God of Destruction

Chapter 4339: Secret of Festival

Chapter 4345

"Persevere, I must persevere, and I cannot be crushed by this shock. As long as I pass this very first period, I can reverse the situation. At this time, I cannot fall asleep in any way, and I cannot be affected by this force. Persevere. You can get everything you want. There is only one opportunity, and you can’t miss it!” The King of Time and Space is constantly cheering himself up, telling himself that he can do it, and he can stick to it. For him, persistence is victory, persistence. Just hope.

At this time, the King of Space and Time also longed for someone to share a little pressure for himself, but he understood that it was impossible. The deity has no time, and the King of End clone also has no time. They all have their own tasks, no matter how much they have to bear. Both pressure and suffering must be dealt with. It is precisely because from the very beginning that I understand that I have no retreat and no helper, so no matter how great the pressure, the king of time and space has never wanted to give up. To give up is ruin for him. Death, persistence is hope and victory. It is naturally easy to distinguish between life and death!

"Perhaps I should digest the simple information bit by bit. As for the unclear information, I can temporarily seal up, so the pressure I have to bear will be much less, and I won't be so passive all the time, although there are no other creatures here. , But there is always nothing wrong with being careful. In the face of an enemy like Chaos Sea Will, we must always prepare more backs!” For Chaos Sea Will, there is too much pressure in the heart of the King of Time and Space, and he is productive. Too many feelings, this time I was lucky, I hit the opponent by surprise, trapped the enemy before he had time to react, and took the initiative, or I was afraid that I would not die as a clone of the Supreme Chaos World. It's me!

With such thoughts in his heart, the King of Time and Space did not hesitate, nor did he think about asking the deity for advice, he immediately acted, carefully guiding the more complete information into his soul, little by little. Digesting all of this, although under such strong pressure, the King of Time and Space can use limited power, and the information that can be digested is also limited, but all this is a good start, as long as it works, it will be the greatest victory for the King of Time and Space. .

With the investment of the King of Time and Space, he soon became immersed in the endless ocean of information, and was fascinated by the countless information. Although the information he can absorb and digest is limited now, it is also for the King of Time. Opened a window, let Xi see the unseen secrets, and also saw some of the rules of world evolution. It is a pity that all this information has not been completely put together, has not been organized and perfected, and cannot be connected together, so that he can see More secrets.

Of course, with a good start, the king of time and space does not care about this shortcoming. As long as he can hold on, he believes that there will be the moment when all secrets are digested. As long as this is done, all secrets will be lost. Regardless of the secret, the plaque of the Chaos Sea will inevitably be completely exposed in front of my eyes, and even the origin of the entire Chaos Sea will be known to me. Maybe at that moment I can see the hope of detachment and see everyone always A dream to pursue!

Fortunately, the long river of time and space has collapsed and no longer exists. This piece of heaven and earth has also been blocked and shielded. Otherwise, when the king of time and space absorbs and digests the information in the violent origin of time and space, there will inevitably appear in the chaotic sea. The powerhouse of's is aware of this change, and now the only person who really knows that there is a problem in the long river of time and space is the will of Chaos Sea. The other ancient giants have no idea that there is a creature in this long river of time and space that has broken in.

Although this has the effect of luck, luck is also a part of strength. The ability to have such a harvest is a great gift to the king of time and space. It can be said that this luck allows the king of time and space to have enough time to digest The harvest of this trip!

With constant investment, the king of time and space gradually forgot that he was still in danger, and devoted himself to the digestion and absorption of the source of the violent time and space. As more and more information was absorbed and sorted out, gradually A vague route appeared in the soul of the King of Time and Space. Although this route still had many shortcomings, its appearance shocked the King of Time and Space. He finally came into contact with the ultimate secret of the Chaos Sea. A touch of unusual place.

"Damn it, everything is as expected. Since the birth of this world, the will of Chaos Sea has been controlling everything. The destruction and rebirth of every era, the destruction and rebirth of heaven and earth, are all behind it. Playing with all the creatures, it is the biggest black hand of the Chaos Sea. It is a pity that the information is too severe to trace the origin of the world, nor can it explore the true secrets of the will of the Chaos Sea. However, it can be regarded as such a situation Great thing!"

I am not afraid that the secrets I know are incomplete, I am afraid that there is no hope. As long as there is hope, everything is possible. Now the king of time and space has not completely absorbed and digested that huge information, let alone sorted it out one by one, so this situation has been It is the best result, allowing oneself to go one step further on this path of pursuing secrets and see greater hope.

"Come on, let me uncover all your secrets, let me take a look at the origin of the Chaos Sea world, and take a look at what kind of existence your Chaos Sea Will is. In this vague route, there is There are too many accidents, and there are too many things that make people unable to understand. Perhaps behind all of this is the secret you have concealed, which is your true calculation!

When there is a new harvest, the King of Space and Time feels joyful, and the whole person becomes full of motivation. The secret is in front of you. As long as you work hard, you can get it. How can the King of Space and Time not get excited? Can not be excited, even if he is still under tremendous pressure and impact, when he sees new hope, the mood of the king of time and space ushered in another transformation and sublimation.

"Don't let me down, don't let me down. There must be a complete secret of the origin of the Chaos Sea in this broken space-time origin. Only by finding the secret of the origin of the world can we truly know all the calculations of this bastard, hope that secret It was not destroyed by the will of Chaos Sea, and it did not dissipate between the heaven and the earth when the time and space crumbled!"

auzw.com is worried that the king of time and space cannot help but worry that the collapse of the time and space river will lose the secret of the origin of the chaotic sea world. If so, it would be too bad for him. It is impossible to truly understand the ultimate purpose and calculation of Chaos Will.

