God of Destruction

Chapter 4337: Power

Chapter 4343: Heaven and Earth Authority

"Madman, this is really a madman. How dare he do this and actually use self-mutilation in exchange for strength? Is it worth it? Even if there is no amount of hatred, it is not worth it. How could I provoke such a madman, what does the deity think? That!" Seeing the crazy move of the King of Time and Space, the Supreme Chaos World clone was scared. The impact was too great for it to accept.

The division of the origin to condense authority is to use the power of authority to master the origin of the violent time and space, and complete the fatal blow. In such a situation, the clone of the supreme chaotic world is a little confused. It does not understand why the king of time and space did this. There is no need to desperately, but to be so self-harm, can it be said that this is the incomprehensibility of lunatic behavior!

No matter how angry and fearful the Supreme Chaos World clone is, it can’t change everything in front of him. The King of Time and Space is indeed crazy. He uses self-mutilation in exchange for his strength, in exchange for the original power of the raging Space-Time Dao that survived the collapse of the Time and Space River. But this is not what it can do. When the origin condenses its authority, it has already mobilized the remaining power of the long river of time and space. At this time, preventing it is to oppose the world formed after the river of time and space collapsed.

This is the authority of heaven and earth. Once authority is condensed, it will be respected in this space and time. This authority comes from the origin of the king of time and space. It can be said that it is one with the king of time and space. It is only the time and space under self-mutilation. The king will not endure the violent original erosion from the collapse of the time and space river. If it is to deal with the chaos sea will, there may be insufficient. After all, this is not a complete time and space river. It is just a little remaining power and cannot restrain chaos. Sea Will, but there is no problem with dealing with this little supreme chaotic world clone in front of him, no matter how much it resists, it cannot break free from the shackles of authority.

If you pay, you will gain. Although the division of the origin is a huge damage to the king of time and space, when the origin of time and space condenses authority, the king of time and space can clearly feel this change and feel the time and space The condensed bits and pieces of the wheel, all the great changes are imprinted on his mind, this is the return given by the source.

A trace of violent origin of time and space is constantly rushing towards the authority of time and space in front of the king of time and space, the wheel of time and space, as the continuous flow of time and space origin merges, a trace of terrible aura gradually radiates from the wheel of time and space, this It is the power of the long river of time and space. This is the power of the origin of time and space. If you can give it enough time, the wheel of time and space can completely absorb all the remaining time and space origin. Unfortunately, the king of time and space does not have so much time to waste here.

As the wheel of time and space continues to solidify, a strange feeling floods into the mind of the king of time and space. This is the backfeed of the time and space avenue. This is the power remaining in the long river of time and space, and the broken message. Now The power of authority that is passing through the wheel of time and space is pouring into the mind of the king of time and space bit by bit, so that the mind of the king of time and space can feel the evolution of the origin of time and space.

"The power of the origin of time and space, the information hidden by the river of time and space, this is everything I want. I didn't expect to get in touch with it so quickly. Maybe I thought too much before, but I also thought wrong. I want to get what remains of the river of time Everything can be done not by swallowing. It can only be done with the power of authority. Only by condensing the power of authority, the wheel of time and space, can the broken information and the source be gathered together again to condense what you want. all."

In a short period of time, the King of Time and Space has figured out all this. Although he is vaguely unwilling in his heart, it will not affect the actions of the King of Time and Space. If he had figured out this problem earlier, perhaps he would not have to pay such a heavy price. , But fortunately everything is still under his control, the Supreme Chaos World clone did not break free from his shackles.

"Although the authority of time and space is condensed from my origin, now my body is too weak to fully grasp the power of authority, and judging from the induction of my mind, the power of authority of the wheel of time and space is not as my own. What I think is just an illusory existence. It is constantly absorbing the remaining power of the long river of time and space to transform and condense into an entity. Perhaps when it really takes shape, there will be a treasure of the origin of the time and space avenue!"

