God of Destruction

Chapter 4338: Soul Shock

Chapter 4344: Soul Impact

The secret is right in front of you, as long as you kill the enemy in front of you, you can succeed. At this time, the king of time and space is naturally at all costs. The more this time, the more calm and terrible he is, the craziest and most dangerous, here. Under such circumstances, no one can stop him, unless he is killed, otherwise everything will not end. In this world, there are only two living creatures, the king of time and space and the clone of the supreme chaotic world, so the ending is not bad. I want to know!

death! The Supreme Chaos World clone truly felt the breath of death, and felt the pressure and threat brought by the King of Time and Space. At this time, he had no way to stop all of this from happening, and was unable to prevent the violent time and space origin from eroding himself.

"My deity, what are you doing? Why don't you respond to my request!" At this time, the clone of the Supreme Chaos World has lost its mind. It is fearful and uneasy, and is constantly sending rescue signals to the will of the Chaos Sea. It's a pity that everything is wrong. Just like sinking into the sea, there was no wave at all, and there was no response.

despair! Endless despair is pouring out of the heart of the Supreme Chaos World clone. Whether it is his rescue being blocked by the King of Time and Space, or the deity cannot respond to himself, this has a huge impact on the Supreme Chaos World clone. The negative power in its heart is growing wildly. It is resenting, resenting the deity's ruthlessness, resenting the deity for letting itself fall into such a crisis and sitting idly by, its mind is sinking step by step.

"The breath of despair, I didn't expect that I hadn't finished strangling it. This Chaos Sea Will clone has such a desperate mood. It seems that the clone of the Supreme Chaos World Origins has a huge hidden danger, and there is a huge hidden danger above the soul. The gap, this is the time for me to strangle it, give me death, soul shock!"

Not to be missed! For the king of time and space, there is never lack of crazy impulse, no lack of courage. When he saw such an opportunity, he made a decision in an instant, burst out his most powerful soul impact, and directly obliterated the present from the soul. Respect the powerful enemy, devour the other's soul, and completely seize all the information in the other's soul.

Of course, there is also a huge danger. You must know that the king of time and space is facing the avatar of the will of Chaos Sea. Once his own soul cannot suppress the enemy's soul, not only cannot it swallow the opponent, but on the contrary, his own soul will be opposed by the enemy. Control, swallow, and plunge oneself into a crisis of death. If it is normal, no one is willing to make such a crazy decision. After all, the clone of the Supreme Chaos World has fallen into desperation. As long as you fight firmly, you can destroy each other step by step, and use the soul The impact was too crazy and too dangerous, but the King of Time and Space did just that, because it was the best choice for his own interests.

Once successful, not only can you get all the information in the opponent's soul, but also can swallow the world origin of this clone, restore your previous damage, and give yourself a greater certainty to face the time and space after the collapse. All the origin, all the power, and all the information left by Changhe, get everything you want from it!

"Asshole, you, a little ant, dare to attack me!" When faced with the impact of the soul of the King of Space and time, and withstands double attacks from inside and outside, the Supreme Chaos World clone became angry and was furious by the King of Space and Space. If it is against authority, it is not an opponent, but now the king of time and space is challenging its own soul, which allows it to see a chance to comeback, as long as it can defeat the soul of the king of time and space and obtain the soul Victory in the battle, everything will be better.

When there is a glimmer of hope, the Supreme Chaos World clone bursts with great potential, and fights the soul battle with the king of time and space at all costs. With hope, it forgets self-destruction. After all, no creature is willing to face death. This is the case with the Supreme Chaos World clone. If there is no hope, although it has endless resentment in its heart, it will execute the back hand set by the deity. It cannot explode itself, and only self-destructs the soul without leaving the enemy. The next piece of information, and now it has given up this decision, and wants to fight the soul of the king of time and space, which gives the king of time and space a chance to win!

There is no earth-shaking aura in the battle of souls, and no divine power to destroy the heavens and the earth. Everything is carried out in the soul consciousness sea of ​​the supreme chaos world clone! If it were under normal circumstances, the King of Time and Space would not have a chance to win at all, but now it is different. Under the eruption of full force, the power of soul strangulation is constantly obliterating the enemy’s soul power, although it is in the enemy’s soul. However, because the origin of the king of time and space is connected with the power of authority, it still occupies the advantage, and can use the power of time and space to erode the enemy's soul. Although this process is slow, it is going on little by little.

"Damn ants, if you have the ability, do a life-and-death duel with me, a duel above the soul, don't use this insidious and cunning method!" When you find yourself in the battle of the soul without taking home advantage, the Supreme Chaos World is cloned. Angrily shouted at the King of Time and Space, wanting to use such a low-level method to make the King of Time and Space give up his advantage!

Facing the ridicule of the supreme chaos world clone, the king of time and space sneered disdainfully: "It's ridiculous, I didn't directly crush you to death with the power of authority. It is already the greatest fairness for you. What do you want to expect, want To be fair, you have to have that strength. If you don't have that strength, you can only accept such results. The weak have no right to survive!"

The words of the King of Time and Space made the Supreme Chaos World clone gritting his teeth. When did he suffer such a grievance, such a bad anger, but he lost contact with the deity, and now he is caught in the "trap" carefully laid by the enemy. There is no way to prevent all of this from happening, and it is impossible to eliminate the violent time-space origin erosion. I originally hoped to make a comeback in the battle of souls, but unfortunately the result was beyond my imagination. The enemy was even more cunning than I thought.

auzw.com In the consciousness of the supreme chaos world clone, everything in front of you is just a trap deliberately set by the king of time and space, and he accidentally fell into the opponent’s'trap'. Only when it was caught in such a dangerous situation, its arrogance made it lose its normal sense, and perhaps its sanity had been abnormal from the moment it was hit.

