God of Destruction

Chapter 4347: Festival i'm coming

Chapter 4353 I'm Coming

The human race is still the case. Other civilizations can escape this disaster. Can the many giants who charge in the front can escape this disaster? When they are backlashed by luck in the battle, what will they end up? Death is their inevitable result, because they charge ahead, they don’t have time to defend, and can decide life and death in a split second during the decisive battle. The Chaos Sea’s Will will naturally turn everything over and give these stupid and ignorant “ants” 'Lesson of death!

"Heaven is about to change! Fellow Daoists must be prepared for the worst. The situation in the Terran world has already occurred. This is an unchangeable result. I hope everyone can stay calm and face this disaster correctly. In this way, one can imagine what will happen to the giants on the battlefield, we must prepare for the worst!" When this was said, the voice of the God-Eater Mother Queen paused, her eyes flashing with unwillingness. Flashing endless worries and fears!

If the giants that charge in front fall in an instant, the situation on the battlefield will undergo a qualitative change, and everyone’s morale will also suffer a devastating blow. After all, this is not an ordinary decisive battle, this is the ultimate life and death battle. Everyone is working desperately, all in the final struggle, if death is severe in an instant, it will be an unimaginable disaster for everyone.

The virtual master nodded and said: "Yes, the sky is about to change, the human world has suffered a devastating blow, and other civilized worlds can be imagined, but I don’t know if they prepared for the worst. They will be battered by luck. If they prepare for the worst, perhaps there is still a possibility of recovery, or else all of us will be in big trouble!"

Although they are communicating, but for the giants of the human race, they are seizing the time to restore their own combat power. This is a final decisive battle. If you can't maintain your combat power, you will eventually die out. If you have more power, you will have more power. Meridian, the more this time, the more you must be cautious, the more you must hurry up to recover, the next moment no one knows what disaster will come!

"In fact, the real battle is just the beginning. The real factor that can affect the decisive battle is not us people. Although we started the war, it is not us, but the ancient giants. If they can resist Living in the Chaos Sea will still have time for the counterattack of the gods and demons, then there is hope, otherwise, it will be a mortal situation!" At this time, the god-eater mother did not dare to speak big words, did not dare to look at them. How important it is, in fact, at the beginning, the God Eater Mother Queen knew that these people were just "ants" and could not determine the final outcome.

Although'ant' is unwilling to admit this name, in fact, whether the god-eater mother queen, or the civilization of the major races, they are just ants, whether in the eyes of Chaos Sea Will or those ancient giants, They are all'ants', even the god-eater mother queen can be regarded as an ancient giant, but it's not enough power, it's still just'ants'!

It is just a joke to block the counterattack of the time gods and demons. From the beginning to the end, the time gods and demons did not take these people seriously. The goal of the time gods and demons is only those ancient giants that hide deeper. Now these ancient giants have almost jumped out, and The plan was also very successful. At this time, these'ants' naturally lost their function. The useless'ants' had only a dead end waiting for them. Without the time for the gods and demons to personally attack these people, these'ants' were also dead.

There was a rumbling of heaven and earth, and the entire Chaos Sea was tumbling. A few killings broke out at the same time. The Chaos Sea will not only target the world of numbers, but also other ethnic civilizations, other forces, almost all The forces in the Chaos Sea have all suffered a devastating blow, and it is the Chaos Giants that the major forces think they have already eliminated. Countless Chaos Giants seem to have jumped out at the same time to kill these forces. The creatures, in this rumbling sound, have endless grievances and endless curses, and all these are aimed at the will of Chaos Sea.

Feeling the sudden eruption of resentment between heaven and earth, the virtual lord could not help but yelled: "What a terrifying resentment, what a crazy Chaos Sea Will. It seems that everything really makes the insect king say it. The Chaos Sea Will is going to clear the field, all forces All of the creatures were strangled by him in one fell swoop. We really underestimated the power of Chaos Sea. The Chaos Behemoth he mastered was not as weak and small as we thought, but so simple. Everything before was afraid of the other party’s conspiracy and tricks. We were fooled. !"

I was fooled, no, for people like the Virtual Lord, I was not fooled at all. The Will of Chaos Sea never regarded them as the same thing. The Will of Chaos Sea has only the ancient giants from the beginning to the end. They are only in the hands of Will of Chaos Sea. Chess pieces, Chaos Sea Will just used their ignorance and stupidity to draw out the ancient giants.

When the human giant maglev and the god-eater mother emperor were horrified by this terrifying resentment, the giants in the battlefield let out a crazy roar, and the roar was full of endless killing intent. It seemed that these giants wanted They are much smarter than the human giants. They are not closely connected with their own racial civilization and luck. They have cut off their connection with racial civilization before attacking, and have not been backlashed by luck because of the destruction of racial civilization. It’s just that they also felt the destruction of the fire of civilization. They were all angry and mad at it. The will of Chaos Sea made their last hope disappear, and the endless hatred made them burst out with terrible killing intent, endless. Their grievances gave them terrifying power.

Yes, these giants made the worst preparations. They made arrangements for the destruction of ethnic civilization. The destruction of ethnic civilization not only did not allow them to be backlashed by luck, but instead allowed them to gain from the endless resentment. For the blessing of power, they used a taboo method. If the racial civilization is shattered and the racially-civilized creatures feel resentment, the terrible resentment will turn into power and bless them on them, allowing them to be blessed by the power of the entire racial civilization.

