God of Destruction

Chapter 4346: Solar term backlash

Chapter 4352 Backlash of Qi Luck

The war has already begun, and it is not difficult to integrate into the battlefield, at least for the virtual masters, but they are unwilling to give up the greed in their hearts, and the giants of the human race are not willing to harm people. Family luck, after all, if joining the battlefield means that the entire human race will be thrown into this war, then how many people can be left in the human race is a big problem, and the god-eater mother is unwilling to participate in the war, just thinking To reap the benefits of the fisherman, want to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, but it is another big question whether they can succeed. For them, it is because of this and other reasons in their hearts that they did not listen to Xingtian for a time. , Even if the virtual master sighed, it was just acting.

Everyone has selfishness, but they forget that the current environment cannot tolerate such selfishness. Under such an environment, the danger they have to face is far more terrifying than imagined. They are not Xingtian, and they don’t have the same determination as Xingtian. , And Xing Tian didn’t know about this chaotic sea world, so together with their greedy thoughts, their own luck was madly dissipating, and the breath of death was covering them. If the human race can’t make a choice quickly, it can’t be early. Putting a little into this life and death battle, they will become the will of Chaos Sea, that is, the first object of cleaning the remnant soul of the time gods and demons!

The human race is the protagonist of this era. Although the era is shattered, they still retain a lot of luck. If the human race goes into war, they may suffer heavy losses, but they will not be killed by the will of the Chaos Sea for the first time. They didn’t do this. They were lucky and felt that they could avoid this disaster. They didn’t realize that it was a cruel battle of life and death. In the battle of life and death, no one can escape, or all beings in heaven and earth can. Killing the Chaos Sea Will, or the Chaos Sea Will to destroy the entire world beings, complete their own transformation and evolution with the heaven and earth beings as nutrients.

Now the God-Eater Mother and Human Race are still hesitating, and they have not yet joined the war. Their actions have attracted the attention of Chaos Sea Will, and they have been targeted by Chaos Sea Will. Many giants hiding outside the battlefield, looking at this crazy **** battle outside the island of the gods, the first reaction to the will of Chaos Sea is **** it.

Chaos Sea Will pays such a high price, and just set up such a situation, how could it be possible to let their existence like "ants" take advantage of them, let them sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, and reap the benefits of the fishermen. In the situation, the ants who wish to win the final victory with themselves, Chaos Sea will naturally grant them death.

Human race should be destroyed! This is the first reaction of the will of Chaos Sea. Although it is the Age of Doom, the power of all creatures is suppressed by the world, and the Will of Chaos Sea is also the same, but the Will of Chaos Sea is the creator of this world, even if it is at the end of the world. Under the catastrophe, he still has his own way to influence the rules of the world. Together with his thoughts, the world changes for it. A strong malice swept across the human race, with unparalleled power, impacting the human world. Luck.

The Terran world is the foundation of the Terran. The Will of Chaos Sea will cut off the roots of the virtual masters and giants in the first time. It will destroy the entire Terran world in the first time, knock the Terran into the abyss, and devour the fortune of the Terran. Swallowing everything of the human race, as the master of the world, the will of Chaos Sea changes, and the world naturally changes for it. Countless giant chaotic beasts wake up from the depths of the Chaos Sea, and they exude a strong malice. Guided to the human race world.

"Damn it, how could this happen!" The day's heart moved, and when the human luck was attacked, the expressions of all the giants changed drastically, and they couldn't help feeling a strong malicious attack on them, letting them one. This face changed drastically, and everyone was terrified and uneasy about it. When everyone had such a performance, the human giants such as the Virtual Lord were terrified.

Crisis, the crisis of death, the human race is about to face the death crisis, this is not an illusion of oneself, if one's own induction is wrong, it is impossible for all the giants to have such a induction, everyone feels this terrible malice, indicating that the human race Really have to face a danger of extinction. Someone is targeting the human world. The first reaction of these giants is to give up everything in front of them, turn back to the human world, and resist the impact from outside the human world.

