God of Destruction

Chapter 4343: Section willing

Chapter 4343

"My own physical body cannot be preserved. I must give up in any case. Otherwise, this body's cause and effect will not let me see any vitality at all. It is burdened with the great cause and effect of the whole Wu clan. This pressure is really too great. Even if it is able to seize the last ray of life and escape from this **** inner world, it cannot resist the karma of this body. The **** of Time God and Demon is too insidious and too vicious. From the very beginning, it has not been given to heaven and earth. Everyone’s way of life, if you want to seize a ray of life from this lore, you must make a choice and give up everything that shouldn’t belong to you.” When he said this, Xing Tian sighed involuntarily, his eyes flashing. A trace of terrible light, filled with endless killing intent and destruction in that light!

For Xing Tian, ​​who is also crazy, there is nothing he can’t do. He dare not do anything. As long as there is a glimmer of life, as long as he can see the hope of survival, all costs are worth paying, just like his own time and space. Like the King’s clone, in order to give the deity a ray of life, he can pay the price of his life, and he can give up everything, everything is only for the ray of life of the deity, and he has truly achieved this, and the creatures in the Chaos Sea are not aware of it. When the Chaos Sea Will, that is, the origin and plan of the remnant soul of the time **** and demon, the deity knew the secret of the existence of this world in advance.

If you want to succeed, you have to pay no price. Xing Tian is no exception. After determining the enemy’s plan and calculations, Xing Tian must make a quick choice and make the best choice for himself. Only in this way can he be able to make a final decision. Only when you get a glimmer of life in the decisive battle, you can get rid of all your own troubles, all the effects of cause and effect.

The deity’s physical body cannot be kept, even the method of refining the body inherited from the witch clan can’t be kept, because there is a big cause and effect. Although what he gets is only a little fur, the cause and effect is still Xing Tian himself. What is unbearable, after all, if you stay, you will inevitably have a great cause and effect with the Wu clan. If the Wu clan is completely destroyed in the prehistoric world and the entire race civilization disappears, it is not a big deal, but the Wu clan cannot be annihilated. Because there is a Houtu ancestor witch in the Wu clan, as long as the Houtu ancestor witch is still there, the Wu clan will not die, and this cause and effect will exist. At that time, as long as you are in the prehistoric world, you must end this cause and effect. Even if I pay my own life, I am afraid it will be difficult to end this cause and effect.

Willing! There is something to do, if you can’t even do this, don’t mention anything about getting rid of your fate, breaking away from this **** world, no matter how hard you struggle, there is only a dead end, this time As long as you can give up, you must give up. No matter how important it is to you, your life is not as important as your own life. As long as you are alive, everything is possible. If you are dead, there is no point in keeping more!

"Perhaps I should abandon all the original avenues and abandon my own origin, but the World Avenue does not necessarily have to give up, because this World Avenue comes from the planning of the time gods and demons. I have great cause and effect with it. Maybe this The World Avenue is my way out, but the body of the gods and demons cannot be kept. I need to create a new method of real body practice, a method suitable for myself!"

When thinking of this, Xing Tian sighed again, time, it takes time, and what he lacks in Qia Qia is time. If you want to break free from your own shackles and all the shackles on your body, this takes time, and there is still a way to be for yourself again. To create a new method of practice, but before that, Xing Tian still has to do one thing, that is, to give up his name of "Xing Tian". This name is a **** and a shackle to him. When he didn’t know it before, this is not No matter what, but knowing it makes a difference.

At this time, Xing Tian was also lamenting his ignorance. When he was sober from this world, when he made the so-called oath, he was just an ant controlled by the time **** and demon, and it happened to fall into the calculation of the time **** and demon. In the middle, I have memorized this **** cause and effect, if I didn't have that vow, maybe I wouldn't have to bear such a big cause and effect karma.

