God of Destruction

Chapter 4340: Jie Jue cut

Chapter 4346: Absolute Slash

As soon as the original brand was created, the king of time and space was plunged into desperation. There is only one way to survive, which is to overcome this test. Not only can he survive, but he can also accept the secret of the original brand. To achieve this, all the secrets of the entire Chaos Sea world are in my eyes, and there is only a dead end.

Of course, rushing through the past doesn’t necessarily mean it’s really worry-free. This is not a child’s play. This is a real test, a test of life and death. With the King of Time’s current ability, it will inevitably be badly wounded by reluctantly rushing through. Indelible damage!

"I don’t have a choice. Even if I know that I will die, I have no choice but to bite the bullet and try, hoping to gain something and leave enough information for the deity before I die. It’s best to be able to To survive the most terrible danger and obtain all the secrets of the Chaos Sea World, only in this way can the deity have a glimmer of life in this great catastrophe!"

When the situation reached this point, the King of Time and Space deeply understood how terrifying and dangerous the world of Chaos Sea is, and teased all the creatures in his palms. The power of Chaos Sea is definitely not as simple as the surface, what he sees is just At the tip of the iceberg, there are more secrets hidden in the dark. The only thing I can do is to do my best to challenge everything and defeat everything. Only in this way will the deity have a ray of life, and all these secrets are in sight. During this test!

"War!" In an instant, the king of time and space ignited all his potential. This time is not the time to keep his hands. In such a dangerous situation, he can only have a glimmer of life and victory with all his strength. There is only one dead end for sloppy care. If you don't move, it must be a full-fledged outbreak, killing the other side by surprise.

In an instant, the battle intent of the king of time and space turned into a giant axe, and he slashed directly at the origin brand that came to him. There was no earth-shaking vision, and there was no dazzling light. There is only the most common and common slash, but this one is the most common and the most common slash has exerted unparalleled power, blocking the crushing of the origin brand from the front, and under a single axe, this origin brand A faint crack appeared on it!

This is the power of the avenue of power, this is the fusion of the intent to fight and the power, under a single axe, there is the power of opening up the world, and such a powerful blow did not cut off this original brand, although the king of time and space has long been prepared in his heart, But when I really faced this moment, there was still a hint of loss and a hint of unwillingness in my heart.

"It's a solid brand of origin. My full blow did not cause much damage. I didn't shoot it down or even knock it back. It seems that the situation is more terrifying than imagined, and it is more dangerous. I want to take it. The final victory may only be a life-threatening fight. I hope everything goes smoothly. I also hope that the soul imprint remaining after my death can last long enough to support the arrival of the deity!" At this moment, the king of time and space is bound to die. Thoughts, with the belief in killing one's body and becoming benevolent, even if it is death, one must wipe out this original brand and fulfill one's own wish.

"Bloodline burns, murderous aura is condensed, time and space origin is extinct, fighting the sky and the earth, killing all living beings, time and space are shattered, destroying the world, and destroying everything for me!" At this time, the king of time and space burst out his ultimate strength with all his strength. Burning, condensing murderous aura, and destroying the origin of time and space. It can be said that he has used all his power. If he fails to succeed under one blow, death is an inevitable result. The soul may survive, but it is difficult to know how long it can survive. After all, this is a real life-and-death duel, and the degree of danger is terrifyingly astonishing. After such an attack, the King of Time and Space no longer has the ability to strike a second!

As if feeling the threat of death, feeling the horror of this devastating blow from the King of Time and Space, the Origin Brand exudes rays of light, motivating all the remaining origin power of the entire time and space river, and defending it with all its strength! Yes, at this moment, Origin Brand did not dare to attack the King of Time and Space, but was fully defending. Obviously it did not dare to continue the attack. It was fearful and worried that it would be completely destroyed under the attack and would be destroyed. The enemy is destroyed, so I have to make this passive choice!

The King of Time and Space snorted disdainfully: "Huh, defense, do you think that you can successfully avoid my fatal blow? Naive, too naive, go to death, don’t say you are just a little bit of time and space The origin of the long river, even the entire long river of time and space, will be severely damaged by such a fatal blow, let alone a little bit of your incomplete original power brand!"

Under the combined attack of the integration of the three powers into one, the King of Time believes in his own strength in this fatal blow and believes that it can cause a fatal blow to the enemy. In his opinion, if the origin brand dares to attack with all its strength, the result may be different. , Will leave oneself with nothing, no gain at all. After all, now his body is on the verge of collapse, and this fatal blow has exploded, almost exhausting all the vitality in the body. Now his body can continue to persist and It is not because of how powerful his body is, how powerful it can support attacks, and how terrible the impact it can withstand, but because of his firm will, if his will is shattered, this body has already gone to destruction.

It is a pity that the original imprint is not a wise creature, but a force left by the long river of time and space. It does not think, only acts according to instinct, and only accepts everything originally set. If it is a wise creature, it can naturally see through time and space. In the current situation, the King will make the right choice, rather than retreating to defense.

It is also the king of time and space who understands his own advantages, so he will take such a risk, so that he will burst out all his combat power so madly, and use his life as a bet to complete this fatal blow. This is how wisdom is born. The advantage of falling into the sea is also the king of time and space. Now he has won the bet, and the balance is tilting towards him.

auzw.com Yes, from this moment on, the king of time and space has occupied the active advantage. Everything from passive to active is under his control, and his own advantage instantly turns into a powerful combat force. Unleashing the most powerful, craziest, and fiercest blow to the Origin Brand, this blow condenses all the power of the King of Time and Space, and this outbreak is also the last blow of the King of Time and Space.