When the look of the human giants changed drastically, the god-eater mother emperor felt heavy. He is not a fool. It is impossible to notice that the entire human giants have undergone such changes. If such a situation occurs, the only possibility is that An accident occurred in the Terran world, and the foundation of the Terran was in crisis, which made them feel the crisis in the first place.

I saw, the Mother Emperor God Devouring Insect Mother asked: "Dear fellow Taoists, has the human world changed drastically, or other race civilizations launched an attack, or the chaotic giant beasts eyeing the human world and triggered the restriction of the human world? "

The virtual lord nodded solemnly and said: "Someone is attacking the human world and strangling the luck of the human race. It seems that the matter is really likely to be said by the fellow Xingtian. The human race is targeted by the will of the chaotic sea, and we are caught by the chaotic sea. The will is on!"

At this time, the God-Eater Mother Empress began to regret, why didn’t she follow Xing Tian to act together? If she was also integrated into the battlefield, perhaps she would not face the immediate crisis, although the virtual master only said it was possible, but God-Eater The Insect Mother is not stupid, and naturally understands that this is not possible, but certain. If Chaos Sea Will takes action against the human world, will the giants on the bright side not be targeted? At this time, Chaos Sea Will will focus on them. What are the consequences, the god-eater mother queen will not know!

Upon hearing these words, the Mother of God Devouring Insect Queen thought in her heart for the first time: "Should I act immediately and rush into the battlefield? Get rid of the attention of the will of Chaos Sea? Just rush into the battlefield. , May be able to get rid of the crisis, after all, there are giants like Human Race outside to attract the attention of Chaos Sea Will, and I may have hope of getting out!"


When the God Devouring Mother Queen thought about it, the human giants such as the Virtual Lord immediately noticed the fluctuations in his mind. I saw that the Virtual Lord opened his mouth and said: "The Worm Lord, now we have been targeted, no one will think about it. Withdraw and leave, I believe you can feel the malice from heaven and earth. Under this situation, even if you want to leave, you cannot escape the strangulation of the will of Chaos Sea. You and I have been branded, thinking To get rid of the crisis, we must face the will of Chaos Sea. If we part ways and act separately, we will inevitably be defeated one by one, and if we join hands, there may be a silver lining. We must know that the war is together, and those **** who charge in the front can do We share most of the power of the Chaos Sea Will. This is where our vitality lies. There is still a chance for unity to break free. There is only a dead end when we part ways. Choose yourself!"

Does unity really have a ray of life? No, this is just a joke. At this time, no matter how these giants are united, there is only a dead end. Human race is being targeted. They want to resist. It is impossible for them to resist. They have no power to resist the attack of Chaos Sea Will, even if they immediately turn around. Returning to the human race world, it is still impossible to protect the human race. This is the general trend. The Chaos Sea will attack the human race with the momentum of the sky and the earth. It will destroy the entire human race world in one fell swoop, strangle all the creatures in the human race world, and completely destroy the human race world. Everything that destroys everything in the human world.

At this time, under such circumstances, it is also a dead end for the God-Eater Mother Queen to rush into the battlefield. It will also be targeted by the giants in the battlefield, and strangled by several clones of the remnant soul of the time **** and demon. The world’s master, Primordial God, Chaos Sea’s Will has all acted. The other avatars will not react at all. This is impossible. Now it is not only the Time Gods and Demons in the Island of Gods, but also the Destiny Gods and Demons. Karma gods and demons, they are teaming up to attack.

If it was said that the King of Ending, the Mother Queen of the God-Eater, and the Human Giants united with the major races and civilizations to launch an attack on the Chaos Sea World, now it is the Chaos Sea Will that controls the Chaos Giants to launch a counterattack against them, to reverse everything. To destroy all creatures in the world, to swallow their origins to expand the origins of the Chaos Sea, and complete the cleansing of the entire world.

