God of Destruction

Chapter 4353: Festival Secret

Chapter 4359: Secrets

The human giants and the god-eater mother emperor didn’t know that, just for an instant, a huge black pot fell on their heads, and when this black pot fell, they were naturally targeted by the will of the Chaos Sea, facing the crazy Xing Tian, The Time God and Demon have nothing to do with him, but for these human giants and the God-Eater Mother Queen who have always wanted to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, the Time God and Demon can naturally handle it. When his mind and thoughts are together, Chaos Sea will immediately look It was thrown on the human giants and the god-eater mother emperor.

Just for a moment, whether the giants of the human race or the mother of the god-eater, they all deeply felt the aggression and killing gaze from the will of the chaos sea, making them feel the threat of death, making them all minds It is not a good thing to be watched by Chaos Sea Will at this time in the chaos, and once they are watched, none of them have the confidence to retreat, and they have no confidence to protect themselves in such a situation.

"Damn, what the **** is going on? Suddenly we were targeted by the **** of Chaos Sea Will. He is not dealing with those giants now, how can he set his sights on us, no matter what conspiracy the **** has, We are in great trouble. If we cannot find a way to escape, we will all be caught in this terrible disaster before long!"

Facing the sudden change, the uneasiness in the heart of the God Devouring Mother Queen increased, as if she was in danger of her life at any time, and a small mistake could ruin her own safety and kill her own life. .

It’s a good idea to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, but the reality is difficult to achieve. Even without Xingtian’s black pot, Chaos Sea’s will cannot make the clan giants and the God-Eater Mother Empress so relaxed. They clear the ground. It must be the first object to be cleansed. Previously, Chaos Sea Will set its sights on the strong people who charged in the front, thinking that they were the biggest obstacle to their own plans, but now when Chaos Sea Will’s eyes are shifted to the human giants and When devouring the Mother Queen, they all deeply felt the pressure from the world, the terrifying killing intent from the will of the Chaos Sea.

"Just because of your group of ants, you also want to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, and you want to reap the benefits of the fisherman. It's ridiculous!" A low voice sounded in the ears of the laughing giant and the god-eater mother emperor. This is the voice of the Chaos Sea Will, this is the anger of the Chaos Sea Will. When this voice fell, a huge force fell from the void, falling on the human giants and the God-Eater Mother Queen. The original force that suppressed them.

This is the power of the world. In order to be able to strangle these **** ants in one fell swoop, Chaos Sea's Will has no reservations. A move is a real killer move. I want to get rid of these **** ants in the first time and kill them. Outside the battlefield, let them not affect the general situation, let them not cause new unexpected changes, and let the situation lose control again.

"It is the power of the origin of the Chaos Sea and the power of the world. It seems that the human giants and the God-Eater Mother Queen are finally going to be cleansed. They have been warned before. Don't be too self-righteous. Don't try to reap the benefits of Chaos Sea Zhi won't give them such a chance, but unfortunately they didn't listen. Now the crisis has appeared, and I hope they can survive this purge!" When the original power of the Chaos Sea appeared, the hidden king of the end clone I felt this power for the first time, and I couldn't help but sighed secretly. Although I had thought of all this before, when it really happened, there was still a faint loss in the heart of the King of End, in that loss. There is also a trace of struggle.

For the emergence of the Chaos Sea Will and the emergence of the original power of the Chaos Sea, this is a good opportunity to get rid of the Chaos Sea Will. If it can be killed with one hit, it may be able to shake the layout of the time gods and demons and make this The world-shaking catastrophe took place, but such thoughts only flashed in the mind of the King of End, and then he was abandoned. Although the will of Chaos Sea is important, in this overall situation, this In the frantic calculations, the will of Chaos Sea is nothing. The center of the entire layout is the Time God and Demon. If the Time God and Demon can be killed in one blow, the King of End will take action at all costs, even if he pays his own life. No matter what, but now it is Chaos Sea Will, a chess piece placed on the bright side, this is not worthy of the King of End risking his life and exposing himself.

