of the world cannot be used, only rely on the power of the physical body, fortunately this physical body is condensed from the source of the supreme chaotic world, and has a powerful combat power , Otherwise, this moment is really desperate, even if the enemy's details are not understood, he will die!

"Well, if you want to fight, I will give you a fight. Let me see the difference between your true body condensed by the origin of the world. After paying such a big price, you should gain a little bit. I hope that your physical body will not Let me down, fight!" As the voice of the King of Time fell, a terrible fighting spirit surged from his body, challenging the Supreme Chaos World clone!

"Die, one force breaks the ten thousand magic, the force of the power is extremely smashing the void!" The roaring Supreme Chaos World clone waved a terrible physical force, although its slogan was a bit exaggerated, but this blow did hit. The shadow of the avenue of power, and this blow can also crush the void. This **** not only wants to fight back, but also wants to break through the avenue suppression of the king of time and space, free himself from the power of restraint, and be able to reverse it. War situation.

It’s a pity that the idea is good, and the reality is cruel. If you say that a lunatic like Wuzai, who has gone through countless battles and has endless experience, can break the rules of heaven and earth, but from the highest. The Chaos World Clone is much worse. Although the World Dao is strong, it is impossible to mobilize the power of one force and ten thousand laws, because he has not realized the true meaning of one force and only depends on this. A little bit of strength is not enough to break free!

I saw that the King of Time and Space sneered disdainfully and said: "Hehe! Naive, you think that you can break free from the shackles with this little power, and you can break through the ten thousand laws with one force, you can Breaking free from the shackles of my great road is really ridiculous. You don't even have a grasp of the physical body, so you can talk about the great road of strength and destroy it for me!"

The King of Time and Space is right. Although the Supreme Chaos World clone has powerful combat power and deep background, it is far from mastering the Dao. Even with the help of the Chaos Sea, it still cannot control its own Dao. If it can perfectly control its own world avenue, it will not be easily suppressed by the king of time and space. It is just a joke to break free now!

Because of the suppression of the avenue, the battle between the king of time and space and the clone of the supreme chaos world has become extremely fierce. There are no earth-shattering storms, and there are only cruel fights in close quarters. It can be said that under such a duel, whether it is the king of time and space , Or the Supreme Chaos World clone, are facing death at any time. In such a decisive battle, as long as there is a small mistake, what awaits them will be death and destruction, so they are very energetic.

After fighting in close quarters again and again, the King of Time and Space kept appearing with scars on his body, which were all caused by the clones of the Supreme Chaos World. Under such crazy fighting, the spirits of the two collapsed very tightly. People dare to relax, and the result of relaxation is death, even if the pressure is heavy, the two can only continue to persevere.

"Damn bastard, it was just such a short time to escape from the highest chaotic world, and he condensed such a tyrannical body. If you give him a little more time, I'm afraid it will really make this **** go further on the World Avenue. Chaos Sea’s will is more insidious than I thought, and I must be more cautious. Maybe the entire Chaos Sea hides its backhand!" The King of Time and Space will feel heavier in the Vietnam War, and the enemy’s strength is even greater than expected. Powerful horror.

auzw.com Although the king of time and space suppressed the origin of the world avenue of the supreme chaos world clone with the avenue of killing and cut off its origin, the situation is still not as good as imagined. It is not too cheap to be with the clone of the Supreme Chaos World. It can be said that under such a life and death struggle, being able to live is the best result.

"It can't go on like this. Although the Killing Avenue is strong, it is impossible to completely suppress this world. Over time, without the supplement of the killing source, the suppression will dissipate soon. I must Hurry up and give this **** **** a fatal blow!" Feeling the consumption of his own origin, the King of Time and Space sighed secretly in his heart, thinking about countermeasures.

A fatal blow, this is not something that can be exploded at will, even if the king of time and space has a little advantage, it is not easy to end the clone of the highest chaos world, not to mention this is not before the war, you can sneak attack , Now the clone of the Supreme Chaos World has been fully prepared, and will not give the King of Time and Space a chance to sneak attack.

Time is the king of time and space’s greatest enemy. The longer he drags on, the more uneasy he will be. After all, any accidents can happen during war. This time, Chaos Sea Will has used the supreme chaotic world clone in front of him. Below, I am afraid that Chaos Sea Will will have new changes, and will arrange for a new clone to shoot. Regarding Chaos Sea Will, no matter how cautious, I can't think that once more enemies appear, can I still have the ability to fight?