Yes, the great purge has begun. The first unlucky person is the Human Race, the God-Eater Mother Queen. Who made them behave so prominently outside the battlefield? Chaos Sea's will is not right. They can only blame. They themselves did not follow Xing Tian’s persuasion, and did not integrate themselves into the war in the first place. They are now facing such a terrifying impact. They can only say that they asked for it. They are responsible for their actions. Pay the price for your ignorance.

If the previous battle was a storm, and this time the counterattack was a natural disaster, many people originally thought that the Chaos Giants had been cleansed for most of them and would no longer cause harm to their own race civilization, but now those who are suffering from disasters The civilization of the race just knew how outrageous it was, how terrifying and terrifying the Chaos Behemoth was.

Before the human giants took action, before they returned to the human world, a terrible force gushed out of their hearts, and their minds were seriously injured in an instant. This is a backlash, it is a backlash of luck, and the human world is in a short period of time. It was destroyed by the Chaos World in time. All the creatures in the world were destroyed. In addition to these people, the human race, as well as the fires preserved in their inner world, were all destroyed and destroyed by the Chaos Giant. The beast swallows.

"No, it's impossible. How could the Terran world be destroyed by people in such a short period of time? This must be fake!" Some impaired Terran tycoons couldn't help but cried out. They couldn't accept such a result and came to them. Saying that the impact is too great, it makes them unbearable, makes their minds confused, and hurts their minds one by one!

"Enough, let me wake up!" Seeing the reaction of these unguarded human giants, the virtual lord shouted in a deep voice, using all his strength to make this deep drink, a deep drink from the soul, These desperate human giants awakened from the chaos, so that they would not be impacted by external forces and would not be destroyed!

I was dumbfounded. For the God Eater Mother Queen, such an astonishing change made him instantly dumbfounded. This shock was terrifying. He himself did not expect such a situation to happen. He would see the giants of the human race being angry in front of him. The backlash caused his mind to tremble, and he was also in fear. How powerful the restrictions in the human world are, the god-eater mother emperor knows well, and there is also a restriction in the human world, but this The prohibition is so easily destroyed, how powerful is the enemy's power!

"Could it be that Chaos Sea's Will has done it himself? He personally took action against the descendants of the human world. As the master of the world, he has poisoned a group of'ants'. This is crazy and terrible!" For the mother emperor, she immediately pushed everything to the Chaos Sea Will, thinking that it was a poisonous hand under the Chaos Sea Will, and never thought that all this would be done by the Chaos Giant Beast, because the Chaos Giant Beast in his heart Most of it has been wiped out in the previous war, and it is impossible to cause serious damage to the human world, let alone destroy the human world in such a short time!

Seeing the human giants gradually waking up, the God Devouring Insect Mother couldn’t help feeling the shock and worry in her heart, and asked: "You fellow Daoists, but the Chaos Will has taken action. It was he who used the power of the world’s origin on the human race. The world strikes a fatal blow?"

I saw that the virtual lord shook his head slightly, Qiang Zi cheered up and said: "No, it is not the will of Chaos Sea to attack, it is not the origin of the world to attack, but the giant chaos beast, we are all wrong, we are all played, we are Chaos Sea Will is playing in the palms. We have united all races and civilizations. All forces have not eliminated the Chaos Giants. The Chaos Sea Will also hides a more terrifying army of Chaos Giants. They were destroyed in the first place. The human race world has destroyed the entire human race!"

As the leader of the human giant, the virtual master can naturally sense the scene of the destruction of the human world, and can feel the warnings issued by the human beings when the human world is destroyed. Of course, the virtual master is also the person who has suffered the most backlash. For just a short moment, whether he was in his mind or his body, he was hit hard. The Chaos Sea Will itself had not yet taken a shot, and the human race was hit so terribly. Such a result made it hard for him to accept. He is scared!


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