Yes, in the induction of the King of Time and Space, the authority he has condensed is transforming to the Origin and Ultimate Treasure. Although this process is very slow, the King of Time and Space clearly senses this, once the authority turns into the Origin and Ultimate Treasure of the Avenue of Time and Space. , What kind of situation will it be, what kind of consequences it will cause, the King of Time and Space is not clear at all, because all of this is no longer in his control, and he does not want to see such a situation happen. The original treasure of the Great Dao, whether it will carry the long river of time and space of the Chaos Sea is a very serious question, and it is also very important to the deity.

The birth of the original treasure that bears the long river of time and space will cause the sea of ​​chaos to change drastically, and what kind of disaster it will bring to the sea of ​​chaos, this is an unavoidable topic. If it is beneficial to the will of the sea of ​​chaos, it is also chaotic to the deity. For the many powerful people of the sea, it is a natural disaster or destruction, and vice versa is very beneficial! However, in the eyes of the king of time and space, once the original treasures of the time and space avenue are condensed, it will inevitably develop into changes that are beneficial to the sea of ​​chaos, which is very harmful to the deity.

"You can't let the power of this authority condense into a complete time-space avenue, the original treasure, or the result will be unimaginable. Not only the deity will be dangerous, maybe I will also be swallowed because of this original treasure, after all, the original source is connected between us! "In an instant, the King of Time and Space made a crazy idea to take the initiative to attack. Although the power of authority is not fully condensed, it does not mean that he cannot use it to launch an attack and launch an attack on the highest chaotic world.

Perhaps because it is unable to fully control the power of authority and control the magnitude of the power, it is very likely to cause huge disasters, but for the King of Time and Space, this is nothing. What will happen to the enemy in front of him is not his own. Under consideration, even the destruction of this piece of heaven and earth is not in my own consideration. As long as I can fulfill my wish and can use the power of authority to understand more secrets of the long river of time and space, this is enough!

auzw.com"Will this also be a conspiracy, a conspiracy planned in advance by the will of Chaos Sea, in order to prevent the worst from happening, once someone wants to master the fragmentation of time and space Will the remaining power provoke such a change?” The king of time and space cannot think of everything in the worst direction. After all, he is not facing ordinary enemies, but the master of Chaos Sea. The enemy can't be careless in the battle.

"It's just that if all this is a trap and a conspiracy, Chaos Sea Will still needs to send out his own avatar with endless potential. This is a bit unreasonable. Chaos Sea Will should not make such a stupid decision. Is it his own? Thinking too much!” Soon the King of Time and Space had such doubts in his heart. For him, everything that happened here was gradually getting out of control, he had faced too many accidents, and the pressure he had to bear was also rapidly increasing. .

Regardless of whether it is a conspiracy or not, when the situation develops into this situation, you have to intervene. Although only 10% of the original source is left, it can still induce the power of authority to launch a fatal blow to the Supreme Chaos World clone. You know that the clone of the Supreme Chaos World is now suppressed, even if you want to dodge it.

"Kill!" With a deep shout, a terrible killing intent flashed in the eyes of the King of Time. The power of his own origin drew the power of authority, and a violent origin of time and space immediately impacted the King of Time and Space. This is still authoritative. Weakening, if there is no weakening of authority, I am afraid that my mind will fall short in an instant, and I will be eroded by this violent time and space origin, and become a puppet of this violent time and space origin, controlled by it, and then step by step towards destruction and transformation. Way!

Uncontrollable, this is the situation facing the King of Time and Space. In an instant, I don’t know how many violent powers were inspired by the power of authority. I saw a light flashing, and the Supreme Chaos World clone made a miserable cry. , The power of violent time and space eroded his body, even the physical body that was condensed by the origin of the world was torn apart by this violent power, and terrible cracks were spreading on the body of the Supreme Chaos World clone.