"I speed up, every extra point I drag, it is a damage to the information concealed in the long river of time and space!" The king of time and space quickly gathers his mind and throws himself into his madness again. At this time, the king of time is fundamental I don’t care about my own changes, I don’t care that my body and origin are being hurt by the violent time and space origin. As long as I can find the secret hidden in the dark, all the price is worth paying, even if this clone is completely destroyed. Do not hesitate.

When the Sky King sorted out a vague route, the appearance of this power instantly alarmed Chaos Sea Will, and the mind warned it in an instant. A sense of crisis emerged from the bottom of his heart, causing Chaos Sea Will to change its expression suddenly. The change made it a little furious, because now he couldn't even know what happened to this spiritual warning, and all the world was covered, as if following the warning of the mind, the entire Chaos Sea had also undergone tremendous changes, then The breath of law is expanding frantically, frantically beginning to suppress all power, even the power of time gods and demons is once again suppressed.

"Could it be that the time for the decisive battle has arrived, the world is heading for destruction, and I, as the master of the world, will inevitably endure the backlash of the collapse of the world, but this is a bit weird. The **** ancient giants have not fully acted yet, only a small Some careerists are just about to move, they shouldn't cause such a terrible change!"

The Will of Chaos Sea did not think about the problem in the long river of time and space. In his heart, the river of time and space has collapsed. Although there is still a little bit of power and information remaining in it, it will not cause shocking changes in the world, so the invisible king of time and space He escaped another disaster and was not targeted by the will of Chaos Sea. Those ancient giants guarded him!

The king of time and space is not a fool, although he knows what he has to face, and when he devotes himself to digesting information and devouring the origin of the violent time and space, he passes his thoughts and previous gains through The soul is transferred to the deity, in case he accidentally disappears in this last obliteration, and wastes his own gains.

"What a will of Chaos Sea, such a powerful calculation, it seems that I can no longer continue to be silent, it is time to make a bit of momentum, attract the attention of Chaos Sea, and prevent it from having the opportunity to investigate the situation on the river of time and space. To buy enough time for the King of Time clone, it is time for the King of End to make a big move!"

There will be gains if you pay. This is not the time to hesitate. The King of Time and Space can seize the ultimate secret of the Chaos Sea at all costs. The King of End is naturally not afraid of death. The Human Race and the God Eater Mother Queen should have done it. With all preparations in place, it is time to launch a counterattack, make a splash in this chaotic sea, and accelerate the arrival of the decisive battle.

Of course, the deity Xingtian could not continue to comprehend the Dao. After knowing the secrets from the King of Time and Space, he could have felt the arrival of crisis and the threat of death. Perhaps the King of Time and Space could obtain the final secret, but he did not see it. To be able to leave the world of time and space alive, he must prepare for the worst.

Yes, the deity of Xing Tian must go to the long river of time and space personally, to meet the king of time and space clone, just in case, in case the worst happens, so that the king of time clone will not even have the opportunity to transmit the information, after all That piece of heaven and earth still has the power of heaven and earth, which involves the ultimate secret of the world. Once known by outsiders, it will inevitably cause earth-shattering changes.

Whether the deity’s actions will attract the attention of the will of Chaos Sea, this is not in Xing Tian’s consideration, the crisis has already appeared, whether for his own safety or for his own survival, this is what he must face. Fortunately, there is the King of End to attract the attention of the enemy, and no one will notice the situation of the deity for a while.

When the deity began to act, the King of Time clone finally completed the information about the origin of the Long River of Time and Space after paying a huge price, and finally found the secret of the origin of the Chaos Sea World! The origin at the end of the long river of time and space is a supreme treasure, not a congenital supreme treasure, but a broken chaotic supreme treasure'time clock', and this supreme treasure is the natal supreme treasure of a chaos **** and demon. The origin of the chaotic sea comes from this Chaos God and Demon, more accurately, came from the remnant soul of Chaos God and Demon.

The evolution of the Chaos Sea, the birth and destruction of the Era, are all under the control of the other party. What shocked the King of Time and Space is that when the Chaos Sea was opened, the remnant soul of this Chaos God and Demon directly evolved three statues. The clone, in charge of the time, destiny, and cause and effect of the Chaos Sea, the three origins, that is to say, among the first batch of innate Chaos Gods and Demons, there are three clones of the will of the Chaos Sea. No wonder no matter how the ancient Gods and Demons resist, they all Unable to break free from the shackles of the Chaos Sea, they were all crushed to death, because there were inner ghosts inside them, no matter how hard they tried, they would naturally not be able to break free from the power of the Chaos Sea.

What is the will of the Chaos Sea? It is the soul condensed from the source of the chaos **** and demon's remnant soul and the chaotic treasure "Time Clock". It controls everything in the Chaos Sea. A chaos **** and demon's remnant soul and a chaos treasure creates the Chaos Sea. , Also created everything. This secret is really terrifying. When the secret is really sorted out, the King of Space and Space feels the pressure from his soul, which is imprinted on the origin of the Chaos Sea on his soul. Suppression is the crushing of the upper ones on the lower ones.

"Damn it, this is the suppression of the origin brand, the instinctive suppression from the world, unless it is the creator, any other creatures who come into contact with this secret will be suppressed by the origin brand of the world, and will face this terrible strangulation. The long river of good time and space has collapsed, and there are not many time and space origins left in this world. Otherwise, it is just the beginning and it is enough to crush my soul and directly obliterate my soul in this world!" When it came from the suppression of the soul, the look of the king of time and space became extremely dignified, his own will was once again subjected to a huge impact, and once again faced this terrible death threat, there was no retreat, and retreat was death, marking the origin of the world. In other words, there is only one dead end, and you will be crushed to death directly. There is no possibility of any good luck. This is dangerous and chance!


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