"It's a taboo power. These **** have made taboo arrangements on their own civilized creatures. They are really crazy. They even used this crazy method. Did they really see through this life and death duel long ago?" When seeing the many giants after the blessing of resentment, the eyes of the God Devourer Mother Empress transmitted a terrible light. This kind of madness was not he had expected. With such a terrible power blessing, it was a terrible showdown, and An endless duel.

auzw.com The power of the taboo is not so easy to control. They bless themselves with the power of the taboo. At the same time, they must bear the shackles from the power of the taboo. If these giants cannot complete the power of the taboo. For those who are waiting for them, there is bound to be a dead end, and for those resenting death, all they want is the destruction of the world, the death of the will of Chaos!

"Perhaps before we acted, we should also prepare for the worst. If we were the same as these lunatics, we would not end in the way we are now, and we would not fall into such an embarrassing situation. We were wrong. Our hearts are not hateful enough. We did not see through the cruelty and ruthlessness of this life-and-death duel, so we were defeated!" At this point, there was a trace of unwillingness in the eyes of the virtual lord. If he also has this kind of power blessing, Perhaps the situation will not be what it is now, but it is a pity that it is too late now, and it is useless to regret it, everything has happened.

At this time, the God Eater Mother Queen shook his head slightly and said: "No, you are wrong. You don't even know the horror of this forbidden power. These **** don't know the horror of this forbidden power. Now they seem to get it. They have been blessed by a powerful force, but when they accepted this power, they were also corroded by the force. They no longer have the possibility of detachment. They are burdened by the grievances of countless creatures. There is only a dead end waiting for them, no matter what the result is. , They have no life anymore, the destruction of ethnic civilization, the blessing of taboo power cut off their last vitality, and their hopes are completely shattered!"

"Why is this happening? No matter how powerful the taboo is, it is impossible to cut off the vitality of these giants. If these giants dare to do this, they must have been recognized by the racially civilized creatures. Otherwise, this taboo power simply cannot exist and cannot be blessed. On their giants? Please also explain to the insect emperor, so that I can wait to know the danger of this forbidden power!"

The God-Eater Mother Empress sighed and said: "Yes, they have indeed received the recognition of their own race civilization, but this recognition does not mean that they can control this power. This is not ordinary power, but causal karma. , Karma is added, and they are in the midst of a catastrophe. Do you think they still have a chance to survive? Death is their only ending!"

The power of causality is indeed not something that ordinary people can control. This causal karma is not only the dead beings, but also the karma of this world. It is just the cause and effect of racial civilization. This is nothing, for these For giants, there is no threat of death, but with heaven and earth karma, it is completely different. Karma is enough to destroy everything about them.

"Damn it turned out to be karma of heaven and earth, the great avenues are unfair, even if there is karma, it should be borne by the will of Chaos Sea. It is the cause of everything in front of us, and it is the biggest black hand in all of this!" The giants of the human race couldn't help but roar So, it's a pity that this is just their own opinion, and it can't change the overall situation. The world karma is focusing on those giants, not the will of Chaos Sea!

The avenue is unfair, and it has never been fair to the avenue, at least in this chaotic sea world, because it is the remnant soul of the time **** and demon who masters the rules of the avenue, the will of the chaotic sea, and the creatures in the entire chaotic sea are just Ants, ants that can be wiped out with their hands, are there any fairness to a group of small "ants"? Are they qualified to talk about fairness?

When the entire Chaos Sea world was shrouded by that terrifying resentment, when this heavenly change appeared, the eyes of the deity who was rushing to the battlefield crazily flashed with a terrible light, such terrifying causal karma, so terrible The blessing of grievance, let the world tree clone that manipulates the body of the deity see a new direction, a direction to withstand the negative power of heaven and earth, but although this power is terrifying and terrifying, its corrosiveness is also amazing.

I saw the deity's body sigh softly: "Unfortunately, although this grievance is severe, it is far from reaching the level of qualitative change, and there is no power to induce extinction. It seems that the preparations of these giants are still insufficient. The worst preparation, but they did not do everything to the most extreme degree. If they can do everything, it is not this resentment and blessing that is triggered now, but the power of destroying the world blessing themselves and helping with the force of destroying the world Below, even the Chaos Sea Will must be afraid of three points!"

It’s a pity for Xing Tian, ​​but it’s not the case for those giants. They don’t have such a powerful body as Xing Tian’s deity, and they can’t stand the blessings of the power of destruction, if they really have to arouse the power of destruction. , Did not wait for them to take action, did not wait for them to launch a counterattack against the Chaos Sea Will, they had already died under the impact of the power of destruction, their bodies and souls were already wiped out, and their deaths were clean. Both their bodies and souls would be wiped out. The power is obliterated!

Sigh and sigh, the body of Xing Tian did not care about all this, nor did he want to interfere in the past. He quietly came to the battlefield to exchange identities with the clone of the king of the end, so that the clone of the king of the end was hidden in the dark. The body of the deity comes first, after all, all cause and effect are above the body of the deity.

"I'm here, I will take over everything, you and I will switch identities, converge my own breath, and I will control everything!" A low voice sounded in the soul of the King of End, this is the world clone that dominates the body of the deity. Voice, when this voice sounded, the King of End sighed involuntarily. Although he had a better chance of living by doing so, the deity had to pay a heavy price, which made him somewhat unacceptable, but he couldn’t accept it. Not accepted.

"Is it worth it? Is it really worth it? The situation is so dangerous. You have to make such crazy sacrifices!" The King of End couldn't help but feel unwilling and asked the clone of the world, hoping to change the deity's decision.

"It is worth, everything is worth. The sacrifice of the king of time and space has left us with precious information. This is the price we must bear. Don't think that you are safe to retreat. In this decisive battle, you too will die. , Only when we work together, will the original spirit have a ray of life, make the final preparations, fully condense your power of ending, wait for the mortal blow, end everything in this world, and destroy the world to the original spirit Create the last life!"


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