"Damn it, how is this possible, a mere attack of the origin of time and space can cause such damage to my body, and the power of the origin of the world can't suppress this violent origin of time and space! What calculations did the deity do here, and why is it so violent? The origin of time and space stays behind?” When faced with the threat of death and the erosion of this violent origin of time and space, the clone of the Supreme Chaos World became extremely angry, and resented the deity involuntarily. If it were not for the deity, he would not fall. Entering such a dangerous place, you will not suffer such a catastrophe and bear this terrible impact.

Mastering the supreme chaotic world clone of the World Origin Avenue, it deeply understands how terrible the danger to itself if such a violent time and space origin cannot be cleared in time, if it is allowed to wander through its body unscrupulously. , It won’t take long for one's own world avenue to be destroyed by this violent origin of time and space, and one's own origin will be destroyed as a result. The destruction of origin means that oneself will destroy the body and soul, and completely disappear between heaven and earth.

Although it is only a clone, it is based on the origin of the world. This clone, which has divided a trace of the will of the world and condensed by the soul, is extraordinary. It has its own ideas and concepts. When faced with the threat of death, its heart I couldn't help but feel resentment, and there was a little resistance to the deity, because it didn't want to face death or go to destruction! It's a pity that this supreme chaotic world has resentment in body and mind but cannot break free from the **** of the deity. There is no way to eliminate this endless resentment.

If you let this resentment stay in your heart, it will form a heart demon over time, which will affect the potential of this clone, and even bring a terrible hidden danger to the deity, unless the will of Chaos Sea is willing to give up this infinite potential. Doppelganger, abandoning the will of its own division, and this hurts it hugely, and it is the result of its unwillingness to accept.

After attacking, the situation of the King of Time and Space was not much better than that of the Supreme Chaos World clone. With a muffled sound, a blood arrow spurted out wildly, even if it had authority to weaken the origin of the violent time and space, it still caused itself The terrible impact, the King of Time and Space, who has only one cost source left, naturally cannot withstand the damage caused by this impact.

"How powerful is the entire river of time and space? Just the power remaining after its collapse is so terrible. How terrifying is it in its heyday, how terrifying is the power of Chaos Sea Will, and paying such a big price, what is Chaos Sea Will? What are you calculating?" Facing such a result, the king of time and space felt extremely heavy. The more powerful this remaining time and space origin, the more proving the strength of the will of Chaos Sea, and you can imagine how amazing the opponent's calculations are.

"This is not a question I should consider. Even if the calculation of the will of Chaos Sea is terrible, the deity will have the headache. For me, I only need to complete my plan to destroy this clone of the will of Chaos Sea and seize the hidden The secret in time and space is that my current situation is unable to withstand the huge impact of information. It seems that I can only use the last hole card to seal this information and send it to the deity. However, this deity will waste time and energy. Come and comprehend!"

For Xing Tian, ​​the most lacking is time. Every minute and every second is very important to him. If the responsibilities that should have been borne by the King of Time clone again fall on the deity, it will inevitably affect the deity. The plan will inevitably have an impact on your own safety, and there are hidden dangers in doing so, and it is easy to expose the deity's location.

It’s a pity that the current King of Time and Space has no choice. Originally, he still had the ability to pass everything on to the King of End, but now the aggregation of authority and power, the aggregation of the Wheel of Time and Space, affects his own murderous connection, whether it is connected with End Wang colluded and made him fall into a dilemma. After determining the pros and cons, he finally chose to pass everything on to the deity. Although it is dangerous to expose the deity’s existence, it is even more terrifying and even more terrifying if you do not know the calculation of the will of Chaos Sea. Dangerous!

"Come on, give me one more time!" After making a decision, the King of Time and Space's eyes flashed with terrible light, and the madness spread arbitrarily. At this moment, he had forgotten life and death, and he had just a thought. Desperately destroy this enemy in front of you, destroy this clone of Chaos Sea Will, complete your plan, and master the secrets hidden in the long river of time and space!


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