Although he has seen through the layout of the Time God and Demon, and has seen through this great catastrophe, the King of End does not know how many tricks the Time God and Demon has played with himself. Although the will of Chaos Sea is important, it seems that he has mastered the entire Chaos Sea. The origin of, but its existence is not worthy of the King of End’s excessive attention, because its identity is destined to be a emptiness. The time gods and demons must use the creatures of the entire world as nutrients to complete their plans, their own conspiracies, and the creatures of the world. All are dead, will the world of Chaos Sea still exist? If the world is shattered, will Chaos Sea's will still exist? Therefore, in the eyes of the King of End, Chaos Sea Will is likely to be the abandoned son, the abandoned son of the time **** and demon.

In order to expose himself to an abandoned son, this is a stupid choice, and the King of End would not do it! Moreover, there is a crazy thought in the mind of the King of End. Perhaps this is still the conspiracy and trick of the time gods and demons, in order to kill more people, in order to draw out all the enemies hidden in the dark, and then one And take away.

The more you know about the world, the more you must be cautious about the time gods and demons. There can be no sloppy carelessness, or you will only suffer in the end. Now the human giants and the god-eaters are in crisis. This has nothing to do with oneself. There is no need to put yourself in danger for those who have nothing to do with you. Although this is somewhat selfish, in this crazy battle of life and death, only selfishness can live longer. Only selfishness can make one's own plan possible. It is a stupid decision if one impulsively exposes one's existence for a group of people who have little to do with him!

auzw.com After the King of Ending made his choice, his mind quickly withdrew and ignored the battle between Chaos Sea Will and the human giants and the God-Eater Mother Queen, regardless of the outcome of the battle. I don’t have much contact with myself. I have to stare at the time **** and demon. I have mastered the'time clock', the most precious enemy of the origin. Now the will of Chaos Sea has also used the origin of the world. I believe it will not take long. I think The secret to know will appear in front of him, and the time **** and demon will never hold on for long.

"Hahaha! Interesting, your accomplices of the time gods and demons have taken action, not to help you, but to strangle the human giants and the god-eater mother emperor. You say this is not ridiculous, leaving a companion like you to not save, go Killing a group of unrelated people, it seems that your relationship is not as good as imagined, or that he wants to see your death, and wants to see you die with me!" The clone of the world laughed loudly, mocking time. Gods and demons, use this method to stimulate each other, let the time Gods and demons reveal the secrets they want to know, and let the time Gods and demons expose their weaknesses!

"Hmph, ignorance, you think you can shake my heart with such a ridiculous method. It's really stupid. Put away your ridiculous trick. If you don't want to die, it's still too late to stop now, although Chaos Sea will use it manually. The origin of the world, but this origin is nothing to the entire Chaos Sea. We fight to the end, and the person who died must be you. No matter how strong your inner world is, it cannot be compared with the Chaos Sea. You are destined to be the loser! "

For Xing Tian’s provocation, the time **** demon didn’t care. In his opinion, Xing Tian’s words made him secretly relieved. At least Xing Tian didn’t know the relationship between himself and the will of Chaos Sea. This was the greatest good thing. It seems that there is a lack of information left in the long river of time and space, and his greatest secret has not been exposed.

"Really, I also know that this will be the result in the end. In fact, you should have seen it. I already had a mortal heart before I shot it. Just as you guessed it, I just want to pull you before I die. At the same time, I thought that my idea could not succeed. After all, there is a strong defense on the island of the gods, but I did not expect you to be so arrogant that you would put me directly in. This gave me the hope of seeing success, so no matter you No matter how good it is, I won’t give up if it’s a mess. Give up your ridiculous persistence and die with me. The origin of the world will explode to me!"

