God of Destruction

Chapter 4355: Uneasy

Chapter 4361: Uneasy

God Devouring Mother Queen’s idea is good, but the current situation will not allow him to succeed. When he was involved in this war, he had no retreat, and everyone had no retreat. In this battle Only life and death, the so-called first line of life is just a joke, no one can survive this big battle, even the King of End has a mortal heart, not to mention these people, it is a pity that they have not yet Recognize everything, and still have such illusions!

Just as the God-Eater Mother Queen said, any detachment must be given up, but these people really have to give up, can they do it? No, no one can do it, even if the God Devouring Mother Queen can’t do it herself, let alone other people, the so-called letting go is just a rhetoric, just giving yourself a reason to give in, no one in my heart Willing to let go, this is human nature.

In the face of life and death, although the remarks made by the God-Eater Mother Emperor made the clan giants very dissatisfied, they still had to compromise in the face of life and death. No one was willing to face death, and the Terran giants were no exception. They will definitely fight for the first line of life, and this is the situation right now. They did not hesitate to burst out all their power in an instant, rushing away from all the chaotic behemoths in front of them, and the madness. The roaring Chaos Sea will converge with those strong men who are in desperation, wanting to smash a blood path with the power of everyone.

Don’t you know, this is not a way of life at all, it’s a trap, a trap with ten deaths and no life. If they just turn around and run away, they may be able to hold on to the moment the world is destroyed, and they are speeding up themselves by making this choice. This result is exactly what Chaos Sea Will is willing to see. If all living beings do this, it will be fine, and I can use the power of the world to completely kill them, complete my plan, and wait for the final moment. s arrival!

Youdao is the bystander Qing. As the king who has jumped out of this decisive battle, he can see all of this at a glance. When he saw the actions of the human giants, he couldn't help but shook his head and sighed secretly: "Ignorance, really a group of ignorance. People, it's so stupid to throw themselves into the net at this time. Don't they see how dangerous the situation is. The so-called vitality is just a fantasy, and they can break free from the shackles with the power of everyone. Their confidence depends on this. What warriors use to fight the time gods and demons, unless the selfish ancient giants unite with them, otherwise they will only accelerate their own death, they will only die faster!"

When the King of End sighed, he did not know that the creatures who had followed his deity in the Tunhai at this moment were also sighing. When the deity’s true body fell, when the inner world was destroyed, those creatures were all Feeling the touch of heart palpitations, they all vaguely understood the destruction of the deity’s true body. They are secretly regretting and hating secretly. In the hearts of these creatures, they are all regretting their lack of strength. If they have strong power, they may not There will be such a situation, endless hatred breeds in their hearts, this is the hatred of the entire world, the hatred of the Chaos Sea.

They want revenge, but they don’t have the power to revenge the Chaos Sea Will. They desperately need power, but they just can’t get power. This is a huge torture for these creatures, and it will cause them huge pain. If it ends Knowing all this, the King might have different ideas, and will have different opinions on these human giants and the God-Eater Mother Queen.

Ignorance is the best result for these people. If they know the secrets of the world, know the calculations of the time gods and demons, and know that they are already in a desperate situation of ten deaths and no life, it may not be clear to these creatures. It is a good thing that will make them suffer more and suffer more spiritual injuries, and perhaps that is the most painful thing for them.

There is no hope in the despair, and the pressure of death is always facing the pressure of death. It is an unimaginable disaster for many living beings. Not everyone can bear the pressure of this kind of soul. On the contrary, it is difficult for them. Dying in ignorance is the best ending, and also the most benevolent ending. Why didn’t the deity go to see these people for the last time, didn’t tell them everything, and it’s just that they don’t want them to die in the most painful situation, and they don’t want to Seeing these creatures who had followed me die so painfully, I watched my life and death bit by bit towards death in despair.

It’s just that the King of End didn’t feel that way, because for him all his thoughts were on how to launch a fatal blow to the time gods, how to solve the conspiracy and tricks of the time gods and the gods, and how to give the time gods in the moment of struggle. The fatal blow of the demon allowed the original soul to break into the hopeless world.

For the King of the End, there are not so many distracting thoughts of the deity. He has only survival in his heart. How to ensure that the deity can survive this catastrophe, without paying attention to everything else, it is for him to exist. The meaning is to live for the deity. When danger comes, everything will focus on the deity’s survival.

After shook his head, the King of End no longer wasted his precious time and energy on the human giants and the god-eater mother emperor. Instead, he cast his sights on the many ancient giants, watching them and the cause and effect gods and demons, The duel of the destiny gods and demons, I don’t know why, seeing that the will of the sea of ​​chaos did not stop the human giants and the god-eating mother emperor’s behavior, the king of the end was vaguely uneasy and worried, but he couldn’t find it. At the source, this situation made the King of End feel a little heavy, and he felt that there must be something that he hadn't noticed.

To be able to make oneself so uneasy, it must not be a human giant or a god-eater, the only possibility is the two gods and demons of cause and effect and the gods of destiny. Maybe they have powers that they don't know, and they have something they didn't expect. Ability has something that I have overlooked, and only in this way can I explain why I feel that way.

auzw.com What is it that I didn't think of, that the deity didn't think of? Time is limited. Even if the King of End has the heart to think, he doesn't have so much time and energy. He still knows that. The original deity and the king of time and space are naturally like this. Perhaps in the long river of time and space, the deity and the king of time and space are really missing Important things. Why did you miss important information!

