God of Destruction

Chapter 4351: Bloody battle

Chapter 4357: Bloody Battle

The power of time instantly turned into a yoke and locked on Xingtian’s physical body. The power of that yoke locked not only the flesh but also the origin of the world clone, and it constantly eroded the power of the world. Point to corrode Xing Tian's world power and turn it into his own nourishment. The existence of shackles is a dead ring on Xing Tian's body.

"Damn, as expected, the time **** and demon who presides over the island of the gods and the place of origin is the root of everything. It has been affecting the changes in the world of Chaos Sea, and the external will of Chaos Sea is just a Fenzi, the power he relies on is only those stupid chaotic giants. If he can inflict heavy damage on this time **** and demon, it will hit everything badly. The remnant soul of the time **** and demon can only control the time avenue, and the time avenue is his root!"

Feeling the power of my own time yoke and the crisis I was facing, the world clone figured out everything for a moment, and understood that the time **** and demon in front of me was the most important existence of this catastrophe, it was him. In presiding over everything, he is influencing the entire Chaos Sea world. If he can hit it hard, he may be able to get everything he wants.

"To break the power of this time yoke, my fighting spirit is not enough. Give me continuous burning, infinite fighting spirit, fighting the sky, the battlefield, and the sky, the fighting spirit is condensed and fighting!" The world clone was roaring frantically, fighting all together! The mind is burning madly, the power originating from the blood, the power originating from the soul is burning, the terrifying war intent is madly condensed on the body, and in a moment, a war word condenses on the forehead, this war word As soon as it appeared, an invisible force swayed in all directions.

This is the power of the supreme avenue condensed by the intent of war. The appearance of the word of war means that the world clone will condense the intent to the extreme, mastering the terrible source of power, the real power of the avenue of war, and the avenue of war. Let the power of the deity's physical body rapidly increase, the terrifying power is madly impacting the confinement of the time yoke, and the power of the time yoke is to be destroyed!

"Damn it, this is the avenue of war. A little ant can use external forces to comprehend the power of the avenue of war and condense such a pure origin of the avenue of war. How could this happen? This **** ant is not a practice. The World Avenue? His perception on the World Avenue is also very terrifying!" Facing such an astonishing change, the time **** and demon was terrified. Originally, it only needed a bit of strength to confine Xingtian’s body and lock it. , And now that the avenue of war came out, the power of the time yoke was shaky. If you don’t increase the power, it won’t be long before the time yoke will be destroyed by the origin of the avenue of war, and you will be backlashed by the origin of the avenue. , After all, this is the magical power condensed from the origin of his own power!

Although he was unwilling in his heart, in the face of this life and death crisis, the time **** and demon had to make another move, and had to mobilize the power of the'time clock', the treasure of origin, to induce more time origin to bless his supernatural powers and let The power of the time yoke was even stronger, and continued to imprison Xingtian's physical body without giving him a chance to break free.

For the time **** and demon, splitting a point of power to imprison Xingtian may not have a big impact on himself. After all, he holds the'time clock', the treasure of origin, which can mobilize the power of the world's origin, but with Xingtian The eruption of, he had to continue to separate more origins, which is dangerous for the time gods and demons, because every additional point of power consumed will bring huge pressure to himself. You must know that the power of origin is not Consume too much of the source, otherwise it will not be able to suppress the power of the Age of Domination, and it will not be able to eliminate the suppression of the Age of Domination.

"It's a good time, a powerful method, and an amazing preparation. It seems that he has a plan long ago. The'Time Clock' suppresses the power of Origin, and can separate so many powers to imprison the deity's supreme flesh, and can suppress it. My world avenue, just this kind of power wants to completely suppress me, it is really ridiculous, killing the sky, killing the land, killing the common people, killing infinite, killing intent, killing and killing!" Then the world clone roared again, one body. The terrible killing aura was completely released, and the terrifying killing intent rushed into the sky, igniting the world. The killing aura in the entire battlefield was driven by this terrible killing aura. The origin of the killing avenue descended from the void and condensed into A killing intent composed of a **** killing aura fell on Xing Tian's forehead and matched the fighting intent!

"Asshole, this is the avenue of killing. A little ant can actually evolve the avenue of acquired slaughter into a congenital number. It can directly capture the true meaning of the avenue of genius slaughter, directly condense the origin of killing, and induce the avenue of genius to come. How did I cultivate a horror? The'ant', not only has amazing insights on the World Avenue, but also has strong accomplishments on the battle intent. Now the Slaughter Avenue is so terrible, is this **** really a person who should be killed, really his nemesis! "

At this time, the spirit of the Time God and Demon was shaken, and Xing Tian’s repeated and repeated counterattacks shocked his mind, causing his mind to begin to shake, making him start to doubt his plan, even himself. Can his power be able to kill the **** ant in front of me and cut off the life of this **** ant!

When the Slaughter Avenue descended, it merged with its own avenue of war, making Xing Tian’s aura even more terrifying, making the time yoke entangled on his body start to fail and react to collapse again. Under such pressure, the Time God and Demon had to continue. Put more power from the source in order to be able to maintain the power of the time yoke and continue to imprison Xingtian, the **** ant. The time goddess also wants to take away the life of Xingtian, and he wants to slap him. It's just that he is not afraid to do so. He needs to suppress the land of origin, and he needs to suppress the power of the Age of Doom. If he is distracted to kill Xingtian, it will only collapse the suppression of the land of origin.


"It's careless, I'm so careless. Perhaps the endless years of success have made me forget what caution is and what danger is, and I am so arrogant that I put such a **** ant into the land of origin and let myself In such an embarrassing situation, I knew that this **** ant had such an ability. He shouldn't have been let in easily before. When this ant enters the land of origin, the power of the whole world should be driven to destroy it!"

