God of Destruction

Chapter 4344: Separation

Chapter 4350 Separation of Soul

"I need to carefully comprehend all the information left by the King of Time and Space. Perhaps in this information, I can find the most suitable way for me to practice. After all, this information contains everything created by the world of Chaos Sea, and God of Time. The secrets left by the devil's remnant soul! In his great practice, in the formation of the chaotic sea world, in the beginning and destruction of many epochs, I may be able to find the most suitable direction for my practice!"

The most important thing is to determine the direction of one's practice. Otherwise, if you voluntarily abandon yourself, you will probably lose a lot. The origin is different from others. Although he knows that he is in the calculations of the time **** and demon, Xing Tian still wants to figure it out. Everything, I want to understand my own fundamentals, what my own way is, and what kind of way is most suitable for oneself.

Time went by little by little, and suddenly Xing Tian muttered to himself: "Enlightened person, gainer, witness! Interesting, really interesting, I didn’t expect that there is such a saying in Dao practice, maybe This is the practice in the eyes of the Chaos God and Demon. Perhaps this is the path the Chaos God and Demon took, but the way of the Chaos Sea God and Demon is a bit crazy!"

When comprehending the secrets of the world of Chaos Sea and the various messages left by the King of Time and Space, Xing Tian also had an understanding of Chaos Sea and the three thousand chaotic gods and demons that it had cultivated. Xing Tian also understood. The difference in cultivation, the one who has gained the Tao, this is the way to gain others, and walks the way of others, the proclaimer can prove that it is the way of other people, or the way of heaven and earth, only the enlightened person is the **** of chaos Yearning, become one's own avenue, condense one's own origin, independent of heaven and earth!

Enlightened people, this is Xingtian’s longing, but it’s very difficult to become a Taoist, and the remnant souls of the time gods and demons are walking on this road, frantically making up the sinister and vicious plan of the world of chaos, giving all the creatures Driven into a dead end, no one can see any hope of detachment. Even Xingtian’s view of the remnant soul of the time **** and demon has no intention of detaching people. There is no detachment in this world. In his plan, all creatures are It's just that the chess pieces in his hand are used to evolve the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, to remove the cause and effect of the many bloodlines that are brought in from the prehistoric world, so that oneself is not entangled by cause and effect.

Enlightened people must first have their own avenue, and now Xing Tian needs to determine, thinking again and again, the three thousand avenues are constantly flashing in his mind, under the contrast time and time again, Xing Tian finally chose the time avenue, not just because The Chaos Sea World was created by the remnant soul of the Time God and Demon, and because it was in the flesh of the Time God and Demon, choosing Time Avenue is the easiest way to enter.

However, Xingtian’s time avenue is completely different from the time **** and demon’s avenue. Xingtian’s time avenue must be integrated into the world avenue, must be integrated into the end avenue, and the power of the two avatars must be integrated into it. Only in this way can one have the opportunity to get out of trouble and then once again. Two of his own avatars were cut out, but this choice puts huge pressure on Xing Tian.

Xingtian’s time avenue is centered on the sun, moon, and stars, the sun is the sun, the bright moon is the yin, the yin-yang avenue is combined, the stars are the body, and the world avenue is played, but this time Xingtian’s cold world avenue is not the original inner world , The world under the Three Thousand Great Dao's Consummation, is the Starfall World, the Destroy World Dao evolved based on the power of ending.

What made Xing Tian make such a crazy decision to destroy the world's avenue by ending the evolution of the avenue, fusing yin and yang to condense his own time avenue? In fact, the reason is very simple. Xing Tian is gambling, betting that his guess is correct. The body of the time **** and demon is suppressed in the sea of ​​blood, suppressed under the tunnel, and suppressed by the tunnel. Only the Destroyed World Avenue can get him out of trouble. Opportunity can give oneself the opportunity to get rid of all shackles and overcome all.

According to Xing Tian’s guess, today’s prehistoric world has never reached the age of saints. Perhaps Hongjun Taoist ancestors have not yet been in harmony, and tunnels have not yet emerged. If tunnels appear in this world, the physical existence of time gods and demons cannot be exposed, so Xing Tian wants Let go, take a fight with your own life, and create a road to heaven for yourself.