Observing the ancient giants carefully, observing the destiny gods and demons and the causal gods and demons, the confrontation and confrontation again and again, the King of End frowned involuntarily, and he could not help but curse in his heart: "This group Damn bastards, if you don’t observe carefully, you won’t find any problems. These **** have not tried their best from start to finish. They are all saving their strength. No wonder these **** ignore the life and death of the strong in this era and don't care about them. With this power, these **** have their own killers and backgrounds. They are all waiting. Could it be that they have not found the problem of Time God and Demon, or have not found the problem of Chaos Sea, they also know the calculation of Time God and Demon? "

The closer you observe, the more the King of End feels that his thoughts are right. These **** ancient giants have secrets. They may have noticed the anomaly of the Chaos Sea long ago, and they have known the calculations of the time gods and demons. Everything is just an illusion they deliberately made, in order to confuse the enemy, in order to let the time gods and demon expose their weaknesses!

"Assholes are a group of assholes. None of these ancient old guys are good people. If everything is really as I guessed, these **** are afraid that they also want to use the calculations of the time gods and demons and want to break free from the shackles of the world. Knowing whether they know the outside world, how much cause and effect they are carrying, if they are not prepared at all, the so-called calculation is just a joke, it will only make them die more miserably, and may become a time **** a part of!"

It’s not that the King of End wants to think of the time gods and devils so badly, but the methods of the time gods and devils are too insidious and vicious, and they have set up a huge situation since the creation of the world. They want to kill all the creatures they have created. Would such a **** not be fully prepared? Wouldn't it take the worst into consideration, would let these ancient giants go in that epoch catastrophe, and would even give them time and opportunity to let them know their own Some secrets?

No, it’s impossible. If such secrets are known by the lives that they have created, there must be a problem, and there is a big problem. It is very likely that the time gods and demons have already designed a conspiracy, and these self-righteous ancient giants Step by step, he fell into this long-established conspiracy, and even became a part of the time **** and demon's plan.

Of course, the King of End also thought that these ancient giants are likely to see through this conspiracy, see through the calculations of time gods and demons, but whether these ancient giants can jump out of this calculation is a possibility that is difficult to achieve. , Because they may not know the ultimate secret of the time **** and demon, where they are, and what the outside world is. Under such circumstances, even if these ancient giants have more calculations, once they jump out of the chaotic sea world , There is bound to be a dead end, and even their break free will become part of the time gods and demon's calculations, and will create better opportunities for the time gods and demon.

"Bait! Maybe these **** ancient giants are just the bait that the gods and demons of time have designed. They must use these ignorant **** to attract the authentic power and make them have a better chance of making phones. After all, no matter how hard these ancient giants struggle, Is it possible that the terrible cause and effect of their own, you must know that these ancient giants are not carrying ordinary cause and effect, but the unique cause and effect of the chaotic gods and demons, and the great cause and effect formed with the prehistoric world, as long as they show up, the punishment will be It may come!"

Thinking of Heaven’s Punishment, the King of End’s expression became extremely dignified. Perhaps he was right. If Heaven’s Punishment really appears, will the power of Heaven Punishment weaken the origin of the tunnel, and will it affect the evolution of the Houtu Ancestral Witch Six reincarnations, perfect tunnels, when such a situation occurs, maybe the time gods and demons really have a chance to seize the tunnels, and they really have a chance to break free from the suppression of the tunnels!

The more I think about it, the more the King of End thinks that he is right, and that everything is more likely to happen. It is such a merit to transform the six paths of reincarnation and perfect the tunnel, but in his own memory, the Hou Tu ancestor witch did not prove Dao Cheng. Saint, did not even achieve Hunyuan Dao fruit, if there is a calculation of time gods and demon behind all this, perhaps it makes sense.

After the praying mantis catches the cicada and the oriole, this is the calculation of the time **** and demon. This is his conspiracy. What should I do to prevent this conspiracy from succeeding, so that the original soul can get the greatest benefit in this dramatic change. , While being able to fight the time **** and demon, maximize the benefit of the original soul, and seize the benefit of the time **** and demon's calculation?

Crazy? Some people may think that the idea of ​​the king of the end is too crazy, wanting to take food from the body of the time **** and demon, this is self-defeating! However, this is not impossible. With mental arithmetic and unintentional, everything is indeed possible. After all, the King of End is in the dark, and the God of Time is in the light. This is the advantage of the King of End.

"Come on, let me see what secrets you still hide and what kind of calculations you have, let me see what you have left behind on these ancient giants, let me see, what do you want In what direction to guide everything!" The more you think about it, the more cautious the heart of the King of End will be, and the less he dared to be sloppy.

No matter what calculations the time gods have, they will eventually be exposed, and when he guides those ancient giants step by step into the traps, there will inevitably be leaks, and this is the best opportunity for oneself to understand the enemy and also to end the time gods. The best opportunity for magic power, maybe I really underestimated the time **** and demon before, maybe the time **** and demon that the world clone severely wounded was really only a part of the power, not the true origin of the time **** and demon, everything is not as simple as I thought!

Time is passing bit by bit, the King of End is also carefully observing all changes in the outside world, watching this tricky battle, and his mood has become extremely dignified over time. The pressure is also increasing. The longer the time is, the greater the pressure on oneself. If you can’t be strong enough and strong enough, I’m afraid you’ve already been overwhelmed by this terrible pressure. And collapse, after all, this is the final battle and the last chance. Facing such pressure is a huge burden for the King of End!

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