God of Destruction

Chapter 4349: Festival Challenge

Chapter 4355 Challenge

People are not for themselves, the heavens are destroyed! There are always people who think they are very smart. They think that since someone takes the initiative to stand up and take responsibility, they can sit back and relax, they can reap the benefits of fishermen, and they can get more things, but they forget that this is not an ordinary war. It is the final battle. Their selfishness affects not only themselves, but also the whole situation. By doing this, they are playing with fire and joking about their lives. No one is a fool, and their every move cannot be undetected. Arrived, and now that they have done so, they are trying to isolate themselves from others, and they are isolating themselves!

"Assholes, at this time there are such a bunch of **** **** playing scheming. It's really stupid. If these **** are so crazy, then they will be fulfilled. We will keep the distance and let these **** directly face the strangulation of the Chaos Giants. I know what is war and what is death!" Finally a giant among the crowd couldn't bear it, and counterattacked the ignorant bastards, instantly distanced themselves, and let those **** who had been hiding behind him face the impact of the chaotic monster. .

One person did this, and soon other giants also acted and fought back frantically. In a flash, those **** who thought they were very clever were directly caught in the impact of the Chaos Behemoth, and fell into desperation. Among them, there was no longer the self-righteous arrogance before, and there was only a scream of horror.

For these hidden dangers, the first response of the giants is to eliminate them. Under such a crisis-ridden environment, if you have to be distracted to guard against the people inside, it will be a disaster for everyone, a huge disaster. , So they want to destroy it in the first place, and clean up these ignorant and stupid **** with the help of the Chaos Giant Beast!

In the screams, these ignorant and stupid **** died and died. Not only did they fail to achieve their wishes, but instead lost their lives. This is the price of overestimating themselves, this is the price of self-righteousness, but their death It is also a great burden for these blocking giants, letting go of the blocking against the mixed pool monsters, making the situation even more unfavorable for them. These giants fell into a dangerous position in a short time, surrounded by those chaotic giants!

"Is this the conspiracy you've been preparing? The human heart is in your grasp. Using those ignorant and stupid bastards, you can easily tear open the defenses of everyone, and directly control the situation in your own hands again, Chaos Sea Will, What are you going to do, what do you want to get from this battle?" When watching the sudden upheaval, the world clone could not help but sighed secretly, feeling uneasy about the result, the enemy is more than I thought It's more dangerous and terrible.

If you just use pressure to force the ancient giants to constantly counterattack and constantly evolve the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, there is no need to do these things. I still ignore some problems. The Will of Chaos Sea is not just for evolving the Dao, it is even crazier and more sinister. It’s a pity that I don’t know or understand. Now I have no way to discover the other party’s secret, and this ultimate secret has always been hidden in the soul of Chaos Sea Will, not in the long river of time and space!

Although the Time and Space River has recorded many things, it cannot record the true thoughts of the Remnant Soul of the Time God and Demon, so even if Xing Tian obtains the information he wants from the Time and Space River, he still does not know what the other party is still calculating. Under the circumstances, the body of the deity controlled by the world clone is also caught in a dilemma!

Even the enemy’s real calculations are not clear. If you act boldly, you will not be able to achieve your own vision and your goals, and retreat will not work. The decisive battle has already begun. All the ancient giants have already participated in the battle. At this time, I have not retreated. A little benefit, even one who is not careful will expose oneself, making the situation more dangerous!

"People are not as good as the sky. Although they are prepared for the worst before acting, accidents will always appear inadvertently, and accidents will always disrupt all their plans. It seems that the enemy is more cunning than imagined. , Even more insidious, the general situation is still in his grasp, but what he wants to do, what is his purpose, he can clearly complete the strangulation of the heaven and earth sentient beings, can quickly defeat these giants, cut off the help of the ancient giants, but why is he late? Haven't done it for a long time?" The World Clone was secretly thinking. If you don't understand this problem, making a bold move on your own will only plunge you into a greater disaster.

What is worthy of time, the remnant soul of the gods and demons, that is, the will of Chaos Sea is so carefully laid out, if it is only to get his body back and break free from the shackles of the body, it seems that there is no need to be so careful, after all, the general trend is still in his grasp in!

Suddenly, a crazy thought flashed through the heart of the world clone. If Chaos Sea's Will is not just to evolve the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, not to break free from the shackles of the physical body, but to take the opportunity to integrate into the wild world, perhaps all this It makes sense that his layout is to target the grandeur of the world, and to use the grandeur of the world to achieve his own plan.

"Tunnel, six reincarnations, doesn’t the prehistoric world evolve the six reincarnations, the remnant soul of the time **** and demon wants to use the Houtu ancestor witch to evolve the six reincarnations to achieve its own conspiracy, and only this one explanation can tell everything, just if The Houtu ancestor witch did not evolve the six cycles of reincarnation. How does the remnant soul of the time **** and demon know the development trend of the prehistoric? Could it be that the time path of the time **** and demon has reached the point where it can penetrate time and deduct the future?"

When thinking about this, the world couldn't help but shudder. If everything is really as you think, the situation is really dangerous. Don't say you have to face death. The King of End clone has to face death, even if The deity's last assassin must also be used, and the treasure of origin that was conceived cannot be preserved.

"No, I have to pass all this to the original soul, so that the original soul is prepared for the worst. In any case, I cannot let the conspiracy of the remnant soul of the time **** and demon succeed. Knowing how the remnant soul of the time **** and demon wants to break away from everything, but it must destroy everything, even if it pays a great price to do it, otherwise it is really dead and no life, and even the original soul cannot escape from this great Escape from the robbery!"


If the calculation of the remnant soul of the time gods and demons is the six reincarnations, how can the original soul be able to break free from the crushing of the six reincarnations, and once the conspiracy of the other party succeeds, even if the two avatars both pay the price of their lives, they cannot protect the original soul Safety.

