God of Destruction

Chapter 4341: Separate ways

Chapter 4343 Parting Ways

pain! In an instant, there was tremendous pain in the hearts of many giants, but this was the helplessness of the weak. Who made them the weak, the weak had no right to choose, and they knew that this would happen before they acted. It happened, and this should be what they expected, no matter how painful they can only endure, they dare not resist a little bit!

At this time, everyone should unite all the forces that can be united. Only unity can fight against the will of the Chaos Sea, and can get everything you want from the island of the gods and from the place of origin. I want to compare these opportunities in the place of origin. The secret of detachment is the most important thing. In order to detach everyone, no matter how dissatisfied in their hearts, there is only patience. No one will take the initiative to jump out and make trouble under this situation, become the target of everyone, and end up with death. End.

Looking at the ancient giants coming in madly, the God Devouring Mother Queen couldn't help but sighed: "The temptation of detachment is really amazing. So many ancient giants jumped out, it seems that almost all the ancient giants hidden in the Chaos Sea To get together, even if there are one or two that have not appeared, it will not affect the overall situation. This is the result we expect. This is our confidence to fight against the will of Chaos Sea. As long as these ancient giants jump out, they will never be able to look back. Fighting against the will of Chaos Sea, maybe some of these people will recognize the foundation of the time **** and demon in the island of the gods!"

How attractive is the detachment, not to mention the sigh of the God-Eater Mother Queen, even the King of End and the giant maglev of the human race did not expect to have such a big effect, which can make all the ancient giants crazy, for these hidden ancient giants , They could not bear the secret of detachment fell into the hands of a group of juniors, letting their ancient giant sands bow their heads to a group of juniors, so they only stood up and confronted the will of Chaos Sea, and they knew everything about the calculations of those juniors. Chu, just under the temptation of chance, these ancient giants are unwilling to care about with a group of juniors and waste their time!

When he heard the words of the God-Eating Insect Mother Queen, the Ending King smiled calmly and said: "Isn’t the Insect Emperor also fighting for detachment? In fact, for all ancient creatures, this is an irresistible temptation. No one can ignore detachment. You and I can’t do it. Those ancient giants can’t do the same. Even the Chaos Sea Will that we’ve been fighting against can’t do it. We are all pursuing self-transcendence. We must do our best to do our best. Strength to achieve this goal!"

Yes, everyone is pursuing self-transcendence. This is the nature of all living beings. As long as there is a trace of desire and hope in their hearts, they cannot resist this temptation. What's more, the situation is clear now, and they want to reap the benefits of the fisherman. , It’s just a joke. Under such a big environment, a person who is not careful will completely lose the opportunity in front of him. No ancient giant dares to gamble with his detachment, knowing that this may be the calculation of those'ants', and it is impossible. Don't jump in!

"Look, almost all the giants who can participate in the decisive battle have already appeared. It won't be long before the result we want will appear, no matter what the will of Chaos Sea is calculating, no matter the time **** and demon in the island of Gods. Whatever calculation, under such a terrifying impact, their plan will be completely exposed. No one is in front of the general situation, and any force can stop it. Whoever dares to stand on the opposite side of the general situation will only be directly crushed!" At this time, the eyes of the King of End were shining with terrible light, and that light was filled with endless killing intent, unconcealed killing intent!

"A madman, he is really a madman. Under such circumstances, he is still so mad. Is it because he has abandoned everything in order to prove the truth, and even the fear of heaven and earth no longer exists. I really don’t know whether to cooperate with such a madman. Right or wrong?" Feeling the astonishing murderous intent emanating from the King of End, the God Eater Mother sighed involuntarily, feeling that she really couldn’t understand this lunatic, why this lunatic was so crazy, why should he Do such a stupid thing!

silly! In the eyes of the God-Eater Mother Queen, the crazy killing intent of the King of End is too stupid. It is impossible to achieve the Dao of Demonstration. It is simply to kill the will of the Chaos Sea to prove the Dao. It is not to die, to prove the way to this, in his opinion this is a road of no return, a real road of no return, whoever steps on will die.

It’s a pity that the God-Eater Mother Queen doesn’t know the true thoughts of the King of End, even less that there is no fear in his heart. He doesn’t care about life and death. All he has to do is to do his best to perfect himself. Great way to improve your own perception of the world. As long as the deity is still there, it doesn’t matter if you die here.

If you want the deity to have a chance to survive in this life-and-death battle, you must prepare the strongest trump card for the deity, and killing is the best method of cohesion, and the power of endless killing can be used to gather the magical power of killing. Let the deity have the ability to counterattack in times of danger, and have the opportunity to comeback in desperate situations, and all this needs the King of End to complete.

"Friends of Taoism, when we do it, the ancient giants have already entered the island of the gods and have already attacked the time gods and demons. Should we take action too, or wait for the end of the war and we will gain nothing. There will be!" Seeing that the defenses of the islands of the gods were torn apart, the Mother God Devouring Insect Empress couldn't help but ask. For it, she could not bear to fight!

The King of End said disapprovingly: "Wait, let's wait, now is not the time to do it. Although the defense has been torn apart by those ancient giants, the Time God and Demon is not in a desperate situation, and he cannot be alone. , He must have accomplices, he will definitely summon these people, even if there is a real crisis, do you think Chaos Sea Will will ignore everything here? Let’s wait, it’s not too late to wait until the Chaos Sea Will takes action. !"