Everything in the world of Chaos Sea is photographed in the prehistoric world. The "prehistoric world" that I have experienced is just a joke, a big joke, controlled by the time **** and demon, and all the strong people I have seen are also What the time gods and demons have evolved in one hand is only to evolve the great avenue of heaven and earth, and to evolve the changes in the world, and he is just a **** in all of this. My own current cultivation base and realm are just a joke, even the realm of those ancient giants are just a joke, everything is in the control of the time **** and demon, and the time **** and demon is controlling everything.

After knowing the greatest secret of the will of Chaos Sea and the greatest secret of the world, Xing Tian did not rush to make a move, nor did he rush to fight, but was carefully calculating everything. At this time, he could not take a wrong step. It is the abyss of ten thousand meters, it is the death of the soul, and you must consider everything and prepare for the worst.

First, I need to know what is going on in the prehistoric world today. Judging from my own experience and the evolution of this world, it’s clear that the great catastrophe of the beast has passed, the catastrophe of the dragon and the phoenix has also passed, and even Hongjun Daozu has passed. Hedao, when the world enters the Lich Hegemony, it is only during this time that the time gods and demons can obtain the blood of a great witch like Xingtian, and can use so much blood to evolve the many creatures in the Chaos Sea world, and evolve the living beings of this world. .

The second point is where the body of the time **** and demon is suppressed. If he breaks free from all the shackles, where will he appear in the prehistoric world after all the shackles, this is also the top priority and a big issue that cannot be ignored.

The Tianzhu "Buzhou Mountain" of the prehistoric world? No, Tianzhu is the foundation of the Primordial World. It cannot be used to suppress the time gods and demons. Moreover, if it is the Primordial Tianzhu "Bu Zhou Mountain", Hongjun Daozu will not let the Lich Catastrophe destroy the Tian Zhu, and it is not Zhoushan. All living beings know the importance of, and it is impossible not to be aware of the existence of the'time **** and demon' flesh.

auzw.com is not ‘Bu Zhoushan’, nor is it possible in the West. Thinking about it, there is only one place that may be the most possible! The "blood sea", the blood sea is the most likely place to suppress the "time **** and demon flesh", which is why the remnant soul of the time **** and demon has so much blood, so many origins evolve the sentient beings of the chaotic sea world, and three thousand chaos. The gods and demons, the sea of ​​blood itself condenses the endless negative power of the prehistoric world, and there are countless resources here to provide time for the remnants of the gods and demons to evolve everything.

"Blood Sea", this is not a good place. If my guess is correct, being in a blood sea may be even more dangerous than being in the "Buzhou Mountain" of the prehistoric Tianzhu, because there is great danger and great danger here. Horror, this is the place of reincarnation.

When thinking of the place of reincarnation, Xing Tian gasped again and thought of greater troubles. If the body of the time **** and demon was really suppressed in the sea of ​​blood, he would be the cause and effect of the witch clan. Suffering a devastating blow, the Houtu Ancestral Witch would not give him any chance of survival, and his own existence was a big trouble for the Witch Clan.

"No, it's not a sea of ​​blood. It should be said that it is not entirely a sea of ​​blood. It is not a sea of ​​blood that suppresses the flesh of time gods and demons. The sea of ​​blood does not have such power. Perhaps more accurately, it should be the tunnel of the prehistoric world. It’s not that Pangu God does not have the power to complete it, but that the authentic power is needed to suppress the body of the Time God and Demon. Why the tunnel was born later than the Heaven’s Dao is precisely because it wants to suppress the body of the Time God and Demon!"

The more he thought about it, the more Xing Tian felt that he was right, and the more he felt that he gradually understood the truth of everything. The tunnel was originally known as the way of heaven, but the prehistoric heaven and earth did not appear together, but waited for the ancestor of the earth to witch the reincarnation. , And the tunnel was calculated by Hongjun Taoist ancestors, completely suppressed by the heavens. If all this is just a little calculation, there is no other reason for it to be unreasonable. The only possibility is that the tunnel suppressed the body of the time **** and demon. Part of the power is controlled, so Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu have the chance to calculate, otherwise how could Yifang Dao be controlled by others!