At this time, the Supreme Chaos World clone again thought of the destruction of its own soul, but everything was too late. Once the battle of the soul was started, there was no possibility of stopping, and there was only one result when one side was completely swallowed up. The situation made the Supreme Chaos World clone desperate, and he believed that all this was a calculation carefully prepared by the enemy, step by step to lure himself into this unforgettable place, and all this was also caused by his own deity's carelessness.

Hate, there is endless hatred in my heart! Endless resentment! This is everything in the heart of the Supreme Chaos World clone at this moment. It has been affected by the endless hatred in its heart, has fallen into endless resentment, and has gradually lost itself!

Facing the ridicule and ridicule of the King of Time and Space, the Supreme Chaos World clone finally lost itself completely, and finally fell into the darkness. The balance of soul warfare began to tilt towards the King of Time and Space. When the situation develops to this point, unless it has Shocking back hand, so that his mind can recover in despair, otherwise it will only be swallowed by the king of time and space bit by bit, and all its power will become the nutrients of the king of time and space, nourishing the king of time and space. soul.

As time went on, the King of Time and Space was devouring the soul of the Supreme Chaos World clone bit by bit. It didn’t take long for the King of Time and Space to finally open his eyes and complete the soul showdown this time, although the battle was won by himself. However, he was disappointed in the end. There was not much information in the soul of the clone of the Supreme Chaos World. There was only an insight into the practice of the World Dao, and a trace of the evolution of the Dao of Heaven and Earth. No secrets exist, regardless of Whether it is the Supreme Chaos World or the secret of the origin of the Chaos Sea, there is no trace, everything is erased.

"What a Chaos Sea Will, such a powerful calculation, since this clone was born, it erased all its own information, even if the clone is beheaded and swallowed, it will not reveal its own secrets. No wonder This clone came, originally you had prepared for the worst!" Faced with this result, the King of Time and Space couldn't help but sighed. Although he had a good harvest, it was completely different from what he had imagined, and the gap was too big. In the calculations of the King of Time and Space, he would get some secrets of the Supreme Chaos World from the clone of the Supreme Chaos World, but now he has found nothing.

At that time, the king of the sky completed the devouring of the soul of the highest chaotic world clone. In the depths of the chaotic sea, the will of the chaotic sea felt the warning from the soul and felt the destruction of his own world clone. This result also exceeded its Imagine.

"How could it be possible that all the ancient giants did not enter the crumbled time and space river, only the new descendants could kill their own world clone, a clone with the origin of the world, what happened to the collapsed time and space river? Let my world clone fall. Although there is no secret of the deity in the clone, the fall of this clone also disrupted my layout. This clone is the most suitable for the evolution of the world road. Now everything is like this It’s over. I don’t know if that **** junior was also destroyed by the violent origin of the time and space river! Unfortunately, now I can’t clone and enter the collapsed time and space river again. I need to keep an eye on the changes in the place of origin. Keeping close to the actions of the ancient giants is the most important thing, and it is also the most important part of your plan. There can be no difference!"

When talking about this, Chaos Sea Will sighed involuntarily. Although the general situation is still under his control, but for some reason, the fall of this world clone vaguely made himself uneasy, as if something was going to happen. , But it's a pity that I can't separate the power to investigate it again, so I can only swallow this bad breath and let go of this cause and effect for the time being.

Swallowing the enemy’s soul and accepting the origin of this world, the king of time and space has no time to be happy, because when he wakes up, he finds that the wheel of time and space has undergone new changes. With the disappearance of the enemy, the river of time and space remains. When he couldn't find an outlet, he began to condense crazily on the wheel of time and space, transforming into substance bit by bit.

"Damn it, how could this happen, am I really destined to be unable to retreat from here!" Looking at the consolidating wheel of time and space, the king of time and space is extremely heavy. There is only one way to resolve the hidden dangers caused by authority. , Is to use your own body to carry the violent origin of time and space, and use the origin of the world you just swallowed to obliterate the violent power impact, but to do so, your physical body will inevitably collapse, and your origin cannot completely obliterate the violent power .

Time waits for no one, the king of time and space does not have much time to think about too many problems, let alone how to think about how to solve the problem perfectly. Once the wheel of time and space is condensed into substance, he will be finished after thinking about it. Unable to interrupt this evolution.

"The origin of time and space is condensed, the origin of the world is present, give me everything!" With a deep cry, the king of time and space frantically guided the power of authority, introducing the violent origin of time and space into his body, using what he had just swallowed The origin of the world obliterates it. For the king of time and space, this is a painful torment, because the power of authority is the aggregation of his own origin, and the wheel of time and space is the embodiment of his own avenue. Every point of obliteration is a torment to his own soul. , The information hidden in the source of the violent madness flooded into the sea of ​​consciousness of his own soul, constantly impacting his own soul.

The soul is not a physical body, the damage of the physical body is just ordinary pain, and the impact of the soul is a great test of one's will. If there is no firm will to bear such a terrible impact, even a short moment will make people feel it. Go crazy, let people lose their minds and fall into a state of immortality. You must know that there is no protection from such an impact, and everything falls completely on your soul. The oppression, the impact, and the heavy forces are all impacting your own. will.

Fragmented secrets are constantly flashing in his soul. Fortunately, the king of time and space has absorbed the soul of the supreme chaotic world clone, allowing his soul to grow, or face such a terrible information shock. How long will the soul of the King of Time be confused by the impact of too much information, and his own will will be affected by that chaos!


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