God of Destruction

Chapter 4345: Section concerns

Chapter 4351 Concerns

Dao is the sun and the moon. Since then, the soul of Xingtian has been completely separated from the body, and the soul of the sun and the moon will not appear in this crazy war in the Chaos Sea World. The moment it really gets, it must be one. The final battle of life and death, and at that time both the physical body and the clone were truly in desperation, and there was no power to resist anymore, the original soul had to make a move and had to expose himself.

"Keep here well and wait for the final moment to come. If everything goes well, we still have one day to meet. If there is an accident, this will be our last farewell, and hope that there will be another day!" The will of the world that dominates Xingtian’s physical body sighed and shook his head. In fact, he also knew in his heart that this day would not come. When it came, it would definitely be the time of life and death, and the time when the world of Chaos Sea was destroyed. .

The worst preparations have been made. The deity's soul has been completely separated, and in the space condensed by the collapse of this time and space, unless the final battle is fought and the world is destroyed, it is possible to spread here, otherwise the deity There is no problem with the safety of the soul, not to mention that the original soul is still a semi-finished treasure. Although there is no strong attack, self-protection is enough. At least there is no need to worry about the safety of the soul.

The original **** Sun Moon Taoist did not say anything, but nodded sadly, making such a sacrifice, to the original god, he didn't want to see it, but he had no choice and wanted to be in this terrible situation. Survive in the great catastrophe of the world, and want to survive the sinister calculations laid down by the remnant soul of the gods and demons, this is the only choice.

At this time, the original soul did not have much energy to take care of others, separated from the body, and left all power in his own body. For the original soul, this was almost a devastating injury. Now the original soul It takes time to recover, it takes time to recuperate, slowly recover the wounds of the soul, and restore the huge source of the soul.

After taking a look at the deity's primordial spirit who was in the midst of recuperating and rejuvenating, the physical body once again shot, and a series of restraints entered the void, although it is said that under normal circumstances, no creatures would come here to threaten the primordial spirit. To be safe, but just in case, the physical body still added an extra layer of insurance, giving this void an extra power of restraint. After doing everything, the physical body didn't stay anymore, and left the void and the world with strides.

When the physical body left, the void instantly calmed down, and the soul of the deity instantly disappeared into the void. In the entire world, only the semi-finished original treasure radiated a faint light, and the soul of the deity disappeared. No trace, as if it had never appeared before, let this piece of void enter into a dead silence!

After the physical body returned to the Chaos Sea World, the King of Ending clone felt the news from the deity mastered by the will of the world for the first time. After learning what happened in the long river of time and space, the clone of King of Ending could not help but sigh secretly. With a sigh of relief, his heart was shocked by this decision. He didn't expect that the deity would be so crazy. If he was determined, but it would be okay. With this arrangement, with this guarantee, he would not have any consideration. Let go and do a big job.

Before, the King of the End had some worries and had to take care of it. After all, he could not break the deity’s plan on impulse, not reveal his identity, let alone expose everything about the deity, but now this consideration finally ceases to exist. Everything about the deity is no longer his own limitation, he can do whatever he wants, and he can use his strength to come to a real life and death duel!

I saw, the King of Ending clone muttered to himself: "Come on, let this storm come more violently, let me see how many conspiracies and tricks have been deployed by the remnant soul of the gods and demons behind all this. , How many calculations are waiting for us creatures, I hope you don’t let me down, I hope you can withstand the backlash from the entire Chaos Sea world, can hold on to the moment of the final battle, and be able to face the counterattack of all creatures Without damage."

kill! After taking care of it, the mind of the King of End was fully let go, there was no trace of pressure on the whole person, there was just the intention of killing around! Yes, at this time, the King of End really let go of his heart, let go of everything, completely integrated into this life-and-death duel, and actively participate in this crazy battle of killing.

"Crazy, how come this **** Xingtian reacted so madly in an instant? Could it be that he was also affected by the aura of the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth, and he had to participate in this crazy killing desperately? A life-and-death duel with the devil?" Looking at the sudden change of the King of End, the virtual master couldn't help but wonder to himself, such a change was too unexpected for him, and such a change made his heart uneasy. Let him vaguely feel the breath of death.

Before the virtual lord could ask, I saw the God Devouring Mother Queen preemptively saying: "Why is this a little bit of time past, Daoist Xingtian can't bear to participate in this life-and-death duel, don't you mean? Do we want to watch the changes? Don't you have the patience anymore, and you don't want to continue watching the battle anymore, you have to actively participate in this life and death killing!"

As soon as the words of the God Eater Mother Queen fell, the King of End frowned and was dissatisfied with the irony of the God Eater Mother Queen. Although the two sides had disputes and different opinions, they still The allies standing together said such a thing, obviously narrow-minded and intolerant, and this also indirectly shows that the dissatisfaction of the god-eater mother empress has reached the extreme, and it may not be long before they The cooperation between the two countries was wiped out.

The King of End didn’t care, and he smiled and said, “Now and then, it’s really not the time for us to take action before, but now it’s different. Those **** **** are all thrown into this crazy battle. If we don’t enter. , Will be more conspicuous, don’t forget, up to now, our true enemy, the will of Chaos Sea, has not yet come, and only the Chaos God and Demon is on the bright side. At this time, if we don’t enter the battlefield , You said that when the will of the Chaos Sea comes, it will ignore those of us who have been standing by and watching with cold eyes. It will clear the field as soon as possible and clear us bystanders!"