Yes, at this moment, the Time God and Demon regretted it, but it’s too late to regret now. The power of the deity's body controlled by the world clone is too strong for the Time God and Demon to destroy it unless he is willing to interact with Xingtian’s body. Both lose and lose, otherwise he would never dare to let go of the suppression of Origin, and strangle the true body of Xingtian with all his strength. !

Strength, if you want to continue to imprison Xingtian’s physical body, you must continue to increase the power of the source, and you must continue to ensure that the time yoke is not destroyed. This situation makes the time **** and devil have to divide the power of the source to strengthen the body of Xingtian. The supernatural powers of the time yoke, continue to imprison Xingtian, the **** ant, and keep the ant from breaking free from his shackles!

"Damn bastard, I knew that this little'ant' had so many backhands on him, so I didn't dare to be greedy of his origins, so he would just kill him with heavy hands. Unfortunately, it's too late to regret. Now I don’t have the power or energy to gather powerful destructive power to kill this ant. What are the two **** doing, fate and cause and effect, why haven’t I killed those **** ants!” At this time, the time gods couldn’t help but think. The other two avatars of his own, causality and destiny, want to use their power to hang Xingtian, the **** ant!

Unfortunately, the Karma and Destiny Gods and Demons are also in heavy siege. When the "ants" that they had looked down upon had joined forces to block the impact of the Chaos Giant Beast, there was an accident in front of this situation. He broke his original calculations, allowing those ancient giants to concentrate their power to strangle the two **** chaotic gods and demon of cause and effect and destiny. Chaos Sea Will, although impatient, has already used his power on the three avatars. His only power was used to control the Chaos Giant Beast, and at this moment he couldn't separate the power to rescue the Time God and Demon.

"Damn, at this time, the gods and demons dare to continue to separate the original power to strengthen the power of the time yoke in me. It seems that in the endless years, this **** has really done too much preparation, and it seems that this time I can't keep it. The body of the lower deity, the avenue of war and the avenue of killing are not enough to break free from the shackles of this body, the blood is burning, the world burns, the avenue of power, shatters the void, and breaks me!" Under the infinite pressure of external forces, the world clone had to make A crazier choice, the power of the real body of the deity burns instantly, and the origin of the world is also madly burned. The avenue of power is completely bloomed from the body of the deity, and the power of the blood and the power of the world are integrated in the body. The eruption caused Xing Tian's body to condense a series of avenues. This is the expression of the power of the avenue. The force is being determined. The body of Xingtian's body instantly exploded, and the power of the body madly impacted the time of the body. The shackles, the explosion of the three forces made the shackles of time scream!

"No, it's impossible. How could a descendant of the young ants condense such a powerful avenue of power? What choice did he make at the beginning to cultivate such a crazy young man and put himself into such a dangerous situation? In!" The time **** demon roared miserably in his heart, but he couldn't change the facts before him. Xing Tian's frenzied eruption caused him to fall into crisis again and again. This time he really had to make the wrong choice. I despise a junior, a junior who I didn't have eyes on, but it was this junior who gave me the biggest threat, and plunged myself into such a terrifying crisis, and made a little mistake. Your plan will be completely shattered!

"Give it to me, the power of the world suppresses Daqian, give me pressure!" At this time, the time **** demon had to use the original power of the'time clock' to induce the original power of the Chaos Sea world to suppress the body of Xingtian. Because he understands that if he continues to consume his own source, the situation will become uncontrollable, and the lunatic Xing Tian will consume his own source. Only by mobilizing the power of the world's source can he stabilize the current situation and let everything. clam down.

It’s just that mobilizing the power of the world’s origin is a great damage to the Chaos Sea World and has a huge impact on one’s own plans, but now if you can’t suppress the terrifying body of Xing Tian in the first time, you can’t imprison it. Get up, waiting for yourself will be the backlash of the avenue. Once the chains of time are broken, the situation of the entire Gods Island will be reversed. There will be a terrible enemy in the core place, which will threaten the overall situation and make the situation collapse. Possible!

In the end, the time gods and demons are too arrogant and self-righteous. Xingtian shouldn’t be so easy to enter the island of the gods before. In his eyes, Xingtian is just an offspring, just a “ant” that can be easily destroyed. But when I really wanted to wipe out this'ant', I realized how ridiculously wrong I was, how terrifying and terrifying the damn'ant' in front of me!

"Could it be said that the creatures of this era can easily perceive the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth? It is unexpected that a younger generation condensed so many Dao origins and received so many Dao recognition. What Dao does this **** practice and what Da Dao focuses on? , How come every kind of avenue is so pure and terrifying, what is going on?" The time **** and demon couldn’t figure out all of this. For him, this reality was unbelievable. A young junior suddenly With such an astonishing strength, it threatened his life safety and threatened his plan, which was too unexpected.

Not only is the time **** and devil so despising the creatures of this era, but also the ancient giants. Even the giants of this era are just "ants" in their eyes, but now the "ant" of Xingtian is too terrifying. Those'ants' who thought they could be easily exterminated were also crazy. They actually blocked the impact of the Chaos Giants, giving the ancient giants that could have been suppressed enough time to fight the strangulation of cause and effect and fate, making the situation appear again and again. An accident.

There are too many accidents, which is a big bad thing for the time gods and demons. The accidents appear again and again, which means that there are big loopholes in their calculations, which means that their plans are in danger of collapsing, but now I cannot change this. Everything can only be carried on by force, waiting for one party's power to be strangled, so that oneself can draw out the strength to strangle these damned'ants'!

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