The power of the King of End is not counted on. The previous fatal blow consumed all the source of killing of the opponent. It takes time to gather such a terrible source of killing. Of course, the King of Time and Space can also use the power of the deity, but Using the power of the deity at this time will inevitably be seen through by the enemy. It is not a last resort. This cannot be exposed.

"It seems that I really have no choice. The deity really thought of all the possibilities. The worst case occurred. My power is not enough to kill the clone of the highest chaotic world. If I want to kill the opponent, I still need to pay more. Great price, come on, the origin of time and space will move me, let me see how much origin of time and space is left!"

In such a situation, the king of time and space has to mobilize the original force of the river of time and space, but at this time, mobilizing the origin of time and space will inevitably hurt itself and affect its own origin avenue. You must know that the origin of the river of time and space is not before. So peaceful, after the collapse of the long river of time and space, even if the origin remains, it will inevitably have a terrible amount of violent violence. Inspiring such origin power will naturally cause damage to oneself and affect the purity of its origin!

Of course, this is not the most terrifying. The most dangerous thing is that once the origins are attracted, the remaining origins of the long river of time and space may directly assimilate the king of time and space and use it as the carrier of the river of time and space to directly turn the king of time and space into the way. , A new long river of time and space evolves. Once such a situation occurs, the trouble for the king of time and space will be even greater, and there will be no vitality.

Take the opportunity to master the long river of time and space, and use the death of the clone to master the long river of time and space of new life? No, this is impossible. Once the path appears, everything about the King of Time and Space will be transformed into the nutrients of the river of time and space, and all memories will be wiped out. This is the most terrible situation, and the King of Time and Space does not dare to risk it. Of course, take care of it.

"The origin of time and space is present, time is still, and space is still!" As the voice of the king of time and space fell, the origin that remained after the collapse of the time and space river appeared. This origin is full of terrible violent power, that is the power of the time and space avenue. The power of the most violent space-time avenue, even if it is only induced by divine sense, will affect one's own soul. A terrible violent idea gushes out of one's own mind, and it wants to destroy everything and destroy the world madly.

"How could this happen, neither time supernatural powers nor space supernatural powers can stop this violent power. What kind of means has the Chaos Sea Will deployed in the long river of time and space, and such troubles will appear!" At this time, the eyes of the time and space king revealed. A faint anxiousness, unable to stop the violent origin of time and space, and unable to grasp this power, this is a great trouble for my plan, and it will even become my biggest obstacle, even more than the supreme chaos world clone. terrible.

In the face of such a violent origin of time and space, although the origin comes from the long river of time and space, there is only one way to master it, and that is to fit the way, fit the origin of time and space, and the long river of time and space, perfect the origin of time and space, but this is not The result that the king of time and space wants is that Hedao is more terrifying to him than death. He died, as long as the deity is still alive, there will be a day of rebirth, and Hedao directly becomes the puppet of the long river of time and space, active and passive. There is no difference between Huadao!

Seeing the origin of the King of Time and Space, the Supreme Chaos World clone was shocked. Although he had thought of this possibility a long time ago, it still made it difficult for him to hold himself when he really faced it, and saw it roaring: "Are you crazy? Do you know what you are doing? This is the power of the long river of time and space. It cannot be mastered by a little ant. Even the innate chaotic **** and demon who practiced the avenue of time and space dare not control such violent The origin of time and space, once you are entangled by it, you will surely become the Tao!"

The Supreme Chaos World clone doesn’t know how embarrassed and embarrassed the King of Time and Space is. If possible, King of Time and Space doesn’t want to do this, but he has no choice. If he can’t be in this limited time, there is no way to kill. Killing the avatar of the Supreme Chaos World before dispersing, the King of Time and Space himself will fall into desperation. Under such a love history, there is nothing he dared to do. No matter how dangerous it is, it is just a death. Although Huadao is terrible, it is not It's not that there is no solution.

The King of Time and Space did not pay attention to the roar of the Supreme Chaos World clone, his eyes flashed with terrible light, and he only heard him cry in a deep voice: "The origin is divided, the power of the avenue is condensed, and the wheel of time and space appears!" With the fall of this voice, a sound The pure origin of time and space flew out from the body of the king of time and space, and condensed into a wheel of time and space outside the body, condensing the authority of the time and space avenue! Although all this came quickly, but in this short period of time, the King of Time and Space was divided by 90% of its origin. It can be said that after dividing the source, the clone of the King of Time and Space was once again abolished and lost 90% of its origin. The origin, the influence on oneself was too great, and it almost cut off the path of self-cultivation of this body!


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