When he heard the words of the King of End, the Mother Queen of God Eater was startled, and then nodded in agreement, but he did not make an apology, and he did not think it was a problem. There is no need to do this, after all, the relationship between himself and Xing Tian was already very awkward, and the apology would not change.

Clearing the field, this must be carried out before any major decisive battle. Today’s Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth, the final decisive battle is even more so. In the eyes of the God Eater Mother Queen, the reason why the Will of Chaos Sea has not yet entered the battlefield, has not appeared, It is to let more people participate in this decisive battle, and then take action to kill it all. As for those who did not participate in the battle, they will be strangled by the will of the Chaos Sea in the first place. You must know that until now, the Chaos Sea Giant Beast Haven't made the craziest move yet.

What is the Chaos Sea Giant Beast? This is one of the biggest killers of Chaos Sea Will. Whether it is the civilization of the races that are still hesitating, or the ancient giants, if they really don’t recognize the situation, they really want to sit back and catch fishermen. The ridiculous idea of ​​benefit, waiting for them must be death, destruction, and will be destroyed by Chaos Sea Will in the first place.

It is precisely because the King of the End has seen this, and it is precisely because the King of the End has not taken care of it, that he will take the initiative to say all this at this time. As for the human giant and the God-Eating Mother Queen, what decision will it make? Not in the consideration of the King of End, the opportunity has already been given to them, and the cause and effect are also pointed out. They have to bear all life and death.

Is there a choice? No, it’s good for the human giants or the God-Eater Mother Queen. They have no choice. They can only obey the plan of the King of End and integrate into the battlefield to avoid the first cleansing of the will of the Chaos Sea. Only then can we have the opportunity to talk about survival. Otherwise, there is only a dead end waiting for everyone. In the decisive battle, if you want to protect yourself, strength is part and vision is part. It is also very important to choose the most suitable time to enter the battlefield.

The King of End sighed and said: "Go ahead, there is not much time left for us. No one knows what kind of crazy behavior the lunatic will of Chaos Sea will do. With the charge of those ancient giants before, The greatest pressure is no longer on us, and the enemy will not focus firepower on us. This is our best opportunity. As for life and death, we can only depend on the fate. After all, no one knows what will happen next moment, and does not know if luck. On myself!"

Any situation in the battlefield can happen. No matter how strong you are, you may be strangled by an unexpected attack. Even the King of End does not dare to guarantee his own safety. Entering the battlefield is involuntary. Not everyone has such a fearless belief in the King of the End, and doesn't care about his own life or death.

For the King of End, as long as the deity is alive, he has a chance to be reborn. Now the deity is ready for the worst. He has no worries for a long time. The king of time and space has fallen and has completed his mission. , Now is the time to take responsibility, and it is time to stir up the situation and let this war break out.

It should be said that I have already said it, and I have done what I should do. As for the choice between the human giant and the god-eater mother queen, the king of the end will not care. When his words fall, the king of the end The body was like lightning, disappeared in front of everyone in an instant, rushed into the battlefield quickly, rushed into the crazy killing battlefield, disappeared from everyone's sight, hidden in the vast sea of ​​people, No more traces, so that others can not find.

Once the aura has condensed, unless Chaos Sea's will to search with all its strength, otherwise it is not easy to find a king of the end hidden in this crazy battlefield, and it is not easy for the king of the end to look like this The inconspicuous'ant' went to war. The price was too high, and it was the result that Chaos Sea was unwilling to accept it.

Looking at the disappearance of the King of End, the Mother Queen of God Devourer and the Virtual Master of Human Race looked at each other. From each other’s eyes, there was a faint horror, and a faint loss and unwillingness. After all, They don't have such a fearless belief in the King of End, and they still have too many considerations and worries in their hearts.

"Insect Sovereign, you know a lot about the Great Tribulation of Era and the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth. You said what should we do now? Do you listen to Friends Xingtian, participate in this war and join this crazy killing battlefield? Among them?" Yes, the Virtual Lord still has something to consider, and there are also concerns. You must know that in the entire Chaos Sea world, the killing is not only going on outside the island of the gods. The Human Race has other choices, the most important It is a big question whether the Chaos Sea Giant Beast really hasn't attacked completely!

God Eater Mother Queen sighed and said: "Understand, my experience is what kind of understanding of the Great Tribulation. If I really have that ability, I won't fall to the current level, and I won't lose sight of the situation. Xingtian’s words are true, but they are useful to us. It’s hard to say. After all, we are in a different position from this lunatic, and our pursuits are different from his. So is his words right? It’s hard to tell, it’s hard to tell."

The answer of the God Devouring Mother Queen made the Virtual Lord frown. This is not the answer I wanted. If it is this kind of analysis, I don't have to ask the God Devouring Mother Queen at all, just under the current situation. , The virtual master doesn’t want to offend the God Insect Mother Queen, even if there is dissatisfaction in his heart, he can’t express it. After all, at this time, one more friend will be more secure, and there is more way out. Offend to the death, let the race have an enemy of life and death.

I saw that the virtual master sighed and said: "Yes, no one can know what will happen in this situation, and no one can see everything clearly. Maybe we should really listen to the lunatic Xingtian and give it a try. , First blend into the battlefield, at least don’t stand aside so stupidly to watch the battle, expose yourself so clearly, don’t give Chaos Sea Will a chance to attack us, just once we participate in the war, I don’t know how many people there will be. Death, the war begins, no one can control the situation, and no one can guarantee their own safety. The strong like us can't do it, and the weak ones can't do it!"


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