I’m in trouble, the more I think about things, the more troublesome I have. If everything is as I guessed, my troubles will be greater, and it will be more difficult to get out of trouble. The power of the sea of ​​blood makes Xing Tian feel endless pressure, and now there is a tunnel. The figure made Xing Tian feel even more uncomfortable, and it also made Xing Tian understand how dangerous his situation is, and how insidious the calculations of the Remnant Soul of the Time God and Demon are.

There is no choice. For Xing Tian, ​​he has no right to choose. If he wants to break free from all shackles, he must face all the pressures and withstand all the suppressions. The remnants of the time gods and demons were born from the chaotic sea world. He was calculating the world, not only to get his body back, but also to return to the top, but also to break free from the suppression of the tunnel, which requires more powerful force, so he laid out such a crazy overall situation. , Calculated all the creatures in the Chaos Sea world, and used these creatures as the nutrients for their cultivation to complete their plans and get rid of all suppression!

Standing in the position of Xingtian, the remnant soul of the time **** and demon is sinister and cunning, but standing on the position of the remnant soul of the time **** and demon, this is what he must face. There is nothing insidious or insidious, and he wants to break free from the restraint and suppression of his body. , You have to do this. People don’t serve themselves, and the heavens are destroyed. In order to get free body, it is nothing to sacrifice some ants. The life and death of ants are not worth mentioning, and you don’t have to care about their reactions and their feelings. This is the general trend of the world. The strong respect and the fittest survive. The weak have no right to choose and no right to complain.

"I need to give up the name of Xingtian. Only by giving up this name can I cut off the cause and effect with the Xingtian Great Witch of the prehistoric world. The name is just the beginning. If I can't even give up the name, I don’t have to cut all the cause and effect. Give up this name, what kind of name should I choose? The name cannot be chosen at will. It is related to my luck and rest. When I give up the name, I also give up my own luck. This is not a trivial matter!"

For practitioners, Dao names cannot be arbitrary. Dao names carry their own avenues and their own luck, just like the name of Xing Tian, ​​carrying all their luck in the Chaos Sea world, all cause and effect, if this time Xing Tian gave up his name, which meant that he had to give up everything before, and he would be abandoned by the world.

For a moment, Xing Tian shook his head and murmured to himself: "The name is not in a hurry, the king of the end is still there. You don't need to be too anxious for a while. Relatively speaking, determining your origin is the most important thing. Which way to practice, what way to recast one's true body, and what way to be the fundamental way of oneself, this is the most important thing!"

The choice of the avenue is not trivial. Although the World avenue is very good, it is not an easy task to really be the foundation of its own avenue. This requires the root of the world as the foundation, and Xing Tian has to give up everything about himself. What to carry the origin of the world, there is no treasure that carries the origin of the world, just use your own perception of the World Dao to complete this plan, I can only say that my ideas are too naive, without the corresponding treasure as the foundation, the World Dao is not easy to practice Yes, I can have the current power, and everything is derived from the original treasure that carries the world avenue, from the world tree in my inner world, but the cause and effect on the world tree in my hand is too big to be impossible. Keep it, without the tree of the world, what kind of power can carry the origin of the world avenue, Xing Tian can't think of it, at least there is no such treasure in Xing Tian's hands.

"I still think too much. The World Dao cannot be directly practiced by someone who wants to re-practice. I don’t have the origin of the world as the foundation. I should choose a more suitable Dao. Only what Dao can blend with me perfectly. , Is the one that suits me best, and will it affect my potential for future practice?"

Dao practice is not a trifling matter. Once you choose, it is very difficult to change it, and it is also very detrimental to your own practice. Choosing your own Dao origin cannot be sloppy. Xing Tian must be cautious and think everything clearly and do the best. Prepare for the bad, and do the best calculations, prepare everything in advance, even if there is any accident, you have enough ability and enough ways to deal with it, instead of being helpless and falling into a terrible crisis , Fell into the desperate situation of death, after all, the danger he had to face was too terrifying, and the power he had to face was too terrifying.


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