"This **** situation, if there are not so many accidents, there are not so many ignorant and stupid bastards, maybe there will be no crisis like this, and the situation will not be out of control. If you want to inform the deity at this time, you have to pay. The cost is even greater, and you need to divide a bit of your own source of strength to complete it. I hope all this is right!

Time waits for no one, although I don’t have full confidence in my heart, but for the world clone, even if there is only a little possibility, I must do my best to complete it. This is likely to be a turning point, and it is likely that the deity can be in If you can save it during the catastrophe, if you do it, you will have a ray of life. If you don't do it, you will die without life. Under such circumstances, it will naturally be clear how to choose.

With a heart movement, the origin of the world is divided, carrying the guesses in his heart, fleeing into the earth, leaving the battlefield and going far away, telling the original soul of the guesses in his heart, and preparing for the worst.

When everything was done, the world clone lightly sighed and said: "It won't work if you just rely on the power of these people. I'm afraid it will be difficult to change the general situation. It is difficult to force the calculation of the will of Chaos Sea. It seems that I need to act. , I need to sacrifice myself to break the calculation of the will of Chaos Sea and completely force it out of the dark. If I fall, maybe the last little guard in his heart will be completely let go. After all, I am also the most important in his hand. One of his chess pieces!"

No one wants to face death, and the world clone is no exception. To be able to live one more point is naturally to live one more point, even if you have been mentally prepared, but now this situation makes the world clone have to do so , Had to face death, only with such a method can it be expected to break the enemy's layout, and hope to force the enemy's conspiracy.

"I'm here, time **** and demon, I think we should make a break, and end the cause and effect of you and me!" A low voice sounded in everyone's ears, and as this voice fell, the world clone controlled With the deity's body in a big step, he directly crossed the barrier of the chaotic giant beast, and went directly to the island of the gods, and the power of the world burst out on him.

"It's Xing Tian, ​​what is this lunatic doing? Is he going to single-handedly challenge the time gods and devils and break into the islands of the gods alone!" Seeing Xing Tian strode towards the islands of the gods, the eyes of the God-Eater Mother Queen revealed endless Shocked, he didn’t understand what Xing Tian was going to do at this time. At this time, attacking the islands of the gods was completely destroying himself. Xing Tian should not be such a crazy talent. What caused this **** to make such a crazy move. Go alone to the island of the gods. Causality is just a little bit of a sneak attack. It is not worth fighting at this time, and there is no vitality in doing so!

"Something abnormal. This shouldn't be the way of Daoist Xingtian, no matter how crazy he is, he shouldn't do this self-destructive act. What is he thinking and calculating? Can it be said that Daoist Xingtian sees through With the defense of the Gods Island, if you are confident that you can break into the Gods Island alone and seize the secrets of the Gods Island?" At this moment, the virtual lord frowned and mumbled to Xingtian this abnormality. Some of the actions we understand, some are unacceptable.

God Devourer Mother Queen nodded gently and said: "Yes, it's too abnormal. This is incredible. Before he rushed into the battlefield in advance, it was a bit abnormal. Now it is even more difficult to understand. Is he really in the gods? The island found a secret that we didn’t even notice. Is it really confident to be able to seize the secret under the attack of the time gods and demons? I always feel that something is abnormal! After the cause and effect, just a little bit of cause and effect is worth so crazy, which is clearly A ridiculous excuse!"

This seems to be a ridiculous excuse in the eyes of the God-Eater Mother, but Xing Tian’s words are like thunder in the ears of the Time God and Demon in the Island of the Gods, causing the time God and Demon’s eyes to flash with terrible killing intent. , He understood what Xing Tian said!

"Damn, this **** ant actually knows my secrets and the secrets of the world. It seems that I really underestimated this ant before. It must be his secret to explore the long river of time and space, and he finally succeeded, from the long river of time and space. I have seen everything in it, so I can’t wait to jump out to fight me for life and death, he wants to seize the time clock!" The time **** is muttering to himself, the killing intent in his eyes is also crazy with the fall of the words Cohesion.

Xingtian must die. After all, he must be killed before this lunatic can reveal his secrets. Otherwise, let this **** tell the secrets in the long river of time and space, and the consequences will be disastrous. It is very likely that his plan will be due to this **** ant. 'And ruined, no matter how high the price is paid, it must be completely destroyed in one fell swoop!

"Time clock, you want to seize this treasure of origin, you want to end the cause and effect, then I will fulfill you, come on, let you see the power of the time clock, let people know what the end of the enemy against me is, originally I want to give you a little bit more time to make your evolution on the World Avenue even further, but if you want to take the initiative to find death, I can only fulfill you!"

Speaking of this, the time **** demon waved his hand to the defense of the islands of the gods, and a passage was opened, allowing Xing Tian to step directly into the islands of the gods, allowing Xing Tian to enter without blocking, and stepped into the crowd at Xing Tian. At the moment of the island of God, the passage closed again, disappointing the ancient giants who were about to move behind!

"Crazy, really crazy, Xingtian, the **** is crazy and wants to destroy himself, and the time **** and demon in the island of the gods is also crazy, so he took the initiative to let Xingtian enter the island of the gods, what secret did the lunatic Xingtian see? , Let the time **** and demon be so careful not to give us a chance to know, there must be a big earth-shattering secret in this, why didn't the lunatic Xingtian take the initiative to say it, let us also understand!" His expression became irritable. In his opinion, Xing Tian did so stupidly, completely putting himself in danger and facing the most terrible crisis. In order to ensure that his secrets are not leaked, the time gods and demons must strangle with all their strength, and Xingtian will not be given the slightest possibility of escape. Entering the island of the gods is equivalent to death!

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