He smiled. At this moment, there was a faint smile on the face of the king of time and space. Victory was right in front of him. Although he didn't know how many secrets he could get from the brand of origin, what information he could understand, but at this moment he Satisfied, I have completed the task assigned by the deity, and achieved the best I can do, that's enough!

Just as the King of Time and Space thought, when this blow fell, Origin Brand’s defense only blocked it for a short while, and was cut open by a powerful force, and a huge crack appeared in Origin Brand. Above, it splits rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and under absolute power, defense is just a joke, just killing itself.

With a soft sound of'pop', the origin brand was completely broken, the time and space origin brand from which the clouds gathered disappeared instantly, and at the moment it dissipated, a huge message directly followed the powerful one of the king of time and space. The blow poured into the sea of ​​soul knowledge, and in an instant the huge information exploded in the sea of ​​soul knowledge of the king of time and space, impacting his soul and will.

For this situation, the King of Time and Space did not panic. All this was in his own expectation. The King of Time and Space tried his best to fight against it, resisting the destruction and impact of this huge information on the sea of ​​consciousness of his soul. When fighting against the huge information, he naturally ignored his own body. When he let go of his will, his body was silently turned into fly ash, and was destroyed by the aftermath of the blow, only the soul was preserved.

"My deity, I hope you can feel my death, be able to act earlier, find me before my soul is wiped out, absorb all the gains, know all the secrets of this chaotic sea, know everything about yourself, everything about the world! "After letting out a sigh, the King of Time and Space completely closed off his senses, using his greatest ability to keep his soul from being wiped out by this world, and using his last strength to buy time for his deity.

When the physical body of the King of Time and Space died, Xingtian was rushing madly in his heart for a moment of palpitations, as if there was a danger, the first thing he thought of was his clone of the King of Time and Space, the accident still happened, he was the most What was worrying still happened, and the King of Time clone suffered a devastating blow, and it was already gone!

"Damn, I have predicted in advance, I have acted in advance, and still haven't rushed to save the King of Time clone when the danger comes, and still let this clone fall, I am still too arrogant, or too self-righteous, always Look at everything with the original mentality and vision, the times have changed, everything has changed, if I continue to be self-righteous, maybe the next person to die is myself, such stupid things can never happen again!"

Although I am secretly hurting in my heart, I am not reconciled, but this is the fact, I must accept the fact, although the worst has happened, but I still have to make the last effort to go to the King of Time and Space as quickly as possible. Where you land, find the soul of the clone, accept the last message left by the clone, and know what happened in the end!

After knowing that the King of Time and Space had fallen, Xing Tian accelerated his speed frantically at all costs. Fortunately, at this time, everyone’s eyes were turned by those ancient giants, or the power of humans and other civilizations. Attracted by the crazy counterattack of the Mother Queen and the King of Ending, no one cares about the situation in other parts of the Chaos Sea, so no one has noticed Xing Tian’s crazy actions at this time. Otherwise, such crazy rushing will inevitably attract a lot of The attention of the strong will cause unnecessary troubles and plunge oneself into a more dangerous and cruel desperate situation, making the situation more dangerous and terrifying.

At this moment, apart from Xingtian deity, no one knows that there is a big battle in the old land of Time and Space River, a life and death battle, even if the Chaos Sea Will does not care about the situation on the time and space river, the human race and other forces are crazy counterattack, pull The war of great calamity opened up the world, making those ancient giants who have been hiding in the dark and wanting to take advantage of the fisherman’s profit can not sit still, they dare not continue to watch with cold eyes, they are worried that the situation will be out of control, worry about this The creatures of the First Era will be strangled in one fell swoop by the will of the Chaos Sea, and will be completely perished in the Land of Origin, the Island of the Gods, so they have to act, and have to attack the Land of Origin and the Island of the Gods in advance. Chaos Sea will do the final battle of life and death.

This is the general trend. Under the general trend, no one or any force can stop and will be crushed by it. The ancient giants who wanted to take advantage of the fisherman really understand how ridiculous and stupid their thoughts are. Under the catastrophe, no one can escape, no one can sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, and reap the benefits of the fisherman. This is a true life-and-death duel, and all creatures must participate. This is their responsibility and they must The test to face.

Feeling the changes of all parties in the Chaos Sea, and the changes in the space around the origin of the island of the gods, a faint smile appeared in the eyes of the God-Eater Mother Queen, towards the King of End, the human race and other powerhouses. Said: "My fellow daoists, our plan was successful, and the ancient giants finally couldn't bear it and wanted to make a big move. This is our opportunity. Everyone will try their best to enter the island of the gods and seize all the secrets in the land of origin. Seize all opportunities."

Upon hearing these words, the eyes of all the careerists burst out with a terrible light, and some smart people showed a trace of caution and a trace of precaution. The more you get to this critical moment, the more you must be cautious. , There can be no slight mistake, otherwise it will only be yourself, or even pay a heavy price.

What are the ancient giants? They are a group of **** who cannibalize people without spitting out bones. They are a group of **** predators. If there is no benefit and no chance, how can they be so crazy, how can they make a big move? These **** will take their own pressure. A lot less, but relatively speaking, the chance will be much smaller. To compete with this group of **** for the chance is too much pressure for the strong of their era, so big that it makes everyone feel like a boulder in their hearts. Are a little bit sad! There was a good opportunity to give these **** bastards, and the **** who were drawn out by their own crazy impact, which made many people feel irritated, but they had no way to stop them and could only passively accept them.


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