God of Destruction

Chapter 4352: Festival crazy

Chapter 4358: Crazy

"Damn, this is the power of the world, it is the original force of the Chaos Sea. The Time God and Demon is really crazy, and he even used the original force of the Chaos Sea to deal with me. It seems that the impact he bears is limited. Add another force. Maybe he can expose all his secrets, and the power of the world origin is used, which shows how much pressure this **** is!" In an instant, the world clone figured out everything and understood how much pressure the time gods and demons were. And this is my chance!

Adding another force, this is simple to say, but it is very difficult to do it. Now the world clone has used all of its own power, even the blood is burned, showing its own madness, adding another force, this power Where did it come from, how could it hit the bottom line of the time **** and demon, and how could it have a new impact on the time **** and demon? It is impossible for ordinary power to succeed. The reason why the time gods and demons can be forced to explode over and over again is precisely because the world clone is also frantically desperate, not only burning its own origin, that’s why the present Such a situation, and now the world clone is also caught in embarrassing writing, and there is no new power to attack the bottom line of the time **** and demon.

"Strength, I need power, but how can I get the power in an instant, do I want to expose the existence of the King of Ending clone? With the help of the power of the Great Way of Ending? No, I can't do this. Now is not the time to expose the clone of King of Ending. It is not possible to expose the clone of the King of End just because of the time gods and demons alone. Once the clone of the King of End is exposed, the deity will completely lose the initiative and fall into a terrible passivity, and no longer have the power to guarantee its own safety!" Soon the world clone gave up his idea, this time is indeed not the time to use the road of ending.

"No, I still have a power that I haven't used. Those who leave the inner world may be able to do this if they use their power!" For a moment, such a crazy idea appeared in the mind of the world clone. It's just that the consequences of doing so are also very serious, and they will plunge these creatures into desperation. We must know that before the crazy attack of the Chaos Giants, most of the creatures have fallen into the attack of the Chaos Giants. Now there are not many creatures in the Chaos Sea. If their power is mobilized at this time, these will be directly exposed. People's position makes them fall into a place where they cannot be recovered!

Is it used or not? The world clone is struggling. For him, this is a very difficult choice. It is also an oppression of his own soul. A carelessness is very likely to destroy his Dao Heart and completely collapse his good situation!

Giving up, in the end, the world clone gave up this crazy idea. Although this kind of power can help him give a fatal blow to the time gods and demons, this fatal blow will come at the cost of the lives of all the creatures in the original world. There is also his own Taoist companion. Such a price is beyond the world's clone and cannot be afforded by himself.

Dao Xin is different from others. If for his own reasons, there is a hidden danger in the heart of the deity, Dao Xin collapses, this is not the result that the world clone is willing to accept, even if this chance is very high, but he still does not dare to risk this. Because the price is too high.

For Xing Tian, ​​it is inaccurately speaking to Taoist Sun and Moon. He understands that in this catastrophe of life and death, all creatures have no vitality. Even if he tries his best, he cannot protect the creatures who follow him. Life, but let him use the lives of these creatures as a price to smash a blood path for himself. This is something he is unwilling to accept, and he cannot accept it. The pressure is too great, and the cause and effect are too big. I can't bear it.

As far as I am concerned, I have already endured the cause and effect of the Witch Clan, and I have endured great troubles. If you add the cause and effect of the creatures in my inner world, no matter how hard I try, I will not be able to break free from the calculations of the time gods. There is only a dead end, and the cause and effect is so great that no one can bear it. This may be the game arranged by the time gods and demons, a game that can destroy all the creatures in the chaotic sea, even if someone can break free from the shackles of the world. In the end, he will die under the terrifying cause and effect of the prehistoric heaven and earth, and will be bombarded and killed by the predominant heaven in the first time, and his soul will be scattered!

Of course, for those creatures who follow them, the world clone believes that they are willing to contribute their own lives and make a way for them at the cost of their own lives, but this is not what the world clone wants to see. After giving up this crazy idea, give up this After the heavy price, there is only one way to go in front of the world clone, which is to burn the origin of one's own world, explode the final blow at the cost of the origin of one's own world, and give a fatal blow to the time **** and demon.

Burning the origin of the world means that your inner world is going to be destroyed. Once you turn on this power, you have no retreat. There is only one way to go to the end. Fighting the origin of the time **** and demon, and using your inner world origin in exchange for the time **** The origin of the devil is consumed, and such a battle of origin cannot end once it starts, unless one falls, there is no second way!

war! I have paid such a huge price for all my hardships, and I have only come to this point. I have no choice. If I give up at this time, the price I paid before will be wasted, although the time **** and demon are in a dangerous situation. , But the degree of danger is not as terrible as imagined, at least it hasn't threatened his life. This is not the result that the world clone wants. Under this situation, only one step further can force all the strength of the opponent.

auzw.com"Come on, time gods and demons let us have a life and death duel, Yuanyuan vs. Yuanyuan, although in my heart I hope that the last laugh is myself, but I understand this chance is very small , But I will not give up. No matter how great the price is, I will make you pay a heavy price to end our cause and effect, to prove that I once existed, and the origin of the world burned for me. Start the battle, kill me!" With the deep cry of the world clone, the inner world's origin power, the core power in the body of the deity, surged wildly, burned wildly, connected with the time gods and demons, wildly To consume the power of the world's origin guided by the gods and demons with its own world origin, use this most overbearing and tragic way to end this battle!

