God of Destruction

Chapter 4348: Block

Chapter 4354 Blocking

The mortal game, whether it is the king of the end or the real body of the deity, is a mortal game. The only first line of life that can be contended for is the original soul, and this requires a price. The price of Qiaqi is the destruction of these clones. You will be rewarded by giving. In the face of such a mortal situation, it is very rare to be able to do this step, but success depends on God’s will and luck. If there is no luck to help, no matter how good the calculation is There is only a dead end, the time, the right place, and the unity of people are indispensable!

"Okay, I leave everything here to you. I will collect the killing aura and gather the ultimate assassin. I hope that these ancient giants will not let us down. They can buy us enough time. You and I need time, and the deity needs more time. Time, I just don’t know how much time Chaos Sea Will will give us, and when will his plan fully explode!” When he said this, the King of End sighed involuntarily, with a trace of reluctance in his eyes!

The situation is involuntary. Being able to reach this point and being able to do all of this is already great for the King of End. The next step is to look at the performance of the deity's body, the madness of the world clone, and the power of the inner world to push the deity's body. It will break out, this will be a crazy killing, a crazy battle, and this is the best time for the King of End to collect murderous aura!

It’s better to rely on people than to rely on yourself, and never trust your life or death on others. The King of the End deeply understands, and the deity also deeply understands. It is precisely because of this that there will be this crazy war. The world clone takes over the body of the deity to complete the next crazy killing and complete a **** performance!

When the King of End silently retreats, before the world clone controls the deity's body to break out, a powerful space originates from the void descending, and a series of space doors appear outside the islands of the gods. The King of End on the door felt the breath of death and the breath of the Chaos Giant Beast. It seems that the Chaos Sea Will has completed the cleansing of many forces in the world. All the intelligent creatures have been strangled by him. Now he wants to fight the gods. The giants outside the island shot.

At this time, the King of Ending lightly shook his head and sighed: "Here, the decisive battle has finally arrived. It seems that the Remnant Soul of the Time God and Demon is really cautious. He did not choose to take the initiative and strangle these giants personally. Use the chaotic giant beast to consume the power of everyone, can control the power of space, can mobilize the origin of space, it seems that he has finally put aside his disguise, and faces all the giants, but I don’t know what those giants will have after all this is exposed Ideas, how to deal with this **** crisis!"

How to deal with this situation, all giants have only one choice, which is to fight the will of Chaos Sea and the remnant soul of the time **** and demon. This battle is inevitable. Even if they want to escape, it is useless. The entire chaos The wise creatures of the sea have been strangled, and all forces have been swept away. Now only these wise creatures are left. The destruction of the world has already begun. There is no other way but to fight to death. There is no way to retreat, because the Chaos Sea If the will triumphs, the whole world will become his nourishment, will become the nourishment of his practice, and become a part of him.

At this moment, there is chaos outside the island of the gods. For those ancient giants, this sudden door of space made them feel threatened and made them feel heavy. They are not fools, and they can naturally see the calculations behind all this. They are also powerless to make such a change. If it is a normal period, they will naturally have the power to close or destroy the gates of these spaces and not give the chaos giant a chance to appear, but now is the Age of Dominance, and the power of the Age of Dominance suppresses them. The origin of these giants makes them dare not act rashly or over-consuming their origin!

"The **** time **** and demon really colluded with the will of Chaos Sea. He wanted to plot against all of us. It seems that he finally couldn't bear to kill us and kill all our ancient powerhouses. Otherwise, it is impossible to make With such a movement, it is impossible to make such a crazy move. We must prepare for the worst, and everyone must be prepared desperately!"

A voice rang in the hearts of many ancient giants. Before the decisive battle, they also considered the danger and planned for the worst, but they did not expect to come so fast, and Chaos Sea will be so crazy, in order to achieve their goals. Directly strangling other forces in the Chaos Sea, completely cutting off the external force, leaving them these ancient giants without helpers, but they can only face the impact of the Chaos Giant Beast and the impact of this beast tide, so as to consume everyone's origin.

"There is nothing to be angry about. Actually, we were prepared before we acted, didn't we? We have already thought that such a danger will happen. That's good. Everyone doesn't need to hide anymore, and directly use the skills of housekeeping. Come to a life and death duel, endless years have passed, I believe many daoists have doubts in their hearts, why we have not found a way to escape, and now is the time when we uncover this secret, why one era after another has passed Now, we don’t see the hope of detachment, because there are enemies hidden among us, and now all of this has been revealed! Time gods, karma gods, destiny gods, good guys, these three **** are first The old guys who survived the era, they have long been in collusion with the will of Chaos Sea. They have been calculating us all the time. It can be said that all of us are under the manipulation of these bastards. Now is the time for us to take revenge and hate. Retaliation, revenge, revenge, kill him upside down!"

No matter how concealed the will of Chaos Sea, the identity of time gods and demons, causal gods and demons, and destiny gods and demons will continue to be hidden. When the war is together, all of these will be completely exposed to everyone. Of course, during the war, chaos Sea Will never thought about continuing to hide. This is the final decisive battle. In this battle, his wish can be fulfilled. Chaos Sea Will, to be more precise, the remnant soul of the time **** and demon has no intention of continuing to hide. The power of the origin of the entire world is in his grasp, and they are pressing down on the ancient giants who gathered from outside the island of the gods.