Regarding the statement of the King of End, the Mother Queen of Divine Devourer did not approve of it, and shook her head and said: "Wait, I'm afraid that everything is too late when we take the shot. This is a real life and death battle, a real battle, what Accidents can happen. No one knows what will happen next moment. I don’t think we can wait any longer, or the benefits will be taken away by those **** bastards. There is no opportunity to lose, and the loss will never come. We can No ability to grab food from these bastards!"

auzw.com At this time, the King of End frowned and stared at the Mother God-Eating Insect Queen and said: "If the Insect King is not willing to wait, he can act on his own. After all, our plan has been successful. Now you don’t have to care about our ideas, you have your freedom, we have our choices, and everyone can act independently without interfering with each other!"

Against the God-Eater Mother Queen’s opposition, the King of End is not clear about its true inner thoughts, whether this is the temptation of the King of Insects, or the true voice of the other party, but in the current environment, the King of End cannot stop it. I had to say such words, and the fall of these words also means that the unity and cooperation of everyone has reached the end, it is time to part ways!

Everyone has their own different opinions and ideas, and every force also has different pursuits. Excessive restrictions will only cause internal conflicts, which will only attract a lot of people’s dissatisfaction. The emperor’s opposition, ending this cooperation, everyone acting individually is an opportunity, so the king of the end did not hesitate to make a choice.

God Devourer Mother Emperor narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice: "Friends of Taoism, we are the weakest existence in this decisive battle. If everyone partes and acts separately at this time, they will only weaken their own strength and only give The enemy creates every opportunity to break, and we should continue to unite and cooperate to seize the benefits we deserve in this decisive battle!"

The King of End shook his head slightly and said: "Unity and cooperation? This is no longer possible. Our team has come to an end. Everyone has different ideas and pursuits. If you continue to restrain everyone, it will only cause Our internal conflicts, let us chaos ourselves. There are not a few people who have the idea of ​​the worm king, and there are also not a few people who have the same opinions as me. You said how we should resolve such conflicts of ideas, instead of wasting time, It's better to act separately, life and death are according to fate!"

At this time, the virtual master also nodded and said: "Yeah, it's time to part ways. Everyone has different pursuits and can't think about it. Reluctantly gathering together will only harm others and ourselves, and the situation has reached what we want. Whether you want to win in chaos or fish in troubled waters, let everyone choose for themselves. This is the best result. Life and death are controlled by themselves. Life and death are determined by fate. The decision is yours. You can’t blame others. !"

When the virtual lord stood up and recognized the king of the end, soon a tycoon agreed with them. They all understood that now that the hearts of the people are dispersed, and if they force their families to unite together, they will only harm others and themselves. So soon they agreed. The team of the supporters immediately disintegrated, and started to act according to the ideas in their hearts, and the great situation dissipated instantly!

Seeing such an ending, the mother of God Devouring Insect Empress felt a little uncomfortable. This was not the result she wanted. It was not a scene she wanted to see. Without the power of everyone, she lost the opportunity to seize the ultimate power. The power of is not worth mentioning in this decisive battle, at least for people like them.

resentment! In an instant, the Mother Queen of God Eater could not help but feel resentment towards the King of End. If the King of End hadn't spoken, maybe the situation would not be like this, and everyone would not part ways, but everything has happened. I didn't even have the opportunity to stop it, and no one took his own words as the same thing. In the face of interest, the selfish side of everyone's heart was thoroughly exposed, and they lost their influence on everyone.

"Damn, how could this happen? These stupid **** don't understand what will happen if they do this, what will happen to them? Are there grass in their heads, they don't even understand such a simple question!" In the heart of the God-Eater Mother Queen was scolding everyone, and complaining about everyone's stupidity and ignorance!

It’s not that people are so stupid that they can’t see the situation, but that the greed in their hearts has overcome their reason. They have been affected by greed and their minds. The most important thing is that they all think that they are the sons of destiny, and they can catch their thoughts by fishing in troubled waters. Everything you want, once such a thought appears, the scene in front of you naturally appears. This is human nature.

"Huh, we are free to part ways, but our own lives are not in our control. At this time, we are fighting each other and competing for benefits with the ancient giants. It is not robbing opportunities, but killing ourselves. The ancient giants are better than you. The imagination is even more terrifying, and their dispositions are more ferocious. These ignorant **** are dead!" After a while, the God Eater Mother finally yelled out of his own heart, and when he vomited his unhappiness, his mood was calm. A lot.

The virtual master smiled indifferently and said: "The insect king is right, but this is reality. Reality is always so cruel and ruthless. Not everyone can see everything, not everyone can face everything calmly, more people They are all driven by their own desires and hopes. It is impossible to make them obey, especially in such a big environment. Give up, give up that ridiculous idea, the selfishness of human nature. At this moment, it will explode in an all-round way. It is not something you and I can stop. Under the general trend, we can only meet, not rebelliously."

Although the Mother Queen of God Eater was still unwilling, when he saw the dignified face of the Virtual Lord, and then looked at the calmness of the King of End with a trace of coldness, his heart instantly became cold. , My mood instantly became extremely heavy, I was too arrogant, too self-righteous, this is a great catastrophe, this is a decisive battle, I want to dominate the general situation, this is really a big joke, fortunately, I did not succeed. Otherwise, I'm afraid that the first person to fall is myself.

Maybe I can use the power of everyone to fight the time gods and demons, but I will also fall under the hands of these companions, and nothing is worth mentioning in the face of interests. There is only a dead end for greed. Either myself, these "companions". In this decisive battle of life and death, they are all just like ants. They can't shake the overall situation at all. Only the ancient giants can really shake the overall situation. They are the focus of this battle, and they decide the war. Victory determines the survival of everyone. Without these ancient giants, whoever rushes in front will die first, whoever dances for joy, who is unlucky first, no one can be an exception, and so is myself!


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