"Crazy, you **** are you crazy? Do you know the consequences of doing this? You can't afford it. What I control is the original power of the entire Chaos Sea, and you only have your own inner world, and the whole The big world is fighting for the origin, you **** is committing suicide, you still have time to stop!" When feeling the crazy action of Xing Tian this world clone, the time **** demon's mind was in a mess. He never thought that the other party would be like this. Crazy, even provoke the war of origin.

It is impossible to stop. When the world clone makes this decision, everything can't stop. When the origin of the inner world burns, the world clone has only one way to go to the end. At this time, even if he wants to stop. If this is not possible, the burning of the origin of the world will not stop. This is a real life and death duel, a death duel!

"Crazy, really crazy, Xingtian, the **** is really looking for death on his own. It seems that he is holding the belief that he must die to fight the time gods and demons. He is actually at this time. Under this situation, he has to fight with time. Gods and demons are fighting for the origin of the world!” At this moment, not only Time God and demons feel Xingtian’s madness, but also the Mother God and Insect Queen who has been watching this battle. Why did Xing Tian dare to enter the islands of the gods alone? Why did the time gods dare to easily release Xingtian into the islands of the gods? What calculations did both of them have? Fang He would do such crazy things.

"Yeah, it's crazy. Who can believe that a person like Xing Tian who has always wanted to save his life would make such a crazy move. Before, he had to transmit to us the skills of how to survive this catastrophe, but He made such a crazy and terrible move in an instant, it didn’t look like the same person before and after, but this is the fact that this madman did the craziest thing, at the cost of his own life, but also to make the time **** and demon pay. At a heavy price, what on earth did he do this for? Is it just to give a fatal blow to the time **** and demon?" Facing such a tragic situation, the Virtual Lord was also a little puzzled.

"I don't know, no one knows what this lunatic thinks, maybe he really just wants to kill the other person, maybe he has discovered a secret we don't know, thinking that we have no life in this life and death duel. Such a horrible suicide will break out from the bottom of despair, and death will bring time and gossip together!"

In this case, does the God Devouring Mother Queen believe it? No, he himself didn't believe that Xing Tian was such a good person, a good person who sacrificed himself for others, such a person did not exist in this world at all, and he was only deceiving himself by saying that.

"Hehe, if you do this, you won’t believe it yourself. There will be no such good person. Xingtian’s **** is not such a good person. Maybe there is a reason why we don’t know why he is so crazy. When I acted like this, my heart was vaguely disturbed, and I vaguely felt the threat of death, as if I was bound to die in this life and death battle!" At this point, the look of the virtual lord became incomparable. Dignified, his eyes looked at the Mother God Devouring Insect Queen, as if to see through the heart of the God Devouring Mother Queen, as if to know what the God Devouring Mother Queen thought in her heart.

"Yeah, I feel the same way too. I don't know why. At that moment, the breath of death was already shrouded in my mind, and I was shrouded in death and unable to break free from the cover of death. Perhaps Xing Tian, ​​a lunatic, was so crazy. His actions are precisely because he also felt this power, and his mind may not be able to break free from the influence of this power, so that he made such a terrible move. It is just why this lunatic can feel this power before us, Why did he make such a choice? Could it be that his mind couldn't resist even such power?" Facing the frankness of the virtual lord, the Mother Queen of God Devourer had to say the final conjecture in her heart, although this conjecture has Such and such shortcomings, but he thinks this is the most likely reason!

"Yeah, only Xing Tian, ​​a lunatic, understands all this. Now he has been trapped in the island of the gods and has made this craziest move. Everything is over. Even if we want to understand, we can’t do it. Until, unless we also attack the defenses of the islands of the gods and can rush into it and talk to Xing Tian face to face, it is impossible. We don’t have such beliefs and courage. The time gods will not give us this. Opportunity!"

Courage, for these people, they really don’t have such beliefs, none of them are willing to risk their lives, because they all think that they will not fall in this battle of life and death, and they all think that they can have the last laugh. , They all want to reap the benefits of the fishermen, they all want to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, and are unwilling to give their lives and their strength.

Selfishness, this is the selfishness of the tycoons such as God Devouring Insect Mother Emperor and Human Race. With such selfishness, they will talk about all this indifferently at this time, without any pressure, and no sympathy for Xingtian’s madness, they What he longs to see is that Xing Tian can truly pull the time and the gods and demons to die. Although such a result is impossible, they still have this idea in their hearts and hope to see this end.

Everything is developing frantically. When the World Origin War begins, Xing Tian’s physical body is rapidly withering, the inner world origin is constantly consumed, the crazily burning of his own blood, and the crazy output of many powers make this extremely powerful. The flesh is heading towards death step by step, and the breath of death is madly emanating from the flesh.

"Crazy man, this maniac is determined to pull me to death, even if he knows that it is impossible, he still has to do so. This maniac wants to sacrifice himself as a human race and create opportunities for **** like the God-Eating Mother Queen. This **** seems It was calculated by the human **** and became the cannon fodder of these bastards!" Soon the gods and demons thought of a terrible idea, and attributed all this to the human giants who had been watching in secret, thinking that the human giants and the god-eaters The emperor had conspired Xingtian to create the current situation, and those **** were waiting for Xingtian’s final eruption. If they were severely injured by Xingtian, these **** would take this opportunity to kill the islands of the gods, into the land of origin, and take One's own life, take away all the power that one owns.

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