God of Destruction

Chapter 4350: Festival

The fourth thousand three hundred and fifty-six chapters

In the eyes of the time gods and demon, Xing Tian’s madness is for the original treasure time clock he has in his hands, but he thinks too simple, Xing Tian has never played this original treasure idea, and Xing Tian never thought about it. After getting something from the time **** and demon, just want to play the final calculation of the time **** and demon, knowing what the time **** and demon is calculating in secret, and paying such a high price, Xing Tian does not recognize that everything is just as simple as the surface, and there must be a big conspiracy. What I don't know.

Under the control of the world clone, the body of the deity rushed and did not retain any terrible physical power to explode. Any enemy who stood in front of his flesh was bombarded and killed. Originally, the gods and demons wanted to use the Chaos Giant Beast. To consume its origin, now it seems that this idea is totally unworkable. I can only give up. I can only allow Xing Tian to directly impact in front of him, to the core of the island of the gods, to the place of origin, which is the time clock. Suppress the land of the end of law.

"Come on, I didn't expect a little ant to be able to turn up such a stormy sea. I still underestimated your strength. I knew you had such potential and strength. The previous temptation should not be. End, but to pay a certain price to kill you, so that there will be no so much trouble in the future, it is really hard to imagine, such a general trend was shaken by a small "ant", this is really a secret Unpredictable!" Looking at the body of Xingtian's deity who hit his body, the time **** demon said with a calm smile, as if he didn't treat Xingtian as an enemy at all, as if he was facing it. Not an enemy, but a friend who can communicate.

The world clone sneered disdainfully: "Hehe! I didn't expect such a day, nor did I expect that I would always be a **** in the hands of others, and I did not expect that the creatures in the whole world are just pawns in the hands of the creator, the **** of time, You are really amazing. You have laid out such a big picture. You treat all sentient beings as ants and become your own pawns. You just don’t know what you are going to do now, what will the entire Chaos Sea world become, and what are you asking for? ?"

Faced with Xing Tian’s sneer, the Time God and Demon remained calm as usual, without the slightest excitement, and calmly said: "What I am asking for is naturally transcendence. Even you ants want to be transcended. You think I am an ancient **** and demon. Please, transcendence is my goal, and you ants are just the nutrients on my road to transcendence. Only by absorbing you ants can I be able to support me to reach the end of the road of transcendence, and then I can walk through this transcendence. Avenue!"

"The Way of Transcendence, can you really be a fool for me? Can you really make it for me? You have not seen your conspiracy and tricks? The Way of Transcendence requires the sacrifice of all the creatures of the world, and you need to treat all of our creatures as being when you first created the world. Ants, for you to evolve the ants of the World Avenue, for you to devour the original ants, you are too small for me, I have found the secret of your stay in the long river of time and space, do you think I will believe you for this ridiculous reason?"

The time **** demon smiled calmly and said: "I never thought about asking you to believe me. It doesn't matter to me what you think. What is important is what I think. Since you take the initiative to jump out to find death, I will naturally do it. You, but I’m very curious. I want to know what made you explore the crumbled time and space. How did you think that there will be my secret in the time and space. In the endless years, there has never been a giant like this. I thought about it, but you, a little ant, thought about it and did it. This makes me very curious. I want to understand what is behind all this. I wonder if you can tell me?"

"Haha! It's so funny. You are not willing to tell your secrets. Do you think I can tell your secrets? If you want to know why, guess for yourself, I won't tell you, just like you won't It's the same as telling your own conspiracy, come on, let us fight for life and death, and end each other's cause and effect. This battle is either you or me. One of us will fall!"

I saw the time **** and demon gently shook his head and said: "The ignorant is fearless. Do you think you know my secret, can you challenge me if you know the secret of this chaotic sea? You want to take the time clock from my hand. To break my suppression of the Age of Domination, do you think this is possible? Do you have the power to achieve all of this? Don’t daydream, you can’t do it. No one in this world can do it, no one can stop me , I originally wanted to keep you alive, and want you to continue to evolve the World Avenue, so as to give me more insights, but unfortunately you have to die, I can only fulfill you!"

The time **** demon once again emphasized that Xingtian is looking for death by himself, to fulfill Xingtian. Such a proud act made the world clone's heart sneer again and again. He is indeed looking for death, but his own death is not to **** the time clock, but to play the time god. The secret of the demon is to cause drastic changes in the general situation of the world and the layout of the time gods and demons. As long as there is a horn collapse, the general trend of the world will be broken, and all conspiracy calculations at that time will naturally be fully exposed.

The clone of the world smiled indifferently, nodded slightly and said: "Well, I also want to know how far I am from you, the ancient **** and devil giant, and how powerful you are in charge of a treasure of origin. Power, the time clock, the treasure of the time avenue, is in your hands. What earth-shattering power will there be in the place of origin? I don’t know what changes will happen to the place of origin without the suppression of the time clock. What kind of changes will happen to the sea, I am eager to know what the result of all this is, and how you will end up!"

With the thought of mortal, the world clone does not care about the death threat of the time **** and demon. For him, death is a deep sleep, not necessarily eternal silence. As long as he can complete the plan, death is not terrible. The time **** in front of him The demon is definitely the most powerful force of the will of Chaos Sea, and it is also an important force, because only he has mastered the avenue of time, and only he can exert the full power of the treasure of time origin, the time clock. If the **** of time dies, Whether it is causality or destiny, the previous plan can no longer be completed, and all conspiracies and tricks will be fully exposed!