Time waits for no one. Timing is very important for a war, and it is also true for Xing Tian. If Chaos Sea’s will does not take action and does not use the origin of the world, this confrontation will continue, and the world clone will continue to use this method. The origin of the gods and demons was time-consuming to create opportunities for the ultimate victory, but now it is no longer needed. The world clone directly made the craziest choice and directly blew all the origins and powers of the inner world in exchange for the most powerful one. Attack, in exchange for a fatal blow to the time **** and demon, as long as your plan succeeds, you have the opportunity to create opportunities for the King of End.

"Damn, you lunatic, don't drag me if you want to die!" When seeing Xingtian's true body exuding a strong world origin, the time **** demon screamed in horror, he understood that Xingtian had done it. What, this is the origin of the explosion of the inner world, using the destruction of the inner world to condense one's most powerful blow, and it is also the ultimate power of the world avenue.

The power of destroying the world, the world avenue evolves to the end, when the world is shattered, it will produce terrible power of destroying the world. The stronger the world, the more perfect, the final condensed power of destroying the world will be more terrifying, although Xingtian blew himself up The inner world, but this inner world is very perfect, and it is also a fatal threat to the time **** and demon. Faced with such a terrible blow, it is conceivable how panic the time **** and demon is. After all, this can be directly destroyed. Own deadly power.

"Hahaha, take this last blow from me, let me see if you can survive the power of the world, when you hit me, when you start to count me, you should have this No one can calculate me without paying the price. It is your biggest mistake to make this cause and effect with me. I will wait for you!” When these words were finished, the true body of Xingtian was covered with blood stains, like A doll full of cracks stood there quietly, but at this moment there was no vitality in his body, and all the vitality rushed to the time **** and demon with this final blow.

At the cost of life, the final fatal blow exploded, the most terrible blow to the time **** and demon. This is the decision of the world clone. The explosion of the power of destruction is eroding the time **** and demon crazily like a brand of destruction. Everything erodes his origin, erodes the origin of the Chaos Sea world, erodes the power of origin!

In a moment, the breath of the Time God and Demon began to weaken, the original power of Time Dao was fading, and the power of the Age of Doom was increasing. Yes, under the ultimate impact of the power of extinction, Time God and Demon were hit hard, and their origin was destroyed As a result, the original treasure of the Time Clock could not suppress the original force of the Age of Domination, and the situation got out of control.

"Give me the town, the Avenue of Time comes, time is still!" Faced with such a terrible impact, the time **** demon did not dare to hesitate, directly burned its own origin, once again activated the origin power of the'time clock', using the time **** The demon forcefully suppressed the power of the Age of Doom in the land of origin, and prevented the power of the Age of Doom from expanding and let the situation get out of control.

At the moment when the Time God and Demon took action, the King of End condensed his spirit and carefully observed everything. As previously guessed, the Time God and Demon finally revealed a trace of flaws, allowing the King of End and Demon to see the essence, and Time God and Demon could see the essence. Time Clock’s suppression is not only the origin of the Age of Doom, it is controlling the power of the Age of Doom, condensing the power of the Age of Doom, and colluding with the prehistoric world with the power of the Age of Doom, more accurately it is colluding with the suppression of the time gods. The authentic origin of the flesh.

Seize the road! In an instant, these two words appeared in the heart of the King of End. Dao, the time **** and demon not only wanted to break free from the shackles of the tunnel, but also wanted to learn from Hongjun Daozu to fit and be authentic, and want to be destroyed in the Chaos Sea World. At the time, I want to use the power of the entire Chaos Sea world as a nutrient to carry out a crazy act of seizing the Dao. When the Dao is present in this world, when the Dao is weakest, it is also the best time to seize the Dao. You can directly fit in The tunnel masters the authority of the prehistoric tunnel! Once it succeeds, the time **** and demon not only break free from the shackles of the whole body, but also can sit on an equal footing with Hongjun Daozu, and can dominate the wild land!

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