"Yeah, it's time to settle all cause and effect. After being calculated by Chaos Sea Will and the three old guys for so long, it is time to take revenge. Although I have guessed in the past, there is no evidence and no confidence. Now I don’t need it. Considering so much, I can safely make a decision and have a life and death battle. I would like to know what these three old guys and Chaos Sea Will are calculating, and what are they planning since the first era!"

auzw.comFor these ancient giants, no one is a fool. In the past, when the conspiracy of time gods, causal gods, and destiny gods were uncertain, everyone still had concerns and worries. , But now everything is clear, it is time for the final battle, no matter what these **** are calculating, they must be completely exposed in the end, and now is the time for the final battle.

"It's a pity. I knew that Chaos Sea Will still hides so many Chaos Behemoths and has the ability to strangle those many forces. We shouldn't rush to take action before, but join these forces to strangle these Chaos Behemoths first. It's too late. We must waste some time and karma to clean these **** ants!"

Yes, in the eyes of these ancient giants, the Chaos Behemoth is nothing more than a "ant". It should be known that no matter how many tigers there are, it is impossible for the "ant" or the "ant" to cause damage to these powerful ones. At most, it only consumes its own source. , And Chaos Sea Will is precisely reporting such calculations to kill them and occupy the initiative.

"Yeah, we still underestimated the conspiracy and tricks of the dead bastard, the Will of Chaos Sea. Who would have thought that all of this was just a game? Who would have thought that the three **** old guys had colluded with the Will of Chaos Sea long ago, and I have also colluded with endless years. If we knew earlier, maybe we really have a chance, but now we only have to bite the bullet and fight to the end. Life or death depends on the fate. You can’t escape or hide. Chaos. The will is about to destroy the world!"

The word destruction of the world, once the word fell, made those ancient giants extremely heavy. The destruction of the world was the most unwilling to see, and the most feared force, but now they can’t help themselves, and the will of Chaos Sea has the initiative. As soon as the power of destroying the world comes out, they will have to endure tremendous pressure, because this time it is not a general destruction of the world, but to really make the entire Chaos Sea go to extinction, let the entire Chaos Sea go into dead silence, and all the creatures will be destroyed, and the world will be destroyed. It's hard to save!

"Destroying the world, maybe this is his calculation. These four **** will use the power of destroying the world to destroy all the creatures in the world, and use the lives of the liver creatures as the source to expand their own power so that they can see The hope of detachment, and us old men are just part of their calculations, they are just fat in their eyes!"

"Don't stop, let them continue. Although there is no external help, we don't necessarily have no hope now. There are still many giants here. They may not be the opponents of time gods, cause and effect gods and destiny gods. But it is not difficult to deal with these Chaos Behemoths that are about to come out. We still focus our energy on the three old guys. If they don’t appear, we must gather all our strength to obliterate them directly without giving them anything. Opportunity to shoot."

"Okay, it's settled. Those giant chaos beasts will be dealt with by the giants of this era. We lock the three old guys and the will of the chaos sea unless they can watch the defense of the island of Gods be destroyed. Watching us rush into the islands of the gods and the land of origin, otherwise these **** will inevitably show up, and that time is the time for our decisive battle with them!"

Crazy, this is indeed a bit crazy, but this is the voice of the ancient giants and their decision. Although the current situation is unfavorable for them, they have not reached the worst moment, and they have not been helpless unless the enemy does not show up. , As long as the enemy shows up, it is when they kill the killer, and it is also the time for the final battle.

Roar! The roar of the beasts came from the door of space, a silver light flashed, the door of space opened, and giant chaotic beasts rushed out of the door of space frantically, one by one facing the ancients who were guarding carefully. The giants rushed to the past, as if they were trying to strangle these ancient giants in the first place, and turned a blind eye to the giants of this era, as if they never existed. Such a change made the giants of this era startled.

"Damn what is going on, these chaotic giants are all facing the ancient giants. Could it be that there is any power in these ancient giants that attracts these **** giants, and we are not worth mentioning, whether it is in chaos? In Hai Will’s eyes, or in the eyes of the three old guys, we are all just ants that can be killed easily!"

Some giants of this era frowned, staring at the swarming giant chaos beasts, one by one, feeling the huge impact and pressure brought by the attack of the giant chaos beasts. This happened. Many people can't help but feel a touch of loss, and also have a trace of anxiety and fear, being ignored by the enemy. This is a huge disaster for everyone, and it is also the greatest danger. Even the enemy can ignore them. People can see their incompetence!

"Kill, don't let those chaotic giants succeed. We must prevent this from happening. We must help the ancient giants to block these chaotic giants, so that they have time and energy to face the chaotic sea will and face Those three old guys who betrayed all of us, only if those **** are dead, we will have life!"

At this time, some of those giants finally stood up and presided over the overall situation, summoning everyone to fight back together, to prevent this crazy appearance of the chaotic beast from consuming the origins of many ancient giants, to prevent the situation from getting out of control, and letting the situation beyond their control. Once the impact of these giant chaotic beasts consumes a lot of the origins of the ancient giants, there will be no more chances in this battle. Everyone has only one dead end, and there is no possibility of turning over again. Death will be everyone’s final. ending!

In an instant, those giants who knew that the matter was endangered began to act, rushing forward frantically to block the chaotic giant beasts that came from this frenzied impact, and launched a life-and-death duel with them. Of course, not everyone has such awareness. There are still a small number of people in these huge sands. They are selfish and unwilling to sacrifice themselves. They just want to reap the benefits of the fisherman. They have not let go of their strength. In this battle, they don’t care about this What will be the result of the battle!

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