It is not an easy task to kill the time **** and demon in front of you, especially in the land of origin, and there is a treasure of the origin of the time clock. Fortunately, the time clock needs to be suppressed today. The breath of the Age of Domination cannot be distinguished from too strong power. Otherwise, the world clone would not think that it has the power to threaten the other party. The gap in realm is irreparable, and the gap in endless years is even more unimaginable. It can be said whether it is accumulation or The realm of Xingtian is very far away! If there is anything that can be compared with the other party, it is only to regard death as home, ignoring the will of death.


Although the time **** demon said that Xingtian would be fulfilled, he never rushed to do anything. Instead, he was carefully observing Xingtian's every move. He wanted to find out something from Xingtian. It was the same as Xingtian. As if trying to fight Xingtian desperately, the whole person appeared very tricky and abnormal, making the world feel a little uneasy in the body and mind.

Faced with such a situation, the world could not help but secretly secretly said: "Does this **** **** see something? He sees the inconsistency between me and the deity's body, and that the deity's soul has escaped. If this is the case, it will be troublesome. This **** will never reveal his secrets easily, and the original soul will inevitably have life concerns?"

Although there was a huge worry in his heart, there could not be a slight change in his face. The expression of Xing Tian's physical body was so calm and still so indifferent, as if everything was not at heart, and he didn't care about the threat of time gods and demons.

At this time, the time **** demon was also secretly thinking: "Something is wrong, for some reason I always feel that something is wrong with this **** junior, but no matter how I look it up, I can't find any problems. Could it be that I am too nervous? Now, in this final battle, I can’t control my mood, so I have such an abnormal feeling?"

Yes, the time **** demon felt a trace of improper breath from Xing Tian, ​​but no matter how he looked for it, he couldn't find the problem. He never thought that Xing Tian’s original soul would escape from his body. Let the clone of the world in his own preside over the physical body, so no matter how he searches for it, he can't find out the problem, because the problem doesn't exist.

I saw a faint sneer on Xing Tian's face, and he said sarcastically: "Why, the time **** and demon don't dare to take action. You still want to wait for your chaos behemoth army to end the war outside. , If this is the case, I’m really disappointed. You dare not let go of a fight against such a small “ant” like me. What courage do you have to detach everything? What qualifications do you have to talk about detachment? You don’t even have the courage , You are better to give up, at least you can save your life if you give up, and will not lose your life because of ignorance!"

"Exciting general method is useless to me. I am not an ignorant ant, and I will not be calculated by this small method. For a small "ant" like you, fear is just a joke. The reason why I didn't do it was just I want you to live a little longer, I want to learn some secrets from you, I want to know how you learned so many secrets that even the ancient Chaos Gods and Demons don’t know, to satisfy my curiosity, Let me know my shortcomings!"

Xing Tian laughed and said: "Haha! Ancient Chaos God and Demon, can anyone call ancient Chaos God and Demon in front of you? Is this really a Chaos World? No, there is no chaos outside of your world. What you call a Chaos World is It doesn’t exist, at least it doesn’t exist here, am I right, time **** and demon!"

Xingtian said the four words of Time God and Demon very hard, and the voice pierced into the heart of the Time God and Demon like a sharp arrow, causing the Time God and Demon to shiver involuntarily! Let his expression flash through the cold killing intent!

"Damn, this **** ant really noticed my plan, knew my calculations, and understood the nature of the mixed pool sea world better, but why did this **** ant think he could take the'time clock' from my hand," I am the master of everything in the world. Even if the Age of Domination is coming, with the'time clock' in hand, the general situation is still in my grasp. What kind of power does this damn'ant' have to hold on to himself?" He secretly thought, a little uneasy in his heart, eager to know what Xingtian’s Yiyue is. If he doesn’t figure this out, he really dare not hang Xingtian easily, and he is worried that there will be more trouble. Appear, worry about more accidents!

"The secret is what you need to think for yourself, you don’t want to do it, dare not do it, it doesn’t mean I don’t know how to do it, come on, let us let go of a fight, give me a fight, the power of the world will rise, the intent to fight will burn, the world will fight , The battle intent is infinite!" With Xing Tian’s roar, a terrible battle intent radiated from himself, and the power of the world was mobilized with all his strength. The Great Dao of Force and the Great Dao of the World were perfectly integrated, making Xing Tian exude an A peculiar power, and this power makes the time **** and demon tremble.

"World Avenue, what a World Avenue, what a Power Avenue, I didn’t expect this little ant to really walk out of the world on the World Avenue and the Power Avenue, and really have to walk out of his own way, but if you give him a little more Time, maybe he will go further and let me see another world, but this **** **** has to jump out to find death at this time, challenging my bottom line, not killing is not enough to suppress the crisis!" Thinking of this, Time God The demon sighed involuntarily, with a faint reluctance in his heart, unwillingness to the World Avenue.

Just as Xing Tian said, everything cannot be determined by himself or him. Time gods and demons will not act, but Xing Tian will not stop. The moment Xing Tian appears, this decisive battle will be inevitable, whether he wants it or not. To face the **** ant attack of Xing Tian, ​​one must face this battle that he does not want to see.

"Time rises, time yoke, and imprisonment!" Although there is such kind of reluctance in his heart, that kind of unwillingness, but the time **** and demon did not affect his mind because of this mood. At this time, he still chose to take the initiative and not give Xing Tian, ​​the **** opportunity for the "ant" to attack him, would not let the "ant" take away his own initiative. Everything must be in his own control. Only in this way can he be able to guarantee the general trend!

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