Yes, there is a crazy idea in Wu Zai's heart, a crazy idea that gives him the opportunity to break free and directly integrate into the prehistoric world, but this idea is not mature yet, it needs time to polish, and it takes a little time. A little perfect, this plan Xing Tian dare not speak, nor dared to take action, there is only one chance, once it fails, there is no possibility of success again, so Xing Tian must be cautious and must plan for the worst.

The direction of his own Dao practice has been determined, and the next step is Dao No. Although this matter is not urgent, Xing Tian still wants to complete it earlier. After all, the decisive battle has already begun and there is not much time left for him. It is very dangerous for him to not be able to complete all of this before the King of End clone falls.

In Xing Tian’s heart, when he gave up the name of “Xing Tian”, it was when the King of End died. The death of the King of End replaced the deity, so that the deity completely disappeared from everyone’s sight and disappeared into the God of Time In the plan of the devil's soul, although this requires precise cooperation, Xing Tian believes that he can do it, and before that, he must think of a suitable dao name for himself, which can carry the dao name of his own practice avenue.

"Just take the sun and the moon as the dao name, the meaning of the sun rising and the moon setting is yin and yang as well as time, but the sun and the moon I want to condense is extraordinary!" After thinking about it, Xing Tian finally decided to use the sun and the moon as the dao name, calling it ' Sun and Moon Taoists', but to condense the sun, moon, and stars, you need the help of the origin. Although there are sun, moon, and stars in the world of Xingtian, this does not carry the path of Xingtian. After all, the choice of Xingtian has big problems. , In the end, it is necessary to merge and end the avenue, the general power cannot be combined with the end avenue.

Mingri, Mingyue, this is Xingtian’s idea. Use the negative power between heaven and earth and the power of ending to condense your own sun, moon, and stars. It’s just that it’s very difficult to do this, not just precious. Resources need opportunities. Without enough opportunities, even Xing Tian puts in great efforts, he cannot succeed.

auzw.com"Forget it, don’t waste time anymore. The war has already begun, and the final battle has come. This cannot be stopped. Now I don’t want to care about my own gains and losses, but to catch To take the opportunity to get out of the room as soon as possible, and to condense the time origin of this fusion of the Great Way of Ending, it requires the sacrifice of the King of Ending clone!"

Although there is a bit of reluctance in his heart, the current situation makes Xing Tian have to do this, and he has to sacrifice not only the King of End clone, but also his own body. Giving up the body does not mean giving up in vain, even if it is giving up. We must also maximize the benefits, and the best choice is naturally to use this body to give the enemy a fatal blow.

After making the decision, Xing Tian's expression became condensed. Time is running out. He can no longer waste his energy like this. Looking at the wheel of time and space in front of him, Xing Tian's mood is a bit heavy. The source of this semi-finished product should be the treasure. How to deal with it, let it go, let it stay here, perhaps over time it has the opportunity to transform and evolve, to be able to truly condense into a real entity, capable of carrying the origin of the avenue of time and space, but it takes time to accumulate, and today's environment is no longer so. Much time. And even if this original treasure is really condensed into an entity, it does not necessarily fall into one's own hands, even if it has its own breath and authority on this treasure, it may not necessarily recognize itself as master.

Taking it away, Xing Tian shook his head. The original treasure of such a semi-finished product is too eye-catching. The continuous absorption of the origin of time and space will make everyone feel its existence, and it will bring a huge crisis to himself. No one can resist the temptation of such a treasure. You must know that the semi-finished product, the original treasure, is the most suitable for refining your own destiny. The reason why Xing Tian gave up is mainly because he understands how dangerous the current situation is and understands this treasure. Terrible.

"Perhaps I should really keep it here and use this natural environment to cover its aura. If this treasure of origin can be detonated at a critical moment, it may be able to deal a fatal blow to the remnant soul of the time **** and demon. After all, this is a The source treasure with the power of authority has already come into contact with the source treasure of the essence of the world!" In an instant, Xing Tian had a crazy idea, a terrible plan, a plan that could free himself from the crisis.

Looking at the original treasure in front of me, one after another crazy thoughts kept popping up in my mind. Although my thoughts were a little crazy and insidious, Xing Tian had no choice for his own survival, and he had no choice. Already in the game, if you want to break the game, you can't take the normal road. The normal road is a dead end.

"It's done!" With a deep cry in his heart, Xing Tian's eyes burst into light, and for a moment, Xing Tian waved his hands continuously, and the prohibitions fell on the semi-finished product of the wheel of time and space, and quickly merged into it. Among the most precious treasures, as the restrictions merged in, the wheel of time and space exudes a trace of terrible aura, and this aura is vaguely compatible with this void.

Chaos Sea has the will to calculate, and Xing Tian naturally has to be prepared. This original treasure is an opportunity. Although this opportunity may not be used, once it is used, it will inevitably give itself the power to reverse the situation and be able to beat the enemy by surprise. , In this life and death duel, no matter how much preparation is right, because this is a life and death battle, there is no room for mistakes.

I have done everything I should do, and I have made arrangements for the preparations I shouldn’t do. Now Xing Tian’s eyes show a trace of madness. Maybe I should take this opportunity to separate the original soul from the body, The distraction in one’s inner world controls one’s own body, and the deity’s soul is completely hidden, waiting for the final opportunity to come. From Xingtian’s point of view, the long river of time and space is the best place, which is the best hiding of his deity’s soul. place.

"Divided!" With a deep cry, Xingtian's soul and body began to separate. This is not a normal separation of the soul, but a real separation. It completely separates the two and no longer has any connection. His actions are a great ordeal for Xing Tian himself. Both the body and mind will be subject to a huge impact, and even if the will is not firm, he will go crazy.

But Xing Tian did it. Without any hesitation, he immediately began to separate the soul from the body. He was suffering tremendously. Xing Tian still persisted. At this time, Xing Tian shed blood instead of sweat. It was the body to bear. The blood released under the huge impact, and Xing Tian's mind was trembling, as if it might collapse at any time.

When the separation begins, Xing Tian retains all of his own aspirations and all the origins in his body. Only the soul, and the purest soul, without a trace of external force, is what he escapes, because Xing Tian is about to complete the separation. At the time, he transferred the name of Xing Tian directly to his body, and he had to plan for the worst in everything. Xing Tian didn’t think that when the King of End clone entered the battlefield and was targeted by Chaos Sea Will, his secret would not be discovered. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare for the worst. The true body of the deity must enter the battlefield at any time, and hold the spirit of sacrifice at any time to start a life and death duel with the enemy.

The body and soul are under a double impact. This is an unimaginable natural disaster for anyone, but Xing Tian did just that, and continued frantically. The soul was separated from the body bit by bit. Bit by bit, all the connections with the flesh were cut off, all the strength, all the cause and effect remained in his flesh.

After a long time, the feet of Xing Tian's body were stained red with blood, and Xing Tian's soul was finally completely separated. At this time, Xing Tian's soul was already weak to the extreme, as if it could collapse at any time, and the body was also greatly affected. It can be said that Xing Tian experienced a terrible crisis for only a short time. Fortunately, he successfully survived this crisis.

"I am a Taoist of Sun and Moon!" Although the soul is extremely weak, when the separation is completed, a low voice is emitted from the soul. This is the voice of the soul, and the final separation is completed. The name of Xing Tian is no longer, the soul is already Rebirth is a truly reborn soul. It has nothing to do with Xing Tian anymore, a trace of cause and effect.

With the sound of the soul, Xing Tian's physical body opened his eyes, and a terrible light flashed in his eyes. The distraction of the inner world began to take over the deity's body and master everything of the deity. His appearance meant that the original Xing Tian had disappeared, and the new With the emergence of Xing Tian’s life, the name of Xing Tian is no longer his shackles, at least for now, no one knows what will happen in the future, after all, the unknown is the biggest mystery in the world!


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